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Matching keywords : innovation capability, R&D policy, telecommunications

eSSay:The Managerial University and Liberal Arts’ Balancing Act

The managerialism that marks the HEIs has altered the Liberal Arts’ perception of itself and the face it presents to the world. Can the academic manager build opinions, policies and decisions about th...

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Envisioning Urban Economy in Uncertain Times

A major output of Urban Economy Forum is the Regent Park World Urban Pavilion by UN-Habitat (The Pavilion), a collaboration between the Urban Economy Forum, UN-Habitat and the Government of Canada. Th...

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Shifting Paradigms in Urbanism

Covid-19 has provided a magnifying glass which highlighted the fragility of our urban systems and suggested new ways to address the related challenges. The aftermath of COVID many paradigms may change...

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National Education Policy 2020

This Policy proposes the revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance, to create a new system that is aligned with the aspirational goals o...

by Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI | On 02 Aug 2020

The Sunday Edit: Sports in/and Schools: Let’s play safe!

Money-spinning school sports tournaments and games are about to be revived, albeit with COVID restrictions, even as sports grounds in schools are deteriorating and disappearing. The National Educatio...

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Weekend Rumniations: NEP's thrust on mother tongue, the fate of English, and a migrant question

It may never be the language spoken in most homes and remain much smaller than mother tongues, but English will continue to have its place as one of two official languages in India.

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Inequality in a Global Perspective

The basic story of global inequality in the last three decades has been an overall decline, but one which is composed of quite intricate patterns. There has been a decline in between country inequalit...

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The Sunday Edit: Exodus of Migrants from Urban Areas

Imaginative policies that simultaneously address rural and urban livelihood issues have to be put in place without delay to address the issue of labour migrants that has come into focus since the star...

by R. B. Bhagat | On 31 May 2020

Urban Food Markets and the Lockdown in India

On March 24, 2020, the Government of India announced a 21-day national lockdown that has since been extended to May 3, 2020. The lockdown has left urban food markets in disarray with severe supply b...

by Sudha Narayanan | On 06 May 2020

COVID-19: Global Diagnosis and Future Policy Perspective

The macroeconomic policy responses to COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of the pandemic on economic growth, and the level of consumption are analysed. The COVID-19 crisis is a dual crisis - public hea...

by Divy Rangan | On 06 May 2020

Economic Policies for COVID-19

This note describes some of the early policy developments in the UK and the way in which the framing and understanding of a novel economic problem evolved to include a focus on livelihoods combining...

by Paul Anand | On 01 May 2020

COVID-19 and Macroeconomic Uncertainty: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Response

The macroeconomic uncertainty created by COVID-19 is hard to measure. The situation demands simultaneous policy intervention in terms of public health infrastructure and livelihood. Along with the g...

by Lekha S. Chakraborty | On 29 Apr 2020

New Education Policy: Reinventing Higher Education?

The draft New Education Policy offers challenges disguised as opportunit ies and progressive thinking, especially in terms of autonomy, the deeply troubling role of the private sector HEI, regulatory...

by Pramod K. Nayar | On 27 Jul 2019

News, Noise and Indian Business Cycle

New Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models with various specifications of technology, markup and interest rate shocks are estimated with Indian data using Kalman filter based p...

by Ashima Goyal | On 25 Apr 2019

New Technology and Emerging Occupations: Evidence from Asia

This paper investigates the emergence of new occupations by comparing various classifications of occupations and predicting probabilities to access them given workers’ characteristics. Systematic comp...

by Sameer Khatiwada | On 24 Apr 2019

Macroprudential Policy in Asian Economies

This paper analyzes the conduct and effects of macroprudential policy in 11 Asian economies. Of these, India, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of Korea frequently used loan-to-value ra...

by Soyoung Kim | On 23 Apr 2019

Exchange Rate Movements and Fundamentals: Impact of Oil Prices and the People’s Republic of China’s Growth

This paper identifies five factors that can capture 95% of the variance across 39 US dollar exchange rates based on the principal component method. A time-varying parameter factor-augmented vector aut...

by Hongyi Chen | On 01 Apr 2019

The Rise of the People’s Republic of China and its Competition Effects on Innovation in Japan

This paper empirically examines the “defensive innovation” hypothesis that firms with higher exposure to low-wage economy import competition intensively undertake more innovative activity by using a h...

by Nobuaki Yamashita | On 01 Apr 2019

Services and Manufacturing in Global Value Chains: Is the Dstinction Obsolete?

This paper introduces a taxonomy of service activities in GVCs and describes the main statistical challenges in assessing the contribution of manufacturing and services to output, value added, or trad...

by Sébastien Miroudot | On 07 Mar 2019

Improving Subnational Government Development Finance in Emerging and Developing Economies: Towards a Strategic Approach

This paper reviews the rationale and potential for improving subnational development finance, outlines the overall landscape of institutional arrangements available for this purpose, and considers bro...

by Paul Smoke | On 18 Feb 2019

Trade, Trade Agreements and Subsidies: The Case of the Indian Apparel Industry

This paper presents India’s trade in apparel products by sub-sectors and key markets, and analyses its trade competitiveness across different sub-sectors. It examines the impact of trade agreements an...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 04 Feb 2019

Innovation, Efficiency and Inclusion: Integration of Digital Technologies in the Indian Microfinance Sector

This paper explores how these mechanisms - innovation, inclusion and efficiency – have been integral to microfinance operations in the past, and how innovations in digital technology may be yet anothe...

by Saon Ray | On 04 Feb 2019

Towards India’s New Fiscal Federalism

The paper explored deep analytical issues such as the nature of the objective function to be optimized, planning horizon, choice of the discount rates, etc. No wonder, his book “Capital and Developmen...

by Vijay Kelkar | On 30 Jan 2019

The Business of Greening: Policy Measures for Green Business Development in Asia

The paper reviews green markets, technologies, and practices with a focus on developing Asian countries, and offers a set of policy options to enable governments and development finance institutions t...

by Daniele Ponzi | On 29 Jan 2019

Examining the Trade-Off Between Price and Financial Stability in India

In recent years, many emerging economies including India have adopted inflation targeting framework. Post the global financial crisis, there is a growing debate on whether monetary policy should targe...

by Ila Patnaik | On 23 Jan 2019

Disclosures in Privacy Policies: Does “Notice and Consent” Work?

This paper evaluates the quality of privacy policies of five popular online services in India from the perspective of access and readability. The paper ask – do the policies have specific, unambiguous...

by Rishab Bailey | On 07 Jan 2019

Does the Exposure to Routinization Explain the Evolution of the Labour Share of Income ? Evidence from Asia

This paper analyzes the evolution of the labor share of income in Asia, a region where countries have experienced steep declines and increases as well as stable labor income shares in the quarter-cent...

by Mitali Das | On 13 Dec 2018

Investment in Research and Development for Basmati Rice in Pakistan

Basmati rice is Pakistan’s celebrated export. After years of growth, Pakistan’s production and export of basmati has slipped and is on a downward trend. The absence of a strong research and developmen...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 13 Dec 2018

Identifying the Costs of a Public Health Success: Arsenic Well Water Contamination and Productivity in Bangladesh

This paper exploits the recent molecular genetics evidence on the genetic basis of arsenic excretion and unique information on family links among respondents living in different environments from a la...

by Mark M. Pitt | On 22 Nov 2018

Insights from Behavioral Economics on Current Policy Issues

The paper examines behavioral constraints in policy-making and in achieving coordination across policies. First it applies psychological concepts to understand policy inadequacies, and next examines h...

by Ashima Goyal | On 29 Oct 2018

Role of Bank Lending in Financing Green Projects: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach

This paper develops an environmental dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (E-DSGE) model with heterogeneous production sectors. In particular, the model comprises some low-carbon emission firms that...

by Maria Teresa Punzi | On 19 Oct 2018

Harnessing Technology for Moe Inclusive and Sustainable Finance in Asia and the Pacific

This brief report documents facts of financial innovation in Asia and the Pacific that include: • Fintech redefines a specific sector at the intersection of financial services and technology sectors....

by Asian Bank | On 09 Oct 2018

Fiscal Challenges to Financing Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals: A Case of Three Countries

This working paper summarizes the findings from three of the countries chosen by the study—Mongolia, Myanmar, and Timor-Leste—to represent the range of challenges countries face and need to contend wi...

by Sri Wening Handayani | On 27 Sep 2018

Traditional Procurement versus Public–Private Partnership: A Comparison of Procurement Modalities Focusing on Bundling Contract Effects

This paper studies the optimal structure of procurement contracts between public and private sectors by mainly comparing two typical procurement types: traditional procurement and public–private partn...

by Hojun Lee | On 27 Sep 2018

Money and Business Cycle: Evidence From India

This paper takes a New Keynesian model with non-separable money in utility to Indian data using maximum likelihood. The identification problem in isolating the effect of money on output and inflation...

by Ashima Goyal | On 21 Sep 2018

Bride Price and Female Education

The paper examines how the effects of school construction on girls’ education vary with a widely-practiced marriage custom called bride price, which is a payment made by the husband and/or his family...

by Nava Ashraf | On 17 Sep 2018

Measuring and Examining Innovation in Philippine Business and Industry

In this paper, results of the 2015 Survey of Innovation Activities (SIA), conducted by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), are described and discussed. Survey results suggest that...

by Jose Ramon G. Albert | On 10 Sep 2018

Aging and Implications for Elderly Care Services in the People’s Republic of China

Aging can be harmful to an economy over the long run, as an increase in the share of the elderly population reduces both the labor force and output per adult, and increases the social security burden....

by Hiroko Uchimura-Shiroshi | On 10 Sep 2018

What Drives Filipino Firms to Innovate

Innovation is recognized as an important driver of productivity, sustained economic growth, and development. It is also a key to finding enduring solutions to socioeconomic and environmental challenge...

by Jose Ramon G. Albert | On 04 Sep 2018

Crafting Policies and programs for Women in the Agriculture Sector

This Policy Note revisits the country’s efforts to achieve gender equality focusing on the rural and agriculture sector. It likewise recommends measures to enrich the policy narratives on women in the...

by Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy | On 30 Aug 2018

Preparing the Philippines for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Scoping Study

Technological breakthroughs and the interplay of a number of fields, including advanced robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, neurotech, data analytics, blockchain, cloud technology,...

by Elmer P. Dadios | On 29 Aug 2018

Assessing the Effects of Simple and Complex Innovation Strategies on the Performance of Firms in the Philippines

Innovation is the synergistic use of resources, technology, capital, and information to achieve growth at different levels of the economy. Many studies abroad have already supported the hypothesis tha...

by Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy | On 27 Aug 2018

Vulnerability to Poverty in the Philippines: An Examination of Trends from 2003 to 2015

The reduction of poverty is at the heart of the development agenda both nationally and globally. This is reflected in the Philippine Development Plan, and the worldwide commitment toward the Sustainab...

by Jose Ramon G. Albert | On 27 Aug 2018

Hazard Analysis on Public–Private Partnership Projects in Developing Asia

. This paper applies survival time hazard analysis to estimate how project-related, macroeconomic, and institutional factors affect the hazard rate of the projects. Empirical results show that governm...

by Minsoo Lee | On 25 Jul 2018

Fiscal policy Conditions for Government Budget Stability and Economic Recovery: Comparative Analysis of Japan and Greece

This paper first shows that the Domar condition is obtained only from the government budget constraint (namely the supply of government bonds) and does not take into account the demand for government...

by Naoyuki Yoshino | On 19 Jul 2018

Financial Inclusion, Financial Regulation, Financial Literacy, and Financial education in the Kyrgyz Republic

This paper discusses recent developments in financial inclusion and financial literacy in Kyrgyz Republic. While financial inclusion is considered one of the key drivers of today’s development, it is...

by Savia Hasanova | On 19 Jul 2018

Macroeconomic Overview of the Philippines and the New Industrial Policy

This short paper has two main sections. The first section presents a more detailed picture and overview of the macroeconomic performance of the Philippines behind the Philippines’ remarkable growth. T...

by Maureen Ane D. Rosellon | On 06 Jul 2018

Mainstreaming SMEs: Promoting Inclusive Growth in APEC

SME development as a major domestic policy objective that is consistent and reinforced within APEC would not only engender inclusive growth, but also enable SMEs to become drivers of growth for the do...

by Erlinda M. Medalla | On 06 Jul 2018

Assessment of Implementation Issues and Livelihood Success on the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the DSWD

The study aims to assess the sustainable livelihood program (SLP) implementation processes based on recent policy enhancements and indicators of program success. The analysis is based on focus group d...

by Marife M. Ballesteros | On 05 Jul 2018

A Probe into the Filipino Migration Culture: What Is There to Learn for Policy Intervention?

This paper seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining migration intentions of individuals from a high-emigration rural village in the Philippines. The results provide evidence of a cultu...

by Aubrey D. Tabuga | On 29 Jun 2018

Risk Management Innovation for Philippine Banking

This Policy Note revisits the risk management policy of BSP as a guide in strengthening the competitiveness of Philippine banks. It also recommends measures to further refine the banking system in the...

by Roberto Miguel S. Roque | On 29 Jun 2018

The Economics of Releasing the V-band and E-band Spectrum in India

The paper begins with a brief overview of the characteristics of the bands. After that, it presents a review of the approaches different countries have taken while releasing this spectrum, and a secti...

by Suyash Rai | On 20 Jun 2018

Fair play in Indian Health Insurance

In recent years there has been an increased role for health insurance in Indian health care, through government funded health insurance programs and privately purchased health insurance. Our analysis...

by Shefali Malhotra | On 15 Jun 2018

The Rise of Government-Funded Health Insurance in India

India has experienced a remarkable proliferation of 48 Government Funded Health Insurance Schemes (GFHIS) from 1997 to 2018. The paper places the rise of this policy pathway in historical perspective....

by Ila Patnaik | On 15 Jun 2018

Federalism, Fiscal Asymmetries and Economic Convergence: Evidence from Indian States

This paper tests economic convergence across States in India by incorporating federal fiscal asymmetries and differentials in gross fixed capital formation at the state level. Using dynamic panel mode...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 15 Jun 2018

Economic Policy for Artificial Intelligence

Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) – a general purpose technology affecting many industries - has been focused on advances in machine learning, which recast as a quality adjusted drop in...

by Ajay K. Agrawal | On 12 Jun 2018

The Impact of Monetary and Tax Policy on Income Inequality in Japan

This paper assesses the effects of the most recent monetary policy behavior of the Bank of Japan (BOJ) (in particular, zero interest rate policy and negative interest rate policy) and Japanese tax pol...

by Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary | On 09 Jun 2018

Financial Inclusion, Financial Literacy, and Financial Education in AZerbaijan

This paper discusses the status of financial inclusion, education, and literacy in Azerbaijan as well as measures to foster the development of SMEs, which currently have inadequate access to financial...

by Gubad Ibadoghlu | On 07 Jun 2018

Financial Inclusion, Regulation, Financial Literacy and Financial Education in Armenia

Financial inclusion has significantly advanced in Armenia during the last decade. Rural and urban areas, however, have benefited unevenly. The high cost of providing financial services, the lack of ph...

by Armen Nurbekyan | On 07 Jun 2018

Young Enterprises and Bank Credit Denials

By employing a sample of 20,956 observations of non-financial SMEs headquartered in the Euro area, between 2009 and 2015, the paper tests whether young businesses are more likely to face credit reject...

by Danilo V. Mascia | On 06 Jun 2018

Accessing Opportunities: Policy Decisions for Enhancing Urban Mobility

This paper first considers the challenges of urban mobility faced by developing cities, before exploring the role for policy in improving connectivity. In Section 2, this paper looks at options for...

by Paul Collier | On 30 May 2018

Dismissal Laws, Innovation and Economic Growth

The paper theoretically and empirically show that dismissal laws and laws that impose hurdles on firing of employees - spur innovation and thereby economic growth. Theoretically, dismissal laws make i...

by Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian | On 29 May 2018

National Policy on Biofuels

Biofuels are derived from renewable bio - mass resources and, therefore, provide a strategic advantage to promote sustainable development and to supplement conventional...

by Government of India GOI | On 17 May 2018

Third Annual Report on the Gold Industry in India

The India Gold Policy Center at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) sponsored by World Gold Council is a center of excellence, conducting cutting edge applied research on the Gold Indu...

by | On 15 May 2018

Vertical Integration, Market Structure and Competition Policy: Experiences of Indian Manufacturing Sector during the Post - Reform Period

In the context of declining degrees of vertical integration in major industries of Indian manufacturing sector during the post - reform period, the present paper is an att...

by Pulak Mishra | On 15 May 2018

FDI in Services and India

Developing countries, including India, are increasing relying on foreign direct investments (FDI) for raising finance for infrastructure development and other projects. Consequently, coun...

by Tanu M Goyal | On 09 May 2018

From Rio to Paris: India in Global Climate Politics

This paper analyses India's participation in more than two decades global climate politics. India has transitioned from a protest voice on the fringes of global climate policy to one that is actively...

by Aniruddh Mohan | On 04 May 2018

Demographics and FDI: Lessons from China’s One-Child Policy

Lucas (1990) argues that the neoclassical adjustment process fails to explain the relative paucity of FDI inflows from rich to poor countries. In this paper we consider a natural experiment: using Ch...

by | On 02 May 2018

Innovation and Trade Policy in a Globalized World

How do import tariffs and R&D subsidies help domestic firms compete globally? How do these policies affect aggregate growth and economic welfare? To answer these questions, the paper builds a dynamic...

by Ufuk Akcigit | On 02 May 2018

National Digital Communications Policy 2018

The National Digital Communications Policy, 2018 seeks to unlock the transformative power of digital communications networks - to achieve the goal of digital empowerment and well b...

by | On 02 May 2018

Global Food Policy Report 2018

The 2018 Global Food Policy Report reviews major food policy developments and events from the past year. Leading researchers, policy makers, and practitioners examine what happened in food polic...

by IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute | On 24 Apr 2018

Revisiting Rates of Return to Agricultural R&D Investment

This study proposes the use of partial least squares to determine the key parameters of the perpetual inventory method model of capital stock as a new approach to calculate research and development (R...

by Alejandro Nin Pratt | On 13 Apr 2018

Draft National Forest Policy, 2018

The overall objective and goal of the present policy is to safeguard the ecological and livelihood security of people, of the present and future generations, based on sustainable management of the fo...

by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Chang GOI | On 11 Apr 2018

People, Policy and Partnership for Disaster Resilience Development: Proceedings

The report says that the Bunkar Samiti was establised to create a common platform for sustainable livelihoods.

by National Alliance Risk Reduction (NAADRR) | On 05 Apr 2018

Climate Policy under Cooperation and Competition between Regions with Spatial Heat Transport

The paper builds a novel stochastic dynamic regional integrated assessment model (IAM) of the climate and economic system including a number of important climate science elements that are missing in m...

by Yongyang Cai | On 04 Apr 2018

Characteristics of the Workers in the Urban Informal Sector of Pakistan

The informal sector is widely considered as a crucial segment of the economy, whose mere presence convince the policy-maker to reorient the development strategy to promote jobs and equity.

by A. R. Kemal | On 02 Apr 2018

Domestic Resource Mobilisation for Development: An Analysis for the Past Trends and Future Options

The paper says that average saving rate over 1990-91 to 1995-96 has been only 14.7 percent of GDP.

by Sarfraz Qureshi | On 30 Mar 2018

Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Study of Indian Industries

This study based on the firm level data for eleven industries for the period ranging from 1998 through 2010 makes an attempt to capture the effect of R&D on employment in the backdrop of the debate...

by | On 29 Mar 2018

The Underground Economy and Tax Evasion in Pakistan: A Fresh Assessment

Recently, not only economists but also sociologists, political leaders, policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, and the press are taking a lively interest in the size of the under ground econom...

by Zafar Iqbal | On 28 Mar 2018

Policy Brief on Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)

In addition good and effective governance is also reflected in the quality of physical infrastructure like roads, electricity availability, ports and transport.

by Forum for Knowledge Sharing | On 27 Mar 2018

Law, Culture and Innovation

This chapter reviews theoretical and empirical research on the relationship between legal systems and innovation and culture and innovation. We highlight legal and cultural forces that encourage inn...

by | On 23 Mar 2018

Modelling Gender Dimensions of the Impact of Economic Reforms on Time Allocation among Market Work, Household Work, and Leisure

The paper says that the gender has been largely ignored at the theoretical, empirical and policy design levels, thereby perpetuating gender biases in the actual working of economies, promoting gender...

by Rizwana Siddiqui | On 20 Mar 2018

Fiscal Policy, as the “Employer of Last Resort”: Impact of MGNREGS on Labour Force Participation Rates in India

The paper examines the impact of conditional fiscal transfers on public employment across gender in India taking the case of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). Th...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 19 Mar 2018

Monetary Policy: Its Changing Objectives, Instruments and Results

This paper seeks to examine how the objectives of monetary policy have changed over the years from one of supporting public investment to one of inflation control and still later to inflation targetin...

by | On 15 Mar 2018

A New Model of Mergers and Innovation

This paper reexamines the impact of merger on innovation. Unlike as in Federico et al (2017), it considers the scenario where merged firms combine their research labs. It shows that, in equilibrium, e...

by Piuli Roy Chowdhury | On 14 Mar 2018

Rehabilitation of Child Labour in India Lessons Learnt from the Evaluation of NCLPs

The paper says that the children continue to form a sizeable section of the labour force in several fields of employment around the world.

by | On 13 Mar 2018

State of Child Workers in India: Mapping Trends

The present report begins with a background on child labour, with a discussion on different terms associated with ‘child labour’, followed by child labour policies and legislation implemented by the g...

by Ellina Samantroy | On 12 Mar 2018

Managing Financial Globalization: Insights from the Recent Literature

This paper seeks to draw lessons for developing countries based on a survey of the recent literature on financial globalization. First, while capital account openness holds promises (by potentially lo...

by Shang-Jin Wei | On 10 Mar 2018

Population Pressure on Land in Kerala

The paper examines how Kerala, a demographically and socially well advanced state in India, responded to the high population pressure during the 30 year period from 1975-76 to 2005-06.

by N. Ajith Kumar | On 07 Mar 2018

The Growth Slowdown and the Working of Inflation Targeting in India

The paper presents a variety of indicators to show that demand constrained output during the period of growth slowdown 2011-17. It also draws on research to show the macroeconomic structure of the eco...

by Ashima Goyal | On 22 Feb 2018

India and the Artificial Intelligence Revolution

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have stimulated fervent interest from both the private sector and governments across the globe, as the possibility of mass-produced consumer product m...

by | On 21 Feb 2018

India and Bhutan: The Strategic Imperative

Prime Minister Narendra Modi seemed aware about the nuances that underpin India's cultural and political obligations in Asia. By making Bhutan as his first visit abroad followed by a visit to Nepal, h...

by | On 20 Feb 2018

Missing Gaps in Indian Nanotechnology Development: Exploring Effective Policy Interventions for Innovation and Commercialisation

Nanotechnology is promising to be the “transformative” technology of the 21st century with its boundless potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, perceived to provide novel innovative...

by | On 15 Feb 2018

Higher Education and Development in Kerala

The paper says that despite high levels of literacy, near universal enrolment in elementary education, high levels of social and human development, why could Kerala not transform itself into a prosper...

by Jandhyala Tilak | On 14 Feb 2018

Determinants of R&D Behavior of Foreign Firms in India

In the recent past researchers have observed paradigm shifts in the location and nature of R&D activities undertaken by multinationals in host countries. India is one of the host countries for the R...

by Savita Bhat | On 13 Feb 2018

A Shift from Crime to Terrorism: Assessing D-Company

This paper offers an analysis of the causes behind the changing philosophy and practices of one of the well-known crime organizations from India to move closer towards terrorism to support its crimina...

by Ajey Lele | On 09 Feb 2018

Governance Dilemmas of Sustainable Cities

This paper aims to scrutinize the dilemmas involved in governing sustainable cities, and it offers a suggestion for how the challenge might be addressed.

by Joakim Öjendal | On 08 Feb 2018

Choosing Democracy: Natural Resource Management for Environmental Policy Makers, Donors and Practitioners

The brief talks about supporting local democracy in forestry is crucial for enhancing local people’s wellbeing.

by Jesse Ribot | On 02 Feb 2018

Economic Survey 2017: Volume II, Chapter 7: Agriculture and Food Management

Agriculture and allied sector has a critical role in ensuring food security, reducing poverty and sustaining growth in India. To improve productivity in agriculture the focus has been on the critica...

by Arun Jaitley | On 31 Jan 2018

Economic Survey 2017: Volume I, Chapter 8: Transforming Science and Technology in India

The report says that science, technology, and innovation have instrumental and intrinsic value for society.

by Arun Jaitley | On 31 Jan 2018

Economic Survey 2017: Volume II: Chapter 3: Monetary Management and Financial Intermediation

During 2017-18 (till January), monetary policy remained steady with only one policy rate cut in August. As the Y-o-Y effect of demonetisation wore off, the growth rate of both Currency in Circulatio...

by Arun Jaitley | On 31 Jan 2018

Economic Survey 2017: Volume I, Chapter 1: State of the Economy: An Analytical Overview and Outlook for Policy

The GST Council offers a model “technology” of cooperative federalism to apply to many other policy reforms. Over the medium term, three areas of policy focus stand out: Employment: finding good job...

by Arun Jaitley | On 29 Jan 2018

Regulating the Digital Economy: Are we Moving Towards a 'win‐ win' or a 'lose‐lose' ?

The digital economy has been growing by leaps and bounds in recent years, mostly as a result of new digital technologies that are promoting a global transformation to industry 4.0. The resulting expa...

by Padmashree Gehl Sampath | On 23 Jan 2018

Federalism and Foreign Direct Investment: How Political Affiliation Determines the Spatial Distribution of FDI – Evidence from India

This paper links the foreign economic engagement of India’s states with the literature on federalism, thereby contributing to an understanding of the political economy of FDI in- flows in a parliame...

by Chanchal Kumar Sharma | On 22 Jan 2018

Technological Change, Automation and Employment: A Short Review of Theory and Evidence

A selective survey of recent papers in the area of technological change, automation and employment is presented. The objective is to convey analytical ideas and the empirical evidence that have inform...

by K. V. Ramaswamy | On 16 Jan 2018

Inequality, Employment and Public Policy

This paper examines dimensions of inequality including labour market inequalities and discusses public policies needed for reduction in inequalities. It discusses both inequality of outcomes and inequ...

by S.Mahendra Dev | On 16 Jan 2018

People, Policy and Partnership for Disaster Resilience Development

The paper narrates about the proceedings that were centered on a wide range of community level risk reduction efforts that are effectively reducing vulnerabilities as well as influencing development p...

by National Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction NADRR | On 10 Jan 2018

Book Review: Inappropriate Technology and Markets Kill Cotton Farmers and Weavers: A Passionate Account since Colonial Times

Review of A Frayed History: The Journey of Cotton in India by Meena Menon and Uzramma. Oxford University Press, 2018. USD 685.50.

by | On 07 Jan 2018

Social Protection, Citizenship and the Employment Relationship

This paper addresses the issues of social protection, citizenship and the employment relationship, through the lens of South Africa.

by Francie Lund | On 02 Jan 2018

Willingness to Pay for Good Quality, Uninterrupted Power Supply in Madhya Pradesh, India

This study undertakes a contingent valuation survey using a stratified random sample of 2083 households in rural Madhya Pradesh, India, with the objective of estimating the benefits of an improved ele...

by | On 21 Dec 2017

Barriers to Innovation in Indian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Innovation plays a critical role in shaping the industrial and firm competitiveness of any nation. Innovation is often discussed in the setting of developed countries, but the rise of emerging economi...

by | On 15 Dec 2017

Philippine Telecommunications Laws and Regulations: A TPP Gap Analysis

This paper aims to promote competitive access for telecommunications providers.

by Krystal Uy | On 14 Dec 2017

Vertical Integration, Market Structure and Competition Policy: Experiences of Indian Manufacturing Sector during the Post-Reform Period

In the context of declining degrees of vertical integration in major industries of Indian manufacturing sector during the post-reform period, the present paper is an attempt to examine how such ‘verti...

by Pulak Mishra | On 11 Dec 2017

Trade & Transit Cooperation with Afghanistan: Results from a Firm-level survey from Pakistan

This paper aims to inform academia and policymakers about ways and means to first increase trade with Afghanistan, and second, to discuss trade-related procedures and processes that could be streamlin...

by Vaqar Ahmed | On 04 Dec 2017

Monetary Policy and Credit Demand in India and Some EMEs

Impact of changes in policy rate of interest on demand for bank credit is examined for seven emerging market economies including India for the period 2002 to 2010. Panel data techniques are used after...

by | On 01 Dec 2017

Mapping the future of high value manufacturing in India

India’s stagnating manufacturing sector has become a serious cause of concern for Indian policy makers. Several reasons have been identified for this slowdown, including lack of policy focus, unsuppor...

by | On 01 Dec 2017

Fund-Raising For Energy Projects In Pakistan

This paper reviews the investment situation in energy sector of Pakistan. Using secondary data sources, official documents and pledges by development partners.

by Huma Khan | On 30 Nov 2017

India-Pakistan Trade: An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical Sector

The study says that the pharmaceutical sector is crucial to health issues in developing economies and would be an ideal segment to focus on in improving trade relations between the two countries.

by Manoj Pant | On 29 Nov 2017

Inequality, Good Governance and Endemic Corruption

Can a society suffering contests between rich and poor achieve good governance in the face of endemic corruption? The paper examines a stylized poor state with weak institutions in which a “culture of...

by Gil S. Epstein | On 21 Nov 2017

The Effect of Public Sector Development Expenditures and Investment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan

The study will use data from 1980-81 to 2015-16 in this regard and employ Johansen cointegration to investigate the long run relationship.

by Syed Ahmed | On 20 Nov 2017

Exploring the Trade– Urbanisation Nexus in Developing Economies: Evidence and Implications

Developing countries have seen a rapid rise in population urbanization in the past decades. At the same time, they have participated actively in the process of globalization. However, possible interli...

by | On 20 Nov 2017

What Constrains Indian Manufacturing ?

India has undertaken extensive reforms in its manufacturing sector in the last two decades. However, an acceleration of growth in manufacturing, and a concomitant increase in employment, has eluded I...

by Poonam Gupta | On 17 Nov 2017

India’s Emerging Connectivity with Southeast Asia: Progress and Prospects

Connectivity is the key building block of convergence and cohesion in any regional integration initiative. Development of connectivity across any region—especially of transportation linkages, energy p...

by | On 16 Nov 2017

Crisis, Imbalances, and India

With the revival of global economy, the issues of “exit policies” and rebalancing global growth have taken center stage in policy discussions. Since many emerging Asian economies presently have large...

by | On 14 Nov 2017

Housing Markets and Housing Policies in India

Issues of housing in India are synonymous with ignorance of housing in active government involvement at the policy and program formulation levels. They are also due to the problems that unplanned urba...

by | On 13 Nov 2017

Assessment of Space Programs and Policies for Regional Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

International space cooperation in the Asia Pacific region have entered a new stage. Today a lot of nations in this region have actively developed space capabilities, and have come to use them for a v...

by | On 09 Nov 2017

Governance Interventions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Countries

The paper reviews an emerging body of literature on the design and evaluation of current or recent governance interventions in countries with ongoing violent conflict, recovering from conflict or at s...

by Patricia Justino | On 31 Oct 2017

Opening the Black Box: Managing the Aid Policy Process in Pakistan

This research responds to this gap in the literature by exploring how donors and the Pakistan government interact in game and network settings to manage foreign aid in the complex aid policy network.

by Faheem Jehangir Khan | On 27 Oct 2017

Data Ecosystems for Sustainable Development: The Africa Data Revolution Report 2016

This report aims to serve as the foundation upon which the nations can create data eco-systems to serve developmental aims.

by Aritra Chakrabarty | On 26 Oct 2017

Understanding Judicial Delay at the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal in India

This paper creates a de novo data-set using publicly available data on cases at the Indian Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT). The paper applies the statistical techniques of hazard models to addres...

by Pratik Datta | On 17 Oct 2017

Urban Transport Focus - Small and Medium Sized Cities

The briefs says that the urban population in India is growing and so are motorisation rates.

by Sujaya Rathi | On 13 Oct 2017

Polysilicon Manufacturing in India: Go or No-Go

The report narrates that the Government of India has announced an ambitious solar power target of 100 GW by 2022.

by Bhupesh Verma | On 12 Oct 2017

Central Bank Communication: The Practice in Nepal Rastra Bank and Impact on Inflation

The paper says that it will contribute to make monetary policy more effective and thus enhance its impact.

by Sarthak Karki | On 06 Oct 2017

Relationship between Financial Literacy and Behavior of Small Borrowers

The analysis showed that the relationship of financial literacy of small borrowers was significant with their financial attitude and behavior.

by Ramesh Chaulagain | On 06 Oct 2017

On the Importance of Triangulating Datasets to Examine Indians on the Move

A chapter dedicated to migration in the Economic Survey 2016-17 signals the willingness on the part of Indian policymakers to address the linkages between migration, labour markets and economic develo...

by S. Chandrasekhar | On 03 Oct 2017

DRRM's Design and Implementation Need to Be Beefed Up

This, according to researchers Sonny Domingo and Ma. Divina Olaguera from the state think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), is the problem the government needs to address to re...

by Philippine Institute Studies (PIDS) | On 03 Oct 2017

The Effects of Energy Price Changes: Heterogeneous Welfare Impacts, Energy Poverty, and CO2 Emissions in Indonesia

The empirical context of our study is Indonesia, a country with a long tradition of regulating consumer energy prices and a recent change in subsidy policies, facilitated by dramatically falling oil p...

by Sebastian Renner | On 29 Sep 2017

Optimal Inflation Rate for Nepal

This paper estimates the optimal inflation rate in Nepal based on the data of the period 1978–2016.

by Nepal Rastra Bank Research Department NRB | On 28 Sep 2017

Migrant Smuggling Data and Research: A Global Review of the Emerging Evidence Base

The report narrates that the diversity of smugglers has been examined in the academic and grey literature.

by Marie McAuliffe | On 25 Sep 2017

Money's Causal Role in Exchange Rate: Do Divisia Monetary Aggregates Explain More?

The paper investigate the predictive power of Divisia monetary aggregates in explaining exchange rate variations for India, Israel, Poland, UK and the US, in the years leading up to and following the...

by Taniya Ghosh | On 18 Sep 2017

The Plutocratic Bias in the Indian CPI

The Laspeyres-type consumer price index (CPI) is traditionally used to measure the changes in cost-of-living over time. Studies indicate this CPI suffers from a plutocratic bias, attaching greater wei...

by Dilip M. Nachane | On 18 Sep 2017

An Analysis of Revisions in Indian GDP Data

This paper studies the revisions in the annual estimates of India's GDP data. The objective of the analysis is to understand the revision policy adopted by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) a...

by Amey Sapre | On 15 Sep 2017

Monetary Transmission in India: Working of Price and Quantum Channels

The paper examines the strength and efficacy of transmission from the policy rate and liquidity provision to market rates in India, using event window regression analysis. The paper finds the interest...

by Ashima Goyal | On 15 Sep 2017

Public Health Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights

The World Health Organization considered that its mission demanded it should play a part in this debate, with the objective of illuminating how intellectual property rights might affect public health...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 14 Sep 2017

State Intervention: A Gift or Threat to India’s Sugarcane Sector?

This paper examines the nature, changes and factors responsible for issues and problems faced by the sugarcane growers and sugar mills in India. This paper is based on the latest available secondary d...

by Abnave Vikas B. | On 12 Sep 2017

Economic Globalization and Income Inequality: Cross-country Empirical Evidence

This paper analyses the effect of economic globalization on income inequality in both cross-country and country-specific framework using panel data techniques and policy simulations. The sample compri...

by Sovna Mohanty | On 07 Sep 2017

Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World: A Look at the APEC 2015 Priority Areas (Volume II)

This paper, mainstreaming SMEs in the regional and global market loosely refers to the internationalization of SMEs.

by Philippine Institute Studies (PIDS) | On 05 Sep 2017

India’s Phytonutrient Report - A Snapshot of Fruits and Vegetables Consumption, Availability and Implications for Phytonutrient Intake

The objective of the study is to understand the ‘actual’ consumption patterns of fruits and vegetables in India and compare this to the World Health Organization (WHO) ‘recommended’ quantity for an ad...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 31 Aug 2017

Migration in the 2030 Agenda

This report narrates that it is a matter of record that migration was not included in the 2000 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework

by Gervais Appave | On 30 Aug 2017

How Inequality Hurts Growth: Revisiting the Galor‐Zeira Model Through a Korean Case

This paper aims to show that the level of inequality increases via the human capital channel with credit market imperfections generating negative effects on economic growth. We expand the model presen...

by Bogang Jun | On 28 Aug 2017

Manufacturing Centric Fiscal Policy

The report says that the manufacturing sector has significant fiscal policy implications.

by M. Singhi | On 24 Aug 2017

Is There Enough Public Resource for School Education? Examining the Available Evidences

The enactment of RTE Act, 2009 imposes a duty on the Indian states to fulfill every child's right to elementary education. Education is also a stand-alone goal among SDGs, which India is one of the si...

by Protiva Kundu | On 22 Aug 2017

Indian Labour Market and Position of Women: Gender Pay Gap in the Indian Formal Sector.

This paper quantifies the magnitude of gender-based disparities that women face in the organized sector of the Indian Labour Market.

by Biju Varkkey | On 21 Aug 2017

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in South Asia

The report, Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in South Asia- Evidence for Interventions in the Health Sector, Women’s Collectives and Local Governance Mechanisms, is based on a systemic review of l...

by Rohini Prabha Pande | On 18 Aug 2017

World Trade Statistical Review

The report provides a detailed analysis of the latest developments in world trade.

by World Trade Organisation WTO | On 17 Aug 2017

Gender Differences in Adolescent Nutrition: Evidence from two Indian districts

Using quantitative data from a one-time survey followed by ethnographic research in two sites in India (Koraput district in Odisha and Wardha district in Maharashtra), this paper seeks to examine the...

by Amit Mitra | On 16 Aug 2017

Transitioning Towards a Green Economy in Karnataka

This report focused on agriculture, buildings, industries, transport, and power supply – sectors that account for all the state’s energy requirement and over 70% of its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission...

by Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy CSTEP | On 14 Aug 2017

Strengthening Local Governance in Africa: Beyond Donor-Driven Approaches

The paper argues, in line with other recent studies that time has come to rethink concepts and practices used to promote local governance in African countries.

by Göran Hydén | On 10 Aug 2017

Public Procurement in India: Assessment of Institutional Mechanism, Challenges, and Reforms

The present study assesses the public procurement system and recent reform initiatives in India and outlines the need for changes in the institutional frameworks.

by Bhabesh Hazarika | On 09 Aug 2017

A Political Economy Analysis of the Southeast Asian Haze and Some Solutions

This paper studies the political economy of the Southeast Asian haze and discusses the obstacles that, unless overcome, could prevent a permanent and effective solution to this transboundary pollution...

by Parkash Chander | On 08 Aug 2017

An Approach to Forest and Conservation Policy in Southeast Asia

Forest and conservation policy in Southeast Asia is now at yet another crossroads. Despite decades of efforts, the challenges ahead remain formidable. These challenges include: (i) continued deforesta...

by Gary Bull | On 08 Aug 2017

Promoting Organic Food Products and Exports - Status, Issues and Way Forward

This paper, based on a primary survey of companies engaged in organic food business in India and the United Kingdom (UK), examines how organic food can attract more investment (domestic and foreign) a...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 08 Aug 2017

Positive Peace Report 2016

This report introduces new thinking and evidence about Positive Peace.

by Institute for Economics and Peace | On 04 Aug 2017

Corporate Leverage in EMEs: Has the Global Financial Crisis Changed the Determinants?

Has the global financial crisis changed the pivotal determinants of corporate leverage in EMEs? This paper attempts to address this issue using a panel-GMM framework and quantile-analysis for 10 maj...

by Snehal S. Herwadkar | On 04 Aug 2017

Comparison of Consumer and Wholesale Prices Indices in India: An Analysis of Properties and Sources of Divergence

This paper provides a comparative assessment of CPI and WPI in terms of its key characteristics, particularly on the method of compilation, distributional properties and measures of underlying inflat...

by Praggya Das | On 04 Aug 2017

Comments of the Reserve Bank of India on A New Capital Adequacy Framework

The report narrates that the Accord provided a framework for a fair and reasonable degree of consistency in the application of capital standards in different countries, on a shared definition of capit...

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 03 Aug 2017

Approaches to Low Carbon Development in China and India

Low carbon development has gained policy prominence and is a concern of both environment and development policy globally and in China and India. This paper discusses the role of China and India as im...

by Shailly Kedia | On 03 Aug 2017

What Explains Call Money Rate Spread in India?

The study focuses on various drivers of overnight inter-bank rate spread under the new liquidity management framework during July 2013 to December 2016. Applying OLS with Newey-West estimator and va...

by Sunil Kumar | On 03 Aug 2017

Phillips Curve Relationship in India: Evidence from State-Level Analysis

This paper revisits the issue of determinants of inflation in India in a Phillips curve framework and makes two key contributions in relation to existing studies. First, in the context of the Reserve...

by Harendra Behera | On 03 Aug 2017

Can Bihar Break the Clientelist Trap? The Political Effects of Programmatic Development Policy

It is widely recognized that politics affects policy-making, but there is little knowledge about how politics can be made more conducive to effective governance. This study reverses the relationship...

by Jonathan Phillips | On 02 Aug 2017

Strengthening the Governance for Effective Tobacco Control in India

One of the key components in achieving a substantial reduction in tobacco use and associated disease, economic and ecologic burden in India is to strengthen the governance for tobacco control. In the...

by Dr. Upendra Bhojani | On 01 Aug 2017

Decoding the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE) Report 2017: Structuring Partnerships, Changing Mindsets and Nurturing Creativity

The purpose of this research is to elucidate and analyse the underlying thinking behind the CFE strategies in order to determine potential gaps that could arise as the strategies are implemented in po...

by Tan Tai Loong Alex | On 01 Aug 2017

Tracking Change Islamabad in Livelihoods, Service Delivery and Governance: Evidence from a 2012-2015 Panel Survey in Pakistan

The subject of this study is the relationship between the delivery of services, social protection and livelihoods assistance, and state legitimacy (measured here using perceptions of government perfor...

by Babar Shahbaz | On 01 Aug 2017

Jati, Local Public Goods and Village Governance: Private Actions and Public Outcomes

This paper purports to understand whether voting along narrow parochial lines in socially and ethnically fragmented societies has measurable gains. Using data from rural India, we establish that ident...

by Raghbendra Jha | On 31 Jul 2017

Does Government Borrowing Crowd out Private Sector Credit in Pakistan

An analysis of the impact of government borrowing from the scheduled banks on the credit to private sector in Pakistan, using monthly data from 1998:M6 to 2015:M12. We find that a one percentage poi...

by Sajjad Zaheer | On 31 Jul 2017

Developing a Biomedical R&D and Innovation Landscape for India: A Scoping Study

WHO SEARO has sought to fulfill its vision of building a national level biomedical R&D and innovation observatory. In this report we have focused on the feasibility of establishing a national observat...

by | On 27 Jul 2017

Taking an Ecosystems Approach: Support for Advocacy Training Initiatives’ (SATHI) Public Health Work in India

Delivering accessible, inclusive and high-quality health services in India is both technically challenging and politically complex. India’s public health services have been highly decentralized for mo...

by Brendan Halloran | On 26 Jul 2017

Households' Inflation Expectations in India: Role of Economic Policy Uncertainty and Global Financial Uncertainty Spill-over

Inflation expectations are an important marker for the conduct of monetary policy. Using a Bayesian structural VAR-X model that includes the inflation expectations of general public based on the Infla...

by Taniya Ghosh | On 21 Jul 2017

Energy Efficiency Developments and Potential Energy Savings in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Greater gains in energy savings are possible from improved energy efficiency and conservation measures, both as a smart business investment, and an imperative for the global community.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 18 Jul 2017

Renewable Energy Developments and Potential in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Renewable energy is a challenge, but also an opportunity for new industries, employment, and new ways to reduce dependency on fuel imports, provide electricity to poor remote areas, reduce air polluti...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 18 Jul 2017

Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific: Promoting Connectivity for Inclusive Development

This report highlights emerging trends in AfT in the context of evolving trade performance in Asia and the Pacific.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 13 Jul 2017

Draft National Energy Policy

The NEP anticipates major transformations on the energy demand and supply sides arising out of fast evolving technology, consumer behaviour and air quality considerations. It provides for a flexible...

by Niti Aayog GOI | On 13 Jul 2017

Asia Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Finance Monitor 2014

This publication reviews various country aspects of SME finance covering the banking sector, nonbank sector, and capital markets. It is expected to support evidence-based policy making and regulations...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 11 Jul 2017

Implementation of the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework: ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Sub-Forum 1 Phase 3 Report

The report says that the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) is a policy initiative under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) to help facilitate intraregional transactions thro...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 11 Jul 2017

Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Thailand: Trends, Impacts, and Reforms

This study measures the size of fossil fuel subsidies such as tax breaks for diesel and natural gas, market price support for natural gas for vehicles, and free electricity for low-income consumers as...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 04 Jul 2017

Travel Demand Management Options in Beijing

This study is part of the Asian Development Bank’s initiative to support greener and more sustainable transport systems that are convenient and lessen carbon dioxide emissions. Read how congestion cha...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 03 Jul 2017

Trust Funds and Fiscal Risks in the North Pacific: Analysis of Trust Fund Rules and Sustainability in the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia

This report focuses on the relatively complex account structure and drawdown rules of the two funds, which are the same in the CTFs of the RMI and the FSM. Using an investment return simulation model,...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 30 Jun 2017

Innovative Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Accelerated Human Resource Development in South Asia: Nepal

This report will help improve the quality of the workforce; enhance employability, productivity, and remuneration, leading to higher economic growth.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 30 Jun 2017

Innovative Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Accelerated Human Resource Development in South Asia: Sri Lanka

This publication is part of a series of six country reports on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and higher education in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Each report presents cur...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 29 Jun 2017

Fiji: Building Inclusive Institutions for Sustained Growth - Executive Summary

The report says Fiji’s economy has seen 5 years of positive growth since 2010 - one of its few episodes of sustained growth since 1970. Growth averaged 3.3% a year during 2010-2014, which is nearly fo...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 27 Jun 2017

Roadmap for Carbon Capture and Storage Demonstration and Deployment in the People’s Republic of China

This report is an assessment of the potential, the barriers and the challenges in demonstrating and deploying Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the People's Republic of China. It identifies unique l...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 26 Jun 2017

Asian Economic Integration Report 2015: How Can Special Economic Zones Catalyze Economic Development?

The report is an annual review of Asia’s regional economic cooperation and integration. It covers the 48 regional members of the Asian Development Bank. This issue includes Special Chapter: How Can Sp...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 23 Jun 2017

Asia Bond Monitor - June 2017

This issue of the Asia Bond Monitor includes two special discussion boxes. Box 1 discusses the risks to emerging Asia’s financial stability under tightening global liquidity conditions. Box 2 discusse...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 23 Jun 2017

Integrated Information and Communication Technology Strategies for Competitive Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific

The report narrates that early adoption of information and communication technology can allow developing countries in Asia and the Pacific to move from labor-intensive, natural resources-based to know...

by Jouko Sarvi | On 22 Jun 2017

Fiji: Creating Quality Jobs - Employment Diagnostic Study

This report, a joint effort of the Asian Development Bank and the International Labour Organization, seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the context, constraints, and opportunities for increasin...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 21 Jun 2017

Transitions to K–12 Education Systems: Experiences from Five Case Countries

The paper says that preparing and implementing a K–12 transition absorbs considerable financial and human resources. It follows that the reasons for restructuring must be compelling.

by Jouko Sarvi | On 21 Jun 2017

Thailand: Industrialization and Economic Catch-Up

This report identifies some of Thailand’s critical development constraints and discusses policy measures and economic reforms needed to accelerate economic transformation toward a more modern and serv...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 20 Jun 2017

The “Missing Women” of the Agricultural Sector

While women constitute up to 37 per cent of the agricultural workforce, their status is not recognised. Statistics do not collect suicides of women farmers as land is seldom registered in their names....

by | On 16 Jun 2017

Toward Mainstreaming and Sustaining CDD in Indonesia: Understanding Local Initiatives and the Transition from PNPM-Rural to the Villlage Law

The report summarizes important lessons learned and policy implications from the first year of Village Law implementation.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 16 Jun 2017

The Asian Bond Markets Initiative: Policy maker achievements and challenges

This paper also provides recommendations for addressing new sources of market volatility and other challenges within and outside the framework of the Asian Bond Markets Initiative.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 15 Jun 2017

Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism: Baseline Study in Bangladesh

This report reviews trade and transport procedures in Bangladesh, highlights the importance of monitoring trade and transport facilitation, and lays a foundation for future studies and establishment o...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 12 Jun 2017

How Inclusive is Inclusive Business for Women? Examples from Asia and Latin America

This report assesses the extent to which inclusive business models promote women's economic empowerment. Examples come from the inclusive business portfolios of the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-A...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 09 Jun 2017

Reviving Lakes and Wetlands in the People's Republic of China, Volume 3: Best Practices and Prospects for the Sanjiang Plain Wetlands

The report narrates that the Sanjiang Plain wetlands are among the most important wetlands in the People’s Republic of China with unique habitats, species, and ecology. There is a considerable body of...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 08 Jun 2017

2015 Clean Energy Investments: Project Summaries

This report summarizes the investments in clean energy made by ADB in 2015, condensing information from project databases and formal reports in an easy-to-reference format. This report was prepared by...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 08 Jun 2017

ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard Country Reports and Assessments 2014

In this fourth round of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Corporate Governance initiative of the Asian Development Bank and the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum, over 500 top publicly list...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 05 Jun 2017

Myanmar Transport Sector Policy Note: How to Reform Transport Institutions

Myanmar's transport sector institutions are currently ill adapted to the new situation. Although government reform attempts have been in the right direction, more is needed to shape a strong basis for...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 02 Jun 2017

Promoting Inland Waterway Transport in the People's Republic of China

This publication examines the constraints in developing inland waterway transport (IWT) based on a study in the PRC’s Hunan province. Six major challenges threatening the viability of IWT and its inte...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 30 May 2017

Envisioning Tax Policy for Accelerated Development in India

The objective of the paper is to highlight the reforms needed in the tax system to improve the revenue productivity of the tax system to conform to the vision of accelerating economic growth and dev...

by M. Govinda Rao | On 26 May 2017

Competition Issues in India's Online Economy

The world of high technology companies is seen as a dynamic area with a rapid pace of creative destruction. There is, however, a class of industries where there are strong network effects, where the m...

by Smriti Parsheera | On 25 May 2017

Understanding Judicial Delays in Debt Tribunals

The paper argue that the judicial statistics that are currently collected are inadequate for understanding and solving the problem of judicial delay. It propose a new approach to collecting data, whic...

by Prasanth Regy | On 25 May 2017

Bangladesh: Consolidating Export-led Growth - Country Diagnostic Study

This study argues that some of the policies that allowed Bangladesh to prosper in the last few years will become less effective, and the economy will need to “switch gears” to consolidate the growth m...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 23 May 2017

Finding Balance 2016: Benchmarking the Performance of State-Owned Enterprises in Island Countries

This study of state-owned enterprises performance in the Pacific emphasizes political commitment to reform as a key driver for commercial results.

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 23 May 2017

Probabilistic Patents, Alternative Damage Rules and Optimal Trade Policy

This paper analyzes interdependencies between optimal trade policy and 'preferred' liability doctrine to assess infringement damages, when intellectual property rights are probabilistic, in a model of...

by Apurva Dey | On 16 May 2017

Asian Development Outlook 2016 Update: Meeting the Low-Carbon Growth Challenge

This Update retains the projections previously published in Asian Development Outlook 2016 (ADO 2016) in March. Gross domestic product (GDP) in the region is expected to grow at 5.7% in 2016 and 2017,...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 16 May 2017

Asia Bond Monitor - November 2016

This issue of the Asia Bond Monitor includes Local currency (LCY) government bond yields in advancedeconomies and emerging East Asia climbed between 31 October and 18 November due to increased concern...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 11 May 2017

Asian Development Outlook Supplement: Asia's Economies Steady Despite Global Uncertainty

The outlook for developing Asia remains broadly as forecast in Asian Development Outlook 2016 Update. Despite an extraordinary and temporary growth dip affecting one of the region’s largest economies,...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 10 May 2017

Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia with Digital Finance

The research focuses on financial exclusion in three segments: base of pyramid (BoP); women; and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). From our research, we estimate that addressing this oppor...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 09 May 2017

Reinventing Mutual Recognition Arrangements: Lessons from International Experiences and Insights for the ASEAN Region

This report aims to support ASEAN policymakers and regulatory bodies by examining MRAs signed in other regions to see how well they have functioned on the ground. It focuses on the following issues: D...

by Dovelyn Rannveig Mendoza | On 08 May 2017

Cities as Engines of Inclusive Development

This paper argues that the recent policy rhetoric towards cities in India has been shaped by their increasing economic importance in national output generation, as well as a series of prominent glob...

by Indian Institute for Human Settlements | On 05 May 2017

The Long Road Ahead: Status Report on the Implementation of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements on Professional Services

In the report there has been progress primarily in two areas: (1) the creation of implementing offices and bodies at the regional and national levels as outlined in the MRAs; and (2) the incorporation...

by Dovelyn Rannveig Mendoza | On 05 May 2017

Meeting Asia's Infrastructure Needs

This report updates by presenting infrastructure investment needs for all 45 DMCs from 2016 to 2030, the final year of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Two sets of estimates are pre...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 05 May 2017

Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity in a Changing Asia-Pacific

This report explores three entry points to the theme of poverty and prosperity: (i) managing urbanization for inclusive development, (ii) strengthening responses to rural poverty in the context of t...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 04 May 2017

Promoting Skill Transfer for Human Capacity Development in Papua New Guinea

The Government of Papua New Guinea’s Development Strategic Plan 2010–2030 seeks to extend the benefits of economic growth to the country’s most disadvantaged communities, emphasizing improvements to...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 04 May 2017

The Emerging Indonesian Data Center Market And Energy Efficiency Opportunities

This study contributes to a growing body of research demonstrating that adoption of internationally available and well-proven energy efficiency measures can improve the effectiveness, sustainability...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 04 May 2017

Cost Channel, Interest Rate Pass-Through and Optimal Policy under Zero Lower Bound

This paper analyzes optimal monetary policy under zero lower bound in the presence of cost channel. Cost channel introduces trade-o¤ between output and inflation when economy is out of ZLB. As a res...

by Taniya Ghosh | On 04 May 2017

Space India 2.0 Commerce, Policy, Security and Governance Perspectives

This book addresses many of these prevalent policy issues and suggests measures to address them from the varied perspectives of space commerce, space policy, space security, global governance, and in...

by | On 14 Apr 2017

National Health Policy 2017

The National Health Policy of 1983 and the National Health Policy of 2002 have served well in guiding the approach for the health sector in the Five-Year Plans. Now 14 years after the last health poli...

by | On 20 Mar 2017

Leave No One Behind : A Call to Action for Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment

The report captures the importance of shaping macro-economic policies so they support inclusive growth, and ensuring that women entrepreneurs have access to technology and finance. It also highlights...

by | On 21 Feb 2017

Lack of Toilets and Violence against Indian Women: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications

It is now well-accepted among policy makers that the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene is a basic human right. Yet, millions of people lack access to basic toilet facilities, which anecdotal...

by | On 15 Feb 2017

Child Labour and Educational Disadvantage – Breaking the Link, Building Opportunity

Compulsory education has a vital role to play in eradicating child labour. Getting children out of work and into school could provide an impetus for poverty reduction and the development of skills nee...

by | On 14 Feb 2017

‘GOING DARK’ in India: The Legal and Security Dimensions of Encryption

Encrypting communications enhances privacy and the security of information services. This, in turn, incentivises innovation in the ICT sector and contributes significantly to the growth of the interne...

by | On 02 Feb 2017

Economic Survey 2016-17

This year has been marked by several historic economic policy developments. On the domestic side, a constitutional amendment paved the way for the long-awaited and transformational goods and services...

by Arun Jaitley | On 31 Jan 2017

Strategic Review of Food Security and Nutrition in Bangladesh

The battle against the challenges with food security and nutrition will have to be fought on many fronts at the same time. In general, anything that promotes broad-based or inclusive growth, thereby r...

by | On 18 Jan 2017

Indian Variant of MTEF: The Scope and Opportunities to Develop an Effective Budget Planning Process

The paper examines the medium-term fiscal policy (MTFP) and a more conventional medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF) adopted in India under the provisions of the fiscal rules. The MTFP and the MTE...

by Pratap Ranjan Jena | On 10 Jan 2017

Unequal India in an Unequal World: Causes, Consequences & Policy Options

Disparities in income and wealth have all along been present in almost every society across the world. However, the rate of increase in inequality in the distribution of income and wealth has been ala...

by | On 10 Jan 2017

Impact of Climate Change on Rainfed Agriculture in India: A Case Study of Dharwad

The impact of climate change is studied in many aspects in different locations in the country and it is concluded that there is high impact on agriculture compared to any other sector in the country....

by | On 28 Dec 2016

Air Pollution and Health Damages in China: An Introduction and Review

The authorities have responded to this challenge, and there has been clear progress in some areas of pollution control. As a result of these actions, and concurrent changes in economic policies and th...

by | On 23 Dec 2016

The State of India's Pulses Sector

Pulses in India have recently become a topic of concern among policymakers. Members of the Opposition, for instance, have pointed to the 'exceptionally high' cost of certain pulses as an indication of...

by | On 15 Dec 2016

Craft Clusters and Work in Rural India: An Exploration

With the farm sector continuing with unimpressive performance in terms of the growth of value of output, agricultural infrastructure and also sustained massive rise in the landless agricultural labo...

by Keshab Das | On 28 Nov 2016

Cross-country Econometric Study on the Impact of Fiscal Incentives on FDI

The increasing level of competition for foreign direct investment (FDI) in the ‘90s triggered many countries to offer various fiscal incentives. Specifically, many Asian countries persistently keep...

by Ma. Laarni D. Revilla | On 11 Nov 2016

Trade Liberalization and Child Labor in China

This paper exploits a quasi-natural experiment the U.S. Granting of Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) to China after China’s accession to the World Trade Organization – to examine whether t...

by Liqiu Zhao | On 03 Nov 2016

Doing Business

Against the backdrop of the global financial and economic crisis, policy makers around the world took steps in the past year to make it easier for local firms to start up and operate. This is importan...

by World Bank [WB} | On 27 Oct 2016

The Ease of Doing Business Rank: An Assessment of its Macroeconomic Relevance

This paper examines the macroeconomic impact of World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business (EDB) rank, of increasing importance to policy makers, using simple but robust cross-country regressions. Its main f...

by | On 27 Oct 2016

Rail Revolution-2025

This policy brief proposes reorganisation of current industry structure and proposes a new organizational structure for the railways to meet the needs of the 21st century . [CPPR Policy Brief Series...

by Centre for Public Policy Research CPPR | On 21 Oct 2016

Women Workforce Participation in India- A Study

India has experienced rapid economic growth, a decline in fertility rate, introduction of employment generation programs and policy shifts towards women empowerment in recent years. Yet, a striking fe...

by | On 19 Oct 2016

Agriculture 2.0: Towards a Global Revolution for Sustainability

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on zero hunger is a top priority on the international agenda, and eliminating hunger globally is naturally and inevitably tied to farming. Therefore, the SDGs ha...

by | On 19 Oct 2016

Problem of Food Security: A Brief Analysis of Tribal Area in India

The right to food is about freedom from hunger. The narrow meaning at hunger may be understood as the right to have two square meals a day, while in its broader meaning would include under nutrition....

by Johani Xaxa | On 17 Oct 2016

Climate Change Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture: Methodology for Assessment and Application

Climatic changes and increasing climatic variability are likely to aggravate the problem of future food security by exerting pressure on agriculture. However, there are lot of uncertainties about the...

by | On 17 Oct 2016

Intellectual Autonomy, Intellectual Property and the New Enclosures

If the public institution is committed to public interest, then privatization of research and teaching cannot be allowed. Work done should be seen, heard and critiqued. Innovation in knowledge can com...

by Pramod K. Nayar | On 13 Oct 2016

Refugee Compacts: An Initial Framework

This brief outlines a particular iteration of a compact approach that incorporates critical components—such as shared outcomes for refugees, host country ownership and focus on longer-term transition,...

by Cindy Huang | On 10 Oct 2016

Productivity Dynamics in India's Service Sector: An Industry-Level Perspective

The rapid rise of service sector in India, as in its developing counterparts in Asia, follows the pattern of skipped industrialization and raises concern for sustaining economic growth in India. Whil...

by K L Krishna | On 10 Oct 2016

Regime Shifts in India’s Monetary Policy Response Function

The objectives of monetary policy have always been a topic of intensive debate. This debate has resurfaced during the past few years. In India too monetary policy-making appears to have undergone si...

by Lokendra Kumawat | On 10 Oct 2016

Growth and Distribution: Understanding Developmental Regimes in Indian States

Economic and political processes differ widely across states in India. Some states have seen rapid economic growth and development while others are facing economic stagnation. The differences in outco...

by | On 07 Oct 2016

Knowing Differently: Innovation and Sustainable Development

If the production and transmission of new knowledge is to have a genuine innovative edge, it must be recognised that this is intrinsically a political act: inherently critical and subversive. There mu...

by Raghav Rajagopalan | On 06 Oct 2016

Recent Changes in the Fiscal Architecture in India and Implications for Financing Climate Change Interventions

The recent changes in the institutional and fiscal architecture of the country following the constitution of NITI Aayog and release of report of the Fourteenth Finance Commission, have implications...

by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability CBGA | On 04 Oct 2016

Comparing Apples to Apples: A New Indicator of Research and Development Investment Intensity in Agriculture

It is conventional wisdom in the economic development literature that there is a significant underinvestment in agricultural R&D in developing countries. Evidence supporting this belief is provided,...

by Alejandro Nin Pratt | On 30 Sep 2016

Interactions between Policy Assumptions and Rural Women's Work - A Case Study

The concern of this paper is limited to the approaches to rural women's development and an understanding of their work roles in the planning strategies. [CWDS Working paper].

by Kumud Sharma | On 30 Sep 2016

Reinventing India as an Innovation Nation

Innovation has become a tool for competitiveness as well as accelerated inclusive growth.An often used definition of innovation is that it is a process that translates knowledge into economic growth a...

by IMI Konnect | On 29 Sep 2016

Equity and Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction: Building Resilience for all

This paper attempts to address some of these shortcomings and to move the debate beyond the simplistic focus of including vulnerable groups within disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy-making. By promo...

by | On 26 Sep 2016

Role of Institutions and Policies in Diffusion of Micro-irrigation in Gujarat, Western India

the role of institutional innovations and subsidy policy interventions in the diffusion of micro-irrigation across the state in the recent years. While the first part makes a comprehensive review o...

by Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati | On 26 Sep 2016

Agricultural Prices and Food Policy

Supply-demand imbalance at a given time is the main problem in India. Not much can be done with demand, as increase and shifting patterns in demand are normal with economic growth and urbanisation. St...

by C S C Sekhar | On 20 Sep 2016

Water for India’s Poor: Who Pays the Price for Broken Promises?

The poor do not consume as much water as the rest of the population, but despite the promises, despite the bland assertions of politicians and policy makers, they can and frequently do pay for what li...

by | On 16 Sep 2016

Making Pulses Affordable Again: Policy Options from the Farm to Retail in India

Rising prices and declining consumption of pulses cause concern in terms of both nutrition and food inflation in India. This paper outlines policy strategies to increase the availability of pulses at...

by P.K. Joshi | On 16 Sep 2016

The Changing Rates of Return to Education in India: Evidence from NSS Data

This paper estimates rates of return to education in India by gender, caste, religion and age cohorts using data for the period 1983 to 2011-12. We estimate standard Mincerian wage equations separatel...

by | On 14 Sep 2016

ICT Investments and Growth of Small and Medium Firms: A Study of Food Processing Industry in India

The objective of the present study is to examine the effect of ICT investments on the sales growth of SMEs from the food processing industry in India. Secondary data is collected from the Prowess d...

by Navyashree G. R. | On 08 Sep 2016

Words Matter: A Textual Analysis of SBP’s Monetary Policy Reviews

In this paper a textual analysis is performed of monetary policy statements issued during the past ten years by State Bank of Pakistan and compare them with policy reviews of seven selected central ...

by Asif Mahmood | On 07 Sep 2016

The Independence of the Central Bank

Central banking does not mean just rates cuts and rate rising. There are many decisions to be taken sometimes unpopular or hard-to-explain ones, to be made under conditions of extreme uncertainty. The...

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 06 Sep 2016

How Can India Help Prevent Food Price Volatility?

This article is about India's role in reducing food price volatility in the world. India has come a long way from a ‘ship to mouth existence’ to a country that is ready to confer legal right to food t...

by M. S. Swaminathan | On 02 Sep 2016

Re-Shaping Policy and Institutions for Integrating Climate and Disaster Resilience

It is clear that positive policy action is needed to build the resilience of citizens and the state to changing climate and disaster shocks and stresses. What is not so clear is why there is a lag in...

by | On 29 Aug 2016

Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence from China

The paper contributes to the measurement of poverty and vulnerability in three ways. First, we propose a new approach to separating poverty into chronic and transient components. Second, we provide co...

by | On 23 Aug 2016

Credit Surety Fund: A Credit Innovation for Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Philippines

Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises are a backbone of the Philippine economy. One factor that hinders the growth of these enterprises is their difficulty in accessing finance from banks and o...

by Gary V Maningo | On 19 Aug 2016

Higher Education In India: Issues, Concerns and New Directions

With the explosive growth of knowledge in the past century and with the development of handy tools of information and communication technologies as well as of other scientific innovations, competiti...

by University Grants Commission UGC | On 17 Aug 2016

Revisiting the Tax Compliance Problem using Prospect Theory

The paper presents a model for tax compliance based on prospect theory wherein an individual makes the decision whether to file, and declare a certain amount of income, or to not file based on a set...

by R.Kavita Rao | On 17 Aug 2016

Vital Stats: Parliament during Monsoon Session 2016

The Monsoon Session of Parliament concluded on August 12, 2016. The session had 20 sittings, during which various Bills were passed, including a Constitutional Amendment Bill enabling the levy of a G...

by Kusum Malik | On 16 Aug 2016

Macroeconomic Determinants of Remittances in South Asian countries: A Dynamic Panel Study

The study attempts to identify the macroeconomic determinants of remittance inflows in South Asian countries. It uses additively separable utility function as theoretical framework and the Arellano-Bo...

by | On 16 Aug 2016

Revisiting RP's Hybrid Rice Program

The United Nations General Assembly declared 2004 the International Year of the Rice (IYR). The IYR is a venue to promote improved production and development of sustainable rice-based systems that wil...

by Philippine Institute for Development Studies | On 16 Aug 2016

Myanmar Transport Sector Policy Note: Urban Transport

This note presents a review of Myanmar’s urban transport. It focuses on the country’s main cities, Yangon and Mandalay, where issues are most severe, to also help solve similar problems in secondary c...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 12 Aug 2016

Implementation of Maternity Benefit Act

Women’s ties with pregnancy and child rearing and the failure of employers and policymakers to deal consistently with this issue exacerbate the difficulties women face in the economy. Women continue t...

by | On 12 Aug 2016

Inequality, Poverty, and Antipoverty Transfers

This report reviews the main trends in global poverty, assesses projections on poverty trends for the medium term, and considers the implications for antipoverty policy. Three main points emerge from...

by Armando Barrientos | On 10 Aug 2016

Can “Make In India” Make Jobs? The Challenges of Manufacturing Growth and High–Quality Job Creation in India

A new “Make in India” campaign to “transform India into a global manufacturing hub” aims to use manufacturing as a vehicle for job growth. Is this strategy realistic? This paper helps answer the quest...

by | On 10 Aug 2016

Make in India – Scheme For Transforming India

Make in India is an international marketing strategy, conceptualized by the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014 to attract investments from businesses around the world and make...

by | On 10 Aug 2016

Will Services be the New Engine of Economic Growth in India?

This paper revisits the role of manufacturing and services in economic development in the light of the following new facts: (a) a faster growth of services than that of manufacturing in many developin...

by | On 08 Aug 2016

China and Socialist Countries: Role Change and Role Continuity

This paper analyses changes in China’s relations with socialist countries. It uses Chinese academic publications to add an inside-out perspective to the interpretation of Chinese foreign policy and ou...

by | On 05 Aug 2016

Anatomy of Input Demand Functions for Indian Farmers across Regions

This study models the optimum use of production inputs and analyse the behaviour of input demand functions of agricultural production through restricted transcendental logarithm profit function for...

by Shrabani Mukherjee | On 04 Aug 2016

Benefits of Coastal Shipping: Scope for Sea Change in Domestic Freight Transportation in India

The share of coastal shipping in the modal mix of domestic freight transportation in India is currently very low despite it being more costeffective, fuel-efficient and environment-friendly compared...

by Lavanya Ravikanth Anneboina | On 03 Aug 2016

Subsidies to Coal Production in China

A further subsidy in the form of credit support was estimated to be between CNY 3.5 and 35.7 billion (USD 0.57 billion and USD 5.8 billion). The major subsidies included tax relief, investment in asse...

by | On 02 Aug 2016

Depreciation of Business R&D Capital

This paper develops a forward-looking profit model to estimate the depreciation rates of business R&D capital. By using data from Compustat, BEA, and NSF between 1987 and 2008, and the newly developed...

by Wendy Li | On 02 Aug 2016

Competitive Bidding for Wind Sector

CSTEP organised a stakeholder consultation workshop on the wind energy sector at the request of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) recently. The main objectives of this workshop were to d...

by | On 27 Jul 2016

Gender and Migration

The identification of gendered ramifications of migratory processes has meant greater attention has been paid by policymakers and scholars alike than has been done previously. There are a number of re...

by | On 25 Jul 2016

Network Externalities And Process R&D: A Cournot-Bertrand Comparison

This paper examines the implication of the nature of competition in a market with network externalities on strategic investment in process R&D by firms. It shows that network externalities have a posi...

by Mili Naskar | On 25 Jul 2016

Roads to Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence from China

Although both infrastructure and innovation play an important role in fostering a country’s economic growth, discussion in the literature about how the two are connected is limited. This paper examine...

by Xu Wang | On 25 Jul 2016

State and the IT Industry in India: A Policy Critique

By adopting a historical comparative perspective,this paper assesses the role of state (both national and subnational) in industrialisation through the growth and policy experience of an ‘achieving’ s...

by Keshab Das | On 20 Jul 2016

The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2016

The agenda is a road map for people that will build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals and ensure sustainable social and economic progress worldwide. It seeks not only to eradicate ex...

by United Nations (UN) | On 20 Jul 2016

Trajectories of China’s Integration with the World Economy through SEZs: A Study on Shenzhen SEZ

By exploring the role of SEZs in China’s integration with the world economy, we also investigate the underlining challenges faced by the economy. The analysis brings forth the indisputable fact that S...

by | On 14 Jul 2016

Oil Price, Exchange Rate and the Indian Macro Economy

The paper investigates the dynamic relationship between movements in oil prices and exchange rates with macroeconomic variables like price, output, interest rate and money by using structural vector a...

by Taniya Ghosh | On 12 Jul 2016

Rising Food Prices in South Asia: A Policy Framework to Mitigate Adverse Effects

The recent commodity boom has seriously affected South Asia, particularly due to higher food prices and their impact on the welfare of poor and vulnerable populations. This paper describes the food cr...

by S.Mahendra Dev | On 12 Jul 2016

Labour Law and Governance Reforms in India: A Partial and Misguided View of Employment Relations

Labour regulation in India has engaged the attention of not only policy makers but also social actors, researchers and practioners. Policy measures have started rolling out from the state governments...

by Shyam Sundar | On 11 Jul 2016

Odisha State Agriculture Policy 2013

A wholesome policy framework for the benefit of the farmers of the State is in place since 2008 with a focus more on the economic well-being of the farmers, rather than just on production and growth....

by Government of Odisha | On 11 Jul 2016

The Case for Cyber and Cyber-Physical Weapons: India’s Grand Strategy and Diplomatic Goals

This briefing document articulates a grand strategy for India to pursue the development of cyber and cyber-physical weapons, with a view to manage conflicts and the future balance of power in Asia.Ind...

by | On 07 Jul 2016

Does Female Labor Scarcity Encourage Innovation? Evidence from China’s Gender Imbalance

Facing scarcity of a production factor, a firm can develop technologies to either substitute the scarce factor (price effect) or complement the more abundant factors (market size effect). Whether th...

by zhibo Tan | On 06 Jul 2016

Migration of Highly Skilled Persons From Developing Countries: Impact and Policy Responses

The synthesis report prepared by Professors Lowell and Findlay addresses the issues of the impact of high skilled emigration on developing countries, and the policy mixes and options available to both...

by | On 06 Jul 2016

A Study on Community Engagement with Schools in Five States: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh

The study sought to gauge the extent of decentralisation and devolution of power to community-based bodies in relation to schools, and see if there is any disconnect between what is envisaged and what...

by Jyotsna Jha | On 01 Jul 2016

Ad(d)venture with Knowledge: Stepping ahead with Intellectual Property Rights

Human society has witnessed adventure with knowledge resulting in scientific understanding of the secrets of nature and converting them into technological innovations resulting in metamorphosis of...

by Prabuddha Ganguli | On 30 Jun 2016

Beautiful Minds: The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics

This is that time of the year when the economics fraternity is abuzz with the news of potential winners of the prestigious prize in economics, the Nobel Memorial Prize. This will be the 45th year of a...

by Saibal Ghosh | On 30 Jun 2016

Some Inputs for Draft National Education Policy 2016

The National Education Policy, 2016 provides a framework for the development of education in India over the coming few years. It seeks to address both the unfinished agenda relating to the goals and t...

by Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI | On 30 Jun 2016

Global Economic Prospects at 25

Although global growth is projected to accelerate gradually, a wide range of risks threaten to derail the recovery, including a sharper-than-expected slowdown in major emerging markets, sudden escalat...

by World Bank [WB] | On 29 Jun 2016

Decentralisation and Interventions in Health Sector: A Critical Inquiry into the Experience of Local Self Governments in Kerala

This paper attempts to analyse the transition in the healthcare sector during the last two decades linking it to the interventions of Local Self Governments (LSGs). It was found that decentralisation...

by | On 29 Jun 2016

Evidence on Policies to Increase the Development Impacts of International Migration

International migration offers individuals and their families the potential to experience immediate and large gains in their incomes, and offers a large number of other positive benefits to the sendin...

by | On 28 Jun 2016

How Successful Are Banking Sector Reforms in Emerging Market Economies? Evidence from Impact of Monetary Policy on Levels and Structures of Firm Debt in India

In this paper investigates the success of banking reforms in India where significant banking reforms have been introduced since 1990s. Using the argument that well functioning credit markets would ref...

by Sumon Kumar Bhaumik | On 27 Jun 2016

Empathetic Climate Resilient Frugal Innovations for Sustainable Communities

This study is to scout, spawn and sustain grassroots green innovations and outstanding traditional knowledge. It studies the creative and innovative coping strategies of knowledge rich-economically po...

by Anil K Gupta | On 24 Jun 2016

Food Security Challenges in Asia

The problems of food security and agriculture should be viewed within the context of the broader structural transformation as Asia becomes increasingly urban and nonagricultural. This paper aims to re...

by Asian Bank | On 23 Jun 2016

Antecedents and Consequences of Product Innovation : A Meta - Analytic Review

This study proposes a framework for product innovation to identify what strategies determine the drivers and outcomes of product innovation. Specifically, this meta-analytic study identifies key antec...

by Dheeraj Sharma | On 23 Jun 2016

Draft National Forest Policy, 2016

There was a felt to revise the National Forest Policy, 1988 to integrate the vision of sustainable forest management based on the principles of ecosystem approach, landscape level planning and the...

by Indian Institute of Forest Management IIFM | On 21 Jun 2016

India and Afghanistan: A Development Partnership

India’s expanding partnership with Afghanistan has grown into multi-sectoral activities in all parts of Afghanistan. India’s reconstruction and developmental programmes in Afghanistan follow prioritie...

by Ministry of External Affairs, GoI MEA | On 21 Jun 2016

Hurting the Host: The Dynamics of Refugee-Related Violence in South Asia

This paper assesses the proclivity towards refugee-related violence in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, using an original dataset. I show that the host’s attitude towards refugees depend on local fact...

by | On 17 Jun 2016

Elucidation of the Fifth National Report on Convention to Combat Desertification

This document covers the initiatives and contributions of Government of India, Science and Technology Institutions and Civil Society Organisations in addressing the issues of desertification, land de...

by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 17 Jun 2016

Federal Budget of Pakistan 2016

Budget speech of Pakistan 2016-17.

by Mohammad Ishaq Dar | On 17 Jun 2016

Optimal Unemployment Benefit Policy and the Firm Productivity Distribution

This paper provides a novel justification for a declining time profile of unemployment benefits that does not rely on moral hazard or consumption-smoothing considerations. It considers a simple search...

by Tomer Blumkin | On 15 Jun 2016

Defending the Commons, Territories and the Right to Food and Water

Almost a billion people around the world are now suffering from hunger and malnutrition - a dramatic rise in number since the soaring food prices over the last three years. Of these, about half ar...

by Focus on the Global South FGS | On 10 Jun 2016

From Uniformity to Diversity: A Paradigm Shift from Industrial Agriculture to Diversified Agroecological Systems

Today’s food and farming systems have succeeded in supplying large volumes of foods to global markets, but are generating negative outcomes on multiple fronts: widespread degradation of land, water an...

by | On 10 Jun 2016

Inter-Regional Comparisons of Humanitarian Action

Throughout the conference it became clear that there are two emerging trends in humanitarian action across the Asia–Pacific. The first is the increasing activity of selected Asia-Pacific states engage...

by | On 09 Jun 2016

Global Commodity Prices and Inflation in a Small Open Economy

Global commodity prices surge of 2007-08 sent an inflationary shock across the countries. 2014 global prices descend resulted in significant disinflation in many countries and...

by Muhammad Nadim Hanif | On 06 Jun 2016

Solar for Powering Health and Education in India

This study, based on analysis of secondary data, assesses the current state of electricity access in PHCs and rural primary schools. Given the increasing policy support for solar energy in India, it a...

by | On 02 Jun 2016

How Forced Displacements Caused by a Violent Conflict Affect Wages in Colombia

In this paper, we analyze how forced displacements caused by violent conflicts affect the wages of displaced workers in Colombia, a country characterized by a long historical prevalence of violent con...

by | On 02 Jun 2016

Earmarked Tobacco Taxes: Lessons Learnt from Nine Countries

This publication looks at the experience of nine countries that have an experience in earmarking tobacco tax revenues for health purposes. It describes the challenges, setbacks and achievements of tho...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 31 May 2016

IT Vision @ UP 2012

The aim of the IT policy is: 1.To position Uttar Pradesh as the preferred IT/ITES investment destination in India 2. To leverage IT as an engine of growth for UP 3.To transform physical communit...

by Uttar Pradesh Government UP | On 27 May 2016

Achieving More Together: Empowered Forest and Farm Producer Organizations

Getting organized puts smallholders in charge. Through farmers groups, cooperatives and networks, forest and farm producers can help each other not only through marketing advantages and access to fina...

by Jeffrey Campbell | On 25 May 2016

Service Innovation in Philippine Industries

This paper examines the evidence on service innovation using the 2012 Census of Philippine Business and Industry and the 2009 Pilot Survey of Innovation Activities. It reveals the wide variation in R&...

by | On 25 May 2016

Innovation (and Upgrading) in the Automobile Industry: The Case of India

This paper focuses on the automobile industry and examines the nature of global value chains in it with reference to the case of India. The aim is to explore the relation between lead firms, particula...

by Saon Ray | On 23 May 2016

Scheme for Facilitating Start-Ups Intellectual Property Protection (SIPP)

SIPP is envisaged to facilitate protection of patents, trademarks and design of innovative and interested startups.

by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion DIPP | On 20 May 2016

National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy

Creativity and innovation have been a constant in growth and development of any knowledge economy. There is an abundance of creative and innovative energies flowing in India. India has a TRIPS compl...

by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion DIPP | On 19 May 2016

World Employment and Social Outlook 2016 – Transforming Jobs to End Poverty

This edition of the World Employment and Social Outlook (WESO) examines the relationship between decent work and poverty reduction. It starts by documenting trends in poverty around the world while pa...

by International Labour Organisation ILO | On 19 May 2016

Women, Energy and Water in the Himalayas: Integration of Women in Planning and Management

The policy guidelines were developed as part of the pilot project 'Incorporating Needs and Roles of Women in Water and Energy Management in Rural Areas in South Asia-Capacity Building in Rural Areas o...

by | On 18 May 2016

Priorities for India’s National Health Policy

In this paper we will argue that India’s health policy needs to focus more on delivering those aspects of healthcare which are public or quasi-public goods to correct this balance, and to regulate and...

by Rahul Ahluwalia | On 18 May 2016

Population Policy: Abortion and Modern Contraception are Substitutes

There is longstanding debate in population policy about the relationship between modern contraception and abortion. Although theory predicts that they should be substitutes, the existing body of empi...

by Grant Miller | On 18 May 2016

Housing Policy in the Republic of Korea

This paper evaluates housing policy in the Republic of Korea over the past several decades, describes new challenges arising from the changing environment, and draws lessons for other countries. The m...

by Kyung-Hwan Kim | On 18 May 2016

Well-being, Happiness, and Public Policy

As a background paper to the International Expert Working Group on a New Development Paradigm, this document seeks to synthesise for busy readers how the IEWG might explain and defend well-being and h...

by | On 11 May 2016

The Trade Marks Act, 1999

Indian trademark law statutorily protects trademarks as per the Trademark Act, 1999 and also under the common law remedy of passing off. Statutory protection of trademark is administered by the Contro...

by Ministry of Commerce and Industry GOI | On 09 May 2016

Evaluation Study of Targeted Public Distribution System in Selected States

The Ministry of Food, Public Distribution and Consumer Affairs has entrusted a study to the NCAER to assess whether, and to what extent, the weaknesses noted by past evaluation studies on the TPDS ha...

by Sohini Paul | On 09 May 2016

Factors Impacting Railway Freight Traffic in India

The Indian Railway (IR) system is one of the four railway systems in the world that transports more than one billion tonnes of traffic annually. As against a growth of 4 per cent to 4.5 per cent in t...

by Saurabh Bandyopadhyay | On 09 May 2016

Agricultural Outlook and Situation Analysis Reports: Rabi Outlook Report January 2016

Accordingly, the agricultural outlook and situation analysis undertaken in this study refers to the main crop based food items: cereals (specifically rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize and overall coars...

by Rajesh Chadha | On 09 May 2016

India Policy Forum 2014 - 2015

The episode of volatility starting on May 22, 2013, when Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke first spoke of the possibility of the US central bank “tapering” its security purchases, had a sharp nega...

by Shekhar Shah | On 09 May 2016

Issues in India's External Sector

The lecture examines the recent developments in the external sector and address some critical issues such as the appropriate level of current account deficit, exchange rate policy, adequacy of reserve...

by C. Rangarajan | On 06 May 2016

Incentives and Outcomes: China's Environmetal Policy

Using 2000-2009 data, the report finds that, while spending on environmental infrastructure has visible positive environmental impact, city spending is strongly tilted towards transportation infrastru...

by | On 04 May 2016

Monetary Transmission in Developing Countries: Evidence from India

This paper examines what the empirical evidence has to say about the strength of monetary transmission in India, using the structural vector autoregression (SVAR) methods that have been applied broadl...

by | On 02 May 2016

Welfare Ranking of Alternative Export Tariffs Revisited

This paper revisits the welfare ranking of tariff revenue maximizing export tariff and welfare maximizing export tariff in an imperfectly substitutable network goods oligopoly. The results are often s...

by Anomita Ghosh | On 02 May 2016

Impact of Trilemma Indicators on Macroeconomic Policy: Does Central Bank Independence Matter?

This paper shows that the institutional changes such as Inflation Targeting (IT) helps lower inflation without depending upon the level of Central Bank Independence (CBI) in a country as is suggested...

by | On 02 May 2016

Reassessing Exchange Rate Overshooting in a Monetary Framework

This paper revisits the Dornbusch exchange rate overshooting in a different model setting.

by Taniya Ghosh | On 02 May 2016

Locating the Processes of Policy Change in the Context of Anti-Rape and Domestic Worker Mobilisations in India

The report argues that state responses to women’s claims making provide a complex and variegated picture of a non-linear, slow, sporadic and contingent process of policy change, with iterations and re...

by Shraddha Chigateri | On 29 Apr 2016

Energy Union: Secure, Sustainable, Competitive, Affordable Energy for every European

Energy is used to heat and to cool buildings and homes, transport goods, and power the economy. But with ageing infrastructure, poorly integrated markets, and uncoordinated policies, our consumers, h...

by European union | On 26 Apr 2016

World Debt Figures : 2015

Since the 1980s, public debt, both in the Third World countries and in the industrialised nations, has been systematically used to impose austerity policies in the name of structural adjustment. Acc...

by Eric Toussaint | On 22 Apr 2016

State Finances: A Study of Budgets of 2015-16

Empirical findings across a swathe of countries, advanced and emerging, confirm that the composition of government expenditure can have perceptible growth implications.

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 12 Apr 2016

Bangladesh National Food Policy Plan of Action (2008-2015)

The NEP Plan of Action (PoA) 2008 translates the provisions of the National Food Policy, 2006 towards achieving its three core objectives into 26 strategic areas of intervention, priority actions to b...

by Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU) | On 04 Apr 2016

Need for Self Regulation of Health Care: A Case Study with Details for Replication

This report is a case study based on a preliminary comparative evaluation, which suggests that many other state medical councils can adopt practices initiated by the MMC, especially those regarding th...

by Dr. Nirmalya Bagchi | On 04 Apr 2016

Global Food Policy Report 2016

IFPRI’s Flagship Report puts into perspective the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of 2015 and highlights challenges and opportunities for 2016. This year’s report takes an in-dep...

by International Food Policy Research Institute | On 04 Apr 2016

Rules of the Monetary Game

Aggressive monetary policy actions by one country can lead to significant adverse cross-border spillovers on others, especially as countries contend with the zero lower bound. If countries do not inte...

by Prachi Mishra | On 31 Mar 2016

Youth, Work and Skills: An Analysis of the 2011 Census

This piece looks at the trends in the youth work force participation rates over the past 30 years of Census data and questions whether the emphasis on youth skills for sustainable development can actu...

by | On 28 Mar 2016

Optimal Monetary Policy in the Presence of Sizable Informal Sector and Firm Level Credit Constraint

Optimality of pro-cyclical monetary policy in the presence of informal sector and firm level constraint is analysed. The findings suggest that in case of export demand shock pro-cyclical monetary pol...

by Waqas Ahmed | On 21 Mar 2016

A Case for China’s Security Role in South Asia

The paper focuses on the constructive role that China can play in enhancing security in South Asia. The potential contribution that China can make to enhancing non-traditional security in the region i...

by Ramandeep Kaur | On 21 Mar 2016

More Ghost Savings: Understanding the Fiscal Impact of India’s Direct Transfer Program — Update

Since April 1, 2015, India’s cooking gas subsidies have been distributed by electronic transfer through the Direct Benefit Transfer for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) scheme (known as DBTL, or PAHAL1 )...

by | On 18 Mar 2016

Cybersecurity, Internet Governance and India’s Foreign Policy: Historical Antecedents

India’s stances in global Internet governance debates have often been noted, and criticised, for their strong preference for multilateral models of engagement, as different from the multistakeholder a...

by Saikat Datta | On 17 Mar 2016

Dynamics of Political Budget Cycle

Using the method of optimal control, when an incumbent politician derives utility from voting support and dis-utility from budgetary deficit, the equilibrium time paths of both voting support and budg...

by Ganesh Manjhi | On 17 Mar 2016

Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chains Challenges and Policy Actions in Asia

The opportunities for SMEs in global value chains are enormous. Participation in value chains exposes them to a large customer/buyer base, as well as opportunities to learn from large firms and from e...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 17 Mar 2016

The 8th Lecture of Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Series on The Golden Rule: A Remedy for Decadence in Global Health

The 8th Lecture of Krishna Raj Memorial Lecture Series On Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences: ‘The Golden Rule: a remedy for decadence in global health’ By Dr Eric Suba

by ... CEHAT | On 16 Mar 2016

Optimizing Public Expenditure Allocations between Secondary and Higher Education

With a view to define a balance in the allocation of public expenditure across secondary education and higher education, this paper compares, the relative contributions of public expenditures on secon...

by Vijay P. Ojha | On 16 Mar 2016

Structural Transformation in the North-Eastern Region of India: Charting out an agriculture-based development policy

In this paper we attempt to explore the process of structural transformation in the North Eastern States of India, positing it in the paradigm of agriculture led development. The paper tries to examin...

by Alwin D’souza | On 16 Mar 2016

Environmental Policy in a Federation with Special Interest Politics and Inter-governmental Grants

The paper explores the potential effect of intergovernmental grants (IGG) on sub-national (local) environmental policy in a federal structure. In the model, a politically-inclined local government rec...

by Divya Datt | On 15 Mar 2016

R & D Sector Outsourcing, Human Capital Formation and Growth in the Context of Developed versus Developing Economies

This paper theoretically examines the impact of R & D outsourcing from an economy which is in the innovation-only regime to an economy which is in the imitation-innovation regime. It shows that depend...

by Sujata Basu | On 15 Mar 2016

Endogenous Human Capital Formation, Distance to Frontier and Growth

The paper examines human capital’s contribution to economy-wide technological progress through two channels – imitation and innovation – innovation being more skilled-intensive than innovation. It d...

by Sujata Basu | On 15 Mar 2016

Metaguidelines for Water and Climate Change For practitioners in Asia and the Pacific

The Metaguidelines for Water and Climate Change were developed by the Asia–Pacific Water Forum (APWF) and Asian Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Global Water Partnership (GWP). This pu...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 15 Mar 2016

Egypt, Israel and the West in the Wake of the Arab Spring

The Camp David Accords signed in 1979 by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin are often cited as a watershed event in the modern history of Israeli-Arab relations....

by Svante Cornell | On 14 Mar 2016

Porous Borders The Study of Illegal Markets from a Sociological Perspective

State concerns about crime and security issues have strongly affected conceptions of economic action outside the law, a traditional field of research in sociology. This increasing encroachment by poli...

by Matías Dewey | On 14 Mar 2016

Global Spillovers and Monetary Policy Transmission in India

Do global spillovers clog transmission channels of monetary policy through domestic financial markets? Drawing on stylised facts and using a dynamic factor model to develop an indicator of global spil...

by Michael Debabrata Patra | On 14 Mar 2016

Examining Processes in Research and Development at the Department of Science and Technology

The DOST, chiefly through Sectoral Councils and R&D performers, has been successfully undertaking or supporting a considerable share of R&D activities in the country, while noting limited resources av...

by Jose Ramon G. Albert | On 14 Mar 2016

Towards Rules of the Monetary Game

There are few areas of robust growth around the world, with the IMF repeatedly reducing its growth forecasts in recent quarters. This period of slow growth is particularly dangerous because both ind...

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 14 Mar 2016

US-WTO Shadow on India’s Solar Power Plans

With last week’s WTO ruling against India on a complaint by the US in early 2013 that India’s Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) for some solar power projects violating WTO prohibitions, it is incumbe...

by D Raghunandan | On 14 Mar 2016

Arsenic Contamination in Water: A Conceptual Framework of Policy Options

Arsenic contamination in water supplies continues to increase in many countries, especially in developing nations, thereby creating both environmental and health hazard. Its sources and effects are mu...

by Zareena Begum Irfan | On 13 Mar 2016

Group Inequalities and ‘Scanlan’s Rule’: Two Apparent Conundrums and How We Might Address Them

In situations where an adverse social outcome affects disadvantaged and advantaged groups in society differently, the rates at which those groups experience favorable or adverse outcomes tend to be sy...

by Peter Lambert | On 13 Mar 2016

Shale Gas: The Key in the US’ Asia Pivot?

The “shale gas revolution” in the US could provide significant leverage in the US “pivot” to Asia. As China looks to absorb the technological know-how of shale gas extraction from North America, great...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

China and North Korea: A Relationship in Transition?

Military tensions on the Korean Peninsula have been escalating for several months now. The latest events with the missile launches and newly released reports on the abduction of Chinese fishermen by N...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

India's Shale Gas Boom: Dream or Reality?

As India prepares for the release of its long anticipated shale gas policy, pressure continues to mount on New Delhi. An increase in coal imports over the past 12 months has demonstrated the stress on...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

Pakistan's Nuclear Security: Separating Fact from Fear

For more than a decade fears have been voiced by the international community at the prospect of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists or other non-state actors. The author ar...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

Can Univariate Time Series Models of Inflation Help Discriminate Between Alternative Sources of Inflation Persistence

When it comes to measuring inflation persistence, a common practice in empirical research is to estimate univariate autoregressive moving average (ARMA) time series models and measure persistence as t...

by Naveen Srinivasan | On 11 Mar 2016

Female Headed Households And Poverty: Analysis Using Household Level Data

The relationship between gender and poverty is a complex and debatable topic more than ever and thus a potential area for policy makers to focus. The aim of this paper is to review existing literature...

by Sukanya Das | On 10 Mar 2016

Related Party Transactions and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from India

Related Party Transactions disclosures in Annual Reports have recently gained more attention of the Indian policymakers. This paper aims at finding out the effect of related party transactions disclos...

by Subhra Choudhury | On 10 Mar 2016

Profile of Poverty in Pakistan, 1998-99

The present study while decomposing poverty across different socio-economic groups has included this variable in the analysis. The determinants of poverty based on logistic regressions have also been...

by Sarfraz K. Qureshi | On 10 Mar 2016

Mimap Synthesis Report: Major Conclusions and Policy Implications

Pakistan has implemented various structural change and stabilisation programmes over the last twelve years with a view to improving the levels of efficiency and consequently higher levels of output an...

by A.R. Kemal | On 10 Mar 2016

Distributional Impact of Structural Adjustment on Income Inequality in Pakistan: A SAM-based Analysis

This study intends to analyze the impact of fiscal policy relating to subsidies (production and consumption subsidies), government current expenditure and expenditure on health and education on income...

by Zafar Iqbal | On 10 Mar 2016

Poverty Reduction in Pakistan: Learning from the Experience of China

Three major objectives of this study are: (i) to understand China’s success against poverty, particularly the mechanism through which, the economic reforms led to poverty reduction; (ii) to give a his...

by G. M. Arif | On 10 Mar 2016

Willingness to Purchase Health Insurance in Pakistan

The aim of this research is to assess the willingness to purchase health insurance in Pakistan and assist the policy makers in formulating a national health insurance programme that meets the needs of...

by Ajmal Jahangeer | On 10 Mar 2016

Designing Contracts for the Global Fund: Lessons from the Theory of Incentives

This paper uses contract theory to suggest simple contract designs that could be used by the Global Fund. Using a basic model of procurement, we lay out five alternative options and consider when each...

by Liam Wren-Lewis | On 10 Mar 2016

In Search of a Better Match: Qualification Mismatches in Developing Asia

This paper empirically tests the role of search frictions in driving qualification mismatches in the labor market. Using new data from several low-income economies in urban Asia we find that overeduca...

by Kenn Chua | On 10 Mar 2016

Economic Crises, High Public Pension Spending and Blame-avoidance Strategies: Pension Policy Retrenchments in 14 Social-insurance Countries, 1981–2005

This paper examines the determinants of the timing of public pension policy retrenchments in 14 affluent democracies. Available research does not satisfactorily capture the multidimensionality of thes...

by | On 09 Mar 2016

German Varieties of Capitalism and Varieties of Macroeconomic Policy: Are Some Economies More Procyclical Than Others?

The role of macroeconomic policy in the different varieties of capitalism has been largely ignored. Recent contributions to the literature have argued that nonliberal economies should be expected to h...

by | On 09 Mar 2016

Regulating International Finance and the Evolving Imbalance of Capitalisms since the 1970s

In this paper, the ongoing G20 process of improving the regulation of international finance is put into a historically informed perspective. To understand the driving forces behind and obstacles to in...

by | On 09 Mar 2016

Information Frictions and Adverse Selection: Policy Interventions in Health Insurance Markets

This paper develops and implements a general framework to study insurance market equilibrium and evaluate policy interventions in the presence of choice frictions. Friction-reducing policies can incre...

by Benjamin R. Handel | On 09 Mar 2016

International Technology Transfer and Domestic Innovation: Evidence from the High-Speed Rail Sector in China

How does the transfer of advanced technology spur innovation in developing countries? This paper exploits the large-scale introduction of high-speed railway (HSR) technology into China in 2004 as a na...

by Yatang Lin | On 09 Mar 2016

Towards a Comprehensive Welfare State in South Korea: Institutional Features, A New Socio-Economic and Political Pressures, and the Possibility of the Welfare State

The paper analyse the institutional designs for welfare system in Korea and their possible effects on the establishment of a welfare state. The paper also discusses some possible effects of the recent...

by Yeon-Myung KIM | On 09 Mar 2016

On History and Policy: Time in the Age of Neoliberalism

It is often said that history matters, but these words are often little more than a hollow statement. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the view that the economy is a mechanical toy that can be...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

Porous Borders: The Study of Illegal Markets from a Sociological Perspective

State concerns about crime and security issues have strongly affected conceptions of economic action outside the law, a traditional field of research in sociology. This increasing encroachment by poli...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

India’s Union Budget: Changing Scope and the Evolving Content

The paper reflects on the changing scope of the Union Budget and the Finance Minister’s speech and assesses the evolving content of these policy instruments in recent years. The analysis undertaken...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

Questioning Three Fundamental Assumptions in Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion has rapidly ascended global development policy agendas. Between 2 billion and 2.5 billion adults worldwide do not use formal financial services, which a multifaceted coalition of a...

by Philip Mader | On 08 Mar 2016

‘Land Grabbing’: The Global Search For Food Security In Southeast Asia

By the end of the last decade, the total area of farmland globally that was acquired by government-backed foreign investors amounted to nearly half the size of Europe. In addition to Latin America, Af...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 05 Mar 2016

The International AIDS Conference 2010

The International AIDS Conference 2010 was held in Vienna, Austria from 18 to 23 July to gather those working in the field of HIV such as policymakers, scientists and researchers, those living with HI...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 04 Mar 2016

Demographic ‘Time Bomb’ or Demographic ‘Dividend’: Myths Surrounding Ageing Populations in Asia

According to the 2009 HSBC ‘The Future of Retirement’ report, the world’s ageing population will increase from 550 million today to 1.4 billion by 2050. Such a big number directly conjures up images o...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 04 Mar 2016

Measuring Women’s Disempowerment in Agriculture in Pakistan

This paper calculates a Women’s Disempowerment Index to examine women’s control over production, resources, income, household decisions, and time burden. The index is based on a slightly modified me...

by Nuzhat Ahmad | On 04 Mar 2016

Back to the Future: Is Rio+20 A 1992 Redux or Is There Cause for Optimism?

Rio+20, set for June 2012, offers an opportunity to review the current state of global environmental summitry. What can be expected of this latest round of global dialogue on sustainable development?...

by J. Ewing | On 01 Mar 2016

The Political-economy of Tax Reforms in Pakistan: The Ongoing Saga of the GST

Should tax reforms be guided by rules of thumb suggested by the IMF, or directions or reform based on analytical approaches, such as optimal tax theory? In many cases, the applications of the directio...

by Ehtisham Ahmad | On 01 Mar 2016

Liberalization, Globalization And The Dynamics Of Democracy In India

In the closing decades of the twentieth century there has been an almost complete intellectual triumph of the twin principles of marketization (understood here as referring to the liberalization of do...

by D M NACHANE | On 01 Mar 2016

Comparative Analysis of Indonesian and Korean Governance

This paper overviews governance issues in Indonesia and Korea from a comparative perspective. To do so, the WGI (World Governance Index) developed by the World Bank is employed for a more objective an...

by Prof. Yunwon Hwang | On 01 Mar 2016

Financing Social Policy in the Presence of Informality

We present a framework for the analysis of tax and benefit policy in countries with significant informality. Our framework allows us to jointly analyse the e!ects of various taxes and benefits on ince...

by Ehtisham Ahmad | On 01 Mar 2016

Challenges and Developments in the Financial Systems of the Southeast Asian Economies

This paper discusses the economies and financial systems of Southeast Asia (SEA) and focuses on challenges and developments in the region. Despite the diversity of SEA economies and some important exc...

by Toshiyuki Shimada | On 29 Feb 2016

Adverse Impacts Of Climate Change On Development Of Bhutan: Integrating Adaption Into Policies And Activities

From the existing development plans and vulnerability assessment report it is found that adverse effects of climate change including variability and natural disaster has a significant implication on t...

by | On 29 Feb 2016

Do Exporting Firms in the People’s Republic of China Innovate?

This paper undertakes econometric analysis of innovation, learning, and exporting in automobiles and electronics firms in the PRC using a large-scale dataset to identify the most appropriate innovatio...

by Ganeshan Wignaraja | On 29 Feb 2016

Understanding Innovation in Production Networks in East Asia

This paper explores the “black box” of innovation in the electronics production network in East Asia through a mapping exercise of technological capabilities and an econometric analysis of exporting i...

by Ganeshan Wignaraja | On 29 Feb 2016

Joining Pre-existing International Production Networks: Implications for India’s Economic Integration to East Asia

This study provides a conceptual framework to explain what kinds of difficulties a late-follower will suffer from when it tries to join pre-existing International Production Networks (IPNs). We consid...

by Jeongmeen Suh | On 29 Feb 2016

Asia-Pacific Migration Report 2015 Migrants' Contributions to Development

The Report assesses the development impacts of migrants in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and provides guidance on the steps countries, regional organizations, civil society actors and other...

by United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP) | On 29 Feb 2016

GEF India Enabling Transformations

The GoI, in collaboration with Global Environment Facility (GEF), has been addressing critical gaps related to policy, regulation, capacity, technology, management and finance. The completed GEF proje...

by Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Chang GOI | On 29 Feb 2016

India'a Services Sector: Performance, Some Issues and Suggestions

This paper examines the performance of India’s services sector; the recent policy reforms in some important services sectors; issues and suggestions in services sector and in particular the four impor...

by H.A.C. Prasad | On 29 Feb 2016

20 Years of Human Security: A Special Focus on Environmental Security

This year is the 20th anniversary of the release of the 1994 United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Report, which defined the concept of human security and brought it to int...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 27 Feb 2016

20 Years of Human Security: A Special Focus on Health Security

This year is the 20th anniversary of the release of the 1994 United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Report, which defined the concept of human security and brought it to int...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 27 Feb 2016

Rising Milk Price – A Cause for Concern on Food Security

Continuous rise in food prices has been posing a serious policy challenge in India. Milk is a major contributor to the food price rise due to its high growth in demand in the domestic and internationa...

by S. Rajeshwaran | On 27 Feb 2016

Understanding the Response of Indian Banks to Macroeconomic Shocks: A Strategy Perspective

The vulnerability of banks to macroeconomic and financial shocks is an area of growing interest to policymakers, especially in emerging markets. Strong adverse aggregate shocks contribute heavily to l...

by Rohit Gupta | On 27 Feb 2016

Securitization of Illegal Migration of Bangladeshis to India

Over 10 million illegal migrants from Bangladesh live in India, according to both official and unofficial estimates. This paper examines the securitization of the issue by various actors through a cen...

by | On 26 Feb 2016

Food Security and the Threat from Within: Rice Policy Reforms in the Philippines

The forces of globalization, in tandem with realities of domestic natural resources, economics and politics, and the influence of international institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO),...

by | On 26 Feb 2016

Social Innovation: A Guide to Achieving Corporate and Societal Value

As a central effort in the Global Challenge Initiative on Economic Growth and Social Inclusion, this is a “how to guide” for companies to create social and business value. Drawn from a series of works...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 26 Feb 2016

Accra Conference on Aid Effectiveness Perspectives from Bangladesh

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process....

by Dialogue Centre for Policy | On 25 Feb 2016

Weighing Issues: Human Security in ASEAN’s Fight for Food

Recent global food price shocks have demonstrated the urgent need to effectively address food insecurity in Southeast Asia – both at the national and regional level. This think-piece goes beyond issue...

by | On 25 Feb 2016

Post-Kyoto Protocol: Changing a Climate of Denial?

As governments gear up to meet in Copenhagen later this year to formulate a post-Kyoto Protocol framework on climate change, governments have been slow in translating scientific knowledge into policy...

by | On 25 Feb 2016

Biosafety Protocol, International Trade and Agricultural Biotechnology: Policy Inferences for India

The growing development in and possibly greater diffusion of biotechnology products have further accentuated the intensity of trade restrictions on the entry of these goods in countries like EU, Japan...

by Sachin Chaturvedi | On 25 Feb 2016

Trade Liberalization under New Realities

The last decade has witnessed significant influx of direct foreign investment in developing countries. The increased flow of foreign investment has contributed to the ability of developing countries t...

by Syed Ali | On 25 Feb 2016

Prospects of Wheat and Sugar Trade between India and Pakistan: A Simple Welfare Analysis

Due to a long history of strained political relations between India and Pakistan, trade possibilities between the two neighbouring countries have rarely been studied [Nabi and Nasim (2001), Mukherji (...

by Abid Burki | On 24 Feb 2016

Bangladesh Apparels Export to the US Market: An Examination of Her Competitiveness vis-à-vis China

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process....

by Mustafizur Rahman | On 24 Feb 2016

The Hong Kong Declaration and Agriculture: Implications for Bangladesh

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process....

by Uttam Kumar Deb | On 24 Feb 2016

The US and Myanmar: Moving into a New Phase

At the recent United Nations general debate, US President Barack Obama outlined his vision for US foreign policy, making a clear break with the previous administration. The shift has significant impli...

by | On 24 Feb 2016

The 2004 Global Labor Survey: Workplace Institutions and Practices Around the World

This paper reports on an Internet-based survey designed to collect information on the state of workplace practices from labor experts and practitioners around the world -- the 2004 Global Labor Survey...

by Richard B. Freeman | On 24 Feb 2016

A Critical Analysis of Purchasing of Health Services in the Philippines: A Case Study of PhilHealth

This study is a critical analysis of health services purchasing undertaken by Phil Health which implements the National Health Insurance Program of the Philippines. Purchasing is about how an institut...

by Oscar F. Picazo | On 24 Feb 2016

Inadequate N Application of Rice Farmers in the Philippines Problems, Causes, Solutions

Inadequate application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer has been identified by the Food Staples Sufficiency Program (FSSP) as a major constraint in achieving rice self-sufficiency. The available literature...

by Roehlano M. Briones | On 24 Feb 2016

National Hazardous Waste Management Strategy

National Hazardous Waste management Strategy has now been formulated to complement and strengthen the regulatory regime. This is based on the understanding and experience of diverse issues connected w...

by Ministry of Environment and Forest | On 24 Feb 2016

Modi’s Urban Initiatives – a Paradigm-shift?

A number of new initiatives announced by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi now, with the phased goal of transforming the overall quality of life in the country’s urban centres, have been conceptual...

by S Narayan | On 24 Feb 2016

The Determination of Contracts in Agricultural Economies

This paper aims to analyze how contracts are determined and modified given diverse agricultural settings and to examine the implications of these changes with respect to their efficiency, distribution...

by Leonardo Lanzona | On 24 Feb 2016

Conference Report on “Strengthening Health and Non-health Response Systems in Asia: A Sustained Approach for Responding to Global Infectious Disease Crises”

Regardless of how strong a country’s national health system is, it is only as good as its neighbours’. National borders are not able to withstand the threat posed by pandemics and infectious diseases....

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 23 Feb 2016

Ensuring Urban Food Security in ASEAN

This policy brief provides the main findings of the Food Security Expert Group Meeting which was convened by the RSIS Centre for Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Studies in Singapore on 4-5 August 2010....

by | On 23 Feb 2016

Indian Innovation Systems and Emergence of Biopharmaceutical Sector: Issues and Prospects

The prospective entry of generic dominated Indian pharmaceutical sector in the ambit of new technologies is likely to give filip to emergence of strong biopharmaceutical sector.It is pertinent in this...

by Sachin Chaturvedi | On 23 Feb 2016

Crafting Energy Security Cooperation in East Asia

Existing work on energy security tends to over-emphasise the prospect of competition and conflict over resources while under-exploring the promise of cooperation. This policy brief provides a framewor...

by | On 22 Feb 2016

Recent Monetary Policy Statement of   Bangladesh Bank (July 2009)

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process....

by Debapriya Bhattacharya | On 22 Feb 2016

Agriculture and Food Security in Asia by 2030

Rapid trade-led economic growth in emerging Asia has been shifting the global economic and industrial centres of gravity away from the north Atlantic, raising the importance of Asia in world trade but...

by Kym Anderson | On 22 Feb 2016

India’s Bid for APEC Membership: Trade Policy is the Stumbling Block

India’s chances of becoming a member of the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum brightened considerably after the United States welcomed its interest in early 2015. But till now, there has...

by Amitendu Palit | On 22 Feb 2016

Differentiated Policies: Indonesia’s International Leadership and Internal Challenges

Indonesia’s position as a regional champion of democracy and human rights has become prominent in international forums since the resignation of President Suharto in 1998 and the subsequent period of i...

by Alistair D.B. Cook | On 22 Feb 2016

Asymmetry In Government Bond Returns

Is there asymmetry in the distribution of government bond returns in developed countries? Can asymmetries be predicted using financial and macroeconomic variables? To answer the first question, we pro...

by Ippei Fuijwara | On 21 Feb 2016

A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for India

Over the last decade, the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) framework has become a workhorse for macroeconomic analysis in both academic and policy circles. Following this emerging trend,...

by Parantap Basu | On 21 Feb 2016

Impact of Changes in the Global Financial Regulatory Landscape on Asian Emerging Markets

This paper discusses the relevance of Basel III to Asian emerging markets. It reviews some of the proposed regulations of Basel III in order to evaluate their likely implications for, and their abilit...

by Tarisa Watanagase | On 21 Feb 2016

Asian Monetary Integration: A Japanese Perspective

This paper discusses Japan’s strategy for Asian monetary integration. It argues that Japan faces three major policy challenges when promoting intraregional exchange rate stability. First, there must b...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 21 Feb 2016

ASEAN Response to Asian Food Security Concerns

As global food security rises to the top of the policymaking agenda, new approaches are being explored. Within ASEAN, Singapore’s position as a food importer is changing to become an active contributo...

by | On 20 Feb 2016

Role of Experts in Policy Advice: Lessons of Experience

The policymaking in modern states is highly complex and requires a high degree of expertise and knowledge, which was not the case even 10, let alone 25 years ago. Partly in view of limited capacity in...

by Nurul Islam | On 20 Feb 2016

Nuclear Energy Development in Southeast Asia: Implications for Singapore

Southeast Asia is witnessing a revival of interest in civil nuclear energy development in the region. Behind this shift are factors such as political transition in Japan, the lure of economic benefits...

by | On 19 Feb 2016

City Prosperity Initiative

The City Prosperity Initiative” presents UN-Habitat’s new global initiative that aims to reinforce local capacities for cities to improve well being and prosperity through a new monitoring tool (city...

by | On 19 Feb 2016

China’s Outbound Investment: The US Experience

U.S. policy expressly welcomes Chinese investment, and since 2000 Chinese companies have invested nearly $50 billion in the United States. Notwithstanding those facts, the U.S. regulatory environment...

by Mark Feldman | On 19 Feb 2016

China’s Sovereign Investment Funds In International Perspective: The Exceptionalism Of Cic And Safe

China is the only country in the world with two sovereign investment vehicles dedicated to managing excess foreign reserves for return, not just safety and liquidity. As the investment profile and beh...

by Angela Cummine | On 19 Feb 2016

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Multilateralism On The Silk Road

China’s first attempt to establish a multilateral financial institution was met with some suspicion and caution in the west. According to one interpretation, China is frustrated with the United States...

by Mike Callaghan | On 19 Feb 2016

Wheat Markets and Price Stabilisation in Pakistan: An Analysis of Policy Options

This article provides a quantitative analysis of the effects of Pakistan government domestic wheat procurement, sales, and trade policies on wheat supply, demand, prices, and overall inflation. Analys...

by Paul Dorosh | On 18 Feb 2016

Budget 2016-17: Industry Expectations

The Government has to not only focus on the Indian Economic scenario but also at the World Economic scenario. The Budget will have to focus on both the long term and short term development plans and h...

by Kiron Nanda | On 18 Feb 2016

Climate Risks, Regional Integration, and Sustainability in the Mekong Region

It is a pleasure to introduce this book, the major output of the second phase of the Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET). Since its start in 2005, the SUMERNET program has aimed to strength...

by Institute Stockholm Environment | On 18 Feb 2016

Awake the Sleeper Within: Releasing the Energy of Stifled Domestic Commerce

Policy in Pakistan has been fairly path-dependant, placing a higher weight on export promotion and domestic industrialisation development than on domestic commerce. Yet domestic commerce is growing ra...

by Nadeem Ul Haque | On 17 Feb 2016

A Fresh Assessment of the Underground Economy and Tax Evasion in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Linkages with the Formal Economy

Rise in the underground economy creates problems for the policy-makers to formulate economic policies, especially the monetary and fiscal policies. It is found that if there was no tax evasion, budget...

by M. Ali Kemal | On 17 Feb 2016

Addressing Market Constraints to Providing Nutrient-Rich Foods: An Exploration of Market Systems Approaches

This Evidence Report asks how a market systems approach could be applied to improve poor households’ access to nutrient-dense foods. By ‘market systems approach’ we mean methods that identify and addr...

by Jodie Thorpe | On 17 Feb 2016

Parental Influences on Health and Longevity: Lessons from a Large Sample of Adoptees

To what extent is the length of our lives determined by pre-birth factors? And to what extent is it affected by parental resources during our upbringing that can be influenced by public policy? We stu...

by Mikael Lindahl | On 17 Feb 2016

Agriculture’s Contribution To National Emissions

Agriculture is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions globally, but how do emissions differ among countries? The relative contribution of agriculture to countries’ emissions budgets can infor...

by Meryl Richards | On 17 Feb 2016

Achieving Skill Mobility in the ASEAN Economic Community Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Implications

Despite clear aspirations by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to create an effective framework to facilitate movements among skilled professionals within the ASEAN Economic Community...

by Demetrios G. Papademetriou | On 16 Feb 2016

Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

In Pakistan innovation and risk taking is severely inhibited by the intrusive role of government in the marketplace. From the early days of planning when protection and subsidy policies determined win...

by Nadeem Ul Haque | On 16 Feb 2016

Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Pakistan

The study employs Girton and Roper (1977) measure of exchange market pressure—sum of exchange rate depreciation and foreign reserves outflow, to examine the interaction between exchange market pressur...

by M. Idrees Khawaja | On 16 Feb 2016

The Emerging “Post-Doha” Agenda and the New Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific

This paper considers emerging commercial policy challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in light of the impasse reached at the Eighth World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting in December 2...

by Michael Plummer | On 16 Feb 2016

Effectiveness of the Easing of Monetary Policy in the Japanese Economy, Incorporating Energy Prices

Japan has reached the limits of conventional macroeconomic policy. In order to overcome deflation and achieve sustainable economic growth, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) recently set an inflation target of 2...

by Naoyuki Yoshino | On 16 Feb 2016

Myanmar: The Key Link between South Asia and Southeast Asia

This paper examines the road and railway links in Myanmar connecting northeast India on the one side with the rest of Southeast Asia on the other. It also discusses the importance of new deep-sea port...

by Hector Florento | On 16 Feb 2016

Towards “Trade Policy Analysis 2.0”: From National Comparative Advantage to Firm-Level Trade Data

This paper makes the case for the need to “upgrade” current analytical tools used for trade policy analysis and complement them with more detailed firm-level data. Such an upgrade should be based on t...

by Lucian Cernat | On 16 Feb 2016

The Taylor Rule and the Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan

A widely agreed proposition in modern economics is that policy rules have greater advantage over discretion in improving economic performance. Simple monetary policy instrument rules are feasible opti...

by Wasim Shahid Malik | On 15 Feb 2016

Monetary Policy Objectives in Pakistan: An Empirical Investigation

The Taylor rule (1993) focuses only on two objectives: output and inflation. In practice, the central bank’s loss function (especially in developing countries) contains objectives other than these two...

by Wasim Shahid Malik | On 15 Feb 2016

Link between the financial inclusion and Economic Growth: Unconventional Monetary Policy in Bangladesh

Like other developing countries, Bangladesh initiated financial sector reform program during 1990’s. The main objectives of the financial sector reform programs were: i) Gradual B 3 | P a g e eliminat...

by Sayera Younus | On 15 Feb 2016

On the Communication Policy of the Bangladesh Bank

The current thinking on the subject of the central bank communication policy centres squarely on the transparency with which the bank conveys its beliefs on the evolving pattern of macroeconomic funda...

by Bangladesh Bank BB | On 15 Feb 2016

Notes on the Monetary Policy Strategy of the Bangladesh Bank

This document is designed to present a brief but comprehensive view of the real and monetary developments during the immediate past quarters and project the expected developments in the immediate futu...

by Bangladesh Bank BB | On 15 Feb 2016

Monetary Transmission through Bank Portfolio in Bangladesh

This paper examines whether monetary policy transmits through bank assets or liabilities or both. This is an important policy issue since in order to know the effectiveness of monetary policy it is ne...

by Sayera Younus | On 15 Feb 2016

Towards a Measure of Core Inflation in Bangladesh: Conceptual Issues

Identifying core inflation has become a very important issue for the Central Banks of the world for last few years. It has also become a practice to monitor the core inflation along side the headline...

by Md. Shahiduzzaman | On 15 Feb 2016

Interest Rate Spread in Bangladesh: An Analytical Review

Lower spread is a vital indicator of the efficiency and competition in the financial system and conducive to higher economic growth of a country via investment spending. In Bangladesh, the spread in t...

by Shamim Ahmed | On 15 Feb 2016

Future Prospects of Bangladesh’s Ready-Made Garments Industry and the Supportive Policy Regime

Emergence of the global market has heightened the role of trade in world economy and made industrialization as an integral system of global trade and production. Bangladesh economy at present is more...

by Md. Nehal Ahmed | On 15 Feb 2016

Inflation in Bangladesh: Supply Side Perspectives

This policy note is an exploratory attempt to verify the popular argument that cost side factors are no less contributory than demand side factors in stimulating inflation in the Bangladesh economy. T...

by Md. Alauddin Majumder | On 15 Feb 2016

Monetary Policy and Capital Market Development in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Bank (BB) adjusted its monetary policy stance during 2005 in order to contain inflationary pressures and facilitate stability in the foreign exchange market. At the end of 2005, interest ra...

by Shubhasish Barua | On 15 Feb 2016

The Role of an Explicit Subordinate Debt Policy in the Smooth Transition to Basel II

The major concern for the banking sector of Bangladesh is that implementation of Basel II will cause banks to raise capital appreciably and thus undermine their existing capital position. In such a si...

by Md. Kabir Ahmed | On 15 Feb 2016

Measures of Monetary Policy Stance: The Case of Pakistan

In this paper two measures of the monetary policy stance are constructed. The stance of monetary policy, regarded as a quantitative measure of whether the policy is too tight, neutral, or too loose re...

by Farooq Pasha | On 14 Feb 2016

Pension and Social Security Schemes in Pakistan: Some Policy Options

An examination of the public pension and social security schemes in Pakistan reveals that the provision of regular pensions is limited to formal sector employees only. A number of social security sche...

by Naushin Mahmood | On 14 Feb 2016

Income, Public Social Services, and Capability Development: A Cross-district Analysis of Pakistan

Is household income enough for human development or should government direct resources towards the provision of social services to improve capabilities of individuals? The former is emphasised by the...

by Rizwana Siddiqui | On 14 Feb 2016

Maximizing Chances for Success in Afghanistan and Pakistan

The following is a Campaign 2012 policy brief by Bruce Riedel and Michael O’Hanlon proposing ideas for the next president on America’s foreign policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan. Vanda Felbab-Brow...

by Bruce Riedel | On 14 Feb 2016

The Afghanistan–Pakistan Challenge: Meeting Humanitarian Needs

For Campaign 2012, Bruce Riedel and Michael O’Hanlon wrote a policy brief proposing ideas for the next president on America’s foreign policy toward Afghanistan and Pakistan. The following paper is a r...

by Elizabeth Ferris | On 14 Feb 2016

Crime-War Battlefields

In her new article, “Crime-War Battlefields,” published in the June-July issue of Survival, Vanda Felbab-Brown discusses the evolution of war since the end of the Cold War and the eventual rise of pol...

by Vanda Felbab-Brown | On 14 Feb 2016

Monetary Policy Transparency in Pakistan: An Independent Analysis

This paper analyses monetary policy transparency of the central bank (SBP) using the Eijffinger and Geraats (2006) index. The results show that the SBP scores 4.5 out of 15, which is lower than any of...

by Wasim Shahid Malik | On 14 Feb 2016

Foreign Direct Investment in Health Services

The purpose of this paper is to document the emergence and growth of FDI in health services, and to discuss its drivers, potential benefits and risks associated with this FDI, as well as policy issues...

by Zbigniew Zimny | On 13 Feb 2016

Pharmaceutical policy study in Hong Kong

The objective of this study is to achieve contextual understanding of pharmaceutical policymaking in Hong Kong by describing its processes and explaining how policymaking works. There are two stages i...

by Benjamin Chan | On 13 Feb 2016

Public Policies For Facilitating Medical Tourism Industry In Asia

The paper attempts to analyze the role of public policy adjustments in facilitating the medical tourism sector in Asian countries in response to recent global economic events. While falling incomes ma...

by Vinay Singh | On 13 Feb 2016

The Good Governance Challenge: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine

Accountability, transparency and the fight against corruption have been high on the policy agenda in the Middle East and North Africa. Transparency International, as part of a shared endeavour by civi...

by Transparency International TI | On 12 Feb 2016

Whistleblowing: An Effective Tool in the Fight Against Corruption

Whistleblowing helps to prevent and detect corruption and other malpractice. But reporting can come at a high price and it is essential to have policy and legal measures in place that provide an alter...

by Transparency International TI | On 12 Feb 2016

Beyond Geography: Unlocking Human Potential

This Report focuses on the productive abilities of the regions, households and individuals. The report also reinforces the fact that there are inequalities between and within regions, as well as soci...

by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | On 12 Feb 2016

Manufacturing for Growth Strategies for Driving Growth and Employment

In Davos 2012, business leaders reviewed the output of The Future of Manufacturing project, which asked How are global value chains evolving? The Manufacturing for Growth initiative asks What should b...

by | On 11 Feb 2016

The Global Gender Gap Report 2013

The Global Gender Gap Index seeks to measure one important aspect of gender equality: the relative gaps between women and men, across a large set of countries and across the four key areas of health,...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016

New Growth Models: Challenges and Steps to Achieving Patterns of More Equitable, Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

The global economy is growing at an unprecedented pace, bringing large swathe’s of the world’s population out of poverty. But this is not without its challenges. New Growth Models takes a closer look...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016

Collaborating for Healthy Living: From Bottlenecks to Solutions

To help lay the groundwork for successful multistakeholder collaborations for healthy living, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Bain & Company, has produced the insights brief “Collabora...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016

Jobs and Skills: Tackling the Global Unemployment Crisis – Preparing for Growth

It has been six years since the start of the global financial crisis and job creation remains weak in many G20 countries, preventing a significant decline in the often record-high levels of unemployme...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016

There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch!

The Union Budget falls on February 29- this being a leap year. An online opinion poll on a leading media website reads: “Should Arun Jaitley prefer growth or fiscal deficit?” As India emerges as the...

by Tulsi Jayakumar | On 11 Feb 2016

Transport Policy and Green Technology: Ways to Abate Pollution

With growing urbanization what is required is the ease of transportation. It is now high time that Government Budgets need to have a substantial allocation for this. After all transportation is lifeli...

by Sudakshina Gupta | On 11 Feb 2016

Towards Fiscal Consolidation and a Simplified Tax Structure?

The forthcoming union budget 2016-17 faces several fiscal challenges and it will be tough task for the government to provide positive signals to revive the private investment while pursuing the fiscal...

by Pratap Jena | On 11 Feb 2016

Intelligent Assets: Unlocking the Circular Economy Potential

The impending digital transformation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution holds the potential to redefine the very basis of our materials-reliant industrial economy. Enabled by the internet of things,...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016

The Influence of Preferential Trade Agreements on the Implementation of Intellectual Property Rights in Developing Countries: A First Look

This paper finds that PTAs are clearly drivers of significant IP reform in developing countries and that the implementation challenge for these countries is real and complex. The challenge does not on...

by | On 10 Feb 2016

Mapping Prevailing Ideas on Intellectual Property: Preliminary Findings from a Survey

Mapping Prevailing Ideas on Intellectual Property by Professor Jean-Frédéric Morin, Universitélibre de Bruxelles, examines an overlooked yet critical dimension of global IP governance: where do IP ide...

by | On 10 Feb 2016

Fast-tracking Green Patent Applications: An Empirical Analysis

In recent years, innovation has topped the agenda of policymakers worldwide as they seek to promote green growth and advance sustainable development. As a result, several countries - including Austral...

by | On 10 Feb 2016

China’s Changing Policy on UN Peacekeeping Operations

Beijing currently has a relatively active policy with regards to UN peacekeeping, especially when compared to its history or the commitment of other major powers. China’s active policy on UN peacekeep...

by | On 09 Feb 2016

The February 13 Agreement: A New Dawn for North Korea’s Denuclearization?

The aim of this paper is to analyze the February 13 Agreement’s implementation along with the prospects for the denuclearization of North Korea. The paper starts with an overview of North Korea’s comp...

by | On 09 Feb 2016

Medical Pluralism and Health Care for the Poor

The existence of medical pluralism has often been understood in terms of cultural differences in the understanding of health and disease, or as predominance of folk models of disease versus biomedical...

by Veena Das | On 09 Feb 2016

An Index of Fiscal Democracy

Over the past four decades, the accumulation of policy legacies and public debt has led to a decline in fiscal flexibility in Germany and the United States. By applying an index of fiscal democracy to...

by | On 08 Feb 2016

Legitimacy and Compliance in Transnational Governance

Power, rule, and legitimacy have always been core concerns of political science. In the 1970s, when governability appeared to be problematic, legitimacy was discussed both in the context of policy res...

by | On 08 Feb 2016

Competition Policy and Trade in the Global Economy: Towards an Integrated Approach

This leads the present paper to reflect on the need for additional coordination mechanisms to address the challenges of an increasingly globalized and networked economy. In recognition of the fundamen...

by | On 08 Feb 2016

Trade and Innovation: Policy Options for a New Innovation Landscape

This paper assesses whether current trade regulatory frameworks, in particular WTO agreements, adequately support innovation as a policy objective in the context of the knowledge economy and the digit...

by | On 08 Feb 2016

Fisheries, International Trade and Sustainable Development

This paper aims to provide a framework for those making and influencing policies to better understand and analyse how key trade policy issues and tools in fisheries relate to and impact on their susta...

by International Centre and Sustainable Development | On 08 Feb 2016

Consumption Smoothing in the Demand for Health Care

We investigate how, in temporary economic hardship, agents change their consumption of health services, and how this depends on whether the service is universally free-of-charge visits to GP’s or priv...

by Nicolai Kristensen | On 07 Feb 2016

Religion and Depression in Adolescence

The probability of being depressed increases dramatically during adolescence and is linked to a range of adverse outcomes. Many studies show a correlation between religiosity and mental health, yet th...

by Jane Cooley Fruehwirth | On 07 Feb 2016

Pakistan’s Trade Policy, 1999–2008: An Assessment

Employing the Annual Trade Policy issued each year by the Ministry of Commerce as a simplified case study, this paper examines the reasons for the ineffectiveness of this policy instrument and the inh...

by Mirza Qamar Baig | On 07 Feb 2016

Global Corruption Report: Climate Change

The Global Corruption Report is the first comprehensive publication of its kind to explore the corruption risks related to tackling climate change. From international policy-making to national level m...

by Transparency International TI | On 06 Feb 2016

Working to Improve Price Indices Development in Pakistan

Given the importance of Consumer Price Index (CPI), there has been long debate on its measurement issues. It is the best and most well-known indicator of inflation, which is further used for evaluatin...

by Mahmood Khalid | On 06 Feb 2016

Price Setting Behaviour of Pakistani Firms: Evidence from Four Industrial Cities of Punjab

Since the introduction of rational expectations in the literature, most of the research focus in the area of macroeconomics has been investigating micro foundations of macroeconomic theory and transmi...

by Wasim Shahid Malik | On 06 Feb 2016

The Contemporaneous Correlation of Structural Shocks and Inflation— Output Variability in Pakistan

Monetary policy has changed in a number of ways during the last two decades. Along with the other characteristics, modern monetary policy is forward-looking, and the central banks respond contemporane...

by Muhammad Nasir | On 06 Feb 2016

The Determinants of Food Prices: A Case Study of Pakistan

Controlling prices is one of the major tasks for the macroeconomic policy-makers. The recent oil price hike that shifted the policy towards biofuels and some natural calamities increased food prices a...

by Henna Ahsan | On 06 Feb 2016

Urban Poverty in Nepal

This research report tracks various aspects of poverty in Nepal across geographical areas and evaluates the rise of squatter settlements. It also looks at various dimensions of poverty, resilience for...

by Shivit Bakrania | On 05 Feb 2016

Reservation in Employment, Education and Legislature — Status and Emerging Issues

This Working paper studies the reservation policy of the Government of India with regard to – employment in government services, admission in educational institutions, and representation in legislativ...

by | On 05 Feb 2016

Standards, Innovation and their Role in the Context of the World Trade Organization

This think piece discusses the role of standards in the WTO context, including their impact on innovation. It argues that the WTO concept of standards as captured in the Technical Barriers to Trade (T...

by | On 05 Feb 2016

Do Yesterday’s Disciplines Fit Today’s Farm Trade?

This piece explores how trade and trade policies have evolved over the last decade and considers the possible implications for the multilateral trading system. Since the Doha Round was launched, the i...

by | On 05 Feb 2016

Assessment of the Bhutan Anti-Corruption Commission 2015

The assessment of Bhutan's Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) represents the first time Transparency International has conducted an independent assessment of this sort. The tool will be applied to other...

by Transparency International | On 03 Feb 2016

The European Union’s position toward the Palestinian cause: 1993-2009

The study discusses the European position toward the peace process since the Oslo Accords in 1993, up to the Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip in 2009. The aim is to elucidate the European role...

by | On 03 Feb 2016

The New Role of the World Bank

The World Bank was founded to correct failures in international capital markets. That role has shifted over the past 70 years. Modern analyses should proceed from the premise that the Bank’s central g...

by Michael Clemens | On 03 Feb 2016

Market Imperfections and Dividend Policy Decisions ofManufacturing Sector of Pakistan

Dividend policy is an important issue of corporate finance and the present study examines the effect of market imperfections such as asymmetric information, agency costs and transaction cost of issuin...

by Darakhshan Younis | On 03 Feb 2016

Choice of Monetary Policy Instrument under Targeting Regimes in a Simple Stochastic Macro Model

This paper analyzes the relative performance of inflation and price-level targeting regimes in an AS-IS-LM framework under alternative policy instruments used by the central bank.

by Haider Ali | On 03 Feb 2016

Trade Integration and Labour Market Trends in India: an Unresolved Unemployment Problem

This paper focuses on the Indian pre-crisis strategy of liberalization and integration into the world economy and its impact on labour market trends. It then examines the specific ways in which the cr...

by International Centre for Sustainable Trade and Development | On 03 Feb 2016

Structural Change, Global Imbalances, and Employment in the Least Developed Countries

This paper addresses the effects of changes in the level and composition of global demand, and especially of global rebalancing, on trade flows and employment from a demand perspective. It emphasizes...

by International Centre for Sustainable Trade and Development | On 03 Feb 2016

Explaining the de facto Open-access of Public Property Commons

Public property common pool resources in many developing countries are manage them in a sustainable manner. While this explanation may have some merit, it is certainly inadequate. Instead, we argue th...

by Junaid Memon | On 03 Feb 2016

Patents and Clean Energy: Bridging the Gap between Evidence and Policy

Climate change is the most pressing challenge of our time. Addressing it requires an unprecedented mobilisation of human and financial resources to alter our patterns of production, consumption and en...

by International Centre and Sustainable Development | On 02 Feb 2016

The Bush II Years In the Middle East (2000-2008):Morals and Interests

Based on the results of a research covering the eight years of the Bush administration (2000-2008), we may from the outset assert that whenever the materialistic interests engaged in fierce conflict w...

by | On 02 Feb 2016

Deepening India’s Engagement with the LDCs: An in-depth Analysis of India’s Duty-free Tariff Preference Scheme

India’s engagement with Africa through trade, investment, aid and technological collaboration can support growth and structural transformation in African economies. This paper, which is part of a majo...

by Environmental Management & Policy Research Institute | On 02 Feb 2016

Trade Policy and Manufacturing Performance: Exploring the Level of Trade Openness in India’s Organized Manufacturing in the Period 1990-2010

This study presents industry-level evidence regarding the connection between trade policy reforms and manufacturing performance. It contributes to the existing literature in several respects. The stu...

by Deb Kusum Das | On 02 Feb 2016

The Role of NGOs In Conflict and Peace-Building

Non-government organisations (NGOs) have become increasingly involved in the international response to armed conflict, some aiming to mitigate the effects of war and others to help end the violence. B...

by Jonathan Goodhand | On 01 Feb 2016

Economic Inequality and Economic Development: Lessons and Implications of Global Experiences for the Arab World

This paper starts from the premise that economic inequality will be central to Arab policy makers concerns as they devise economic development strategies for the future. In this, the lessons from glob...

by | On 01 Feb 2016

Gender Equity Remains a Dream

The study explores how far gender equity is promoted or inhibited in these countries which have national policies on gender equity and are committed to international policies to end discrimination aga...

by Institute of Development Studies IDS | On 01 Feb 2016

Swings and Roundabouts: A narrative on Water Policy Development in Sri Lanka

This paper deals with the ‘swings and roundabouts’ encountered in water policy development in Sri Lanka. In recent decades, policy reforms for water resource management nationally-demanded but designe...

by Rajindra Ariyabandu | On 01 Feb 2016

The Israeli Policy of Nuclear Ambiguity

The Israeli policy of nuclear ambiguity was developed in the 1960s, and is still followed by the Israeli government. This study seeks to uncover the origins of this policy and the domestic and externa...

by | On 01 Feb 2016

Financial Reforms - Past and Present

Industrial countries are still struggling, with a few exceptions, to grow. Our fellow BRICS all have deep problems, with confidence about China waxing and waning. India appears to be better in this l...

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 01 Feb 2016

Stronger Industrial Policies Needed to Face the Climate and Development Challenges

Following a period during which policy options in many developing countries were confined to a standardized set of market friendly measures, there is growing recognition that one size does not fit all...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Is Sustainable Recovery Possible for Haiti?

In Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, the earthquake of 7.0 on the Richter scale in early January 2010 had devastating effects. The Government estimates that more than 200,000 people (o...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Better Policy Coordination Needed to Avert another Global Slowdown

The United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 cautions that the lack of policy coordination could further weaken the already modest recovery, or even precipitate a new global recessio...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Can a Protracted Slowdown be Avoided?

The world economy is teetering on the brink of another major downturn. As in 2008, economic woes in the major developed economies are weakening economic prospects around the world. Th ere are multiple...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Increasing Public Spending in Agricultural R&D to Ensure Food Security in Developing Countries

Arguably, ensuring food and nutrition security for all people in the coming decades is the major challenge for the global community. Food demand is increasing in aggregate and per capita values, in pa...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Savings Behaviour In South Asia

Savings behaviour is important because of the close relation between savings and growth. Further, the direction of causality between savings and growth is of critical importance for development policy...

by Ranjan Kumar Dash | On 30 Jan 2016

Value Chains and Tropical Products in a Changing Global Trade Regime

In the last decade, the commodity issues have re-emerged as central to development initiatives and poverty alleviation strategies. The objective of this Issue Paper by Charles Mather is to contribute...

by | On 30 Jan 2016

How Would A Trade Deal On Cotton Affect Exporting And Importing Countries?

This paper assesses the likely implications for exporting and importing countries from a trade deal in cotton. The study estimates the price, production and trade effects of reforming cotton subsidies...

by | On 30 Jan 2016

The Future and the WTO: Confronting the Challenges: A collection of short essays

Mutually agreeable solutions have yet to be found for moving the WTO’s stalled Doha Round forward. This collection of short essays aims to help in the search for consensus by providing brief but thoro...

by | On 30 Jan 2016

International Trade Disciplines and Policy Measures to Address Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture

An increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is believed to be contributing to global warming. Agriculture is a significant contributor to GHG emissions through crop and an...

by | On 30 Jan 2016

Improving Tax Compliance in Bangladesh: A Study of Value-Added Tax (VAT)

In recent years, tax compliance has come to the centre of both academic and policy discourse for several reasons. In the first place, tax-GDP ratio in Bangladesh is very low (10.6%) when compared with...

by Nasiruddin Ahmed | On 30 Jan 2016

Addressing Malnutrition Multisectorally: What Have We Learned From Recent International Experience?

Authors Jim Levinson and Yarlini Balarajan of UNICEF New York and Alessandra Marini of the World Bank present three major case studies from Peru, Brazil and Bangladesh, but also a historical review of...

by Jim Levinson | On 30 Jan 2016

Regional Economic Integration in South Asia: Prospects and Challenges

This paper dwells upon some of the conceptual issues pertaining to regional economic cooperation in general and specific to the South Asian region. It also documents the progress made in SAARC, the SA...

by Ram Upendra Das | On 30 Jan 2016

Are Trade Openness and Financial Development Complementary?

Trade liberalization and financial deepening have assumed greater significance for a country’s economic growth performance in recent times. This paper finds that trade openness and financial developme...

by Ram Upendra Das | On 30 Jan 2016

Revisiting the Global Food Crisis: Magnitude, Causes, Impact and Policy Options

The magnitude of the food crisis demands urgent action on the part of governments, multilateral agencies and all those who cherish the vision of a hunger-free world. A correct identification of the ca...

by Arindam Banerjee | On 30 Jan 2016

Science, Technology, Innovation in India and Access, Inclusion and Equity: Discourses, Measurement and Emerging Challenges

The role of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in economic growth is well accepted. However, in the backdrop of growing inequalities and access to technology the debate on technology and develop...

by Sachin Chaturvedi | On 30 Jan 2016

Fiscal Consolidation and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan

Pakistan’s economy has witnessed occasional spurts in economic growth, unfortunately, the economic growth has not been sustainable. One of the culprits often cited for haphazard growth experience of P...

by Ahmed Waqar Qasim | On 30 Jan 2016

Israel and the Fencing Policy: A Barrier on Every Seam Line

This article tries to analyze the multiple aspects of separation barriers built by Israel since its inception in 1948, and evaluate their effectiveness in order to show whether such a policy makes Isr...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

A Political History of Relations between Russia and the Gulf States

Russia’s contemporary development of political relations with a number of players in the Gulf – namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE – is taking place as though a continuation of relations...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

Investing in Human Capital for Inclusive Growth: Focus on Higher Education

What does the Philippines need to do to transform its economy into a high middle-income economy and ensure that the benefits from such a transformation are within reach of every Filipino? Investment i...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

Challenges and Trends in Decentralised Local Governance in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a rich legacy of establishing and promoting local government institutions, but the actual roles and contributions of these institutions to augment citizens’ participation and consolidat...

by Niaz Khan | On 29 Jan 2016

Spatial Dimensions of Muslim Well-Being in India: A Comparative Study of Indian Districts

The Sachar Commission Report of 2006 on Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India generated widespread awareness of the socioeconomic disparity and exclusion of religiou...

by Riaz Hassan | On 29 Jan 2016

Food Security and WTO Domestic Support Disciplines Post-Bali

Trade ministers in Bali agreed an interim solution to the problem of food security and WTO domestic support disciplines, but also committed to begin discussions on a "permanent solution" once the mini...

by Alan Matthews | On 28 Jan 2016

Trade Secrets, Innovation and the WTO

The intersection of trade secrets, innovation, and the World Trade Organization (WTO) forms a topic that is increasingly debated as part of the public discourse on intangible capital and intellectual...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

New WTO Trade Rules for Bits and Bytes?

The major trading nations have been busy with trade agreements—free, preferential, and bilateral—incorporating Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)-plus and World Intellectual...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Survey of ICTs for Education in India and South Asia, Extended Summary

The Survey on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Education in India and South Asia was commissioned by infoDev to be undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers, India. The Survey is a third...

by The Survey on Information and Communication Techno ICT | On 28 Jan 2016

Rethinking Subsidy Disciplines for the Future

Subsidies are a critical instrument in the toolbox that governments use to achieve a variety of policy goals. In an increasingly interdependent world, addressing the negative externalities of subsidie...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Regulatory Cooperation: Lessons from the WTO and the World Trade Regime

Trade friction today is largely due to regulatory diversity as contemporary markets are chiefly segmented through non-tariff barriers. The purpose of the paper is to enquire into regulatory cooperatio...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Enhancing Coherence and Inclusiveness in the Global Trading System in the Era of Regionalism

Over the past two decades, regional trade agreements (RTAs) have proliferated alongside the WTO system, involving a wide variety of agreements. In the absence of significant progress on the multilater...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

The Evolving International Investment Law and Policy Regime: Ways Forward

International investment needs are tremendous. This requires that the international investment regime constitutes a framework for increased flows of sustainable foreign direct investment for sustainab...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Scientific Framework for ICIMOD’s Regional Programme on Adaptation to Change

This document elaborates the scientific framework of the Adaptation to Change Programme in an attempt to improve the connections between science, policy, practice, and stakeholders and to tackle chall...

by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Devel ICIMOD | On 28 Jan 2016

The Functioning of the WTO: Options for Reform and Enhanced Performance

The multilateral rules-based trading system has been crucial in helping states to cooperate and gradually open up borders to encourage trade and investment for development. It has contributed to tempe...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Towards an Objective-Driven System of Smart Labor Migration Management

This policy note aims to achieve a coherent and mutually beneficial labor migration system. It argues that migrant workers may importantly contribute to economic growth and development both in sen...

by Robert Holzmann | On 28 Jan 2016

Maximizing the Opportunities of the Internet for International Trade

The last decade has witnessed remarkable developments in the digital economy, creating new opportunities for cross-border trade and investment and the ongoing emergence of novel and disruptive busines...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Economic Returns to Education: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Where We Are Going – Some Brief Pointers

The estimation of the economic return to education has perhaps been one of the predominant areas of analysis in applied economics for over 50 years. In this short note we consider some of the recent d...

by Colm Harmon | On 28 Jan 2016

New Industrial Policy and Manufacturing: Options for International Trade Policy

Industrial policy is not new yet it has seen a revival in recent years in economies across the income ladder. This revived industrial policy is less about market restrictions, focusing more on the fac...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Oilseeds and Pulses in Indian Agriculture: A Review of Development Policy and Production Performance

The study finds that a high order of technology and yield gap exists and indicates that there is enormous scope to accelerate the pace of growth in the production of both oilseeds as well as pulses....

by B.L. Kumar | On 28 Jan 2016

Promoting Land Development in India and China: Imperatives for Institutional Changes

This paper compares the experiences in India and China and draws lessons for policy formulation. The important lessons are: (a) self-financing nature of FLC/SWC is a crucial factor for achieving effec...

by Jeemol Unni | On 28 Jan 2016

Maternal and Newborn Health: Dynamics of Seeking Health Care Within Mumbai Slums

Based on the evidence generated from a community-based maternity surveillance system, the note examines the prevalence of home births as well as the factors influencing the choice of home delivery, ca...

by Neena Shah More | On 28 Jan 2016

Urban Health: Policy and Polity

This note examines selected issues in urban health from social perspective. In particular, it brings out the key challenges in targeting and planning for the urban poor; their mobilisation and partici...

by Meera Chatterjee | On 28 Jan 2016

Institutional Arrangements in Providing Urban Health Services: Current Context and Possible Way Forward

This note looks beyond the parameters of a three-tier public health care system, to the supportive institutional arrangements necessary for provision of effective and accountable services to improve h...

by Shomikho Raha | On 28 Jan 2016

McKinsey's Urban Governance and Planning - Relevance to Health

In April 2010 the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) released a report aimed at ‘awakening India’s cities, building inclusive ones and sustaining economic growth. This policy note summarises the report’s...

by Meera Chatterjee | On 28 Jan 2016

Healthcare Challenges in Urbanizing India

Rapid urbanisation in India, driven by a globalised economy and its accelerated growth, will increasingly demand attention of policy makers. The objective of this policy note is to throw light on heal...

by Rajeev Ahuja | On 28 Jan 2016

Switched On: Youth at the Heart of Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific

Asia and the Pacific is home to 60 per cent of the global population aged 15 to 24 years. Across this geographically, politically, socially, culturally and economically expansive region, youth are a v...

by United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | On 28 Jan 2016

Inequality and the Imperative for Inclusive Growth in Asia

Developing Asia’s rapid growth rates that have contributed to a remarkable decline in the incidence of poverty have also been accompanied by rising income and expenditure inequalities and persistenc...

by | On 28 Jan 2016

Can Mandated Political Representation Increase Policy Influence for Disadvantaged Minorities? Theory and Evidence from India

A basic premise of representative democracy is that all those subject to policy should have a voice in its making. However, policies enacted by electorally accountable governments often fail to refle...

by Rohini Pande | On 28 Jan 2016

Consolidated Replies on State of the Sector Report 2012 for Microfinance

This document incorporates outputs of two discussions conducted on State of the Sector Report 2012. The summaries of the two discussions on SOS 2012 also find place in the State of the Sector Report...

by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | On 27 Jan 2016

Financial Inclusion and Livelihood Promotion of Rickshaw Pullers in India

The research study highlights the financial inclusion needs of cycle rickshaw pullers in India. These include access to service sectors; improvement of asset base; employment of their women; increase...

by | On 27 Jan 2016

Financing for Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)

The policy paper examines the financing for Farmer Producer Organisations and offers recommendations to initiate discussion by the policymakers, financiers and practitioners to design appropriate poli...

by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | On 27 Jan 2016

Agriculture and Food Security: New Challenges and Options for International Policy

New challenges are facing the global food and agriculture trading system in the 21st century. The present paper identifies options for how policies and international trade rules can respond to this ne...

by | On 27 Jan 2016

Migration of Indian Health Professionals to Selected European Nations: The Case of Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

India’s comparative advantage in health care is due to a large resource pool and competence in English. Indian migration to the US, UK or Australia has been widely studied, but not much attention has...

by Ayona Bhattacharjee | On 27 Jan 2016

China’s Engagement in International Development Cooperation: The State of the Debate

This research aims to investigate the recent evolution of China’s discourse on development and aid. More precisely, how do China’s policymakers and influential scholars understand and debate China’s r...

by | On 26 Jan 2016

Where Next for Social Protection?

The rapid ascendancy of social protection up the development policy agenda in the past ten to 15 years raises questions about whether its current prominence will be sustained, or whether it will turn...

by | On 26 Jan 2016

The Determinants of Quality Specialization

A growing literature suggests that high-income countries export high-quality goods. Two hypotheses may explain such specialization, with different implications for welfare, inequality, and trade polic...

by Roberta Piermartini | On 26 Jan 2016

The Relationship Between Services Trade And Government Procurement Commitments: Insights From Relevant WTO Agreements And Recent RTAS

To date, government procurement has been effectively carved out of the main multilateral rules of the WTO system. This paper examines the systemic and other ramifications of this exclusion, from both...

by Robert Anderson | On 26 Jan 2016

Infrastructure Provision , Trade And Development Prospects: Potential Role And Relevance Of The WTO Agreement On Government Procurement (GPA)

The paper, nonetheless, acknowledges that delivering these benefits would involve significant practical and political challenges. It concludes that if the challenges can be overcome and the mutual ben...

by Kodjo Osei-Lah | On 26 Jan 2016

The Layers of the IT Agreement's Trade Impact

The WTO’s plurilateral Information Technology Agreement (ITA) reduced tariffs to zero on many IT products. This paper presents a comprehensive study of its trade impacts by incorporating recent insigh...

by Christian Henn | On 26 Jan 2016

Trade Policy Uncertainty as Barrier to Trade

This paper studies the effects of trade policy uncertainty on the extensive and the intensive margins of trade for a sample of 149 exporters at the HS6 digit level. We measure trade policy uncertainty...

by Nadia Rocha | On 26 Jan 2016

Charting the Evolving Landscape of Services Trade Policies: Recent Patterns of Protection and Liberalization

While greater focus has been cast on analysis of policy changes affecting trade in goods in the aftermath of the financial crisis, little is known about the direction of policies affecting trade in se...

by Martin Roy | On 26 Jan 2016

Pro-Nutrition Agriculture in India: Entry Points and Policy Options

India should comprehensively address its challenge of undernutrition. This includes, pursuing agricultural policies to strengthen agriculture-nutrition linkages. This note suggests that agricultural p...

by S. Mahendra Dev | On 26 Jan 2016

Addressing the Unequal Burden of Malnutrition

The poor are not uniformly disadvantaged. For the most health indicators, the status of ‘excluded groups’ such as scheduled caste and scheduled tribes, and Muslims is significantly worse than that of...

by Sukhade Thorat | On 26 Jan 2016

The 1000 Day Window of Opportunity for Improving Child Nutrition in India: Insights from National-level Data

Using Data from National Family Health Surveys (NFHS), this note shows the patterns of child growth in India. It also shows that in India the status of recommended essential interventions in this wind...

by Purnima Menon | On 26 Jan 2016

Patterns, Processes of Reproduction, and Policy Imperatives for Poverty in Remote Rural Areas: A Case Study of Southern Orissa in India

The paper examines the spatial pattern of poverty in India and tries to understand how multiple deprivation leads to reproduction of poverty especially in forest-based economies in the central-eastern...

by Amita Shah | On 26 Jan 2016

A Status Paper on the Pharmaceutical Industry in France

This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive view of the status of the Pharmaceutical industry in France. As a background to the discussion, the paper first elaborates on the demographic features of...

by N. Lalitha | On 26 Jan 2016

Analysis of Agricultural Performance of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa: 1960-61 to 2005-06

Persistent inter-state disparity in terms of economic and agricultural growth has emerged as a key issue in recent discussions of development policy. he present paper examines the factors that influen...

by Itishree Patnaik | On 26 Jan 2016

Agroforestry in Tribal Areas of Gujarat: Move towards Sustainable Agriculture?

This paper examines the agroforestry initiative adopted by the Government of Gujarat with the aim to enhance the incomes of tribal households facing numerous production constraints. The specific objec...

by Jharna Pathak | On 26 Jan 2016

China in Afghanistan: Balancing Power Projection and Minimal Intervention

As it was foreseen, the initial months following the start of the Northern Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) withdrawal from Afghanistan were harsh for the Afghan government and civilians. 2 In Ap...

by | On 25 Jan 2016

India in the Emerging World Order: A status quo power or a revisionist force?

This chapter sets out to trace the changing contours of India’s foreign policy by throwing light on: (i) the historical and sociological compulsions shaping India’s strategic trends and the evolution...

by | On 25 Jan 2016

Determinants of Farm-level Adaptation Practices to Climate Extremes: A Case Study from Odisha, India

A large number of rural households in the state of Odisha, India are dependent on agriculture for their basic livelihoods, which is affected by the frequent occurrence of climate externalities like cy...

by Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati | On 25 Jan 2016

Does Exchange Rate Intervention Trigger Volatility?

This study aims at investigating two important issues concerning the exchange rate intervention policy of the Reserve Bank of India: (1) whether there is any asymmetry in intervention; and (2) whether...

by M. Ramachandran | On 24 Jan 2016

Climate and Development Outlook

This publication summarises CDKN’s partnership work with Bangladesh to date, highlighting key achievements and signposting further information. We are involved at many levels, by investing in policy-r...

by Climate and Development Outlook CDO | On 23 Jan 2016

From The Ground Up Changing The Conversation About Climate Change

The survey had two main aims – to provide a replicable baseline that could be measured over time and to inform the development of communication strategies in the future. The project has also developed...

by Stephan Faris | On 23 Jan 2016

Near-Term Inflation Outlook and BB’s Policy Stance

This paper uses three alternative forecasting techniques, namely, Box-Jenkins’s Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model, unrestricted Vector Autoregression (UVAR) model and Hsiao’s Fina...

by Md. Habibur Rahman | On 23 Jan 2016

Institutional Lending and Financing Policy for SMEs in Bangladesh

Over the last few years, the government has taken a number of initiatives in terms of financial, fiscal, and related policies; adopted strategies; and implemented actions for promoting SME-led economi...

by Naima Nazneen Rikta | On 23 Jan 2016

Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Bangladesh’s Balance of Payments: Some Policy Implications

This study reports high positive correlation between FDI inflows and Bangladesh’s aggregate exports and imports. The net impact on the current account balance and the balance of payments is positive....

by Muhammad Amir Hossain | On 23 Jan 2016

Estimating Inflation Rates of Import-Concentrated Commodities

This note provides estimates of inflation rate of import-concentrated commodities and their contribution to overall inflation in Bangladesh. The results suggest that the Bangladesh economy has been ex...

by M. G. Mortaza | On 23 Jan 2016

The SLR as a Monetary Policy Instrument in Bangladesh

The statutory liquidity requirement (SLR), as a monetary policy instrument, has experienced infrequent changes in Bangladesh. Past evidence shows that reduction in SLR produced positive impact on bank...

by Sayera Younus | On 23 Jan 2016

A Quick Analysis of Deposit Interest Rates Offered by Commercial Banks

The main purpose of the survey is to collect data on the extent of the mis-reporting of deposit interest rates, as accurate data is essential for effective financial and monetary policy.

by Md. Ezazul Islam | On 23 Jan 2016

India’s New Neighbourhood-Test

India’s political landscape is likely to be dominated by a new leader, Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in ways that the international community is yet to decipher. For now, as Mr Mo...

by | On 23 Jan 2016

Goodbye Planning, Welcome NITI

From 1 January 2015, the ‘YojanaBhavan’ on the busy Parliament Street (Sansad Marg) in Central Delhi sports a new name: NITI Aayog (Commission). This follows the official notification of the Governmen...

by | On 23 Jan 2016

Rethinking Social Protection Using a Gender Lens

This synthesis paper presents the findings from a multi-country research project which assesses the extent to which gender has been incorporated into the design and implementation of a wide range of s...

by Rebecca Holmes | On 23 Jan 2016

Loss & Damage Associated with Climate Change: The Legal and Institutional Context in Bangladesh

The study concludes that existing legal and policy frameworks provide a limited scope to assess and address both the current and potential future risk of loss and damage associated with the adverse im...

by Abdullah Faruque | On 23 Jan 2016

Inclusive Growth In Hilly Regions: Priorities For The Uttarakhand Economy

In the recent past, the focus of economic policy in India has shifted to issues of equitable growth. This implies that the economy should not only maintain the tempo of growth but also spread the bene...

by Sabyasachi Kar | On 23 Jan 2016

Should Bangladesh Monitor Core Inflation for Conducting Monetary Policy?

Over the years, the Bangladesh Bank (BB) has been using changes in consumer price index (CPI) inflation as the operational guide to measuring price stability in Bangladesh. In recent years, it has how...

by Bangladesh Bank | On 23 Jan 2016

Rationalizing Interest Rate Spread in the Banking Sector: Some Policy Suggestions

Despite the removal of restrictions and reforms in the banking sector to facilitate the adoption of a market oriented interest rate policy, interest rates are yet to become fully responsive to the mar...

by Bangladesh Bank | On 23 Jan 2016

A Note on the Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises to GDP in Bangladesh

Despite the importance, the contribution of SMEs to the country’s GDP and employment has remained somewhat unclear especially in view of the multiplicity of the definition of SMEs adopted by different...

by Bangladesh Bank | On 23 Jan 2016

Monetary Policy Stance and Recent Movements in Monetary Aggregates: Policy Implications

This note examines recent movements in net domestic asset (NDA) and net foreign asset (NFA) of BB vis-à-vis the proposed monetary program for FY09 and brings out possible policy implications and manag...

by Bangladesh Bank | On 23 Jan 2016

Building Mutual Understanding for Effective Development

In recent years a number of countries, referred to collectively as the rising powers, have achieved rapid economic growth and increased political influence. In many cases their experience challenges r...

by Institute of Development Studies IDS | On 23 Jan 2016

What are the Factors Enabling and Constraining Effective Leaders in Nutrition? A Four Country Study

This study of individuals identified as influential within nutrition in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya and India examines why particular individuals champion nutrition policy, and how they operate in the...

by Nicholas Nisbett | On 23 Jan 2016

National Development Banks in the BRICS: Lessons for the Post-2015 Development Finance Framework

While there is now broad agreement that National Development Banks (NDBs) have the potential to contribute positively to development objectives, it is less clear how this can best be done in practice....

by Institute of Development Studies IDS | On 23 Jan 2016

Do Government Transfers Reduce Conflict?

Social conflicts have been solved through fiscal policy and the provision of public goods and services over the centuries. Data from India, too, show government expenditure on social services has had...

by Institute of Development Studies IDS | On 23 Jan 2016

Expanding Education Opportunities Expanding Education Opportunities Delhi’s SC/ST tution fee reimbursement scheme

The Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities introduced the SC/ST tuition-fee reimbursement scheme in 2003-2004 for SC and ST students of Delhi enrolled in recognized unaided private schools...

by | On 22 Jan 2016

Solutions when the Solution is the Problem: Arraying the Disarray in Development

The welfare of the poor turns in large measure not only on technocratic development “policies”, but the effective delivery of key public services, core elements of which require thousands of face-to-f...

by | On 22 Jan 2016

Do Rich Countries Invest Less in Poor Countries Than the Poor Countries Themselves?

Could a rich-country social planner, capable only of forcing capital flows across borders but not directly into the hands of individual poor-country entrepreneurs, improve the efficiency of the global...

by | On 22 Jan 2016

The Impact of Digital Content: Opportunities and Risks of Creating and Sharing Information Online

The Global Agenda Council on Social Media white paper to be launched at the Forum's Annual Meeting 2016, The Impact of Digital Content: Opportunities and Risks of Creating and Sharing Information Onli...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 22 Jan 2016

The E15 Initiative: Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System in the 21st Century

World trade has experienced a significant slowdown since the 2008 financial crisis. Over this period, the global ratio of trade expansion to income growth has halved. An effective global trade and inv...

by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 22 Jan 2016

Strategic Trade Policy for Network Goods Oligopolies

The paper analyzes strategic trade policy for differentiated network goods oligopolies under alternative scenarios, when there is export-rivalry between two countries. We show that, under price compet...

by Anomita Ghosh | On 22 Jan 2016

Does Marginal Cost Pricing of Electricity Affect the Groundwater Pumping Behaviour of Farmers? Evidence From India

The purpose of this evaluation was to quantify the impact of the recent policy change in West Bengal relating to the pricing of electricity from a flat-rate tariff to a metered tariff. The study attem...

by Meenakshi J V | On 21 Jan 2016

The Coordination of Climate Finance In India

In India, institutional arrangements around climate finance have mostly followed national policy responses to climate change. This paper maps the emergence of climate change policy in India and subseq...

by Vyoma Jha | On 21 Jan 2016

Access, Equity and Inclusion : Ethical Norms and S&T Policy Outcomes

In our research on science policy and inclusion and ethics in S&T policy we identified that in the Indian context Access, Equity and Inclusion (AEI) can be the norms to assess the policy outcomes and...

by Krishna Ravi Srinivas | On 21 Jan 2016

Political Commitment In India’s Social Policy Implementation: Shaping The Performance of MGNREGA

This paper contributes to the empirical understanding of the concept of commitment and the role it plays in shaping India’s social policy implementation. Taking the case of the landmark policy, the Ma...

by Deepta Chopra | On 21 Jan 2016

Productivity in the Era of Trade and Investment Liberalization in India

Very recent years India has witnessed wide-ranging economic reforms in her policies governing international trade and FDI flows. As per the findings of the paper, some of the important determinants of...

by Ram Upendra Das | On 21 Jan 2016

The R&D Scenario in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

This discussion paper provides an analysis of the impact of these reforms on pharmaceutical R&D in India. It looks into the context in which the reforms were introduced, the nature and trends of R&D e...

by Reji K Joseph | On 21 Jan 2016

Towards a More Equitable Outcome from Rio Plus 20

The “Rio plus 20” summit provides an opportunity to launch a process for forging a new global compact, underpinned by greater equity and policy space for the developing countries, for dealing with sus...

by Ambassador A. Gopinathan | On 21 Jan 2016

An Assessment of India's Innovation Policies

This paper presents a detailed overview of the innovation policy framework in India in order to assess its role in innovations and enterprise development in the Indian industry. This paper notes that...

by Biswajit Dhar | On 21 Jan 2016

Debates on Food Technologies in India: R&D Priorities, Production Trends and Growing Expectations

This discussion paper examines the use of three different technological options in the Indian agriculture. It shows that support to organic farming is increasing but at this stage innovation related i...

by Sachin Chaturvedi | On 21 Jan 2016

Quantifying the International Bilateral Movements of Migrants

This paper presents five versions of an international bilateral migration stock database for 226 by 226 countries. The first four versions each consist of two matrices, the first containing migrants d...

by | On 20 Jan 2016

On Migration and the Policy Process

Accepting that virtually any policy can have some impact on the movement of people, one can also recognize that a series of policies exist that have been developed specifically to deal with migration...

by | On 20 Jan 2016

India: Developing World’s Voice on Climate Issues

The Conference on climate change in Paris in December 2015 demonstrated what an uphill road it is for all nations to ‘come together and save the world’. India, the fourth-largest contributor to worldw...

by Chandrani Sarma | On 20 Jan 2016

Urbanization, gender and urban poverty: Paid work and unpaid carework in the city

This collaborative working paper, and the shorter technical briefing note derived from it, discuss hidden dimensions of urban poverty, and the different ways in which they impact men and women. This g...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Gender and Education: A Review of Issues for Social Policy

This paper provides an overview of key issues relating to the achievement of gender equity in education, laying out some of the contradictions and tensions in donor discourse and policy efforts, and p...

by Ramya Subrahmanian | On 19 Jan 2016

Neoliberal Development Macroeconomics: A Consideration of its Gendered Employment Effects

This paper expands on this contention, reviewing the primarily empirical research on the employment impacts of the macroeconomic policy environment, with a particular focus on women’s employment whene...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Methods of Measuring the Impacts of Social Policy in Political, Economic and Social Dimensions

This paper reviews current impact assessment methods and builds on Amartya Sen’s framework of comprehensive and culmination outcomes to identify elements of a comprehensive framework that enables a sy...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Report of the Working Group on Agricultural Extension for Agriculture and Allied Sectors for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17)

During 12th Plan, the Mission shall focus on sustainable small farm agriculture, especially in rainfed areas, through integrated farming systems approach incorporating components of natural resource m...

by Ministry of Agriculture GOI | On 19 Jan 2016

Twelfth Plan Working Group on Disadvantaged Farmers, Including Women

This working group on Disadvantaged Farmers, including women is one of the key working groups for defining agricultural policy in the Twelfth Five Year Plan. Eighty-three percent of India’s farmers cu...

by Bina Agarwal | On 19 Jan 2016

Illegal Bangladeshi Migration: Evaluating India-Bangladesh Approaches

The issue of Bangladeshi migration in India has become a major concern for policy makers in recent years. Indeed, India’s eastern border is facing major illegal activities viz. the influx of illegal...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Linkages between Internal and International Migrations: Policy Implications for Development

This paper is organized in three main sections. The first section provides some definitions of the key terms and describes how both internal and international migration impact on development. An under...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Long-term care protection for older persons: A review of coverage deficits in 46 countries

This paper: (i) examines long-term care (LTC) protection in 46 developing and developed countries covering 80 per cent of the world’s population; (ii) provides (data on LTC coverage for the population...

by Xenia Scheil-Adlung | On 19 Jan 2016

The Current Global Economic Crisis and Migration: Policies and Practice in Origin and Destination

Migration flows exhibit both long-term shifts and short-term fluctuations in terms of volume and pattern. The root causes of these shifts and fluctuations can most generally be linked to the term ‘dev...

by Ronald Skeldon | On 19 Jan 2016

Openness and Technological Innovation in East Asia: Have They Increased the Demand for Skills?

This paper asks whether the increased openness and technological innovation in East Asia have contributed to an increased demand for skills in the region. We explore a unique firm level data set acros...

by Rita Almeida | On 19 Jan 2016

Carbon Tax Brief

This brief outlines the context, current proposals and concerns around the proposed carbon tax and summarises the recommendations of the Davis Tax Committee on the carbon tax, which were released as p...

by Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies TIPS | On 19 Jan 2016

Complaining to the State: Grievance Redress and India’s Social Welfare Programs

Poor implementation of social welfare programs is a chronic challenge in developing countries such as India. Yet, despite the large number of people affected and the serious consequences of implementa...

by Nicholas Robinson | On 18 Jan 2016

Crucial Collaborators or Petty Players? The Globalization of R&D and the Rise of China and India

In recent decades, research and development has become a key new arena of globalization. Whereas multinational corporations once conducted R&D primarily in their home countries, it is now often disper...

by Andrew Kennedy | On 18 Jan 2016

The Role of Industrial Policy as a Development Tool: New Evidence from the Globalization of Trade-and-Investment

This paper identifies the ingredients for what it calls “light-handed” industrial policy to address these obstacles. To a certain extent, emerging market hosts can carry out the policy interventions r...

by Theodore H Moran | On 15 Jan 2016

A Survey of the Role of Fiscal Policy in Addressing Income Inequality, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth

A growing concern on widening income gap between the rich and the poor, the policy mismatch in tackling the relative poverty and income inequality have invited increasing volumes of research focusing...

by | On 15 Jan 2016

Immigration Policy and Entrepreneurship

This paper analyses the impact of a change in Australia’s immigration policy, introduced in the mid-1990s, on migrants’ probability of becoming entrepreneurs. The policy change consists of stricter en...

by Stéphane Mahuteau | On 15 Jan 2016

Housing Policies in China: Issues and Options

This article consists in three parts. The first part deals with theory. We evaluate the pros and cons of government involvement in urban housing and of renting versus ownership. In the second part, we...

by Yves Zenou | On 14 Jan 2016

Social Policy in Development: Coherence and Cooperation in the Real World

Research and practice related to social policy and poverty alleviation have left a legacy of a very broad agenda of “things that need to be done”, along with important unanswered questions about how t...

by | On 13 Jan 2016

Reason, Empathy, and Fair Play: The Climate Policy Gap

To achieve the greatest possible human welfare, the Stockholm Environment Institute’s Climate and Regional Economics of Development (CRED) model calls for rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions t...

by | On 11 Jan 2016

Redistributive Policies for Sustainable Development: Looking at the Role of Assets and Equity

Analyses of redistributive policies often focus on income flows to examine the nexus between redistribution and economic growth. With strengthening signs of growing economic inequality in many countri...

by | On 11 Jan 2016

Transmission of Volatility of Money Market Overnight Repo Rate along the Yield Curve in Pakistan

This paper presents the empirical results of the volatility transmission of money market overnight repo rate along the yield curve in Pakistan. The results indicate that the transmission of volatilit...

by Asif Mahmood | On 11 Jan 2016

The Perils of Counting Caste

While the unpublished findings of the ‘Caste Census’ in India might not receive serious attention if ever made public, some of the socio-economic data, made available by the same Census, can set the m...

by Ronojoy Sen | On 10 Jan 2016

The Least Developed Countries Report, 2007

UNCTAD, in past LDC Reports, has taken the view that the key to sustained economic growth and poverty reduction in LDCs is the development of productive capacities and related creation of productive e...

by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD | On 09 Jan 2016

Trade and Development Report, 2014

The Trade and Development Report 2014: Global Governance and Policy Space for Development examines recent trends in the global economy, with a focus on growth, trade and commodity prices.The Report hi...

by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD | On 09 Jan 2016

Trade and Environment Review 2003

This Review addresses this concern by tackling trade and environment issues from a development perspective. It also attempts to provide developing countries´ Governments and civil society with a forum...

by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD | On 09 Jan 2016

Trade and Environment Review 2006

The TER 2006 focuses on environmental and related health requirements and their impact on developing countries´ market access. It examines both the opportunities and challenges presented by these requ...

by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD | On 09 Jan 2016

Sharing of Social Sectors Experiences in IBSA: Assessment of Initiatives and Way Forward

The paper analyses the select Communiqués and Declarations pertaining to social sectors issued from time to time. In this context, it evaluates the status and performance of social development in each...

by | On 09 Jan 2016

Indian Military Diplomacy: Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

The paper focuses on India’s approach to collaboration on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief with major powers and within various regional initiatives. This paper begins with a brief review o...

by C. Raja Mohan | On 09 Jan 2016

Is India Making Waves in South China Sea?

The South China Sea (SCS) disputes are regarded as one of the most difficult regional conflicts in the Asia-Pacific, in an ‘arena of escalating contention. This paper looks at India’s interests and st...

by Rajeev Ranjan Chaturvedy | On 09 Jan 2016

Initiative for ‘Southern Silk Route’ Linking Bangladesh, China, India, and Myanmar

This paper looks at the ‘BCIM Regional Cooperation’ and the related proposal to revive the ‘Southern Silk Route’ connecting China and India through Bangladesh and Myanmar. The aim is to understand the...

by | On 09 Jan 2016

Modi’s Foreign Policy: Focus on the Diaspora

The paper reviews the evolution of India’s diaspora policy and examines the possibilities and pitfalls that could arise from Delhi’s new political enthusiasm for overseas Indian communities. Engagemen...

by C. Raja Mohan | On 09 Jan 2016

2015 World Public Sector Report on Responsive and Accountable Public Governance

Heads of state and government have adopted a new development agenda to guide sustainable development efforts for the next 15 years. Member States will have the responsibility of turning this collectiv...

by | On 08 Jan 2016

Institutions for Asian Integration: Innovation and Reform

The formation of regional production networks in East Asia has occurred mainly through market forces, without much help from regional institutions in promoting the creation of a single Asian market. W...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 07 Jan 2016

Conflict through a Gender Lens

This brief suggests that those seeking an in-depth understanding of the social and political world need to apply a feminist curiosity – that is, a curiosity about the roles gender plays at all levels...

by | On 07 Jan 2016

New Measures of the Trilemma Hypothesis: Implications for Asia

The authors develop a new set of indexes of exchange rate stability, monetary policy independence, and financial market openness as the metrics for the trilemma hypothesis. In their exploration, they...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 07 Jan 2016

How Low-Carbon Green Growth Can Reduce Inequalities

Half of the world’s population — 3 billion people — lives below the poverty line, and Asia has the largest share. In pursuit of sustainable economic development and poverty alleviation, there is great...

by Anbumozhi Venkatachalam | On 07 Jan 2016

Development Trajectories, Emission Profile, and Policy Actions:Singapore

Singapore is the most industrialized and urbanized country in Southeast Asia and is totally dependent on oil and natural gas imports to satisfy its energy needs. Its national energy policy framework s...

by Tilak Doshi | On 07 Jan 2016

Banking Crises and 'Japanization': Origins and Implications

Japan’s “two lost decades” perhaps represent an extreme example of a weak recovery from a financial crisis, and are now referred to as “Japanization.” More recently, widespread stagnation in advanced...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 07 Jan 2016

Internal and International Migration in South East Asia

This chapter examines the key developments and challenges of internal (domestic) and external (international) migration in Southeast Asia by looking at their main features and key drivers. Internal mi...

by | On 07 Jan 2016

Regional Trade Agreements and Enterprises in Southeast Asia

This paper undertakes a comparative and firm-level analysis of the impact of regional trade agreements (RTAs) in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. It finds that firm-heterogeneity matters in RT...

by Ganeshan Wignaraja | On 07 Jan 2016

Antibiotics on the Farm: Agriculture’s Role in Drug Resistance

The evidence that antibiotic use in agriculture creates a pool of resistant bacteria in farm animals is not in dispute. The key questions relate to the magnitude of the risk to human health, and the p...

by | On 06 Jan 2016

Temporary and Permanent Migrant Selection: Theory and Evidence of Ability–Search Cost Dynamics

In this paper, patterns of selection into temporary and permanent migration are described. The simultaneity of migration, education, and other investment decisions creates a stark trade-off between...

by Joyce J Chen | On 06 Jan 2016

Results and Analysis of the Perception Survey: Unemployed Youth of Bhutan

This paper presents results and findings from a survey aimed at understanding perceptions among Bhutan’s unemployed youth. It also provides analysis of the results and concludes with an eight point pl...

by | On 06 Jan 2016

Special Economic Zones: Promise, Performance and Pending Issues

This set of four CPR Occasional Papers addresses different facets of what continues to be a contentious subject. The first paper, by S N Menon and SoumyaKantiMitra, provides an overview of the rationa...

by Centre Research | On 05 Jan 2016

Internal Migration, Poverty and Development in Asia

This article explores the relationship between internal migration and economic growth and development in Asia, concentrating on four countries: China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. Levels of internal...

by | On 05 Jan 2016

Ending Child Labour in Domestic Work and Protecting Young Workers from Abusive Working Conditions

Report on domestic work provides detailed information on current data regarding the estimated number of child domestic workers worldwide. It also explores the hazards and risks of this type of work, a...

by International Labour Organization [ILO] | On 04 Jan 2016

Promoting Innovations in Indian Universities: A Theoretical Model of University-Industry Interface

This paper, we intend to understand university-industry interactions in India from a game theoretic perspective to capture issues of quality, objectives and incentives. Industry’s low appetite for uni...

by Sabyasachi Saha | On 02 Jan 2016

Review Article: Mapping India’s Future A Complementary Perspective

Review of The Turn of the Tortoise: The Challenge and Promise of India’s Future by T.N.Ninan; Allen Lane by Penguin India, 2015; Pp 368, Rs 699.

by Suryanarayana M H | On 02 Jan 2016

Financial Literacy for Increasing Sustainable Access to Finance in Nepal

This paper explores how far the expansion of Banks and Financial Institutions including cooperatives assures the access to finance and its sustainability. The study also explores the worth of financia...

by | On 01 Jan 2016

The Competitive Saving Motive: Concept, Evidence, and Implications

This paper surveys recent literature on the competitive saving motive and its broader economic implications. It introduces the concept of competitive saving, i.e., saving to improve one’s status relat...

by | On 01 Jan 2016

Better Migrants, Better PISA Results: Findings From a Natural Experiment

Switzerland changed its migration policy in the 1990s from a “non-qualified only” policy to one of almost free movement of labor. To analyze the impact of this policy change on the schooling outcomes...

by Maria Cattaneo | On 01 Jan 2016

Impact of Production Linkages on Industrial Upgrading in ASEAN, the People's Republic of China, and India: Organizational Evidence of a Global Supply Chain

This paper presents a simple model of industrial upgrading as a result of backward and forward information linkages between upstream and downstream relations. It also serves as an empirical investigat...

by Tomohiro Machikita | On 30 Dec 2015

Illegal Immigration and the Shadow Economy

We build a general equilibrium model in which both illegal immigration and the size of the informal sector are endogenously determined. In this framework, we show that indirect policy measures such as...

by Carmen Camacho | On 29 Dec 2015

Causes and Remedies for Japan’s Long-Lasting Recession: Lessons for the People’s Republic of China

This paper will address why the Japanese economy has been trapped in a prolonged slowdown and will provide some remedies for revitalizing the economy.

by Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary | On 29 Dec 2015

Civil Society Meets the State: A Model of Associational Democracy

This paper takes issue with simplistic views of inefficient state and efficient civil society as well as undifferentiated accounts of civil society that do not distinguish among particular association...

by | On 29 Dec 2015

Can Selective Immigration Policies Reduce Migrants' Quality?

Destination countries can adopt selective immigration policies to improve migrants' quality. Screening potential migrants on the basis of observable characteristics also influences their self-selectio...

by Simone Bertoli | On 29 Dec 2015

Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters

Intense climate-related natural disasters—floods, storms, as well as droughts and heat waves—have been on the rise worldwide. Is there an ominous link between the global increase of these hydrometeoro...

by Ramón López | On 29 Dec 2015

The Experience of Gross National Happiness as Development Framework

This paper explores Gross National Happiness (GNH) as a framework for socio-economic development in Bhutan by elucidating GNH principles that affect the way Bhutanese society and state interact.The pa...

by Karma Ura | On 29 Dec 2015

Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women through ICT

This article focuses on the gender digital divide. It reviews the gender dimensions of ICT and how the United Nations has addressed the issues of gender equality and ICT. It explores potentials for em...

by UN Women | On 29 Dec 2015

Monetary Policy Frameworks in Asia: Experience, Lessons, and Issues

This paper reviews the history of East Asian monetary policy frameworks since 1990; describes current monetary policy frameworks, including issue of price versus financial stability for a central bank...

by Peter Morgan | On 29 Dec 2015

Three Arrows of 'Abenomics' and the Structural Reform of Japan: Inflation Targeting Policy of the Central Bank, Fiscal Consolidation, and Growth Strategy

“Abenomics” refers to the economic policies advocated by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who became prime minister of Japan for a second time when his party, the Liberal Democratic Party, won an overwhelmin...

by Farhad Hesary | On 29 Dec 2015

Response of Stock Markets to Monetary Policy: An Asian Stock Market Perspective

We estimate the response of Asian stock market prices to exogenous monetary policy shocks using a vector error correction model. In our paper, monetary policy transmits to stock market price through t...

by Farzana Sehrin | On 29 Dec 2015

Realizing Women's Rights to Land and Other Productive Resources

Women’s access to, use of and control over land and other productive resources are essential to ensuring their right to equality and to an adequate standard of living. Throughout the world, gender ine...

by UN Women | On 28 Dec 2015

Financial Inclusion, Regulation, and Education in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has achieved a high level of financial inclusion compared to other South Asian countries. Its financial sector comprises a wide range of financial institutions providing financial services s...

by Saman Kelegama | On 23 Dec 2015

Understanding Developing Country Resistance to the Doha Round

The Doha Round negotiations at the World Trade Organization have come to a halt. The vast majority of analyses of the (at least temporary) demise of the Doha Round have focused on the lack of the Unit...

by Timothy Sturgeon | On 23 Dec 2015

State Capacity for Pro-Poor Delivery: Constructing Ownership, Forging Accountability

Severe chronic poverty persists in India, partly because of the poor capacity of the state in India to provide for its poor. An action research project, underway in five poorest districts in the count...

by Sajjad Hassan | On 23 Dec 2015

Slouching Tiger, Roaring Dragon: Comparing India and China as Late Innovators

Despite growing interest in the phenomenon of ‘latecomer innovation,’ the nature of this challenge – and its relationship to globalization – remain poorly understood. This article develops a theoretic...

by Andrew Kennedya Kennedya | On 23 Dec 2015

Indo-French Defence Cooperation - Friends in Need or Friends Indeed?

This paper aims at understanding the reasons behind the institutionalization of Indo-French defence cooperation after 1998, and at assessing the future prospects for this collaboration. By retracing i...

by | On 22 Dec 2015

Thailand’s Investment in India’s Northeast: Strategies, Potentials and Risks

The imperatives for Thailand’s investment in the Northeast have come from two important considerations, reflecting longterm strategic objectives of the Look West Policy of Thailand. First, India’s nor...

by | On 22 Dec 2015

Technology and Innovation Report 2015

Building productive capacities and promoting sustainable industrialization have an important role to play across the spectrum of the integrated 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Agenda reco...

by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UN | On 22 Dec 2015

Benchmarking Inclusive Growth and Development

Rising income inequality is often the cause of social and political unrest and is damaging to our future economic well-being. Yet while it is clear that economic growth must also deliver improvements...

by Margareta Drzeniek | On 21 Dec 2015

How Does ADB Engage Civil Society Organizations in Its Operations? Findings of an Exploratory Inquiry in South Asia

The focus is on South Asia and the starting point of inquiry is on 33 projects that illustrate the roles and forms of NGO and CBO engagement in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. The rep...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 21 Dec 2015

Water-Related Disasters and Disaster Risk Management in the People’s Republic of China

Disaster risk now presents one of the most serious threats to inclusive and sustainable socioeconomic development. Coupled with anticipated increases in the frequency and intensity of weather-related...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 21 Dec 2015

Addressing Climate Change Risks, Disasters, and Adaptation in the People’s Republic of China

It is vital for countries to identify climate risks, reduce these risks through mitigation, and adapt to these risks—thereby increasing resilience and reducing vulnerability. This study informs decisi...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 21 Dec 2015

Innovations in Knowledge and Learning for Competitive Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific

The challenge of aligning higher education services (programs) with evolving labor market changes, and responding to knowledge-based economy of respective developing countries, has been difficult for...

by Jouko Sarvi | On 21 Dec 2015

Challenges to School Edupreneurs in the Existing Policy Environment: Case Study of Delhi and Gujarat

The Indian education ecosystem today consists of the government, private sector, and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) that have helped provide education to millions of children. The enactment of t...

by Meril Antony | On 21 Dec 2015

Regulatory Structure of Higher Education in India

This report analyses the current regulatory framework of higher education in India and highlights areas that require important policy reforms in order to encourage greater private participation. This...

by Centre for Civil Society CCS | On 21 Dec 2015

Basic Entrepreneurship: A Big New Idea in Development

The question of what keeps people mired in poverty is one of great importance to policy-makers and economists alike. The world’s poor typically lack both capital and skills, and each of these two fact...

by Oriana Bandiera | On 18 Dec 2015

Exchange Rate Reform in South Sudan

This paper considers the role of the exchange rate in the economy and its importance as a macroeconomic instrument, and outlines the policy choices that are available to governments in general, and th...

by Keith Jefferis | On 18 Dec 2015

India’s Manufacturing Sector Export Performance during 1999-2013: A Focus on Missing Domestic Inter-Sectoral Linkages

The paper focuses on eight selected major manufactured export sectors for undertaking detailed study, six of which are also India's largest manufactured import sectors. After analysing India's current...

by Smitha Francis | On 18 Dec 2015

India's Sri Lanka Policy: Towards Economic Engagement

India's Sri Lanka policy has built upon economic engagement to cooperate on initiatives of strategic importance. The lesson one can learn from this is the potential of economic linkages to overcome a...

by | On 18 Dec 2015

Meta-Study of Literature on Budget Private Schools in India

Budget Private Schools (BPS) are privately-run schools that charge very low fees, operating among the poorer sections of the society and have become relevant to the education discourse of India. This...

by Centre for Civil Society CCS | On 18 Dec 2015

Citizen Participation and Accountability for Sustainable Development

This report articulates three strategies by which the poorest and most marginalised have attempted to ensure accountability from national and global policymakers to local people.It is a response to de...

by Danny Burns | On 17 Dec 2015

Global Sustainable Development Report, 2015 edition

The 2015 Global Sustainable Development Report, an intergovernmental-mandated report on the science-policy interface for sustainable development, was presented to UN Member States at the High Level Po...

by United Nations UN | On 17 Dec 2015

Climate Change: Perspectives from India

This collection of articles captures and disseminates some perspectives on climate change from the Indian context. Starting from an argument on a new climate deal to highlighting the importance of the...

by Sunita Narain | On 17 Dec 2015

Accountability for International Nutrition Commitment Initiatives

This paper draws on secondary data to map out a proliferating set of international nutrition commitment initiatives, and assesses how these employ accountability mechanisms to support the delivery of...

by Dolf J.H. te Lintelo | On 17 Dec 2015

Nepal: A Failing State or a State in Transition?

The modest intention of this paper is to question the above assertion that Nepal is a failing state. To this end, it shall firstly outline the broad definition of failing states. Secondly, it will off...

by Oliver Housden | On 17 Dec 2015

Tax Revenue Mobilistation In Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges

In recent years, domestic revenue mobilisation in developing countries gained increasing prominence in the policy debate. Several factors explain this, including the potential benefits of taxation for...

by Mick Moore | On 16 Dec 2015

National Experiences in Building Social Protection Floors: India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

This study highlights three central themes of the MGNREGA: first, the innovative policy framework of the Act, which brings together rights-based entitlements, demand-driven employment, and citizen-cen...

by Ellen Ehmke | On 16 Dec 2015

Global Increase in Climate - Related Disasters

Is there an ominous link between the global increase of the hydrometeorological and climatological events on the one side and anthropogenic climate change on the other? This paper considers three main...

by Vinod Thomas | On 15 Dec 2015

An Analysis of the Turmoil in the Stock Market: Issues and Challenges for Monetary Policy

The objective of this study is to examine the characteristics of the stock market bubble burst in Bangladesh and policy response for the sample period from 2004:7-2013:2. This paper also discusses the...

by Dr. Sayera Younus | On 15 Dec 2015

Financial Inclusion, Education, and Regulation in the Philippines

This paper discusses the current status of financial inclusion, education, and regulation in the Philippines and measures to foster financial inclusion. The primary policy challenge faced by the gover...

by Gilberto M. Llanto | On 15 Dec 2015

Education Reforms, Bureaucracy and the Puzzles of Implementation: A Case Study from Bihar

It is a widely accepted truth that the Indian state suffers from a serious crisis of implementation capability. Despite widespread recognition of this crisis, there is remarkably little analytical wor...

by | On 15 Dec 2015

Three Views of Two Degrees

Limiting global warming to 2° Celsius above global mean temperature in pre-indus- trial times has become a widely debated possible goal for climate policy. It has been supported by many scientists, th...

by | On 13 Dec 2015

SkyShares: Modelling the Distributive and Economic Implications of a Future Global Emissions Budget

The SkyShares model helps policy-makers explore a range of diffe ent policy scenarios. It enables users to relate a target limit for temperature change to a global emissions ceiling; to allocate this...

by Owen Barder | On 11 Dec 2015

Comparing Emissions Mitigation Efforts across Countries

A framework for comparing mitigation effort is drawn, drawing from a set of principles for designing and implementing informative metrics. A template for organizing metrics on mitigation effort is pr...

by William Pizer | On 09 Dec 2015

Impact of Labour Migration to the Construction Sector on Poverty: Evidence from India

Seasonal and circular migration is an important livelihood strategy for workers in developing countries and the construction industry is one of the largest recipients of such labour. The impact of lab...

by RPC Migrating out of Poverty | On 08 Dec 2015

Regional Inequality and ‘Inclusive Growth’ in India under Globalization: Identification of Lagging States for Strategic Intervention

This paper analyses the trends and patterns of economic inequality across Indian states since the early 1990s. The inter-state inequality in per capita income and consumption expenditure show a clear...

by | On 04 Dec 2015

World Report on Ageing and Health

The World report on ageing and health outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new concept of functional ability. Making these investments will have valuable social an...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 03 Dec 2015

Delicious, Disgusting, Dangerous: Eating in a Time of Food Price Volatility

Changes in food habits mean people are finding new ways to enjoy food and new foods to enjoy, often with greater convenience and ease. Most people feel they understand little about how new foods affec...

by | On 03 Dec 2015

Government Intervention in Grain Markets in India: Rethinking the Procurement Policy

This paper reviews the rice procurement operations of the Government of India from the standpoints of cost of procurement as well as effectiveness in supporting farmers’ incomes. The two channels used...

by Neha Gupta | On 02 Dec 2015

Socially Sustainable Development and Participatory Governance: Legal and Political Aspects

This paper explores the notion of “sustainable development” which has progressively evolved over the recent years from the environmental field in which it originated, to the social sphere and has been...

by | On 02 Dec 2015

HIV/AIDS Epidemic in India: An Economic Perspective

In thinking about the implications of HIV/AIDS, considerable attention was initially drawn to its clinical aspects. More recently, other dimensions of HIV, including economic, have been explored. The...

by | On 01 Dec 2015

One-Child Policy, Marriage Distortion, and Welfare Loss

Using plausibly exogenous variations in the ethnicity-specific assigned birth quotas and different fertility penalties across Chinese provinces over time, the paper provide new evidence for the transf...

by | On 01 Dec 2015

Global Increase in Climate-Related Disasters

Intense climate-related disasters—floods, storms, droughts, and heat waves—have been on the rise worldwide. At the same time and coupled with an increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atm...

by Vinod Thomas | On 30 Nov 2015

Fiscal Seigniorage “Laffer-curve effect” on Central Bank Autonomy in India

It is often emphasised that seigniorage financing of public sector deficits is technically a “free lunch” if the economy has not attained the full employment levels. However, conservative macroecono...

by Lekha S. Chakraborty | On 16 Nov 2015

Towards a Greener Economy: The Social Dimensions

This report is the result of a cooperation project between the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion of the European Commission and the International Institute for Labour S...

by | On 16 Nov 2015

Are Juveniles Really Responsible fo Making Delhi the Rape Capital?

Statistics have been the most important criteria for the Central Government in changing the juvenile justice law and introducing treatment of 16-18 year old juveniles committing such offences as adult...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 13 Nov 2015

Eradicating Extreme Poverty in Bangladesh: National Strategies and Activities

Although Bangladesh has achieved fairly steady economic growth, as of 2011, almost half of its population still lived in extreme poverty. As a result, the Government of Bangladesh and its development...

by Nayma Qayum | On 09 Nov 2015

The Sector Reforms Process in Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation: A Review of the Role of WASMO in Gujarat

This paper provides an assessment of the interventions in reforming the drinking water and sanitation sector in Gujarat as through the Water and Sanitation Management Organisation (WASMO) from a sup...

by Keshab Das | On 06 Nov 2015

Pragmatic Pathways: Critical Perspectives on Research Uptake in the Global South

One of social science’s core roles is to inform evidence-based policy making and policy interventions that produce pro-poor outcomes. This paper explores prominent debates on research uptake and polic...

by | On 05 Nov 2015

Highlights of Recent IFPRI Food Policy Research in India: Reducing Poverty and Hunger through Food Policy Research

IFPRI and India’s partnership played a particularly important role following the Green Revolution when that partnership analyzed the necessary policies to both promote domestic food production and to...

by International Food Policy Research Institute | On 03 Nov 2015

Top Ten Urban Innovations

Humanity faces the mammoth task of adding over 2 billion people to the urban population before 2050. This is the equivalent of creating a city the size of London or San Francisco every month for the n...

by | On 03 Nov 2015

Development Central Banking: A Review of Issues and Experiences

The paper argues that central banks should play a broader role in helping developing countries meet their key challenges, such as generating productive employment, helping to allocate investment to pr...

by | On 28 Oct 2015

Global Employment Trends for Youth 2015

The Global Employment Trends for Youth 2015 provides an update on key youth labour market indicators and trends, focusing both on the continuing labour market instability and on structural issues in y...

by | On 28 Oct 2015

Mr Modi and Dr Singh

There must be a way of combining sensible policy, based on a certain worldview and an agenda, with a bias for action.

by T.N. Ninan | On 26 Oct 2015

Child-Related Financial Transfers and Early Childhood Education and Care

This paper examines policies for the support of families with children, in particular child-related financial transfers and early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. The analysis is mainly f...

by Mary Daly | On 21 Oct 2015

Policy Tradeoffs in an Open Economy and the Role of G-20 in Global Macroeconomic Policy Coordination

In this paper the aim is to investigate the different nuances of India's capital account management through empirical analyses as well as descriptive discussions. In particular the study the evolution...

by Rajeswari Sengupta | On 19 Oct 2015

China’s One Belt One Road Strategy: The New Financial Institutions and India’s Options

This paper attempts to discuss India’s options to collaborate with China at the event of the formation of new financial institutions and how should India engage with China’s new Silk Road strategy.

by Ajay Chhibber | On 16 Oct 2015

Integrating SMEs into Global Value Chains: Challenges and Policy Actions in Asia

Globalized production networks, or global value chains, provide an opportunity for small and medium enterprises to upscale their business models and to grow across borders, though with global opportun...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 16 Oct 2015

Natural Interest Rate: Assessing the Stance of India’s Monetary Policy under Uncertainty

Using a theoretical framework that combines the essence of Ramsay’s growth model and the New-Keynesian macrodynamics, and applying the Kalman filter estimation technique, this paper finds that Indi...

by Harendra Behera | On 16 Oct 2015

E-Retailing and the Consumer Protection Bill, 2015: Drawing from the European Union Consumer Directives

E-retailing has exponentially grown in the past decade. Alongside, consumer grievances have also started surfacing. The Consumer Protection Bill, 2015 addresses this by giving the right to the consu...

by Akhileshwar Pathak | On 15 Oct 2015

Indian Capitalism: A Case that doesn’t Fit?

This paper critically examines the ‘Varieties of Capitalism’ (VoC) School’s approach to constructing typologies of capitalisms with reference to the specific case of Indian capitalism. It emphasizes t...

by Surajit Mazumdar | On 14 Oct 2015

Investment in Agricultural Marketing and Market Infrastructure – A Case Study of Bihar

Bihar has lowest per capita income amongst the major states of India and high rate of persistent poverty with social structure fragmented based on caste lines. Therefore present study has been underta...

by | On 14 Oct 2015

Panchayats and Household Vulnerability in Rural India

This paper tries to assess the impact of coping strategies on household welfare. The paper tries to identify the components of vulnerability to better focus policy. India, particularly rural India, h...

by Raghbendra Jha | On 12 Oct 2015

Social and Economic Change in Rural Bihar and the Emerging Policy Framework

This document presents a summary of the initial findings from a research programme on inclusive growth in Bihar, carried out by the Institute for Human Development, New Delhi. The study aims to unde...

by | On 12 Oct 2015

Dividend Policy and Role of Corporate Governance in Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

This study examines the relationship between internal mechanisms and external mechanisms of corporate governance and dividend policy for 100 manufacturing firms listed on Karachi Stock Exchange over...

by | On 08 Oct 2015

Migration and Development

This brief highlights a central problem the living and working conditions of migrants in the Gulf States. Finding work is what motivates nine out of every ten migrants worldwide. In the Middle East, 2...

by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC | On 07 Oct 2015

World Social Protection Report 2014-15: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development and Social Justice

This ILO flagship report provides a global overview of the organization of social protection systems, their coverage and benefits, as well as public expenditures on social protection. The report follo...

by Internaional Labour Organization [ILO] | On 07 Oct 2015

Scarce Land: Issues, Evidence and Impact

This paper was written in response to something that happened at one session of the 2013 Cuddalore Conference of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS). In India, net sown area had expanded from 1950-51 up...

by Sheila Bhalla | On 01 Oct 2015

Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture – Implications for Food Production in Tamil Nadu, India

Policy makers in India need to pay careful attention to the potential impacts of climate change on food production. Research in Tamil Nadu suggests that rice and sorghum yields are likely to decline b...

by V. Saravanakumar | On 30 Sep 2015

Finances for Health in India: Are New Sources the Way to Go?

The Government of India has proposed the National Health Assurance Mission (NHAM) to move the country rapidly towards universal health coverage (UHC), by providing all citizens with specified drugs, d...

by Indrani Gupta | On 30 Sep 2015

The Global Competitiveness Report 2015–2016

The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 presents the rankings of the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). The GCI is based on 12 pillars that provide a comprehensive picture of the competitiveness...

by | On 30 Sep 2015

The Hunger and Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI 2014): Measuring the Political Commitment to Reduce Hunger and Undernutrition in Developing Countries

This report presents the Hunger And Nutrition Commitment Index (HANCI) 2014. It seeks to: Rank governments on their political commitment to tackling hunger and undernutrition; Measure what governments...

by Rajith Lakshman | On 30 Sep 2015

State, Ideas and Economic Reform in India

This paper argues that the state is an important institution for initiating economic reforms in India. Ideas held within the state are especially important. When the state reposed faith in a closed ec...

by | On 28 Sep 2015

Institutional Changes Favouring FDI Inflows to India: Gradual Transformation Since 1969

How did India respond to globalization in the realm of inward foreign direct investment (FDI)? This paper presents the economic institutional change favouring FDI inflows at the union level of India b...

by | On 25 Sep 2015

Geo-economics: Seven Challenges to Globalization

This report from the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Geo-economics maps out the challenges that current geo-economic trends pose for globalisation. Findings show that the rise in strat...

by | On 22 Sep 2015

Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries

The agenda for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development suggests there will be less focus on aid, and more on how developing countries can generate their own financial resources...

by | On 22 Sep 2015

Production, Market Structure and the Role of Public Policy: Foodgrains in the New Economy

Although India’s plans for market reforms and opening up agriculture with earnest optimism and anticipation, every step on the way was laced with caution and deliberation and every action was weighed...

by Nilabja Ghosh | On 21 Sep 2015

Report of the Working Group on Public Distribution System and Food Security for the Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007)

This planning commission report on Food Security deals with the changing consumption pattern for food in India and reviews some studies on demand and supply projections for cereals in India. It also e...

by Planning Commission | On 21 Sep 2015

Challenges In Designing Counterinsurgency Policy: An Institutionalist Perspective

Research on India's counterinsurgency practice is divided into two categories. One emphasizes moderation in the use of coercive power, while the other highlights its wanton abuse. This paper attempts...

by Kaustav Dhar Chakrabarti | On 18 Sep 2015

Migrant and Child Labor in Thailand’s Shrimp and Other Seafood Supply Chains: Labor Conditions and the Decision to Study or Work

The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to strengthen the evidence base on child labor and labor conditions in the shrimp and seafood supply chain and within the communities engaged in the shrimp...

by ASIA FOUNDATION | On 18 Sep 2015

Designing and Evaluating Social Safety Nets: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Conclusions

This paper reviews the literature on the performance of commonly found social safety net programs in developing countries. The evidence suggests that universal food subsidies have very limited potenti...

by | On 18 Sep 2015

The Percolation of Public Expenditure: Food Subsidies and the Poor in India and Philippines

This paper measures the percolation of food subsidy expenditures to the poor. The paper proposes a metric that takes into account the depth and width of income transfer. The metric is applied to food...

by Shikha Jha | On 18 Sep 2015

The Global Innovation Index 2015: Effective Innovation Policies for Development

The Global Innovation Index (GII) aims to capture the multi-dimensional facets of innovation and provide the tools that can assist in tailoring policies to promote long-term output growth, improved pr...

by | On 18 Sep 2015

Reducing all Forms of Child Poverty: The Need for Comprehensive Measurement

Despite widespread investments in child poverty reduction, the way in which child poverty is measured presents a narrow and partial picture. Current practice is still biased towards measuring static a...

by | On 17 Sep 2015

Losing Our Minds? New Research Directions on Skilled Migration and Development

This paper critiques the last decade of research on the effects of high-skill emigration from developing countries, and proposes six new directions for fruitful research. The study singles out a cor...

by Michael Clemens | On 16 Sep 2015

Rights-based Legal Guarantee as Development Policy: The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

This paper analyses the legal framework and policy innovations undertaken towards achieving the stated objectives of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. This paper seeks to cri...

by | On 15 Sep 2015

Evolution of Minimum Wage Policy and Regulatory Framework: An Inter Country Perspective

The issue of wages is perhaps the most vital issue for various categories of workers, especially those engaged in the informal and unorganized sector. This study points out that in spite of various d...

by | On 15 Sep 2015

Report of the National Consultation on Prevention of Child Marriage

The purpose of the national consultation was to bring together initiatives from across the country to share experience and challenges. This report is the final draft of the discussions and a common ag...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 14 Sep 2015

Obituary: Ramaswamy R Iyer, 1929 - 2015

Ramaswamy Iyer, former union secretary of Water Resources for the government of India, and professor at the Center for Policy Research, and well known advocate of alternatives to big dams, passed awa...

by Aravinda P | On 11 Sep 2015

Overcoming the Curse of Malnutrition in India: A Leadership Agenda for Action

The leadership agenda for action released by Coalition for Sustainable Nutrition Security in India to promote policy, programme and budgetary focus on overcoming the curse of malnutrition. The Coaliti...

by Coalition for Food & Nutrition Security India | On 11 Sep 2015

The Human Capital Report 2015

The Human Capital Index released by the World Economic Forum measures countries’ ability to maximize and leverage their human capital endowment. The index assesses Learning and Employment outcomes ac...

by | On 11 Sep 2015

Deep Shift Technology Tipping Points and Societal Impact

Digital connectivity enabled by the software technologies is changing the society fundamentally. The scale of the impact and the speed of the changes taking place have made the shift so different from...

by | On 10 Sep 2015

The Inclusive Growth and Development Report 2015

The World Economic Forum releases the first edition of "The Inclusive Growth and Development Report" in the WEF forum in Dalian. Around the world, no bigger policy challenge preoccupies political lea...

by | On 10 Sep 2015

Theories of Change in International Development: Communication, Learning, or Accountability?

Critically analysing assumptions is a much needed endeavour in international development policy and practice: existing management tools rarely encourage critical thinking and there are considerable po...

by | On 08 Sep 2015

Drones and India: Exploring Policy and Regulatory Challenges Posed by Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

India currently operates close to 50 drones in various military, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering configurations, a number more than that of France, Germany and Italy combined. Yet the Direct...

by R. Swaminathan | On 07 Sep 2015

Space 2.0: Shaping India's Leap into the Final Frontier

As a long-term investor in space technology and infrastructure, India aspires to be one among the top nations in the world in terms of government space investment. Though space investment has been gro...

by | On 07 Sep 2015

Gender Gaps and Women’s Empowerment in India – Issues and Strategies

- Gender equality is considered a critical element in achieving social and institutional change that leads to sustainable development with equity and growth. Inequalities between men and women manifes...

by | On 07 Sep 2015

The Great Expectations: Impact of One-Child Policy on Education of Girls

The findings of the paper highlights the role of fertility policies in women’s empowerment of last century. This paper investigates the impact of the birth control policies on teenage girls’ education...

by Wei Huang | On 03 Sep 2015

Human Traffcking and Contemporary Slavery

The article begins with a discussion of definitional issues regarding human trafficking and modern slavery and then briefly critiques some popular claims regarding each problem. Examples of macro-leve...

by Ronald Weitzer Weitzer | On 03 Sep 2015

Income Inequality, Poverty and Labor Migration in Thailand

This paper explores the dynamics of economic growth, poverty, inequality and migration in Thailand, and evaluates the relevance of Lewis model to Thailand’s long-term development. Thai economy seems t...

by Somchai Jitsuchon | On 03 Sep 2015

Institutional Constraints to Innovation: Artisan Clusters in Rural India

The paper offers a ctitical understanding of the policy approaches for rural industrialization by underscoring inadequate understanding of the dynamics understanding of the dynamics or specificities...

by Keshab Das | On 03 Sep 2015

Gender Dimensions of Agricultural and Rural Employment: Differentiated Pathways out of Poverty

This paper examines the links between gender equality and rural employment for poverty reduction by constructing a gender analytical framework to interpret differentiated patterns and conditions of wo...

by Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN UN | On 02 Sep 2015

Decent Work, Youth Employment and Migration in Asia

This paper discusses migration trends and issues concerning young people in Asia - a region hosting more than 60 per cent of world’s youth population and one third of the global number of young migran...

by | On 01 Sep 2015

A Policy Mix for Gender Equality? Lessons from High-Income Countries

Over the past 15 years, important gains have been made in gender equality. Gender gaps in educational attainment have shrunk substantially. In fact, in many high-income countries, young women’s educat...

by Megan Gerecke | On 31 Aug 2015

Quality of Life for All: A Sustainable Development Framework for India’s Climate Policy

The study builds on the India Energy Security Scenarios (IESS) 2047 tool developed by NITI Aayog by adding a ‘quality of life’ dimension to the energy and emissions pathways. The study aims to evaluat...

by | On 28 Aug 2015

Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Young entrepreneurs are taking the baton of sustainable development from community-level solutions to globally replicable innovations. UN Habitat’s biennial Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award...

by Puja Bajad | On 27 Aug 2015

The Effect of Family Size on Education: New Evidence from China’s One Child Policy

Social scientists theorize that the inverse relationship between socio-economic status and family size represents a trade-off between the quality and quantity of children. Evaluating this hypothesis e...

by Susan Averett | On 26 Aug 2015

Skill Gaps in the Workplace: Measurement, Determinants and Impacts

This paper identifies the key factors determining the correct identification of skill gaps within firms. The impact of skill gaps on average training expenditures and labour costs is also measured. Th...

by Luis Ortiz | On 26 Aug 2015

Bilateral Agreements and Memoranda of Understanding on Migration of Low Skilled Workers: A Review

The aim of the paper is to review trends in developments of bilateral agreements (BAs) and MOUs focussing on low-skilled migration based on a global mapping exercise and and highlight agreements which...

by Piyasiri Wickramasekara | On 26 Aug 2015

Why is Female Labour Force Participation Declining so Sharply in India?

This paper attempts to shed light on the causes behind the recent sharp decline in female labour force participation in India and to identify factors underpinning the long-term stagnation in female pa...

by Evangelia Bourmpoula | On 25 Aug 2015

Efficacy of New Monetary Framework and Determining Inflation in India: An Empirical Analysis of Financially Deregulated Regime

Against the backdrop of the new monetary policy framework, this paper analyses the determinants of inflation in the deregulated financial regime. The paper upfront has been kept free from adherence to...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 25 Aug 2015

Identity, Interests and Indian Foreign Policy

This paper argues that India’s foreign economic policies were shaped to a substantial extent by developmental ideas within the Indian state and by the international context of the Cold War. Individual...

by | On 25 Aug 2015

Strong Sustainable Growth for the Indian Economy

How is the RBI helping the government to create the conditions for a sustainable growth? Structural reforms will help strengthen this growth – two weeks ago, the Government announced Indradhanush, la...

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 25 Aug 2015

The WTO Agreement on Agriculture and Food Security

This study aims to help identify how a future multilateral agreement on agricultural trade can provide a secure framework within which developing countries can pursue effective policies to ensure thei...

by Stephen Devereux | On 21 Aug 2015

Poverty Reduction in China and India: Policy Implications of Recent Trends

This paper compares the experience of poverty reduction in China and India. It finds that more than economic growth per se, what has mattered crucially is the nature of the growth: whether it is assoc...

by Jayati Ghosh | On 21 Aug 2015

Migration, Entrepreneurship and Development: A Critical Review

This paper provides an assessment of the state of scholarly and policy debates on migrant entrepreneurs in development. They are often described as super-entrepreneurs who contribute to development th...

by | On 20 Aug 2015

Priorities for Primary Education Policy in India’s 12th Five-year Plan

This paper seeks to bridge the gap by summarizing the research, making policy recommendations based on this research, and suggesting an implementation roadmap for the 12th Plan. The main findings repo...

by Karthik Muralidharan | On 20 Aug 2015

Youth Employment in Developing Countries

This report tries to address youth employment challenges, and suggests measures that countries will need an integrated approach involving different levels of government and linking with overall develo...

by | On 20 Aug 2015

Case Studies of Policy Coherence Initiatives in Developing Asia

This paper highlights four case studies of national efforts in developing Asia towards greater policy coherence and coordination, ranging from institutional cooperation in poverty reduction programmes...

by Internaional Labour Organization [ILO] | On 19 Aug 2015

ICDS and Nutrition in the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012)

This Working Group report aims to study the advocacy programme in ICDS that would enable widespread and sustained community participation as result of a better understanding and appreciation amongst t...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 19 Aug 2015

The Sunday Edit: Monetary Policy Transmission: Visible Disconnect

Enhancing bank competition, among other measures, could adequately strengthen interest rate transmission; but the danger is in overreaching and losing leverage.

by Ramkishen S. Rajan | On 16 Aug 2015

Don’t Target the Media

It is not correct to blame the media when effective communication suffer. The government will have to recheck its media policies and the distance it has to keep the media.

by T.N. Ninan | On 15 Aug 2015

Regulatory Barriers to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Against the post-New Industrial Policy (1991) growth witnessed in large-scale industries, a corresponding boom in the small and mid-sized domestic industry has been conspicuously absent. The paper see...

by Amit Chandra | On 13 Aug 2015

Effectiveness of School Input Norms under the Right to Education Act, 2009

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009 ratified education as a fundamental right and seeks to promote equitable access to education for all children up to the age of 14...

by Centre for Civil Society CCS | On 13 Aug 2015

National Policy for Children, 2013

To affirm the Government of India commitment to the rights based approach in addressing the continuing and emerging challenges in the situation of children, the government hereby adopts this resolutio...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 13 Aug 2015

The Politics of Sustaining Inclusive Growth and Social Inclusion

This working paper records the findings of the project and discusses the key principles that underpin the Danish and Finnish welfare states. The paper reflects on the critical issues that must be cons...

by Valerie Koh | On 11 Aug 2015

Place of Poor in Urban Space

Through a case study of Mumbai city and LC resettlement colony, this paper highlights the tribulations of the poor in urban space. The experiences of recurring and multiple marginalities and vulnerabi...

by Manish K Jha | On 11 Aug 2015

Inflation Targeting for India?: The Implications of Limited Asset Market Participation

This paper considers the implications of an imperfect monetary transmission mechanism for optimal monetary policy choices in an open economy. The asset market channel is restricted in this paper as so...

by | On 11 Aug 2015

Equilibrium Exchange Rate Estimation for Taka – A Co integration Analysis

This paper is an attempt to know the equilibrium exchange rate of Taka to measure exchange rate misalignment. To estimate the equilibrium real exchange rate we use macroeconomic balance approach, wh...

by Md. Akhtaruzzaman | On 11 Aug 2015

Land Marked by Policy Distortions

Of all the markets in which politicians interfere with prices, the land market is probably the last that will be reformed.

by T.N. Ninan | On 08 Aug 2015

Economics of Human Trafficking

This paper presents an economic model of human trafficking that encompasses all known economic factors that affect human trafficking both across and within national borders. The authors envision human...

by Elizabeth M. Wheaton | On 05 Aug 2015

IT Governance and IT Strategy: Board's Eye View

Banking in India and globally is undergoing and there are many challenges that are lying ahead. The basic underlying theme that runs through this changing landscape is the ever increasing reliance on...

by Harun R Khan | On 04 Aug 2015

A Reality Check on Suicides in India

In this paper, we study the data from the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) of India and disaggregate across demographic and leading causes of suicides. We find that mental and physical health are t...

by Shamika Ravi | On 02 Aug 2015

Monetary Policy Credibility: Is There a Magic Bullet?

This paper examines the concept of monetary policy credibility from both the theoretical and practical viewpoints. It also discusses the advantages of high credibility and explains measures that can b...

by Naveen Srinivasan | On 31 Jul 2015

Clinical Trials Industry in India: A Systematic Review

This study shows that many global clinical trials organisations have relocated their clinical trial (CT) research units to India. The Indian CT industry has become one of the most cost-efficient desti...

by Dinesh Abrol | On 23 Jul 2015

Public Economics and Sustainable Developments Policy

The domain of public economics is increasing as governments‘ policy goal is shifting from economic development to sustainable development. The government has to act as a trustee representing future ge...

by U. Sankar | On 22 Jul 2015

Health Policy, Inequity and Convergence in India

The objective of this study is to put to test the development paradigm that this inequity will converge and adjustment period will be lowered for equitable outcomes in health provided a fine tuning o...

by Brijesh C. Purohit | On 21 Jul 2015

The State of Social Safety Nets, 2015

This report documents the state of the social safety net agenda in low- and middle-income countries. In recent years, a true policy revolution has been under way. Th e statistics in this report captur...

by World Bank | On 20 Jul 2015

Research Productivity in Management Schools of India: A Directional Benefit-of-Doubt Model Analysis

Given the growing emphasis on research productivity in management schools in India, composite indicator (CI) of research productivity is developed, using the directional benefit-of-doubt (D-BOD) model...

by Biresh K Sahoo | On 20 Jul 2015

Perspectives on Valuation of Biodiversity

The economic value that biodiversity and ecosystems have is known to be very high. Despite this knowledge, we still find that there is large scale and significant loss of diversity of resources and ec...

by Suneetha M. S. | On 17 Jul 2015

Inflation Targeting in India: Select Issues

The adoption of inflation targeting in India has been a much debated topic which also becomes a challenge for the emerging economy. Though inflation targeting has already been adopted in many emerging...

by Charan Singh | On 17 Jul 2015

Net Neutrality: DoT Committee Report

In March 2015, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued a consultation paper titled “Regulatory Framework for Over-the-Top (OTT) Services” wherein the issue of Net Neutrality in the bac...

by DoT Committee on Net Neutrality | On 16 Jul 2015

Safeguard Implementation: How Can We Make It More Meaningful?

The report presents the (i) safeguard systems of Bhutan, India and Nepal; (ii) differences in national safeguard laws and institutional processes with the Asian Development Bank’s safeguards policy; (...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 13 Jul 2015

Urbanisation and Urban Poverty: A Gender Analysis

Urbanisation and urban growth have accelerated in many developing countries in the past few years. While natural population growth has been the major contributor to urbanisation, rural-urban migration...

by Rachel Masika | On 10 Jul 2015

Technology Upgradation for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector: Status, Constraints & Recommendations

Liberalisation and the accompanying policy of economic reforms have created a new environment that exposes the unorganised enterprises to various vulnerabilities while at the same time providing new a...

by National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorgan NCEUS | On 10 Jul 2015

Skill Formation and Employment Assurance in the Unorganised Sector

The issue of skill building has been at the forefront of policy debates in recent years. India can take advantage of its young workforce and hence the demographic dividend, only if the workforce posse...

by National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorgan NCEUS | On 10 Jul 2015

Inflation Targeting for India? The Implications of Limited Asset Market Participation

This paper considers the implications of an imperfect monetary transmission mechanism for optimal monetary policy choices in an open economy. The asset market channel is restricted in this paper as so...

by | On 09 Jul 2015

National Land Use Policy: Protecting Prime Agricultural Lands

With only less than 10 million hectares of agricultural land that is threatened by a rapidly urbanizing economy, how would the Philippines be able to meet its growing demand for food, and continue pro...

by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 06 Jul 2015

The Field Strikes Back : Decoding Narratives of Development

Based on the author’s intensive fieldwork in rural West Bengal and the adjoining state of Jharkhand in India, the paper seeks to reveal how the field, beyond its geographical connotation, becomes an a...

by Dipankar Sinha | On 03 Jul 2015

Paniya Adivasi Women’s Innovative Livelihood Development Endeavours in Farming

This case study is about an intervention by MSSRF for the development of livelihoods, as well as food and nutritional security, to address the issues of poverty and malnutrition among the women and ch...

by Chandrika C S | On 30 Jun 2015

Fourth Report on Issues Concerning Flood Management, Compensation and Status of Ownership of Submerged and Eroded Land in the Country

Standing Committee on Water Resources (2014-15) took up this subject for a detailed examination and report. It includes flood affected area and damaged scenario, causes of flood, role of Union and Sta...

by Lok Sabha Secretariat | On 25 Jun 2015

Policy Issues on Street Vending: An Overview of Studies in Thailand, Cambodia and Mongolia

Street vending and urban space for micro enterprises constitute an important policy theme that needs to be advanced further in development literature and policy. In many countries, urban space tends t...

by Kyoko Kusakabe | On 24 Jun 2015

Reflections on India's Emergence in the World Economy

This paper attempts to capture how India embraced the world economy against the backdrop of the evolving domestic and international economic policy environment. It began with a brief overview of the...

by | On 24 Jun 2015

Guidelines and Protocols: Medico-legal Care for Survivors/Victims of Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is a significant cause of physical and psychological harm and suffering for The health concerns of survivors/victims of sexual violence, and their right to health is an issue of import...

by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 22 Jun 2015

Inflation Targeting India: Select Issues

The adoption of inflation targeting in India has been a much debated topic which also becomes a challenge for the emerging economy. Though inflation targeting has already been adopted in many emerging...

by Charan Singh | On 18 Jun 2015

Health Policy Kerala 2013

Kerala has achieved good health indictors compared to other Indian states. In order to navigate the sector through the multiple challenges faced in the health sector Government of Kerala needs to arti...

by Health & Family Welfare Department Kerala | On 17 Jun 2015

Culture’s Influence: Regionally Differing Social Milieus and Variations in Fertility Rates

This paper analyzes two social milieus in southern Germany and argues that variations in their fertility rates can only be understood through their cultural differences. Family extension patterns as w...

by | On 17 Jun 2015

Medium-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF) of Bangladesh Cabinet Division 2011-12

Statement aims to establish good governance by coordinating activities of different ministries & divisions and supervising activities of field administration in pursuing government policy and strategy...

by Ministry of Finance Bangladesh | On 17 Jun 2015

The Institutionalisation of Climate Policy in India: Designing a Development-Focused, Co-Benefits Based Approach

While there is growing attention to climate policy, effective coordination, design and implementation of policy require attention to institutional design for climate governance. This paper examines th...

by | On 16 Jun 2015

Gender and Food Security: Towards Gender-Just Food and Nutrition Security

This BRIDGE Cutting Edge Overview Report makes the case for a new, gender-aware understanding of food security, arguing that partial, apolitical and gender-blind diagnoses of the problem of food and n...

by Bridge Cutting Edge Programme | On 16 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Department of Environment of Tamil Nadu Government

The Department of Environment aims to improve the quality of the environment and nurture the cultural heritage of the State which is an essential ingredient of the Vision Tamil Nadu 2023 document. Sev...

by | On 15 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Forest Department of Tamil Nadu Government

Forest policy aims at ensuring environmental stability and maintaining the ecological balance, which help in sustenance of all life forms. One of the principal goals is to bring one-third of the land...

by | On 15 Jun 2015

Monetary Policy and Informal Finance

This article utilises state-level data for 1961–2012 to examine the interlinkage between informal finance and monetary policy. The analysis suggests that in response to a monetary contraction, borrowi...

by Saibal Ghosh | On 15 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Health Department of Tamil Nadu Government

Tamil Nadu has emerged as a model State in India in providing health care services. The Health and Family Welfare Department aims to Provide health care facilities to the people of Tamil Nadu by quali...

by | On 12 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Agriculture Department of Tamil Nadu Government

Agriculture sector covers largest segment of livelihood and plays a significant role in the overall socioeconomic fabric of the nation.Tamil Nadu, through the Second Green Revolution, has initiated ma...

by | On 12 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Labour and Employment Department of Tamil Nadu Government

The labour policy of the Government seeks the overall growth and development of the industry and the individual worker who equally contributes to the success of the industry. Labour management relatio...

by | On 12 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Industries Department of Tamil Nadu Government

This policy note emphasis on the growth and development of industries. The note aims to give an impetus to industrial development and to create an Industry - friendly environment to enable the State t...

by | On 12 Jun 2015

Child Labour & Educational Disadvantage – Breaking the Link, Building Opportunity

Compulsory education has a vital role to play in eradicating child labour. Getting children out of work and into school could provide an impetus for poverty reduction and the development of skills nee...

by Gordon Brown | On 12 Jun 2015

World Report on Child Labour 2015: Paving the Way to Decent Work for Young People

The second volume of the ILO World Report on Child Labour series highlights the close linkages between child labour and good youth employment outcomes, and the consequent need for common policy approa...

by | On 12 Jun 2015

Status Report of Child Rights in India

Children constitute over a third of the country’s 1.21 billion population; yet children appear to be the most neglected segment in India, whose rights continue to be vastly ignored. Over 17% of the wo...

by Child Rights and You CRY | On 12 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department of Tamil Nadu Government

The Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu has always ensured the welfare of the underprivileged sections of the society like destitute women, orphaned...

by Tamil Nadu Government | On 11 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department of Tamil Nadu Government

The prime objective of this Government is accelerated growth and sustainable development of Adi Dravidar and Tribal population in Tamil Nadu. It also aims to ensure socio-economic and educational deve...

by | On 10 Jun 2015

Policy Note 2014–2015 on Housing and Urban Development Department of Tamil Nadu Government

The Department of Housing and Urban Development works with dedication to implement the schemes prescribed in "Vision 2023", provide developed infrastructure, create self-sufficient urban life, encour...

by Tamil Nadu Government | On 10 Jun 2015

Implementation of Forest Rights Act: Undoing the Historical Injustices?

This paper is based on a critical literature review and looks into the implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) in India, with particular reference to the two states of Chhattisgarh and Gujarat....

by Madhusudan Bandi | On 09 Jun 2015

In Search of a Model Land Legislation the New Land Acquisition Bill and its Challenges

The draft Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill, which was introduced in the Lok Sabha on September 7, 2011 is one of the most important legislations waiting for Parliamentary appr...

by Niranjan Sahoo | On 05 Jun 2015

Gender Wage Gap in the Last Ten Years: A Case Study of India

This paper examines changes in the gender wage gap in India between the years 1999-2000 and 2009-2010, and analyses its determinants. Results of the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition reveal that in the las...

by Nayni Gupta | On 05 Jun 2015

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India

India's significant economic growth over the last decade has led to an inexorable rise in energy demand. Currently, India faces a challenging energy shortage. To grow at 9 per cent over the next 20 ye...

by Vivan Sharan | On 05 Jun 2015

Impact of Interbank Liquidity on Monetary Transmission Mechanism: A Case Study of Pakistan

The transmission mechanism of policy-induced changes are is analysed in the discount rate and required reserves in Pakistan. The results suggest that the pass through to the lending rate is complete f...

by Muhammed Omar | On 05 Jun 2015

'Look East through Northeast': Challenges and Prospects for India

This paper focuses on the considerable hurdles and limitations encountered in carrying forward India's 'Look East' through Northeast—problems caused by the nature of physical terrain, the history of v...

by Subir Bhaumik | On 04 Jun 2015

Second Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2015-16

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation the statement suggest that the global recovery is still slow and getting increasingly differentiated across regions.

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 03 Jun 2015

A Value Chain Approach to Measuring Distortions to Incentives and Food Policy Effects (with application to Pakistan’s grain policy)

An extended Nominal Rate of Assistance (NRA) methodology is used to disentangle the welfare impacts of policies for various interest groups along the value chain (to disaggregate effects within the “p...

by Elena Briones Alonso | On 02 Jun 2015

Report of the Sixty-Seventh World Health Assembly on Improving the Health of Patients with Viral Hepatitis

The Health Assembly adopted resolution on viral hepatitis, in which, inter alia, it urged Member States to support or enable an integrated and cost-effective approach to the prevention, control and ma...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 28 May 2015

Report of the Working Group on Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Secondary Agriculture and Policy Required for Internal and External Trade for the Twelfth Five Year Plan

Objectives of the Working Group is to empower the farmers to get a higher realization for their produce and a better share of the consumers’ price; recommendations have been made to improve efficiency...

by Planning Commission | On 27 May 2015

Crop Husbandry, Agricultural Inputs, Demand and Supply Projections and Agricultural Statistics for the Twelfth Five Year Plan

Eleventh Five Year Plan has focused on a model that encompass 4 per cent growth in agriculture. This was considered vital not only for improving food and nutrient security, but also for inclusive grow...

by Planning Commission | On 22 May 2015

Report of Sub-Group IV on Forestry Institutional and Technology Management

Working Group on Forestry and Sustainable Natural Resource Management has the mandate to identify thrust areas for an enabling environment for forestry sector and to make recommendations for policy in...

by | On 22 May 2015

Report of the World Health Assembly Executive Board on its 133rd and 134th Sessions

The Executive Board held its 133rd session on 29 and 30 May 2013 and its 134th session from 20 to 25 January 2014. This report summarizes the main outcomes.

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 22 May 2015

Employment, Planning and Policy for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017)

The Working Group has taken cognisance to the issues of inclusive growth. It lays emphasis on the view that employment generation should be focused on different segments of labour force – organized, u...

by Planning Commission | On 21 May 2015

Report of the XII Plan Working Group on Natural Resource Management and Rainfed Farming

The Working Group recognises the need for enhanced, inclusive and sustainable growth in rainfed areas. It identifies factors contributing to instability in production system under rainfed conditions e...

by Planning Commission | On 20 May 2015

Report of the Working Group on Occupational Safety and Health for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012 to 2017)

The report is a document of action-focussed legislative and pragmatic interventions to transform the existing state of Occupational Safety and Health in the country both in the formal and informal sec...

by Ministry of Labour and Employment GoI | On 20 May 2015

Report of the High Level Committee on Socio-Economic, Health and Educational Status of Tribal Communities of India

The Committee is mandated to prepare a position paper on the present socioeconomic, health and educational status of Schedule Tribes, and is expected to suggest policy initiatives as well as effective...

by Ministry of Tribal Affairs GOI | On 20 May 2015

Key Indicators of Situation of Agricultural Households in India

This document brings out the key results of Situation Assessment Survey of Agricultural Households of NSS 70th round within a year of completion of the field work for the use in decision support, poli...

by Ministry of Statistics and Prog Implementation (MOSPI) | On 18 May 2015

India Development Update : Towards a Higher Growth Path

The India Development Update for April 2015 has two main aims. First, it reports on the key developments over the past six months in India's economy, and places these in a longer term and global conte...

by World Trade Organisation | On 18 May 2015

National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Work Place

he National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at workplace to eliminate the incidence of work related injuries, diseases, fatalities, disaster and loss of national assets. It aims to not only e...

by Ministry of Labour and Employment GoI | On 14 May 2015

National Health Policy - 2002

A National Health Policy was last formulated in 1983, and since then there have been marked changes in the determinant factors relating to the health sector. Some of the policy initiatives outlined in...

by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 14 May 2015

Health Research Policy - ICMR

This policy is expected to serve as a beacon to guide health research in India which should contribute towards attainment of better health for all Indians. A Committee of Experts reviewed the situatio...

by Indian Council of Medical Research ICMR | On 14 May 2015

Accountability of Local and State Governments in India: An Overview of Recent Research

The paper discusses the notion of accountability, followed by an introduction to the Downsian theory of electoral competition. This serves as a point for classifying different sources of accountabilit...

by Dilip Mookherjee | On 14 May 2015

National Vaccine Policy

The National Vaccine Policy document has been developed following the recommendation of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI). This policy document addresses broad issues of streng...

by National Rural Health Mission | On 13 May 2015

Indian Youth: Ignored Constituency Report on the Renewal of Youth Agenda in India

This report look at various youth issues and then suggest changes that can be targeted at redressing the same. There is an opportunity in which hard hitting reforms can be instituted to strengthen you...

by | On 12 May 2015

Kerala State Youth Policy- 2011

This policy reflects the commitment of the state of kerala for the holistic development of the young people of state on par with global scenario to cope with their needs and aspirations. Youth program...

by Government of Kerala Govt | On 12 May 2015

Jharkhand Youth Policy 2007

The Jharkhand Youth Policy 2007 reiterates the commitment of the State of Jharkhand to promote holistic development of youth in the state in consonance with the National Youth Policy, 2003. The policy...

by | On 12 May 2015

Youth Participation in Civil Society and Political Life in Bihar

This policy brief documents the participation of youth in Bihar in civil society, the extent to which they uphold secular attitudes and their perceptions about and participation in political processe...

by Environmental Management & Policy Research Institute | On 12 May 2015

Youth Welfare and Sports Development Department: Policy Note

The policy aims to promote and develop sports activities and to formulate and implement plans for the promotion of sports and improvement of standards of sports and games in the State of Tamil Nadu....

by | On 12 May 2015

Punjab Youth Policy 2012

The policy covers all key issues of youth and has provided a framework that promises social, economic and political empowerment of youth. The central theme of the policy is integrated youth developmen...

by | On 12 May 2015

Odisha State Youth Policy: Framework-2013

The Odisha State Youth Policy 2013 aims to give a strategic direction and make timely interventions to enable the youth to get the best out of the changing scenario in the state and the country due to...

by Environmental Management & Policy Research Institute | On 12 May 2015

Karnataka Youth Policy: Draft

The youth policy, has as its ultimate vision, an inclusive approach that hopes to ensure a `take away` for each segment of the youth. The policy also aims at making the structures and institutions of...

by | On 12 May 2015

Draft State Sports Policy-2010

In order to achieve excellence in sports, government of Assam aims to adaopt a uniform policy so that sports activities in the state are spread over the year. Assam sports policy aims to provide sport...

by Government of Assam | On 12 May 2015

Growth of Indian Agriculture: A District Level Study

The purpose of the study is to extend the period of analysis of the impact of new seed fertiliser technology from 1990-93 to 2003-06. A special significance to economic reforms in India in 1991 is giv...

by Gurmail Singh | On 12 May 2015

Understanding Poverty in India

Inclusive growth needs to be achieved to reduce poverty and other disparities and raise economic growth. This book develops a poverty profile for India in view of the ongoing national and global effor...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 08 May 2015

Fifth Report on National Auto Fuel Policy

The Policy aims to holistically address the issues of vehicular emissions, vehicular technologies and auto fuel quality in a cost efficient manner, while ensuring the security of fuel supply.

by Lok Sabha Secretariat | On 07 May 2015

Report on the State of Food Insecurity in Rural India

This Report is an update of the Rural Food Insecurity Atlas of 2001 released by the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Since then, numerous new programmes...

by V B Athreya | On 06 May 2015

Representation of Public Health in the Print Media : A Survey and Analysis

This study aims to analyse the pattern in which mainstream media projects health issues, with a focus in the pulse polio eradication programme, and to understand the implications for media advocacy. A...

by Swati Bhattacharjee | On 27 Apr 2015

The Pocket book on Agricultural Statistics 2013

The Pocket book on Agricultural Statistics 2013 is intended as a quick reference guide for essential data frequently used by the policy makers and officers of the Ministry of Agriculture and related a...

by Ministry of Agriculture GOI | On 20 Apr 2015

Economic Policy Reforms in South Asia: An Overview and the Remaining Agenda

In the past few years, the pace of economic growth in South Asia has slowed considerably for two reasons: unfavourable global economic environment and the slowing pace of economic reforms that once we...

by | On 20 Apr 2015

The Net Neutrality Debate in the United States

In 2006, a major telecommunications bill was held up because it did not include guarantees for something called “net neutrality.” Republicans strongly opposed these guarantees, while Democrats strongl...

by Jeffrey Hart | On 15 Apr 2015

Deliberating Public Spheres: How does Net Neutrality Enable Democracy?

This study reviews and re-conceptualizes the ideas of democracy and the public sphere through the receptive medium of the Internet. Through exploring the transformational concept of the public sphere...

by Jonathan Cunha | On 15 Apr 2015

How will net neutrality be played out in Korea?

The network neutrality debate is closely related to social, political, and economic debates over the public information network and the duties of its private carriers. The paper begins by defining net...

by | On 15 Apr 2015

The Political Economy of Governing ISPs in China: Perspectives of Net Neutrality and Vertical Integration

Internet service providers (ISPs) have played an important role in China's internet regulation regime. This article illustrates how ISPs are governed to serve the government's regulatory goals.

by Henry L. Hu | On 15 Apr 2015

Policy Matters Now and in the Future: Net Neutrality, Corporate Data Mining, and Government Surveillance

This article details three key policy issues that have a profound effect on the future of the World Wide Web and Internet-based communications: net neutrality, corporate data mining, and government su...

by Heidi A. McKee | On 15 Apr 2015

Towards a Water and Food Secure Future

The aim of this paper is to provide policy-makers with a helpful overview of the technical and economic aspects of water use in agriculture, with particular emphasis on crop and livestock production....

by Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN UN | On 15 Apr 2015

Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Evidence from a Health Experiment in Pakistan

This paper provides evidence that the personality traits of policy actors matter for policy outcomes in the context of two large-scale experiments in Punjab, Pakistan. Three results support the releva...

by | On 14 Apr 2015

Are Current Tax and Spending Regimes Sustainable in Developing Asia?

This study projects government spending on education, health care, and social protection in developing Asia up to 2050 as a result of demographic changes and economic growth.

by Sang-Hyop Lee | On 06 Apr 2015

Myanmar: Cross-Cutting Governance Challenges

The paper assesses the current status of governance institutions in Myanmar, as well as their performance, in comparison to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and selected other countr...

by Cullen Hendrix | On 02 Apr 2015

Foreign Trade Policy: 1st April, 2015 – 31st March, 2020

The new five year foreign trade policy, 2015-2020 provides a framework for increasing exports of goods and services as well as generation of employment and increasing value addition in the country. Th...

by Ministry of Commerce and Industry GOI | On 02 Apr 2015

State Effectiveness, Growth, and Development

This paper discusses recent developments in the literature on state effectiveness. Each section covers the relevant theory with a special focus on the current knowledge about the mechanisms highlighte...

by | On 01 Apr 2015

Two Decades of Indian Microfinance: Trajectory and Transformation

This paper critically reviews the major trends in the trajectory of evolution of Indian microfinance since the early 1990s. The debates on Indian microfinance reflect the myriad imaginations and perc...

by | On 31 Mar 2015

Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: MNCs in Pharmaceutical Industry in India after TRIPS

The paper discusses several patent cases to argue that MNCs are aggressively asserting their patent rights not for getting genuine patents which they are entitled to but for preventing generic competi...

by Sudip Chaudhuri | On 30 Mar 2015

Health Policy Changes and Their Impact on Equity in Health Financing in India

This study examines the impact of health policy changes on equity of financing among households by using four successive rounds of national sample survey (NSS) data on consumer expenditure in India. T...

by | On 30 Mar 2015

Financial Inclusion, Poverty, and Income Inequality in Developing Asia

Understanding the link between financial inclusion, poverty, and income inequality at the country level will help policymakers design and implement programs that will broaden access to financial serv...

by | On 27 Mar 2015

An Innovative and Sustainable Growth Path for China: A Critical Decade

President Xi has remarked that China’s current model of economic development is “unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable”1 and China’s leadership has signalled its intention to “accelerate the...

by | On 25 Mar 2015

IMI Konnect Volume 4 Issue 2 - February 2015

The February 2015 issue of IMI Konnect (Volume 4, Issue 2) has the following articles - Reinventing India as an Innovation Nation? by Raghunath Anand Mashelkar; Understanding the Underpricing of IPOs...

by IMI Konnect | On 25 Mar 2015

Industrial Policy: Its Relevance and Currency

This paper makes an attempt to reflect on the debate on industrial policy, which has seen a revival of sorts in recent years, by analysing the developments in the two most important faces of market-or...

by Biswajit Dhar | On 25 Mar 2015

IMI Konnect Volume 4 Issue 1 - January 2015

The January 2015 issue of IMI Konnect (Volume 4, Issue 1) contains the following articles - Does Monetary Policy Limit Lending Behaviour of Banks? by Samaresh Bardhan; Entrepreneurship Education in In...

by IMI Konnect | On 24 Mar 2015

Japan and ASEAN: Their Changing Security Relations

Southeast Asia has been one of the key components of Japan's foreign policy in the post-Cold War period. It is one region where Japan's diplomacy has accomplished considerable success in coming to ter...

by | On 24 Mar 2015

IMI-Konnect, Volume 4, Issue 3

The March 2015 issue of IMI Konnect contains the following articles - “Perceptions on Financial Inclusion”, by Basabi Bhattacharya; “Does Innovation Lie in the Eyes of the Beholder?”, by Devjani Chatt...

by IMI Konnect | On 23 Mar 2015

Promoting Innovation in MSMEs through Public-Private Partnership

There is a growing realization that a strong and vibrant MSME sector characterized by high growth and continual innovation of products and processes can provide a strong foundation to economic and soc...

by Wadhwani Foundation | On 23 Mar 2015

Migrant Workers’ Right to Social Protection in ASEAN: Case Study of Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand

The report concludes with key recommendations to address the situation where there is currently a concerning lack of social protection for migrants within the ASEAN region from which MFA, FES, Parliam...

by | On 20 Mar 2015

IP Rights, Innovation and Development Priorities: Need for Balance

The present policy initiative by the Government of India may be seen in the light of IP concerns and complaints have been hurled at India by key intellectual property exporters, given pro-consumer ve...

by | On 18 Mar 2015

Structural Changes in India’s Foreign Trade

This working paper reflects Indis's domestic production on exports and imports. The paper also highlights upon India’s two policy instruments, namely price controls and reserving market segment for sm...

by | On 18 Mar 2015

Finance Commission of India’s Assessments: A Political Economy Contention between Expectations and Outcomes

The objective of this study is to examine the structural basis on which Finance Commissions make their awards rather than examining the predictability of the forecasts. The story of Finance Commission...

by | On 12 Mar 2015

Stability and Transitions in Emerging Market Policy Rules

Conditions for stability in an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model adapted to a dualistic labor market (SOEME) are the same as for a mature economy. But the introduction of mon...

by Ashima Goyal | On 11 Mar 2015

Are Schools Safe and Equal Places for Girls and Boys in Asia?

Research findings point to the need for focusing on gender equality in education and the need for a multi-level approach addressing barriers at the individual, community, school and policy levels if...

by | On 11 Mar 2015

An Agenda for the New Government: Policy Options for India in Maldives

According to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs’ (MEA) brief on ‘India-Maldives Relations’: “India and Maldives share ethnic, linguistic, cultural, religious and commercial links steeped in antiq...

by | On 10 Mar 2015

India’s Progress in Combating Climate Change

This Briefing Paper attempts to present a range of initiatives highlighting policy designs and their implementation in various sectors with states and non-state to set up cooperation on climate chan...

by | On 05 Mar 2015

Global Strategy for Women' s and Children's Health

The global strategy for women’s and children’s health reports the challenges on health and services provided to women and children around the world. It sets out the key areas where action is urgently...

by United Nations UN | On 03 Mar 2015

India's Union Budget: Changing Scope and the Evolving Content

The paper reflects on the changing scope of the Union Budget and the Finance Minister’s speech and assesses the evolving content of these policy instruments in recent years. The analysis undertaken is...

by | On 27 Feb 2015

Recognising Gender Biases, Rethinking Budgets

Gender Budgeting highlights that a government policy or intervention, if formulated and implemented without any attention to the gender-based disadvantages confronting women, might even end up reinfor...

by Pooja Parvati | On 26 Feb 2015

Economic Policy for Revival of Mining

There is a need for public policy revival in mining sector as its contribution to GDP is declining. India has coal reserves but it is one of the highest importers of coal in the world. There is a need...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 24 Feb 2015

Policy Asks and Expectations from Union Budget 2015-16

Important processes relating to government budgets in India have been constrained by some widely-acknowledged challenges in governance in the country. These challenges pertain to lack of adequate tran...

by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability | On 20 Feb 2015

Public Private Sector Partnerships in an Agricultural System of Innovation: Concepts and Challenges

The purpose of this paper is to explore current practice, speculate on future patterns of PPP and discuss how partnership can be leveraged in the development process. The paper seeks to view PPP exper...

by Andy Hall | On 16 Feb 2015

Report of the Working Group on Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure, Secondary Agriculture and Policy Required for Internal and External Trade

The report reviews existing agricultural marketing system. It deals with improving efficiency and reducing transaction cost in Agricultural Marketing by strengthening the physical markets, encouraging...

by Planning Commission | On 11 Feb 2015

Determinants of Regional Patterns of Manufacturing Exports: Indian Firms since the Mid-1990s

A preliminary analysis of the spatial determinants of firms’ export activities by Indian states has been undertaken in this study. Thus, the present study attempts to fill the gap by focusing on issue...

by Jaya Prakash Pradhan | On 06 Feb 2015

Enhancing Water-Use Efficiency of Thermal Power Plants in India: Need for Mandatory Water Audits

In view of the very high share of water consumption in thermal power plants, this policy brief highlights the water-use scenario in this sector and emphasizes the need for third party/mandatory and re...

by R K Batra | On 05 Feb 2015

Draft National Health Policy 2015, India: Hype, Hopes and Despair

The Draft National Health Policy 2015 (NHP 2015), only the third such policy in independent India is far more progressive than earlier two policies in more than one way. For one thing, there is an exp...

by | On 01 Feb 2015

Redistributive Policies for Sustainable Development: Looking at the Role of Assets and Equity

The paper distinguishes between the stock of income generating assets such as human capital and wealth and deriving income flows in order to clarify the differences between growth-equity trade off deb...

by Pierre Kohler | On 28 Jan 2015

Trade Policy Uncertainty and the WTO

This paper discusses the impact of WTO commitments on changes in MFN applied tariffs, isolating pure trade policy changes from any other change in the level of protection due to market conditions by f...

by Valeria Groppo | On 22 Jan 2015

The Mechanism of Long-Term Growth in India

This paper aim to provide an account of growth in India based on its internal dynamics. This helps to place the relative roles of policy, shocks, and internal dynamics. The paper leads us to conclude...

by Pulapre Balakrishnan | On 21 Jan 2015

Towards A Pareto Efficient Indian Agricultural Market - with Specific Focus on Rice and Wheat Markets

The paper examines the policies of the central as well as state governments with respect to the agricultural market, specifically in rice and wheat markets, analyses their shortcomings and argues for...

by Anandi Subramanian | On 16 Jan 2015

Annual Status of Education Report (Rural) 2014

ASAR report has made a great contribution to the discussions on our primary education policy. On a few parameters, these surveys show that the overall learning levels have deteriorated over the years....

by PRATHAM | On 15 Jan 2015

National Health Policy 2015 Draft

This National Health Policy addresses the urgent need to improve the performance of health systems. It is being formulated at the last year of the Millennium Declaration and its Goals, in the global c...

by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 15 Jan 2015

Global Economic Prospects

The report argues the recent setback in global economy and ways to strengthen the growth in developing countries. with a view to undertake growth and recovery in high-income countries, there is need t...

by World Bank | On 14 Jan 2015

Designing Policies in the Presence of Hawala Markets

The paper explores the impact of the existence of such a mechanism on the effectiveness of various policy instruments in influencing outcomes on the official foreign exchange markets and GDP. The pape...

by R.Kavita Rao | On 13 Jan 2015

The Effect of China's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years

China's one-child family policy has had a great effect on the lives of nearly a quarter of the world's population for a quarter of a century. When the policy was introduced in 1979, the Chinese govern...

by | On 13 Jan 2015

Trade Liberalization, Poverty and Food Security in India

This paper attempts to assess the impact of trade liberalization on growth, poverty, and food security in India with the help of a national level computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. It shows t...

by | On 29 Dec 2014

Prevalence of Undernutrition and Evidence on Interventions: Challenges for India

In the Indian context, the challenge to reducing undernutrition is twofold. Firsty, the evidence on the prevalence of undernutrition as well as its trend over the years varies by indicators and by r...

by Brinda Viswanathan | On 23 Dec 2014

Labour Migration in South Asia: A Review of Issues, Policies and Practices

This paper reviews migration policy frameworks in South Asia and their implications for governance of migration, protection of migrant workers and maximizing development benefits of migration. The pap...

by Piyasiri Wickramasekara | On 19 Dec 2014

Food and Nutrition Security Status in India: Opportunities for Investment Partnerships

Ensuring food and nutrition security is a challenge for India, given its huge population and high levels of poverty and malnutrition. India is a net agricultural exporter, particularly of milk, fruit...

by T. Nanda Kumar | On 18 Dec 2014

Youth Policies in Indonesia: Activating the Role of Youth

This policy review consisted of analyses on the existence of policies related to Indonesian youth, including how the state viewed its youth as policy instruments, and the problems in the existing poli...

by Lawrence Haddad | On 01 Dec 2014

Economic Evaluation of Minority Welfare

The authors review the conceptualisation, and implementation of policies related to the welfare of minority communities in India, with a special focus on Muslims as a minority group. Using the case s...

by Ritu Dewan | On 21 Nov 2014

Socio-Economic Status of the Notified Minority Communities

The report provides a detailed quantitative account of the four notified minority communities – Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and Parsis using all available information. The study takes into account th...

by Institute Human Development | On 11 Nov 2014

Migration and Urbanisation in India in the Context of Poverty Alleviation

Migration and urbanization are direct manifestations of the process of economic development in space, particularly in the contemporary phase of globalization. Understanding the causes and consequences...

by Amitabh Kundu | On 11 Nov 2014

Too Little, Too Late: Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in Maharashtra

While the union government announced its plan to extend the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana to the unorganised working class poor. The Government of Maharashtra has decided to scrap RSBY and replace it...

by Sujata Gothoskar | On 11 Nov 2014

Labour Market Transitions of Young Women and Men in Bangladesh

During the last decade, Bangladesh maintained a stable growth rate of around 6 per cent, and gross domestic product (GDP) doubled in the period 2000–12. Unfortunately, economic growth has not translat...

by Kazi Ali Toufique | On 31 Oct 2014

The Myth of Tough Labour Laws

In the post-reform period no opportunity has been missed out by the employers, the critics of labour regulation and the government in describing the labour laws in denouncing manner, viz. archaic, num...

by K.R. Shyam Sundar | On 28 Oct 2014

Information, Access and Targeting: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in India

In this paper, the relationship is assessed between possessing information on, gaining access to and the efficacy of delivery of India's national rural employment guarantee scheme (NREGA) in three sta...

by Shylashri Shankar | On 28 Oct 2014

Applying a Gender Lens to Science, Technology and Innovation

Science, technology and innovation (STI) can play a crucial role in meeting internationally agreed development goals. However, they cannot effectively facilitate equitable and sustainable develo...

by United Nations UN | On 27 Oct 2014

The Soya Project: Farm Evangelists

In 2008, two earnest young men set out to boost soya bean yields in the semi-arid region of Bundi in Rajasthan. Rainfall there is meagre and the soil lacks nutrients. But there are ready buyers for so...

by Civil Society | On 20 Oct 2014

Banking Renaissance: Inclusion, Innovation and Implementation

Innovative measures needed in our banking sector which would render it more inclusive, vibrant, productive, efficient and above all, customer-centric. [ seventh Annual Banking Conference “Bank on it ,...

by S.S. Mundra | On 17 Oct 2014

Fighting Child Malnutrition

India has the dubious distinction of having the highest burden of malnutrition in the world – higher than Sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly 50 per cent of our children are underweight and stunted and 70...

by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India | On 16 Oct 2014

Social Change and Public Policy

A public policy is basically a law or rule that is enforced by any level of government, whether central, state, or local. When making policy, the government often fall into the conceit that they are i...

by Parth Shah | On 15 Oct 2014

Revealed Preference for Open Defecation: Evidence from a New Survey in Rural North India

Despite economic growth, government latrine construction, and increasing recognition among policymakers that open defecation constitutes a health and human capital crisis, it remains stubbornly widesp...

by Diane Coffey | On 07 Oct 2014

The Post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Since the 2007-08 food crisis and hunger riots, the international policy agenda has shifted, clearly identifying that hunger and malnutrition are a poverty trap and potential source of political insta...

by Farming First | On 26 Sep 2014

Afghanistan National Youth Policy (draft 2013)

Afghanistan is one of world’s youngest and fastest growing populations at an annual rate of population change of 3.1 per cent (UNFPA, 2012a). According to the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) i...

by Ministry of Information and Culture | On 25 Sep 2014

Innovative Asia: Advancing the Knowledge-Based Economy

This report presents the case studies of the People’s Republic of China, India, Indonesia and Kazakhstan in their knowledge-based economy approaches. It identifies a range of policies and initiatives...

by Jonathan Chen | On 25 Sep 2014

Political Economy of Transition from Manmohanomics to Modinomics

The inaugural budget of the NDA led government has been a cause of some surprise and disappointment amongst those who were eagerly expecting a new radical dose of neo-liberal reforms. It appeared that...

by Surajit Mazumdar | On 22 Sep 2014

Creative Productivity Index: Analysing Creativity and Innovation in Asia

This report presents the results and analysis of the Creative Productivity Index (CPI) for a select number of Asian economies. The CPI was built by The Economist Intelligence Unit. The Asian Developme...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 19 Sep 2014

Science Education - Few takers for Innovation

Science education has been undervalued and ignored in the majority of Indian schools. This dossier attempts to initiate a dialogue on the major challenges facing science education in Indian schools. T...

by Anu Joy | On 17 Sep 2014

Mainstreaming Science Curricular Innovations: Lessons from the HSTP Experience

What are the challenges of mainstreaming curricular innovations? Perhaps, the effort should not be to mainstream specific curricular innovations, but to enable wider circulation to the enabling discur...

by A Sharma | On 16 Sep 2014

Three Challenges Facing Indian School Science Education

A serious lack of adequate equipment, of trained teachers and most importantly, a consensus on what should be taught in school science impede any positive movement on expanding quality education in s...

by Padma M. Sarangapani | On 16 Sep 2014

Breaking the Intellectual Isolation of the Science Teacher: Reflections from Whole Class Technology Research in Government School Classrooms

The primary objective of programmes to introduce ICTs in teaching should not be to promote digital technology, but to find a way to address the urgent need to strengthen the knowledge base of the scie...

by Meera Gopi Chandran | On 16 Sep 2014

Teaching Science: Content, Method and More?

Science is more than facts, concepts, theories, mathematics and experiments. In the long debate on what science really is, many scientists and philosophers tend to describe science not in terms of its...

by Sundar Sarukkai | On 16 Sep 2014

Science Education for a Different India

Education today is reinforcing the forces leading the species into self destruction. Instead, it has to play a liberative role, a transformative role, a creative role - a humanistic role. This essay e...

by M.P. Parameswaran | On 16 Sep 2014

Indian School Science Education

What are the distinctive purposes of teaching science in schools? What knowledge is of most worth for school science education? What are the fundamental aims school science education? Why to teach sci...

by Anu Joy | On 16 Sep 2014

Rising Food Prices in South Asia: A Policy Framework to Mitigate Adverse Effects

The global economic crises that started in 2008 have exposed commodity markets to increasing price volatility and raised concerns for higher inflation, food security and poverty reduction. This seri...

by S.Mahendra Dev | On 12 Sep 2014

National Population Policy

The National Population Policy, 2000 (NPP 2000) affirms the commitment of government towards voluntary and informed choice and consent of citizens while availing of reproductive health care services,...

by Government of Odisha | On 09 Sep 2014

Employment Guarantee for Women in India Evidence on Participation and Rationing in the MGNREGA from the National Sample Survey

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), which guarantees employment of every rural household for 100 days, has different progressive provisions which incentivise higher p...

by Sudha Narayanan | On 25 Aug 2014

Unravelling India’s Inflation Puzzle

From 2003, the Indian economy enjoyed a boom in growth coupled with moderate inflation for five years. The economy grew at a rate close to 9 percent per year, until it was punctured by the global fina...

by Pankaj Kumar | On 19 Aug 2014

Mindsets, Trends and the Informal Economy

The informal economy comprises those economic activities which are beyond the purview of the state because they lie outside its framework of laws, regulations and protections. A small proportion of th...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 13 Aug 2014

Creative Budgeting or Actual Deficit Reduction? The case of FRBM Act

The FRBM Act was reflective of the shared commitment across political parties towards fiscal conservatism. A decade later, the picture, as reflected in the Union Budget, is yet to change for the bette...

by Surajit Mazumdar | On 07 Aug 2014

Budget 2014-15: The Continuing Neglect of the 'Rural'

The Union Budget remains significant for the agricultural sector in the country for at least the following two reasons. First, the budget comes in the background of an agrarian crisis in the country,...

by Arindam Banerjee | On 04 Aug 2014

Salient Features of Measuring, Interpreting and Addressing Indian Inflation

The paper reviews the calculation of Indian wholesale and consumer price indices and suggests improvements in the light of past experience and international best practices. It confirms that food infla...

by Kirti Gupta | On 22 Jul 2014

India – National Youth Policy 2014 (NYP-2014)

The Government of India (GoI) currently invests more than Rs 90,000 crores per annum on youth development programmes or approximately Rs 2,710 per young individual per year, through youth-targeted (hi...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 21 Jul 2014

Bhutan - National Youth Policy 2011

This National Youth Policy seeks to respond to the needs of the country’s youth by providing a broad framework within which all stakeholders can contribute comprehensively and in a coordinated manner...

by National Assembly of Bhutan | On 21 Jul 2014

National Youth Policy – Bangladesh

The youth constitute one third of total population in Bangladesh. For this important portion of population, determination of national outlook is undeniable. The main objective of the present National...

by Department of Youth Development | On 17 Jul 2014

Union Budget 2014: Budgetary Resources for Public Goods

India’s health policy has focused on primary health centers and hospitals. The numbers of hospital beds, doctors, and nurses per 1000 persons have often been treated less as inputs and more as measure...

by Aarti Salve | On 14 Jul 2014

State of the Economy: Economic Survey Report

In 2014-15, the Indian economy is poised to overcome the sub-5 per cent growth of gross domestic product (GDP) witnessed over the last two years. The growth slowdown in the last two years was broad ba...

by Planning Commission | On 10 Jul 2014

Budgetary Process in Parliament

The bulletin shows what are the process in presenting budget and the terms used in the budget.

by Lok Sabha Secretariat | On 10 Jul 2014

The Role of Data in Addressing Violence against Women and Girls

This brochure describes, advocates and defenders of women’s and girls’ safety and rights, as well as international agencies, national policymakers and donors, need to understand the nature and magnitu...

by United Nations Population Fund UNFPA | On 07 Jul 2014

The Role of Mineral Fertilizers in Transforming Philippine Agriculture

Fertilizer policy in the country has evolved from pervasive interventionism in the 1970s to today's market-oriented regime. Government has abandoned price policies and subsidies, focusing rather on...

by Roehlano M. Briones | On 20 Jun 2014

Jobs and Livelihoods Mapping the Landscape

The Indian labour market is characterised by abysmally low participation of women in the labour market, enormity of low wage informal employment, and scarcity of decent regular wage employment. The c...

by IRIS Knowledge Foundation IKF | On 17 Jun 2014

When the Global Crisis and Youth Bulge Collide

This working paper: i describes recent labour market trends; ii analyses how young people are experiencing a double employment crisis as a result of the demographic phenomenon known as the ‘youth bulg...

by Isabel Ortiz | On 10 Jun 2014

In the Name of Science and Public Health: Concerns about the Safety of Pentavalent Vaccine

This report provides information on the policy and implementation of immunization in India. A description of the findings of the verbal autopsies gathered from the visits to Srinagar and Haryana, as a...

by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 10 Jun 2014

The Market Valuation of Innovation: The Case of Indian Manufacturing

The relationship between market value and innovation in the context of manufacturing firms in India was analysed, using data for 2001-2010. In a milieu where most firms do not patent, the concern was...

by Sunil Kanwar | On 10 Jun 2014

Workers in the Shadows: Abuse and Exploitation of Child Domestic Workers in Indonesia

This report documents how hundreds of thousands of girls in Indonesia, some as young as 11, are employed as domestic workers in other people’s households, performing tasks such as cooking, cleaning, l...

by Human Rights Watch | On 09 Jun 2014

PRS Legislative Research: Annual Policy Review-April 2013 – March 2014

The PRS Annual Policy Review aims to capture the key legislative and policy developments in India during the fiscal year 2013-14. The objective of this document is to summarise all the major devel...

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 05 Jun 2014

Economics, Education and Unlearning

In collaboration with several respected economists in the UK, this report identifies the issues with economics education today. It is a detailed, evidence-based argument outlining the shortcomings of...

by Post Crash Economic Society | On 30 May 2014

Growth and Structure of Employment in India: Long term and Post Reform Performance and the Emerging Challenge

This paper describes the growth and structural changes in employment in the long and short periods, with a special focus on the period since economic liberalisation. It assesses the employment challen...

by T. S. Papola | On 23 May 2014

Review of Agricultural Extension in India Are Farmers’ Information Needs Being Met?

Despite a wide range of reform initiatives in agricultural extension in India in the past decades, the coverage of, access to, and quality of information provided to marginalized and poor farmers is u...

by Motkuri Venkatanarayana | On 23 May 2014

The Employment Imperative: Report on the World Social Situation 2007

The report closely examines four areas of increasing concern that of particular importance when addressing the issue of employment: jobless growth, global informalisation of the labour market, economi...

by United Nations UN | On 16 May 2014

World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education

Gender equality is one of the six goals of the global Education for All campaign that UNESCO leads. This was launched in 2000, when the countries of the world agreed to “eliminate gender disparities i...

by Edward B. Fiske | On 12 May 2014

The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World

The 2013 Human Development Report, The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World looks at the evolving geopolitics of our times, examining emerging issues and trends and also the new actors...

by Khalid Malik | On 06 May 2014

Developing Democracies in Southeast Asia:Theorizing the Role of Parties and Elections 1 Forthcoming in Southeast Asia and Political Science: Theory, Region, and Method

Political parties and elections lie at the center of modern democratic politics. Elections function as the chief means of holding leaders accountable for their actions in democratic societies. Politic...

by Erik Kuhonta | On 28 Apr 2014

Access to Food

This series of eSSays is an attempt to fill that gap and make social and economic research impacting policy available to enhance public debate in this time of change. We also hope that this will const...

by Shambhu Ghatak | On 21 Apr 2014

Politics and Public Policies: Politics of Human Development in Uttar Pradesh, India

In India, public policies for human development are politically contested for many reasons like diverse political interests, commitment to specific social bases by political regimes etc. They have r...

by Shyam Singh | On 10 Apr 2014

Stagnant Manufacturing: Governance and Policy Slack

For some time now Indian manufacturing sector has been stagnating adversely affecting the growth of employment, investment (both domestic and foreign), and exports. The absence of a vibrant manufactu...

by N S Siddharthan | On 05 Apr 2014

Report on the State of Food Insecurity In Urban India

The concept of food insecurity is multidimensional in nature and is determined by a whole range of issues such as domestic production of food, import and export of food, purchasing power of people to...

by V. B. Athreya | On 03 Apr 2014

National Manufacturing Policy (2011)

The concern about the stagnant and low share of the manufacturing sector in India‘s GDP necessitated a dedicated policy for the sector with a view to accelerated development, inclusive growth and prov...

by Ministry of Commerce and Industry GOI | On 01 Apr 2014

Enhancing The Competitiveness Of Smes Through Industrial Clusters: The Indian Experience

The Indian economy is expected to grow by over 8 per cent per annum until 2020 and can become the second largest in the world, ahead of the United States, by 2050, and the third largest after China an...

by S.P. Parashar | On 11 Mar 2014

Gender Responsive Budgeting, as Fiscal Innovation: Evidence from India on “Processes”

Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) as an innovation has four specific components: knowledge processes and networking; institutional mechanisms; learning processes and building capacities; and public ac...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 05 Mar 2014

Implementing Right to Education: Issues and challenges

Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. (Article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration...

by Seema S. Ojha | On 21 Feb 2014

Middle-Income Trap: Economic Myth, Political Reality

While Asia continues to set pace as the world’s fastest growing region, some Asian middle-income countries (MICs) are showing signs of economic slowdown and face stiff competition from lower-cost econ...

by ASIA FOUNDATION | On 10 Feb 2014

Combating Youth Unemployment in India

This study discusses in depth the youth unemployment "problem" in India and the reasons behind it. Despite its demographic dividend and increased literacy levels, India faces youth unemployment as a...

by Pravin Sinha | On 08 Feb 2014

Revival of Mining Sector in India: Analysing Legislations and Royalty Regime

This paper on the mining sector is an attempt to analyse the sector, in particular, at its competitiveness. Against the backdrop of the Planning Commission’s High-level Committee Report on National Mi...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 05 Feb 2014

Determinants of Clusters in Indian Manufacturing: The Role of Infrastructure, Governance, Education, and Industrial Policy

This paper investigates the determinants of spatial concentration and entry within manufacturing across states in India. Using an unbalanced panel of 180 industries spread across 16 major Indian sta...

by Ana M. Fernandes | On 30 Jan 2014

Emerging Geopolitical Trends and Security in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the People’s Republic of China, and India (ACI) Region

The rapid economic growth in the region consisting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and India has begun to change the strategic landscape of...

by C. Raja Mohan | On 21 Jan 2014

Living Arrangement and Capability Deprivation of the Disabled in India

This paper puts forward the argument that the living arrangement of a disabled individual, or her/his marital status in particular, can be taken as a proxy for some very important functionings that...

by Achin Chakraborty | On 20 Jan 2014

Forty Eighth Report: The Lokpal Bill, 2011

The law has to seek not only to make corruption painful and hurtful after the event, but to make corruption unnecessary, undesirable and difficult to embark upon at the inception. Indeed many of such...

by Rajya Sabha | On 20 Dec 2013

Offline: Is Global Health Neocolonialist?

Reading copies of The Lancet from the 19th century will produce uncomfortable feelings among today's readers. The journal is littered with reports of disease and injury from parts of the world under B...

by Richard Horton | On 22 Nov 2013

Justice and State-Building in Afghanistan: State vs. Society vs. Taliban: Reflections on a Survey of the Afghan People

In Afghanistan, the process of creating a state judiciary has developed slowly, first through the gradual assertion of state control over sharia courts starting from the reign of Abdur Rahman (1880-19...

by Antonio Giustozzi | On 22 Nov 2013

Regional Cooperation on the Ganga Basin: Yet a mirage?

Ganges is one of the important rivers of South Asia. It is a trans-boundary river between India and Bangladesh. Some rivers, originating in the Tibetan Autonomous region of the People's Republic of Ch...

by Dwarika Dhungel | On 15 Nov 2013

Integrating Time in Public Policy: Any Evidence from Gender Diagnosis and Budgeting

Time use statistics is highly neglected in the studies on gender budgeting. The integration of this into this process remains partial or even nil across countries. This paper takes up these issues and...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 06 Nov 2013

When  Ideas Trump Interests :  Preferences, World Views, and Policy  Innovations

The contemporary approach to political economy is built around vested interests -- elites,  lobbies, and rent-seeking groups which get their way at the expense of the general public. The  role of id...

by Dani Rodrik | On 06 Nov 2013

Perverse Consequences of Well Intentioned Regulation: Evidence from India's Child Labor Ban

While bans against child labor are a common policy tool, there is very little empirical evidence validating their effectiveness. In this paper, it is examined that the consequences of India’s landm...

by Prashant Bansode | On 01 Nov 2013

The Case of Slum Rehabilitation in Delhi

Delhi Master Plan 2021 introduced the "In-situ rehabilitation" approach to slum redevelopment, in which slum residents transit to temporary housing while the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) reconstr...

by Anubhab Pattanayak | On 10 Oct 2013

Changing Leadership in Computer and Information Services, Emergence of India as the Current World Leader in Computer and Information Services

The paper analyses the changing leadership in Computer and Information Services (CIS). Leadership is measured in terms of export shares. The leadership appears to have changed from United States of ...

by Sunil Mani | On 10 Oct 2013

Model State Affordable Housing Policy for Urban Areas

The aim of this policy is to create an enabling environment for providing “affordable housing for all” with special emphasis on EWS and LIG and other vulnerable sections of society such as Scheduled c...

by Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation MOHUPA | On 09 Oct 2013

Interrogating 'Best Practices' for the Implementation of School Nutrition Programme in Urban India

This study examines the differences between two major Mid-day Meal implementation models: the decentralized model where food is cooked and served within the schools premises, and the centralized model...

by Shankar Priya | On 01 Oct 2013

A Critique: HIV/AIDS and the Legal and Policy Framework in Sri Lanka

This paper discusses and comments on the legal and policy dimension and the obstacles it poses to a sustainable and effective response to HIV/AIDS as many do not come forward to obtain medical servic...

by Bhavani Fonseka | On 14 Sep 2013

Statement by Dr. Raghuram Rajan

Statement by Dr. Raghuram Rajan on taking office on September 4, 2013. [RBI Press release].

by Sabeeta Badkar | On 05 Sep 2013

Malaysia: Recent Developments in Agricultural Research

Main issues of concern looking to the future include ongoing maintenance of capacity and infrastructure given government funding cuts, and the training and mentoring of junior staff needed to replace...

by Kathleen Flaherty | On 04 Sep 2013

Migration and Poverty in India: A Multi-Patterned and Complex Reality

The paper reviews the existing evidence on migration-poverty interface in the light of the macro and micro level studies in India. It also discusses the extent, patterns, and correlates of short term...

by Amita Shah | On 03 Sep 2013

Unilateral Facilitation Does Not Raise International Labor Migration from the Philippines

A large-scale randomized experiment was conducted in the Philippines testing the impact of unilaterally facilitating international labor migration. [BREAD Working Paper No. 396].

by Emily Beam | On 03 Sep 2013

Five Years of Leading the Reserve Bank: Looking Ahead by Looking Back

This Tenth Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial lecture lecture centres around the role and responsibility of a central bank in a democratic structure. Central banks make macroeconomic policy that influences t...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 30 Aug 2013

A Capable State in Afghanistan: A Building Without a Foundation?

This paper argues that attempts at state-building in Afghanistan have led to institutions that are not robust. The state institutions and organizations continue to be highly dependent on external re...

by Frauke de Weijer | On 20 Aug 2013


Breastfeeding is widely accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO), Health Canada, and the Canadian Institute of Child Health as the optimal method for infant feeding because it provides the foun...

by Newsfoundland & Labrador Association of Social Workers | On 08 Aug 2013

Draft National Land Reforms Policy

This policy outlines a very clear strategy of creating a large pool of land so that every family's right to land is fully honoured. The policy proceeds to suggest a just and equitable method of allott...

by Ministry of Rural Development GOI | On 06 Aug 2013

Fuel Price Hike and Indonesia’s Energy Insecurity

Fuel price hikes have always been unpopular in Indonesia, largely because of their wide-ranging impact on the population. Yet, it is undeniable that the current high subsidies are unsustainable. To mo...

by Margareth Sembiring | On 26 Jul 2013

Breaking New Ground: Enacting a National Land Use Policy

With only a total land area of 30 million hectares and a population of 92.3 million growing at an average rate of 2.12 percent, how should the Philippines allocate a very scarce and important resource...

by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 24 Jul 2013

Rainfed agriculture: for an inclusive, sustainable and food secure India

India is increasingly focusing on its rainfed areas due to demand for food and nutrition security, and escalating farmer distress. But agricultural policy paralysis has meant that the familiar, extern...

by Srijit Mishra | On 16 Jul 2013

Innovation, Efficiency, Productivity and Intellectual Property Rights: Evidence from a BRIC Economy

The innovation, efficiency and productivity responses to the stronger protection of intellectual property rights post-TRIPs, with reference to manufacturing industry in India is studied. The fact that...

by Sunil Kanwar | On 12 Jul 2013

The National Policy for Children, 2012

The Union Cabinet gave its approval to the National Policy for Children, 2012. The Policy reaffirms the government’s commitment to the realization of the rights of all children in the country.

by Anonymous | On 27 May 2013

The Political Economy of Food Pricing Policy in China

The overall goal of this paper is to analyse the political economy of food price policies in China during the global food crisis. The results show that given China’s unique economic and political co...

by Jikun Huang | On 18 Apr 2013

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012–2017): Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth

Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017). [Planning Commission, GOI]. URL:[].

by Planning Commission | On 10 Apr 2013

Employment Effects of Low-Skilled Immigrants in Korea

This study examines the impact of inflows of foreign workers on Korean natives’ economic performance – namely, employment – through the Employment Permit System, the basis of Korea’s system by which...

by Jungho Kim | On 03 Apr 2013

Policy Gaps for Promoting Green Grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge in Developing Countries: Learning from Indian Experience

In this paper, the building blocks of a sustainable innovation eco system have been identified. The concept of National Innovation System [NIS], which ignored the knowledge of informal sector, has b...

by Anil K Gupta | On 20 Mar 2013

Policy Gaps for Promoting Green Grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge in Developing Countries: Learning from Indian Experience

Society for Research and Initiatives for Technologies and Institutions [SRISTI] has pioneered a knowledge intensive model for transforming institutional context of problem solving at community level....

by Anil. K Gupta | On 07 Mar 2013

Growth and Deprivation in India: What Does Recent Data Say?

The report investigate the relationship between growth and deprivation in India, an issue of immense interest. Given the continuing controversy in India over poverty lines, they used a framework that...

by Sripad Motiram | On 07 Mar 2013

Monthly Policy Review: February 2013

Justice Usha Mehra report on Delhi gang rape case, Railway Budget, Union Budget were the important highlights on this months. [PRS]. URL:[

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 02 Mar 2013

Indian Special Economic Zones: The Difficulties of Repeating China’s Triumph

New Delhi launched its SEZ revolution in April 2000 to secure the country a two digit growth rate, copying from China what during the previous two decades proved to be an excellent strategy, this pa...

by Claudia Astarita | On 21 Feb 2013

Nutrition Policies in Developing Countries: Challenges and Highlights

There are many nutrition policies in developing countries. What are the challenges faced by these malnutrition policies? There are many countries which have successfully included nutrition in their d...

by Olivier Ecker | On 12 Feb 2013

The Changing Perspective of Mental Health of Children and Adolescents

Review of the book 'Child and Adolescent Mental Health' edited by Usha Nayar, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children; February 2013; pp 363; Rs 115...

by Aarti Salve | On 07 Feb 2013

Positive and Normative Aspects of Food Policy and the Market in Indian Agriculture-An Empirical Analysis of Government Policy Interventions in Food Management

There are discussions about food management and food policy issues in India in the backdrop of largely unchanging dynamics of slow growth of the farm sector in India. First we deal with the manner in...

by Munish Alagh | On 30 Jan 2013

Economic Policies and Agricultural Incentives: The Philippine Case

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of economic policies on Philippine agricultural incentives from 1960 up to 1992. Apart from economic policies affecting price incentives, cover publi...

by Cristina C. David | On 24 Jan 2013

Land Acquisition for Industrialization and Compensation of Displaced Farmers

This paper addresses the question of how farmers displaced by acquisition of agricultural land for the purpose of industrialization ought to be compensated. Prior to acquisition, the farmers are leasi...

by Maitreesh Ghatak | On 22 Jan 2013

Indian Antidumping Measures against China: Evidence from Monthly Trade Data

This paper provides a detailed analysis of trade flows between the two emerging economies and investigates on which type of products and in which sectors the Indian government applies antidumping m...

by Hylke Vandenbussche | On 23 Nov 2012

Effects of Climate Change in Asia-Pacific Region

Review of the book 'Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: How Can Countries Adapt?' Venkatachalam Anbumozhi; Meinhard Breiling; Selvarajah Pathmarajah; Vangimalla R. Reddy (Eds) SA...

by Sunil Nautiyal | On 21 Nov 2012

Learning and Capability Acquisition: A Case Study of the Indian Automobile Industry

This study analyzes the impact of government policy regime on the learning and capability acquisition of firms over time. Through a case study analysis of the Indian automotive industry, the study d...

by Madhuri Saripalle | On 19 Nov 2012

Analyzing Intersectoral Convergence to Improve Child Undernutrition in India: Development and Application of a Framework to Examine Policies in Agriculture, Health, and Nutrition

To reduce child under nutrition in India, convergence from various sectors are required. The framework notes that issues related to convergence must be resolved in relation to three major steps in the...

by Rajani Ved | On 16 Nov 2012

Review of Input and Output Policies for Cereals Production in Pakistan

This report reviews the input and output policies for cereals implemented in Pakistan during the period 1996–2010. Pakistan has a long and varied history of intervening in farm input and output market...

by Abdul Salam | On 16 Nov 2012

Co-movement of Skill Premium and Stock Prices

We examine the empirical phenomenon of co-movement of skill premium and share prices by appealing to the techniques of cointegration. The US data (1984--2010) reveals that stock prices and skill premi...

by Kausik Gangopadhyay | On 05 Nov 2012

Diesel Pricing in India: Entangled in Policy Maze

This paper identifies the important economic activities that use diesel and discusses the contribution of those sectors in GDP. Other important petroleum products and, their limited substitution possi...

by Mukesh Kumar Anand | On 17 Oct 2012

Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) - Sabla

A new comprehensive scheme, called Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls or Sabla, merging the erstwhile Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) and Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls (NPA...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 05 Oct 2012

Bihar: What went wrong? And what changed?

A historical narrative of Bihar is provided context to much of its current state, Focus is given on its contemporary economy in the past three decades to better understand the moribund state of its ec...

by Arnab Mukherji | On 28 Sep 2012

What Do Teachers Do? Teacher Quality Vis-a-vis Teacher Quantity in a Model of Public Education and Growth

This paper analyses the contribution of teachers in a public education system and its implication for growth. Focus is given exclusively on two teacher-specfi?c inputs (teacher quality and teacher q...

by Mausumi Das | On 21 Sep 2012

Food Subsidy in India: Trends, Causes and Policy Reform Options

This paper analyses the trends in volume of food subsidy in the post-reforms period (1991-92 to 2012-13) and then examines various components of food subsidy, which are under the control of FCI and th...

by Vijay Paul Sharma | On 20 Sep 2012

Energy Savings Potential and Policy for Energy Conservation in Selected Indian Manufacturing Industries

This paper focuses on the assessment of energy savings potential in seven highly energy consuming industries. The paper estimates the energy savings potential for each of these industries using unit l...

by Manish Gupta | On 17 Sep 2012

Maharashtra State Youth Policy Declaration

This is an inclusive policy, which recognizes diversity in gender, caste, class, religion, language and reiterates the commitment of the State to this vibrant and significant population group and look...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012


The earlier National Youth Policy was formulated in 1988. The socio-economic conditions in the country have since undergone a significant change and have been shaped by wide-ranging technological adva...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012

Exposure Draft National Youth Policy 2012

The NYP 2012 is a step forward from the earlier Policy formulated in 1988 and, later, in 2003. It reaffirms commitment of the nation to the rights and holistic development of the young people of the c...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012

Health Policy Processes in Gujarat: A Case Study of the Policy for Independent Nurse Practitioners in Midwifery

The policy processes of the policy on ‘Nurse practitioners in midwifery’ (NPM) are described. The policy aims to educate and create a new cadre of competent midwives in the government hospitals as an...

by Sharma Bharati | On 03 Sep 2012

The Economic Consequences of Excess Men: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Taiwan

As sex ratio imbalances have become a problem in an increasing number of countries, it is important to understand their consequences. With the defeat of the Kuomintang Party in China, more than one mi...

by Simon Chang | On 28 Aug 2012

Japan’s Post-Triple-Disaster Growth Strategy

This paper discusses the scope of the many challenges and sets out a long-term strategy for overcoming them and putting the Japanese economy on a stable growth path. [Working Paper No. 376]. URL:[http...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 24 Aug 2012

Food Security: Cities As Part of the Solution and Not the Problem

As the world becomes increasingly urban, food demand will come mainly from people living in cities while there will be fewer rural farmers producing food on less land with less water. Cities can play...

by Paul S Teng | On 16 Aug 2012

Deriving India’s Potential Growth from Theory and Structure

Estimates suggest that Indian aggregate supply is elastic but subject to upward shocks. If supply shocks make a high persistent contribution to inflation, it implies second round pass through is occu...

by Ashima Goyal | On 16 Aug 2012

The Universities for Research and Innovation Bill, 2012

A bill to provide for the establishment and incorporation of Universities for Research and Innovation and for enabling them to emerge as centres for ecosystems to develop as hubs of education, resea...

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 08 Aug 2012

Capitalism as a System of Contingent Expectations: Toward a Sociological Microfoundation of Political Economy

Political economy and economic sociology have developed in relative isolation from each other. While political economy focuses largely on macrophenomena, economic sociology focuses on the level of soc...

by Jens Beckert | On 07 Aug 2012

Agricultural Credit - Accomplishments and Challenges

Agriculture’s share in GDP is less than 15 per cent but it still remains the direct domain of over half of the population whose economic prospects are linked to the performance of agriculture. There a...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 03 Aug 2012

The Draft National Policy for Children, 2012

To affirm the Government’s commitment to the rights based approach in addressing the continuing and emerging challenges in the situation of children, the Government of India adopted this Resolution...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 30 Jul 2012

Conserving, Augmenting and Sharing Water

There is a huge crisis for water all around the world, certainly in India with groundwater table going down and drinking water selling almost at the rate of toned milk. That also shows that country ha...

by Anil K Gupta | On 20 Jul 2012

The Higher Education and Research Bill, 2011

A bill to promote autonomy of higher educational institutions and universities for free pursuit of knowledge and innovation and to provide for comprehensive and integrated growth of higher educati...

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 12 Jul 2012

Review of Philippine Migration Laws and Regulations Gains, Gaps, Prospects

The Philippines has often been cited as the global model in managing international labor migration. Despite the complexity of our management infrastructure, however, some gaps still remain. This pap...

by Julyn S Ambito | On 12 Jul 2012

Patients as People

Review of Putting Women First: Women and Health in a Rural Community Rani Bang with Sunanda Khorgade and Rupa Chinai; Stree, Kolkata, India; November 2010; pp 650; Rs 350.

by Anuja Jayaraman | On 11 Jul 2012

India's SEZ Policy

Over the last few decades India has emerged as an economic giant. In 2000 the Special Economic Zone (SEZs) policy became part of a strategy to maintain high growth and promote India’s manufacturing ...

by Ebba Mårtensson | On 11 Jul 2012

Priority-Setting in Health: Building Institutions for Smarter Public Spending

Creating and developing fair and evidence-based national and global systems to more rationally set priorities for public spending on health. An interim secretariat should be there to incubate a global...

by Amanda Glassman | On 10 Jul 2012

Intra- and Inter-national University-Industry Linkage and Innovation in Emerging Economies: Evidence from China

The different role of intra- and inter-national university-industry collaboration in industrial innovation in emerging economies are investigated. Based on a national firm-level survey database from...

by Xiaolan Fu | On 09 Jul 2012

Troubled Encounter: Japan–DPRK Non-Relations

This paper explores the interplay between two neighbors that have been victims of history, Japan and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, also known as North Korea). [ISDP Asia Paper]. U...

by Bert Edström | On 05 Jul 2012

Improving Access to Mental Health Care and Psychosocial Support within a Fragile Context: A Case Study from Afghanistan

Afghanistan is an example of a ‘‘fragile state,’’ characterised by a government that lacks the capacity to provide core services and basic security to its population. Improving health care within...

by Peter Ventevogel | On 22 Jun 2012

Inclusive National Accounts: Introduction

An outline of what would be ideally needed for a comprehensive set of national accounts is given. National governments and international agencies ought ideally to go even beyond green national accoun...

by Partha Dasgupta | On 22 Jun 2012

Has India Emerged? Business Cycle Stylized Facts from a Transitioning Economy

A comprehense documentation - using both annual and quarterly data - an exhaustive set of stylized facts for the Indian business cycle in the pre and post reform period, the data is used to report...

by Chetan Ghate | On 19 Jun 2012

Price Support, Domestic Procurement Programme and Public Stock Management

This Policy Brief discusses the policy options for improving effectiveness of price support, domestic procurement programme and public stock management in Bangladesh. It has been funded by th...

by Quazi Shahabuddin | On 01 Jun 2012

Philippine Productivity Dynamics in the Last Five Decades and Determinants of Total Factor Productivity

The paper reviews the economic growth and productivity dynamics of Philippine economy in the past fifty years. The paper also provides an estimation of determinants of total factor productivity and la...

by Gilberto M Llanto | On 29 May 2012

The Political Economy of Deforestation in the Tropics

Tropical deforestation accounts for almost one-fifth of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and threatens the world.s most diverse ecosystems. The prevalence of illegal forest extraction in the tropi...

by Robin Burgess | On 08 May 2012

NAC Working Group on Gender and the Sex Ratio Draft Recommendations

The NAC Working Group held three national consultations on different aspects of the issue of declining child sex ratio. The Working Group conveners also separately met with Ministry of Women and Child...

by Farah Naqvi | On 25 Apr 2012

Draft National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy

The National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy reaffirms the commitment of the Government of India to provide integrated services for holistic development of all children, along the con...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 20 Apr 2012

Audio-visual Services: International Trade and Cultural Policy

The audiovisual sector is a significant component of the economy in terms of wealth creation and employment and audiovisual industries also play an important cultural role. This study reviews the main...

by Gillian Doyle | On 20 Apr 2012

The Great Depression and the Great Recession: What have we Learned?

The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and the Great Recession of 2007-2009 are now in the past. Again there was the debt crisis of 2010-11. During the worst of the recent financial crisis/Great Recession...

by Michael D Bordo | On 13 Apr 2012

Monetary Transmission in Pakistan: The Balance Sheet Channel

Using data of non-financial listed firms over a period of 1999-2010, this paper investigates the effectiveness of balance sheet channel in monetary transmission mechanism in Pakistan. By classifying f...

by Safia Shabbir | On 09 Apr 2012

Budget Speech 2012-13: Mizoram

Budget Speech of PU H.LIANSAILOVA HON’BLE FINANCE MINISTER. [Government of Mizoram]. URL:[].

by Finance Minister Mizoram | On 29 Mar 2012

Budget Speech 2012-2013: India

Speech of Pranab Mukherjee Minister of Finance, India. [Budget Speech]. URL:[].

by Pranab Mukherjee | On 16 Mar 2012

Oil Price Shock, Pass-through Policy and its Impact on India

This paper analyses the impact of transmission of international oil prices and domestic oil price pass-through policy on major macroeconomic variables in India with the help of a macroeconomic policy...

by N R Bhanumurthy | On 16 Mar 2012

Services as a New Engine of Growth for ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China, and India

The purpose of this report is twofold. First, a compendium of relevant data is presented on the state of the services sector in the ACI (ASEAN, PRC and India) countries, focusing on its contribution t...

by Ben Shepherd | On 12 Mar 2012

The Global Race for Excellence and Skilled Labour: A Status Report

In this context, higher education as well as research and development (R&D) have long since ceased to be purely the domain of the developed Western economies. Numerous regions of the world, some in th...

by Ingo Rollwagen | On 09 Mar 2012

More Money or More Development: What Have the MDGs Achieved?

What have the MDGs achieved? And what might their achievements mean for any second generation of MDGs or MDGs 2.0? We argue that the MDGs may have played a role in increasing aid and that developmen...

by Charles Kenny | On 24 Feb 2012

Electoral Rules, Forms of Government and Redistributive Policy: Evidence from Agriculture and Food Policies

The effect of electoral rules and forms of government on public policy outcomes using a new dataset on agriculture and food policies from 74 countries over the 1960-2005 period is investigated. Using...

by Alessandro Olper | On 22 Feb 2012

In Remembrance: Girish Sant, Energy Expert, Activist

Girish Sant, co-founder of Prayas Energy Group, a pro-people's thin tank on energy issues, an inspiration to many, suffered a fatal heart attack on February3, 2012. A short note on his life and work.

by Anonymous | On 20 Feb 2012

From REDD to Green: A Global Incentive System to Stop Tropical Forest Clearing

A prototype incentive system is developed for promoting rapid reduction of forest clearing in tropical countries. The proposed Tropical Forest Protection Fund (TFPF) is a cash-on-delivery system that...

by David Wheeler | On 09 Feb 2012

Foreign R&D Centres in India: An Analysis of their Size, Structure and Implications

The study measures the contribution of MNCs to the generation of innovations from India. The focus is on innovations that are carried out in foreign R&D Centres. After having mapped out the size of...

by Rakesh Basant | On 06 Feb 2012

Consumer Responses to Incentives to Reduce Plastic Bag Use: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban India

In this paper a test for appropriate policies is done that could help control the use of plastic bags in Delhi. In January 2009, the Government of Delhi introduced a wide-ranging ban on the use of p...

by Kanupriya Gupta | On 03 Feb 2012

How is Financial Regulation Different for Micro- Finance?

What is the role of financial regulation in the field of micro- finance? This paper identifi es two features of micro- finance which call for unique treatment in policy considerations as compared...

by M Sahoo | On 03 Feb 2012

Stability and Policy Rules in Emerging Markets

Stability results for an open economy DSGE adapted to an emerging market (SOEME) with a dualistic structure have the same structure as in the original model, but those derived for the simulated versi...

by Ashima Goyal | On 02 Feb 2012

Inflation in Nepal

A large number of studies in Nepal have been conducted to identify the factors responsible for inflation based on the different theories of inflation. Although these studies provide insight into the...

by Nepal Rastra Bank Research Department NRB | On 02 Feb 2012

Fiscal Policy in India: Trends and Trajectory

This essay examines the trajectory of India?s fiscal policy with a focus on historical trends, fiscal discipline frameworks, fiscal responses to the global financial crisis and subsequent return to a...

by Supriyo De | On 31 Jan 2012

“Reserve Bank of India Post-Policy Conference Call”

RBI Governor D. Subbarao answering to researchers after publishing the monetary policy. [RBI]. URL:[]

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 30 Jan 2012

Intentions vs. Implementation of Philippine Economic Reforms Under Aquino, 1986-92

This paper explains the gaps between official objectives and the actual accomplishments of the Aquino government, with an emphasis on the implementation record of agricultural-based strategies. Summar...

by V. Bruce J Tolentino | On 30 Jan 2012

Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2011-12

This policy review is set in the context of a highly uncertain global environment and a delicately poised domestic balance between growth and inflation. It should be read and understood together...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 25 Jan 2012

Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments Third Quarter Review 2011-12

The Growth outlook has weakened as a result of adverse global and domestic factors that have been mentioned above. Business and consumer confidence has been impacted. Professional forecasters now...

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 25 Jan 2012

The Relationship between Inflation and Relative Price Variability in Pakistan

This paper explores the relationship between inflation and relative price variability (RPV) by using disaggregated CPI data for Pakistan. Three methods have been used to assess the functional form and...

by Muhammad Akmal | On 25 Jan 2012

Banks, Policy and Risks

This paper assesses the sources of risk for Indian banks in the context of their history, structure, level of development, and policy environment and draws out implications for global and domestic pol...

by Ashima Goyal | On 18 Jan 2012

Challenges in IMS Reforms: A Global and Emerging Markets Perspective

The current global financial crisis has reopened an old debate on the international monetary system by baring weaknesses and flaws that have long been known. The debate is centred on both stability an...

by Alok Sheel | On 10 Jan 2012

Inter-connectedness of Banks and NBFCs in India: Issues and Policy Implications

The recent global financial crisis (2007-09) has clearly highlighted the gravity of high financial inter-connectedness within the financial system. In the Indian context, this brief study attempts to...

by Karunagaran A | On 05 Jan 2012

Ethanol Blending Policy in India: Demand and Supply Issues

In the year 2008, the Government of India announced its National Policy on biofuels, mandating a phase-wise implementation of the programme of ethanol blending with petrol in various states. This stud...

by Saon Ray | On 02 Jan 2012

Strengthening Banking Regulation: Amending the BSP Charter

This Policy Brief discusses the proposed amendments to Republic Act No. 7653 (RA 7653). The first part briefly presents the mandate of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). It then describes the fi...

by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 29 Dec 2011

Economic and Financial Developments in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Reserve Bank has stepped up its efforts in recent years to enhance the penetration of the formal financial sector and promote financial inclusion with a view to improving the well-being of our soc...

by Deepak Mohanty | On 26 Dec 2011

Will Neoliberal Policies Resolve Water Sector Dilemmas? Learnings from Maharashtra and Gujarat

This paper examines how the neoliberal policies have influenced the water sector reform policies and interventions in India, particularly, in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. In doing so, the...

by Viswanathan P K | On 26 Dec 2011

Comparison of the Lok Pal Bill, 2011 and the Standing Committee Report on the Lok Pal Bill

The Department Related Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice tabled its 48th Report on the ‘Lok Pal Bill, 2011’ on December 9, 2011. The Bill was introduced in the Lok Sa...

by Kaushiki Sanyal | On 23 Dec 2011

Public Sector Performance: A Global Perspective

The public sectors of different countries are shaped by many factors, but they share common challenges. Those challenges make public sector performance management more complex than it is in the privat...

by Louise Ross | On 14 Dec 2011

On Learning, Innovation and Competence Building in India’s SMEs: Challenges Ahead

With a vast and diverse SME sector India’s industrialization owes much to the technological dynamism of enterprises. Various institutional interventions have been made to promote innovativeness in t...

by Keshab Das | On 13 Dec 2011

Gender and Climate Change: Overview Report

Climate change is increasingly being recognised as a global crisis, but responses to it have so far been overly focused on scientific and economic solutions. How then do we move towards more people-ce...

by Emmeline Skinner | On 03 Dec 2011

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Presence of Informal Labour Markets

How does informality in emerging economies affect the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy? To answer this question two-sector, formal-informal new Keynesian closed-economy is constructed. The inf...

by Nicoletta Batini | On 02 Dec 2011

National Urban Transport Policy

The objective of this policy is to ensure safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable access for the growing number of city residents to jobs, education, recreation and such other...

by Ministry of Urban Development GOI | On 30 Nov 2011

Rejigging the Elephant Dance

India's development challenges. The India growth story was thrown off track by the global financial crisis which engulfed virtually every country in the world. We recovered from the crisis sooner than...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 30 Nov 2011

Impact of the Retail FDI Policy on Indian Consumers and the Way Forward

This paper analyses the impact of the retail FDI policy on Indian consumers and make policy recommendations for the Indian government. Based on a primary survey of Indian consumers, the paper examines...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 28 Nov 2011

Publishing Construction Contracts as a Tool for Efficiency and Good Governance

Construction is a $1.7 trillion industry worldwide, much of which is linked to publicly financed projects. Outcomes from this financing are frequently suboptimal. Cost and time escalation, as well a...

by Charles Kenny | On 25 Nov 2011

Informal Labour and Credit Markets: A Survey

This paper reviews the literature on the informal economy, focusing first on empirical findings and then on existing approaches to modelling informality within both partial and general equilibrium e...

by Nicoletta Batini | On 24 Nov 2011

The Challenge of Food Inflation

The trends in food inflation over the past 60 years are given. Having thus set the context, the factors driving structural food inflation, which should give us a perspective of the underlying dynam...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 24 Nov 2011

Geographical Agglomeration of Indian and Chinese Multinationals in Europe: A Comparative Analysis (Preliminary version)

The outward FDI from emerging economies to developed countries is of great interest to international business researchers and policy makers, also with regard to their location and sectoral patterns....

by Haiyan Zhang | On 21 Nov 2011

In Search of Growth

With deep crisis weakening potential output growth, the need for an explicit growth policy is emerging most starkly in Japan, the EU and the US. If properly shaped, this will help to consolidate bud...

by Klaus Deutsch | On 21 Nov 2011

India’s Agricultural Development under the New Economic Regime: Policy Perspective and Strategy for the 12th Five Year Plan

The Eleventh Plan, which had attempted to reverse deceleration of agricultural growth during the Ninth and Tenth Plan, had some success in as foodgrains production has touched a new peak of 241.56 m...

by Vijay Paul Sharma | On 17 Nov 2011

The Impossible Trinity and Capital Flows in East Asia

The Impossible Trinity doctrine still holds a powerful sway over policymakers, advisors (particularly the International Monetary Fund [IMF]) and academia. In East Asia over the past decade, however,...

by Stephen Grenville | On 15 Nov 2011

Millenium Development Goals: How is India Doing?

This paper evaluates the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) as a framework for measuring development and, subject to qualifications arising from that evaluation, assesses how India is doing in terms o...

by Sudipto Mundle | On 11 Nov 2011

The G20: Engine of Asian Regionalism?

The paper scrutinizes the functioning of the G20 and its role in increasing coordination. and cooperation between Asian countries. It highlights divergent agendas amongst the A6 as regards the future...

by Hugo Dobson | On 09 Nov 2011

Monetary Operating Procedures: Principles and the Indian process

As markets deepen and interest elasticities increase it is optimal for emerging markets to shift towards an interest rate instrument since continuing monetization of the economy implies money demand...

by Ashima Goyal | On 04 Nov 2011

The Financial Accelerator: An Emerging Market Story

In support of the financial-accelerator theory, evidence is found on countercyclical price-cost banking margins possibly explaining the amplifications of business cycles in Pakistan. [WP 41]. URL:[ht...

by Shah Hussein | On 03 Nov 2011

Draft of Citizens Right to Grievance Redress Bill, 2011

A Bill to lay down an obligation upon every public authority to publish citizens charter stating therein the time within which specified goods shall be supplied and services be rendered and provide...

by Department of Administrative Reforms Public Grievances | On 03 Nov 2011

Draft National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Policy, 2011 (NPPP 2011)

The Drug Policy, 1994 needed to be revised to  meet  the  challenges  brought  about  by  the  competitive  international  pharmaceutical  industry  in  a  globalised  economic  environment,  as muc...

by Pharmaceuticals Department of | On 02 Nov 2011

Task Force to Explore Options other than Price Control for Achieving the Objective of Making Available Life-saving Drugs at Reasonable Prices

The Task Force was constituted to explore options other than price control for achieving the objective of making available life-saving drugs at reasonable prices. The Task Force recommends that pr...

by Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals | On 02 Nov 2011

Emigration of Women Domestic Workers from Kerala: Gender, State Policy and the Politics of Movement

Restrictions imposed by the Government of India on the emigration of women in ‘unskilled’ categories such as domestic work are framed as measures intended to protect women from exploitation. Specia...

by Praveena Kodoth | On 24 Oct 2011

What is driving the Indian middle class towards electoral politics? Evidence from Delhi

Neighborhood Associations have assumed an important role in public policy decision making as the principal voice of the middle class across urban India. In recent years, these associations have sought...

by Poulomi Chakrabarti | On 20 Oct 2011

Discount Rate for Health Benefits and the Value of Life in India

This study contributes to the literature by estimating discount rate for environmental health benefits and value of statistical life of workers in India. The discount rate is imputed from wage-risk...

by K. R. Shanmugam | On 19 Oct 2011

An Economic Policy and Legal Analysis of The Micro Finance Institutions (Development & Regulation) Bill, 2011

In response to the Second Micro Finance Crisis in Andhra Pradesh, which took place in October 2010, the Ministry of Finance has pro- posed a new Micro Finance Institutions (Development & Regulation) ...

by Shubho Roy | On 17 Oct 2011

From Monasteries to Multinationals (and Back): A Historical Review of the Beer Economy

This article reviews beer production, consumption and the industrial organization of breweries throughout history. Monasteries were the centers of the beer economy in the early Middle Ages. Innovation...

by Eline Poelmans | On 14 Oct 2011

Knowledge Flows and Capability Building in the Indian IT Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Cluster and Non-Cluster Locations

In this study, a comparative analysis of the role of knowledge flows in capability formation among firms in the Indian Information Technology sector (IT sector) across cluster and non-cluster location...

by Rakesh Basant | On 13 Oct 2011

National Telecom Policy-2011 (NTP-2011)

NTP-2011 has the vision Broadband on Demand and envisages leveraging telecom infrastructure to enable all citizens and businesses, both in rural and urban landscape, to participate in the Internet and...

by Ministry of Communication & Information Technology GOI | On 13 Oct 2011

An Empirical Analysis of Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interaction in India

This study analyses the behaviour of monetary and fiscal policies interaction in India using quarterly data for 2000Q2 to 2010Q1. It finds that, even after the elimination of automatic monetisation...

by Janak Raj | On 11 Oct 2011

Got Water? Social Divisions and Access to Public Goods in Rural India

Data for 436 rural districts has been used from the 2001 Census of India to examine whether different aspects of social divisions help explain the wide variation in access to tap water across rural In...

by Divya Balasubramaniam | On 07 Oct 2011

Loan-to-Value Ratio as a Macro-Prudential Tool: Hong Kong's Experience and Cross-Country Evidence

This study assesses the effectiveness and drawbacks of maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratios as a macroprudential tool based on Hong Kong’s experience and econometric analyses of panel data from 13 eco...

by Eric Wong | On 03 Oct 2011

Understanding Inflation and Controlling It

Inflation management is one of the hardest tasks an economic policymaker has to undertake. It appears, at first sight, that one can rely entirely on commonsense to carry out this task. But that will b...

by Kaushik Basu | On 28 Sep 2011

Monetary Policy Dilemmas: Some RBI Perspectives

Over the last decade, the profile of central banks has gone up. First, we had the Great Moderation - a period of extraordinary benign macroeconomic environment globally, characterized by steady growth...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 27 Sep 2011

What Causes Agglomeration? – Policy or Infrastructure – A Study of Indian Manufacturing Industry

This paper investigates whether industrial dispersal policy is more potent or the natural and agglomeration cost advantages are important in influencing locational choice of a firm. To carry out the a...

by Vinish Kathuria | On 22 Sep 2011

National Policy for Senior Citizens: 2011

The foundation of the new policy, known as the “National Policy for Senior Citizens 2011” is based on several factors. These include the demographic explosion among the elderly, the changing economy a...

by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment GOI | On 19 Sep 2011

History of Monetary Policy in India since Independence

An SIIO paradigm, based on structure and ideas that become engraved in institutions and affect outcomes, is developed to examine and assesses monetary policy in India after independence. Narrative h...

by Ashima Goyal | On 16 Sep 2011

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries

How does innovation impact on development? How, and under what conditions, do entrepreneurs in developing countries innovate? And what can be done to support innovation by entrepreneurs in develo...

by Wim Naude | On 16 Sep 2011

Report of the Expert Committee on Licensing New Urban Co-operative Banks

With a view to increasing the coverage of banking services amongst local communities, it was proposed in the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2010-11 to set up a Committee comprising of all stakeh...

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 15 Sep 2011

Household Level Pollution in India: Patterns and Projections

This study analyses the pollution-income relationship (for both local and global pollution), separately across rural and urban households in India based on unit record data on fuel consumption obta...

by K S Kavi Kumar | On 14 Sep 2011

Agricultural Economy of India and Macro-Economic Effects: Some Empirical Results and a Research Agenda based on the Literature

This paper focuses on macroeconomic linkages with agriculture. From an extensive literature review the question that emerges is: is there a structural constraint in Indian agriculture or does Indian...

by Munish Alagh | On 02 Sep 2011

The Seed and Agricultural Biotechnology Industries in India: An Analysis of Industry Structure, Competition, and Policy Options

This paper examines the structure of India’s cereal seed and agbiotech industries, its potential effects on innovation and social welfare, and the policies that may improve both industry performance a...

by David J Spielman | On 31 Aug 2011

Institutional Innovations and Models in the Development of Agro-Food Industries in India: Strengths, Weaknesses and Lessons

Agro-industries are given high priority in India particularly because of their great potential for contributing to development. The emphasis on village-based agro-industries was introduced almost a...

by Vasant P Gandhi | On 29 Aug 2011

The Gender Implications of Large-Scale Land Deals

Whether viewed as “land grabs” or as agricultural investment for development, large-scale land deals by investors in developing countries are generating considerable attention. However, investors,...

by Julia Behrman | On 29 Aug 2011

Trans-border Identities: (A Study on the Impact of Bangladeshi and Nepali Migration to India)

This paper deals with migration into India from adjoining neighbours and its impact on security and other issues of national interest. Unlike other studies on migration, it focuses on the ethnic ident...

by Subhakanta Behera | On 26 Aug 2011

Objects and Accomplishments of Participatory Irrigation Management Programme in India: An Open Pair of Scissors

Participatory irrigation management programme as a prelude to irrigation management transfer to users is being set up by many states for over five years now. Though it is recognized that the governm...

by R Parthasarathy | On 25 Aug 2011

The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in Rebalancing Growth

The aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 has called the export-led growth model of Asian economies into question. This paper describes the contribution that macroeconomic policy can m...

by Peter Morgan | On 23 Aug 2011

Reforms in Indian Agro-processing and Agriculture Sectors in the Context of Unilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements

In this paper, the potential impacts of trade and investment-related policy reforms on India’s agro-processing sector is explored. The direct effects of policy reforms within the processing sector, an...

by A. Ganesh-Kumar | On 22 Aug 2011

National Policy for Farmers

There is a need to focus more on the economic well-being of the farmers, rather than just on production. Socio-economic well-being must be a prime consideration of agricultural policy, besides pr...

by Ministry of Agriculture GOI | On 19 Aug 2011

National Nutrition Policy

The need for a National Nutrition Policy is implicit in both the paramountcy of nutrition in development as well as in tbe complexity of the problem. This general problem of under-nutrition should b...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 19 Aug 2011

White Spaces in Building Innovation Clusters

Clusters are groups of firms, related actors, and institutions that are located near one another and that draw productive advantage from their mutual proximity and connections. This paper studies the...

by A S Rao | On 17 Aug 2011

Public Investment in Agricultural and GDP Growth: Another Look at the Inter Sectoral Linkages and Policy Implications

The crowding-in phenomenon together with inter-sectoral linkages is used in this paper to examine the effect of higher public investment for agriculture on the stable growth of this sector as well as...

by Harish Mani | On 17 Aug 2011

Identifying Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)

In this study the analytical framework for identifying and benchmarking systemically important financial institutions is discussed. First, the main concepts underlying the SIFI definition are laid out...

by Christian Weistroffer | On 12 Aug 2011

India-Pakistan Trade

On the basis of a survey conducted in three cities viz., Delhi, Mumbai and Amritsar the paper examines the characteristics of firms engaged in Indo- Pakistan trade. It also estimates the transaction...

by Nisha Taneja | On 11 Aug 2011

Indian Education System – Issues and Challenges

The role played by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the banking system in India in strengthening education system. Realizing the importance of education for the economic development and the overall liv...

by Chakrabarty K C | On 10 Aug 2011

Outcome Document of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding

The document enlists continued implementation of initiatives and prioritises initiatives to support all round youth development around the world. While stressing on sectoral and cross-sectoral youth p...

by United Nations UN | On 08 Aug 2011

Determinants of Primary Yield Spreads of States in India: An Econometric Analysis

An attempt is made to identify the determinants of yield spreads between the State and Central government securities in a panel data framework as has been used in several cross-country studies. This...

by Dhritidyuti Bose | On 08 Aug 2011

The Digital Society: New Ways to More Transparency, Participation and Innovation

The study makes specific recommendations for decisionmakers in industry, society and politics on how to handle new network technologies. URL:[

by Thomas F Dapp | On 02 Aug 2011

Draft National Competition Policy for India

National Competition Policy is necessitated, as an overarching Policy framework, in continuation of the 1991-reforms, to infuse greater competition across sectors, and unleash fuller growth potential...

by Ministry of Corporte Affairs GOI | On 01 Aug 2011

Enhancing Women Empowerment through Information and Communication Technology: A Report

Information and Communication Technology (ICT’s) bring lot of opportunities to women in the work situations and small business. Teleporting, flexi time and work from home arrangements are some of t...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 29 Jul 2011

Proposals of Working Group for Consideration of NAC-II: Suggestions for Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill 2009 and Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill, 2009

Land acquisition and involuntary displacement continue to result in great distress and resistance – and often violence – in many parts of the country. NAC-I had reflected carefully on these issues, an...

by National Advisory Council NAC | On 26 Jul 2011

Consultation Paper on Mobile Value Added Services

TRAI has initiated this consultation paper suo-motu focusing on future looking regulatory framework for provisioning of Mobile Value Added Services. URL:[

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) | On 26 Jul 2011

World Trade Report 2011- The WTO and Preferential Trade Agreements: From Co-existence to Coherence

The ever-growing number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) is a prominent feature of international trade. The World Trade Report 2011 describes the historical development of PTAs and the current...

by World Trade Organisation WTO | On 22 Jul 2011

Speed of Adjustment and Inflation – Unemployment Tradeoff in Developing Countries – Case of India

This paper estimates the short-run aggregate supply curve for the Indian economy over the period 1950-51 to 2008-09. Methodological improvements in this paper include the technique of estimating adapt...

by Ravindra H Dholakia | On 14 Jul 2011

A Thousand Industries In A Thousand Days? State Business Relations and The Puzzle of Orissa's Industrial Performance

In this paper, the phenomenon of 'two types of industrialisation' in Orissa is documented where a fast growing resource based manufacturing sector has co-existed with a stagnant non-resource based...

by Alivelu G | On 11 Jul 2011

Primary School Teachers: The Twists and Turns of Everyday Practice

The paper examines the role played by of classroom environment in the development of a teacher. The paper studies the concept of 'teacher development' in India. URL:[

by Vimala Ramachandran | On 08 Jul 2011

Board Interlocks and Their Impact on Corporate Governance: The Indian Experience - Coping with Corporate Cholesterol

Board interlocks and corporate elites are an engaging field of ongoing academic and policy research around the world, especially because of the concentration of economic power in few individuals or en...

by Bala N Balasubramanian | On 08 Jul 2011

Doha or Dada: The World Trade Regime at an Historic Crossroads

This study was not alone in demonstrating that a deal on the Doha Round could be of huge benefit to the global economy. Assuming plausible enhancements in the course of further negotiations, the big...

by Klaus Deutsch | On 06 Jul 2011

Domestic Wheat Price Formation and Food Inflation in India: International Prices, Domestic Drivers (Stocks, Weather, Public Policy), and the Efficacy of Public Policy Interventions in Wheat Markets

This paper gives information on global wheat market developments, price transmission and impacts on Indian domestic markets, as well as an assessment of public policies to manage domestic prices. This...

by Dipak Dasgupta | On 06 Jul 2011

Fiscal Policy for Poverty Reduction, Reconstruction, and Growth

Growth, poverty reduction, and social peace are all undermined when public expenditure management and taxation are weak and when the fiscal deficit and public debt are not managed successfully. And la...

by Tony Addison | On 04 Jul 2011

International Trade, R&D Spillovers and Productivity: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Industry

This paper examines the effect of trade facilitated R&D spillovers on the productivity of manufacturing firms in India. Though developing countries are considered as the major beneficiaries of trade...

by M. Parameswaran | On 24 Jun 2011

Medical Students' Exposure to and Attitudes about the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Systematic Review

The relationship between health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry has become a source of controversy. Physicians’ attitudes towards the industry can form early in their careers, but littl...

by Kirsten E Austad | On 22 Jun 2011

Has China and India Become More Innovative Since the Onset of Reforms in the Two Countries?

China and India are definitely on a higher economic growth path, although the contribution of technology to economic growth is still not very clearly estimated. There is evidence to show that innova...

by Sunil Mani | On 21 Jun 2011

India's Drylands and Emerging Challenges

In order to tackle the issues of desertification, land degradation and droughts, 22 major programmes are being implemented in the country, including, the “Mission for Green India”, one of the Missio...

by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 21 Jun 2011

Fixed Costs, The Balanced-Budget Multiplier and Welfare

In a two-sector model, where one of the sectors is monopolistically competitive and subject to increasing returns to scale but without love for variety, the effects of a balanced budget fiscal expansi...

by Partha Sen | On 20 Jun 2011

Hunger, Under-Nutrition and Food Security in India

This paper examines the hunger and nutrition situation prevailing in India and suggests policy measures for ensuring adequate food security at the household level, particularly for marginalised groups...

by N.C. Saxena | On 17 Jun 2011

U.S. Trade Policy: Don’t Leave Poor Countries Behind

After a longer-than expected settling in period, the Obama administration is finally moving on trade policy. What is unclear - and the early signs are troubling - is whether U.S. policy will also enco...

by Kimberly Ann Elliott | On 16 Jun 2011

Let’s Be Straight Up about the Alcohol Industry

Alcohol industry is a massive and growing US$150 billion global business—have not yet received adequate prominence in medical journals. Indeed, attention to and scientific research on the alcohol...

by PLoS Medicine Editors | On 15 Jun 2011

Popular Expectations of Government: Findings from Three Areas in Bangladesh

This paper presents findings from research into expectations of government, based on focus group discussion sessions with over 100 poor and very poor people in rural and urban Bangladesh. The resear...

by Tariq Ali | On 15 Jun 2011

Quantitative Methods and Public Policy

This paper is about quantitative methods and public policy and how they shaped the author's professional career. Although it may look like a professional autobiography, it is much more. [PP-062-00B]...

by T. Krishna Kumar | On 14 Jun 2011

Escaping Violence, Seeking Freedom: Why Children in Bangladesh Migrate to The Street

In Bangladesh, as in many developing countries, there is a widespread belief amongst the public, policymakers and social workers that children ‘abandon’ their families and migrate to the street beca...

by Alessandro Conticini | On 14 Jun 2011

WRR: Special Focus on Restoring the Flow

The June issue of World Rivers Review is overflowing with ideas on on how to maintain healthy flows in rivers, for their health and our own. If a river's flow is its heartbeat, then we humans have bec...

by International Rivers Network IRN | On 13 Jun 2011

Access to Education and Employment: Implications for Poverty

The paper explores the linkages between ‘Education’ and ‘Poverty’ and the possibility of poverty reduction through better employment opportunities. The paper proceeds with the understanding that pov...

by Rushidan Islam Rahman | On 13 Jun 2011

Fall in Sex Ratio: A National Shame

Census figures show that the child sex ratio has gone down. There are several reasons for this. The issue is serious and issue should be dealt immediately.

by Anwesha Sen | On 10 Jun 2011

Migration and Health: A Framework for 21st Century Policy-Making

It lays out a migratory process framework that highlights the multistaged and cumulative nature of the health risks and intervention opportunities that can occur throughout the migration process, and ...

by Cathy Zimmerman | On 10 Jun 2011

Inequality, Growth and Poverty in the Era of Liberalization and Globalization

This policy brief reports the main findings of the study on changes in within-country income inequality over the last two decades and on the links between poverty, inequality, and growth. It focuses o...

by Giovanni Andrea Cornia | On 08 Jun 2011

Social Cost Benefit Analysis of the POSCO Steel Project in Orissa

The National Steel Policy (NSP-2005) lays stress on accelerating growth in domestic production and consumption of steel to achieve global competitiveness not only in terms of cost quality and produ...

by R Venkatesan | On 07 Jun 2011

The Mobile Communications Services Industry in India: Has it Led to India Becoming a Manufacturing Hub for Telecommunication Equipments

The paper is an analysis of the growth in services leading to the emergence of a manufacturing industry. Although the industry is dominated by MNCs, domestic firms have started making an entry into do...

by Sunil Mani | On 07 Jun 2011

Procedural Changes Required for Making Local Self Government's Role Effective in Rural Housing in Kerela

This study analyses the implementation of housing schemes for the poor through the Panchayats in Kasargod District of Kerala. It brings to light the severity of the housing problem in this part of t...

by Centre for Development Studies | On 06 Jun 2011

Community Forestry in Nepal Management Rules and Distribution of Benefits

In the last decade, far reaching policy reforms in Nepal have allowed local communities to regain control over the management of vast tracts of lands. Community forestry is widely believed to be a maj...

by Bhim Adhikari | On 01 Jun 2011

India Pakistan Trade Possibilities and Non-tariff Barriers

This paper aims to identify the bilateral trade possibilities and non-tariff barriers between India and Pakistan. The study shows that there is a large untapped trade potential between the two coun...

by Nisha Taneja | On 31 May 2011

Promoting Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries:Policy Challenges

This policy brief provides some fresh perspectives on the relationship between entrepreneurship and development, and considers policy design issues. It reports on the UNU-WIDER two-year research proje...

by Wim Naudé | On 30 May 2011

Social Assistance and the ‘Dependency Syndrome'

This policy brief discusses the fact that social assistance is critical to counter the insecurity and vulnerability experienced by chronically poor people. Evidence shows that as well as preventing pe...

by Andrew Shepherd | On 30 May 2011

Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Their Implication on Urban Management and Regional Planning in India

Under the new industrial policy announced in 2002 and the export-import policy announced thereafter, SEZs have been sought to be created in several parts of the country for promoting industrial pr...

by Chetan Vaidya | On 26 May 2011

National Plan of Action on Nutrition

India's concern for nutrition is as old as her civilization. In the post independent India there has been an unequivocal commitment to the cause of nutrition through Constitutional provisions. The ins...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 25 May 2011

Monetary Policy and Credit Demand in India and Some EMEs

Impact of changes in policy rate of interest on demand for bank credit is examined for seven emerging market economies including India for the period 2002 to 2010. Panel data techniques are used after...

by B L Pandit | On 24 May 2011

Youth and Globalisation

This paper presents the proceedings of the workshop on Youth and Globalisation, jointly organized by Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Youth Development, and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. There were...

by Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development | On 20 May 2011

Causes of Asset Shortages in Emerging Markets

In this paper it has been illustrated that emerging markets (EMs) face a shortage of financial assets, with financial assets not growing as rapidly as domestic savings. Then the asset shortage in EMs...

by Chen Jiaqian | On 17 May 2011

Monetary Operations and Central Bank Balance Sheets in a World of Limited Government Securities

The limited supply of government securities in some industrial countries has important ramifications for the operating techniques used by central banks to implement monetary policy, provide credit to...

by Mark Zelmer | On 16 May 2011

National Environment Policy

The National Environment Policy, 2006 is the out come of extensive consultations with experts indifferent disciplines, Central Ministries, Members of Parliament, State Governments, Industry Associa...

by Ministry of Environment and Forests | On 12 May 2011

Book Review: Distance Education: A Growing Sector in Asia

Review of Policy and Practice in Asian Distance Edited by Belawati Tiawati and Baggaley Jon Education, Sage, Publications, India 2010, 260 pages, Rs. 650/-

by Madhu Parhar | On 06 May 2011

Who Cares about the Chinese Yuan?

The rise of China in the world economy and in international trade has raised the possibility of a rise of the Yuan as an international currency, particularly after the Chinese authorities have under...

by Vimal Balasubramaniam | On 05 May 2011

Monetary Policy Statement 2011-12

This Statement sets out the Reserve Bank’s assessment of the current macroeconomic situation and projections. URL:[].

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 03 May 2011

A Review of India's Industrial Policy and Performance

When India’s industrial policy chronicle is reviewed, it is found that the country has mainly followed three regimes after independence. These are the planned or controlled period till the end of th...

by G Burange | On 02 May 2011

Toward Results-Based Social Policy Design and Implementation

This paper analyzes some of the elements that cause the apparent perception in the realm of social policy, and in particular in the case of poverty alleviation and education policies in developing ...

by Miguel Székely | On 02 May 2011

Deregulation of Savings Bank Deposit Interest Rate: A Discussion Paper

The paper is an attempt to deal with pros and cons of deregulating savings deposit interest rate and take on board the suggestions of various stakeholders for either maintaining the status quo or dere...

by Reserve Bank of India RBI | On 02 May 2011

Issues for Approach to the 12th Five Year Plan

GDP growth likely to average 8.2 per cent over 11th Plan: short of the 9% target, but remarkable given the global crisis and drought. Basic objective : Faster, More Inclusive, and Sustainable Growth ...

by Planning Commission | On 25 Apr 2011

Did the Indian Capital Controls Work as a Tool of Macroeconomic Policy?

In 2010 and 2011, there has been a fresh wave of interest in cap- ital controls. India is one of the few large countries with a complex system of capital controls, and hence others an opportunity to...

by Ila Patnaik | On 21 Apr 2011

National Youth Policy 2010 (NYP 2010)

The NYP 2010 is a step forward from the earlier Policy formulated in 1988 and, later, in 2003. It reaffirms commitment of the nation to the holistic development of the young people of the country....

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 19 Apr 2011

Unique Identity Project in India: A Divine Dream or a Miscalculated Heroism?

This paper, tries to put the current Unique Identity Project (UID) project of India into a perspective to evaluate the set of issues and concerns, as pointed by various stakeholders and try to under...

by Rajanish Dass | On 19 Apr 2011

Do Local Elections in Non-Democracies Increase Accountability? Evidence from Rural China

Unique survey data is used to study whether the introduction of local elections in China made local leaders more accountable towards local constituents. A simple model is developed to predict the e...

by Monica Martinez Bravo | On 18 Apr 2011

The BCG World Atlas: A Database of Global BCG Vaccination Policies and Practices

Despite nearly a century of use, Bacille Calmette-Gue´rin (BCG) remains controversial, with known variations in BCG substrains, vaccine efficacy, policies, and practices across the world. Global i...

by Alice Zwerling | On 12 Apr 2011

How to Read the Budget

This note is intended as a brief guide on how the budget papers are organised, and how to find the exact information that a reader wants (expenditure on a particular scheme of interest, or total budge...

by Avinash Celestine | On 12 Apr 2011

Financing Pattern of Indian Corporate Sector Under Libaralisation: With Focus on Acquiring Firms Abroad

An attempt has been made in this paper to analyse the financing pattern of Indian corporate sector during 1990-2009. This paper further seeks to identify the pattern of resource mobilisation of Ind...

by P L Beena | On 08 Apr 2011

Organic Crops or Energy Crops? Options for Rural Development in Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

The agricultural sectors of developing Asian countries are experiencing two important new developments: the growth of organic agriculture (OA) and the increasing use of land to grow energy crops...

by Anil Markandya | On 01 Apr 2011

State Women Policy

The Government of Chhattisgarh is firmly committed to capitalise on its ‘new State advantage’. The State has taken a conscious decision to do away with past legacies and to adopt a fresh approach to...

by Government of Chhattishgarh | On 30 Mar 2011

Scheme for “New Initiative in Skill Development through PPP” - Guidelines for Grants-in-Aid and Other Heads

The scheme would facilitate improving both qualitative and quantitative aspects of skill development in Mission Mode by harmonizing efforts of Central / State Governments as well as private sector t...

by Planning Commission, India | On 28 Mar 2011

Iron and Steal: The POSCO India Story

This  report  presents  a  comprehensive  analysis  of  the  claims  advanced  by  the  State  and  Central  governments  and  the  POSCO  company  itself,  of  the  various  benefits  that  would  ac...

by Anu Mandavilli | On 25 Mar 2011

Misalignment of Renminbi Exchange Rate Revaluation: Estimation and Implications

For the past several years, the revaluation of the renminbi has been a hot topic among policymakers and economists as well as market participants inside and outside the PRC against the background of i...

by Zhijun Zhao | On 23 Mar 2011

Policy Dilemmas for Controlling Child Labor

Starting from the early nineteenth century, when Britain began experimenting with policies to control child labor, a lot about policy interventions for controlling child labor have been learned. At t...

by Kaushik Basu | On 17 Mar 2011

Why Fighting Poverty is Hard

One reason anti-poverty policy has not worked better than it has is because, one went into it naively, without enough of an understanding of what makes it hard. This essay is about what the author hav...

by Abhijit Banerjee | On 16 Mar 2011

Report of the Committee constituted to evolve Guidelines for Accreditation of Health Research Organizations

The Secretary, DHR, constituted a Committee under the chairmanship of Rajinder Kumar, Retired Professor of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore to evolve guidelines for accreditation of health resea...

by Department of Health Reserach DHR | On 15 Mar 2011

Enhancing Development through Policy Coherence

Policy coherence implies that donors in pursuing domestic policy objectives should avoid adversely affecting the development prospects of poor countries. To achieve policy coherence donors and multila...

by Amelia U. Santos Paulino | On 14 Mar 2011

State of Environment Report

In the global context of State of the Environment (SoE) Reporting, India is probably unique. Over the last two decades, the Indian SoE reporting experience has ranged from grassroots initiatives li...

by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 11 Mar 2011

Poverty Targeting in Asia: Experiences from India, Indonesia, the Philippines, People’s Republic of China and Thailand

Poverty targeting, defined as the use of policy instruments to channel resources to a target group identified below an agreed national poverty line, is used by all governments in Asia in one form or...

by John Weiss | On 11 Mar 2011

Methodology for Identifying The Poorest at Local Level

This article argues that the extreme poor warrant specific analytical and policy focus. It attempts to identify the extreme poor in rural Bangladesh by devising sensitive targeting indicators that a...

by Binayak Sen | On 09 Mar 2011

Gender Responsive Budgeting: The Case of Kerala

This paper we make an attempt to understand and analyze the budget from a gender perspective. The paper looks into the different areas of allocations, how far it is ‘pro woman’ budget or a ‘gender re...

by Aleyamma Vijayan | On 08 Mar 2011

Budget 2011-2012

Budget speech 2011-2012 by Pranab Mukherjee.

by Pranab Mukherjee | On 01 Mar 2011

Innovation in India and China: Challenges and Prospects in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

India and China are important players in an evolving process of globalization of research and development (R&D). Focusing on pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries, this paper analyses the ch...

by Jayan Jose Thomas | On 28 Feb 2011

India Chronic Poverty: Towards Solutions and New Compacts in a Dynamic Context

This report is a call to policy makers and concerned citizens to use this talisman, to redeem the pledges made by the Constituent Assembly and to recognise the fact that the numbers and proportions o...

by Aasha Kapur Mehta | On 22 Feb 2011

Will it be Different this Time?

All proposals and policy measures in the forthcoming Budget may best be summed up as efforts to improve the sustainability of growth. Specific objectives are likely to be lowering inflation and defici...

by IRIS India IRIS | On 22 Feb 2011

Policy and Regulatory Environment for Private Investment in the Power Sector

Private investors respond to risk return tradeoffs. The policy environment and regulatory framework significantly influence risk as well as return in the power sector. Power sector reform and policy...

by Anoop Singh | On 22 Feb 2011

Economic Liberalization and Indian Economic Growth: What's the evidence?

By the end of the 1970’s, India had acquired a reputation as one of the most protected and heavily regulated economies in the world. Starting in the mid-1970s and then later on in the 1980s, a few t...

by Ashok Kotwal | On 21 Feb 2011

Experiences of Contracting Health Services: an Overview of the Literature

Recent health policy debates in both developed and developing countries have been strongly influenced by a trend towards ‘marketisation’, involving the selective introduction of a range of market me...

by Anne Mills | On 18 Feb 2011

Current and Future Issues for the PRC Economy

This Policy Brief is based on the articles originally appearing in the Perspectives series of ADB Institute’s e-Newsline from March 2005 to March 2006. This is also regarded as a continuation of Polic...

by Toshiki Kanamori | On 18 Feb 2011

Improving the Efficiency of Public Sector Health Services in Developing Countries: Bureaucratic versus Market Approaches

There is widespread concern over the efficiency of public sector health services in developing countries. To some the main problem is allocative efficiency: the distribution of resources between dif...

by Anne Mills | On 17 Feb 2011

Development in North East People’s Republic of China

Since the government announced the Revitalise the North East policy in 2002 there has been a new focus to regional policy following on from the previous, but continuing, Develop the West policy. For...

by John Weiss | On 17 Feb 2011

Financing of Disease Control Programs in India

The report analyzes the present case scenario of the disease control programs in India.

by Ravi Duggal | On 15 Feb 2011

The Economics of Climate Change Adaptation in India – Research and Policy Challenges Ahead

The failure of the Climate Summit in Copenhagen in December 2009 emphasized the limitations of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation as a singular policy response to climate change and highlighted the ur...

by South Asian Network for Development and Environmen Economics | On 15 Feb 2011

Industrial and Competition Policy: Conflict or Complementarity?

Developing countries in Asia debate the following policy question: Should we allocate scarce resources to promote competition and thereby procure resulting efficiency gains, or would we do better to f...

by Douglas H. Brooks | On 15 Feb 2011

India's Forests and the Judiciary-The Godavarman Story

The Godavarman Case since 1995, the Centre for Environment Law –WWF-India case also instituted in 1995 and the Navin Raheja case since 1998, ongoing before the Apex Court with over few thousand appli...

by Sanjay Upadhyay | On 15 Feb 2011

Scaling Up the Fight Against Rural Poverty: An Institutional Review of IFAD’s Approach

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has for many years stressed innovation, knowledge and scaling up as essential ingredients of its strategy to combat rural poverty in developi...

by Johannes F. Linn | On 10 Feb 2011

Regulating Bioprospecting: Institutions for Drug Research, Access and Benefit-Sharing

This policy brief summarizes the main arguments and conclusions of a forthcoming book by United Nations University Press, which examines the regulation of bioprospecting for drug research from an inte...

by Padmashree Gehl Sampath | On 08 Feb 2011

Unregulated Entities, Products, and Markets: Challenges for Monitoring and Regulation

This policy brief examines hedge funds, private equity funds, and innovative financial products, particularly collateralized debt obligations and asset-backed securities, including their overall struc...

by Peter Morgan | On 08 Feb 2011

Asymmetric Shocks and Co-movement of Price Indices

This paper is an attempt to gauge the relationship between the long run paths of consumer price index and wholesale price index of Pakistan. For the empirical analysis the Johansen cointegration tec...

by Nasir Hamid Rao | On 07 Feb 2011

The Global Financial Crisis and Macroeconomic Policy Issues in Asia

The purpose of this policy brief is to draw lessons from the recent and ongoing macroeconomic policy experience of Asia’s economies. To do so, in each of three policy areas (monetary, fiscal, and e...

by Shinji Takagi | On 04 Feb 2011

The Dynamics of Competition: Phasing of Domestic and External Liberalisation in India

The focus of the analysis is on the post-colonial period after India attained independence in 1947. This paper covers the period from 1950-51 onwards for which consistent data series are available....

by Arvind Virmani | On 03 Feb 2011

The Economics of Foodgrain Management in India

The simultaneous occurrence of high food inflation and large foodgrain stocks in our granaries has been a matter of widespread concern in India. The aim of this paper is to understand the fundamenta...

by Kaushik Basu | On 03 Feb 2011

India’s Fiscal and Monetary Framework: Growth in An Opening Economy

Since a crisis is a shock impinging on a system, the response can be used to deduce aspects of the system’s structure. Analysis of the crisis and recovery suggests aggregate supply in India is elasti...

by Ashima Goyal | On 01 Feb 2011

Conditionality and Endogenous Policy Formation in a Political Setting

The paper examines two issues associated with aid and fiscal policy. First, how best the conditionality behind foreign aid, sometimes non-economic, is complied within a principal-agent framework. In...

by S Mansoob Murshed | On 01 Feb 2011

Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2010-11

This statement sets out the Reserve Bank’s assessment of the current macroeconomic situation and forward projections.

by D Subbarao | On 31 Jan 2011

Singapore's Exchange Rate-Based Monetary Policy: A Critical Evaluation

The exchange rate-based monetary policy followed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is outlined. Possible theoretical frameworks, including a reaction function is outlined. The way the MAS h...

by Partha Sen | On 31 Jan 2011

How Not to Do Health Research The Draft National Health Research Policy

The draft policy document aimed at guiding the future of research in the country raises serious questions about how quality of health research is perceived.

by Oommen C. Kurian | On 30 Jan 2011

The Assam Gazatte

The Governor of Assam is pleased to order to that the Information Technology Policy of Assam as enunciated in the enclosed document will come into force with effect from the date of publication in the...

by Government of Assam | On 28 Jan 2011

Oil to Cash: Fighting the Resource Curse through Cash Transfers

Many of the world’s poorest and most fragile states are joining the ranks of oil and gas producers. These countries face critical policy questions about managing and spending new revenue in a way tha...

by Todd Moss | On 25 Jan 2011

Importance of Technological Innovation for SME Growth: Evidence from India

This paper probes the drivers, dimensions, achievements, and outcomes of technological innovations carried out by SMEs in the auto components, electronics, and machine tool sectors of Bangalore in...

by M. H. Bala Subrahmanya | On 25 Jan 2011

Postconflict Countries: Strategy for Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions

This paper reviews the challenges and experiences in rebuilding fiscal institutions in postconflict environments, based on advice from the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department to selected countries. Th...

by Sanjeev Gupta | On 20 Jan 2011

Rethinking the Informal Economy: Linkages with the Formal Economy and the Formal Regulatory Environment

This paper explores the relationship of the informal economy to the formal economy and to the formal regulatory environment. It begins with a comparison of the earlier concept of the ‘informal sec...

by | On 18 Jan 2011

Globalization and the Urban Poor

The focus of this paper is the effect of contemporary globalization on poverty and inequality in cities of the ‘global south’. Specifically it addresses the impact of globalization on marginalize...

by Janice E. Perlman | On 13 Jan 2011

Evolution of India’s Exchange Rate Regime

The paper analyzes the changing INR trends over the reform period, in the context of fundamental determinants of exchange rates. [WP-2010-024].

by Ashima Goyal | On 13 Jan 2011

Implications for Human Development - Impacts of Food Price Volatility on Nutrition and Schooling

This Policy Brief discusses the impacts of the 2007/08 food price inflation on nutrition and on school attendance. It draws on the results of studies commissioned by the UK Department for Interna...

by Imran Matin | On 07 Jan 2011

Monetary Policy, Capital Flows, and the Exchange Rate

The use of monetary policy in India has been constrained by a loose fiscal policy and capital flows. Capital inflows have the potential to cause a Dutch Disease-type situation. The RBI has carried out...

by Partha Sen | On 06 Jan 2011

Pentavalent and other New Combination Vaccines: Solutions in Search of Problems

The pentavalent vaccine and many other combination vaccines waiting to enter Universal immunization Programme (UIP) have brought into sharp focus the gaping gap between lofty slogans of ‘evidence ba...

by Y Madhavi | On 05 Jan 2011

Evidence-based National Vaccine Policy

India has over a century old tradition of development and production of vaccines. The Government rightly adopted self-sufficiency in vaccine production and self-reliance in vaccine technology as its...

by Anant Phadke | On 05 Jan 2011

Intersociety Literacy Comparisons

Basu and Foster (1998) characterized a sophisticated literacy measure using five axioms. In this paper they argue that if a measure satisfies three of their five axioms, namely, anonymity, monoton...

by Satya R. Chakravarty | On 05 Jan 2011

Learning about Schools in Development

There has been considerable progress in school construction and enrollment worldwide. Paying kids to go to school can help overcome remaining demand-side barriers to enrollment. Nonetheless, the qual...

by Charles Kenny | On 29 Dec 2010

Monetary Policy Considerations after the Crisis: Practitioners’ Perspectives

Economic stability can be seen as an essential component of any strategy for inclusive development. To the extent that central banks play a role in providing that stability, the experience of the cris...

by Subir Gokarn | On 21 Dec 2010

Response of Health System to Sexual Violence: An exploratory study of six health facilities in two districts of Maharashtra

Sexual violence is a highly stigmatising form of violence. Precisely because of this it is invisible to the public, policy makers and agencies that need to respond to it. The public health system is...

by Amita Pitre | On 20 Dec 2010

Economic Aspects of Access to Medicines after 2005: Product Patent Protection and Emerging Firm Strategies in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

An analysis of the innovation in the Indian pharmaceutical industry is done. This section traces the origins, the strengths and weaknesses of the innovation system in the pharmaceutical sector in In...

by Padmashree Gehl Sampath | On 17 Dec 2010

It Works; It Doesn’t; It Can, But That Depends…: 50 Years of Controversy over the Macroeconomic Impact of Development Aid

This paper surveys 50 years of empirical research on the macroeconomic impact of aid, looking mainly at studies examining the link between aid and growth. It argues that studies dating until the l...

by Mark McGillivray | On 16 Dec 2010

Globalization, Development, and Mobility of Technical Talent: India and Japan in Comparative Perspectives

The objective here is to understand how the mobility of technical talent might be changing the structural relationship between rich and poor countries. This paper examines the under-researched relat...

by Anthony P. D'Costa | On 15 Dec 2010

Strategies for the People’s Republic of China’s Small and Medium Enterprise Development within the National Innovation System

With deregulation and globalization, and the impact of these developments on economies worldwide, it has become necessary for the PRC authorities to consider an approach that would further attune it...

by Tracy Yang | On 14 Dec 2010

More than Money: Impact Investing for Development

Much of development policy is geared toward increasing investment and creating the conditions that allow private capital flows to take the place of development assistance. The renowned development s...

by John Simon | On 10 Dec 2010

'Slippage': The Bane of Rural Drinking Water Sector (A Study of Extent and Causes in Andhra Pradesh)

Slippage is one of the main bottlenecks of achieving full coverage of water and sanitation services in India. This paper makes an attempt to identify the causes of slippage in a systematic manner. T...

by V. Ratna Reddy | On 02 Dec 2010

Partnerships with the Private Sector in Health: What the International Community Can Do to Strengthen Health Systems in Developing Countries

The private sector plays a significant role in delivering health care to people in developing countries. By some estimates, more than one-half of all health care—even to the poorest people—is provided...

by (Centre for Global Development) Advisory Faculty | On 26 Nov 2010

FDI Outflows from India: An Examination of the Underlying Economics, Policies and their Impacts

This paper discusses the trends in India's outward FDI over the last decade and then attempts to identify the driving factors for the same. The aim is to provide policy makers with insights regardin...

by Ravi Subramanian | On 24 Nov 2010

Intellectual Property Protection, Regulation and Innovation in Developing Economies: The Case of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

Historically, nations have modified their IP policies to support their development agenda. With the advent of TRIPS, the ability of countries to choose between different IP policy options has reduce...

by Rakesh Basant | On 23 Nov 2010

Issues in Real Estate and Urban Management – A Note

This note raise many policy issues related to real estate and the urban sector. Urban issues and the very high cost of real estate in India have deep rooted problems that have their origin in the po...

by Sebastian Morris | On 22 Nov 2010

Fiscal Effects of Aid

It is clear from the implications of growth theory that the impact of aid depends on how it affects savings, investment and government behaviour. In respect of low-income countries, which are the pr...

by Mark McGillivray | On 19 Nov 2010

Fiscal Policy in a Growth Framework

This paper assesses recent theorising and empirical evidence on the impact of fiscal policy—taxes, public expenditures and budget deficits—on long-run growth. It considers the relevance of recent ad...

by Norman Gemmell | On 12 Nov 2010

Fiscal Policy Design in Low-Income Countries

For many low-income countries, there has been an extended period in which fiscal policy was not a choice, or was a choice made by authorities external to the country. For a number of them, this situ...

by Christopher S. Adam | On 12 Nov 2010

The Effects of Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation on Diarrhoeal Diseases Among Children in Rural Orissa

This paper investigates the effects of safe drinking water and sanitation on diarrhoeal diseases among children in rural Orissa. [Working Paer No. 278]

by Pradeep Kumar Panda | On 12 Nov 2010

Monetary Policy Strategies in the Asia and Pacific Region: What Way Forward?

Monetary policy frameworks in the Asia and Pacific region have performed well in the past decade as judged by inflation outcomes. We argue that this is due to three principal factors: (i) central bank...

by Andrew Filardo | On 08 Nov 2010

The Financial Crisis, Rethinking of the Global Financial Architecture, and the Trilemma

This paper extends their previous paper (Aizenman, Chinn, and Ito 2008) and explores some of the unexplored questions. First, they examine the channels through which the trilemma policy configurations...

by Joshua Aizenman | On 08 Nov 2010

Rebalancing Growth in the Republic of Korea

The current account surplus of the Republic of Korea (henceforth Korea) increased significantly in the immediate recovery period after the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis. Since then the surplus has...

by Joonkyung Ha | On 03 Nov 2010

Financing Asia’s Infrastructure: Modes of Development and Integration of Asian Financial Markets

Asia faces very large infrastructure funding demands, estimated at around US$750 billion per year for energy, transport, telecommunications, water, and sanitation during 2010–2020 (ADB/ADBI 2009). Asi...

by Biswa Nath Bhattacharyay | On 03 Nov 2010

Asset Market Structures and Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy

This paper sets up a canonical new Keynesian small open economy model with nominal price rigidities to explore the impact of habit persistence and exchange rate pass-through on the welfare ranking of...

by Yongseung Jung | On 01 Nov 2010

New Agriculture Technology, Skill Formation, Food Security and Poverty Reduction in Rural Asia: A Comparison of Three Projects from India, China and Bangladesh

The present paper compares the strategies, capacity building processes and outcomes/impacts of three projects during the period 2005-10. The project area covered by the study are located as follows: ...

by Neela Mukherjee | On 29 Oct 2010

Towards Understanding the Merger-Wave in the Indian Corporate Sector: A Comparative Perspective

The corporate sector in India has witnessed a substantial growth of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) during the 1990s, facilitated by the policy-shift under Structural Adjustment Program. During the...

by P.L. Beena | On 28 Oct 2010

India's 1990-91 Crisis: Reforms, Myths and Paradoxes

For most people the story of Indian reforms starts in the nineties, following the BOP crisis of 1990-91. There was a detectable increase in the rate of growth of the Indian economy in the 1980s aris...

by Arvind Virmani | On 26 Oct 2010

Financial Crisis and Crisis Management in Sweden. Lessons for Today

This paper gives an account of the Swedish financial crisis covering the period 1985–2000, dealing with financial deregulation and the boom in the late 1980s, the bust and the financial crisis in the...

by Lars Jonung | On 23 Oct 2010

Drug Companies Should Be Held More Accountable for Their Human Rights Responsibilities

The PLoS Medicine Editors argue that drug companies should be held much more accountable for their human rights responsibilities

by PLoS Medicine | On 20 Oct 2010

Prudential Discipline for Financial Firms: Micro, Macro, and Market Structures

The recent global financial crisis reflects numerous breakdowns in the prudential discipline of financial firms. This paper discusses ways to strengthen micro- and macroprudential supervision and...

by Larry D. Wall | On 18 Oct 2010

Imperatives of Regional Economic Integration in Asia in the Context of Developmental Asymmetries: Some Policy Suggestions

Regional economic integration agreements are considered to be important policy mechanisms to address regional developmental asymmetries. The Asian reality is characterized by developmental asymmetri...

by Ram Upendra Das | On 15 Oct 2010

Fiscal Policy in the Crisis: Impact, Sustainability, and Long-Term Implications

The global economic and financial crisis has sparked an unprecedentedly large, generalized fiscal policy response in practically all major industrial and emerging economies, which will change the fi...

by Pier Carlo Padoan | On 15 Oct 2010

Governance, Institutions, and Regional Infrastructure in Asia

This study is a comprehensive, empirical analysis of the linkages between governance, institutions, and regional infrastructure. The empirical results indicate that governance and institutions are cru...

by Prabir De | On 14 Oct 2010

The Global Economic Crisis: An Opportunity for Strengthening Asia’s Social Protection Systems?

The current global economic crisis has led to greater prominence for the issue of strengthening social protection systems in Asia. This paper analyzes the key factors determining and the possible aven...

by Mukul G. Asher | On 12 Oct 2010

Fiscal Policy Issues in Korea after the Current Crisis

This paper examines fiscal policy issues in the Republic of Korea (hereafter Korea) after the 2009 global financial crisis, including the timing of fiscal policy responses, the effectiveness of expans...

by Kiseok Hong | On 07 Oct 2010

Critical Evaluation of Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects in Asia

This paper attempts to fill gaps faced by policymakers and practitioners in the evaluation of cross-border infrastructure projects. It first defines what constitutes cross-border infrastructure projec...

by Manabu Fujimura | On 07 Oct 2010

Determinants of Firm-level Export Performance: A Case Study of Indian Textile Garments and Apparel Industry

A major reform process in the Indian economic policy regime away from a four- decade-long inward orientation has been under way since July 1991 in response to a serious macro-economic crisis. The n...

by T.A. Bhavani | On 05 Oct 2010

Asia’s Role in the Global Financial Architecture

The global economic and financial landscape has been transformed over the past decade by the growing economic size and financial power of emerging economies. The new G20 summit process, which includes...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 05 Oct 2010

India as a Global Leader in Science: A Vision for India

In the next two decades, India is likely to become an economically prosperous nation and move significantly towards being a far more inclusive society, with the bulk of its population gaining acces...

by Science Advisory Council to PM SAC to PM | On 01 Oct 2010

A Leading Index for the Indian Economy

Over the last few decades, the Indian economy has experienced both classical business cycles and the cyclical fluctuations in its growth rate known as growth rate cycles. In the years since the li...

by Pami Dua | On 01 Oct 2010

Sustainable Economic Growth for India: An Exercise in Macroeconomic Scenario Building

Use of Macroeconometric models has by now assumed a measure of universality as an unavoidable aid to forecasting and policy analysis; challenges and controversies spread over more than two decades n...

by V. Pandit | On 29 Sep 2010

Estimating Demand for Infrastructure in Energy, Transport, Telecommunications, Water and Sanitation in Asia and the Pacific: 2010-2020

This paper estimates the need for infrastructure investment, including energy, transport, telecommunications, water, and sanitation during 2010-2020, in order to meet growing demands for services and...

by Biswa Nath Bhattacharyay | On 27 Sep 2010

On R&D Information Sharing and Merger

The paper deals with the issue of information sharing in a Cournot duopoly by an innovating firm in the face of a merger with its rival. The innovating firm would share information about the cost...

by Uday Bhanu Sinha | On 27 Sep 2010

Some Notes on the Conceptual Foundations of the MDG Process

Before we can assess where we are with the MDG Process, we need to be clear about what the objectives are of setting the MDGs and the MDG Process. In order to do this, two fundamental questions need t...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 21 Sep 2010

Higher Education in India: Seizing the Opportunity

This paper reviews the prevailing policy environment to evaluate its efficacy in ensuring that India is successfully able to address these challenges in the education sector. Given the well establishe...

by Sanat Kaul | On 17 Sep 2010

Developing Economies and the Environment: The Role of Trade and Capital Flows

This paper reviews (critically and selectively) the literature on the link between economic development, the environment and international trade (and capital flows). In particular, how stricter...

by Partha Sen | On 16 Sep 2010

Synchronization of Recessions in Major Developed and Emerging Economies

This paper examines various measures of synchronization of recessions, including clustering of the onset of recession across economies, proportion of economies in expansion and the diffusion index...

by Pami Dua | On 16 Sep 2010

Fiscal Consolidation with High Growth A Policy Simulation Model for India

In this paper a fiscal consolidation program for India has been presented based on a policy simulation model that enables us to examine the macroeconomic implications of alternative fiscal strateg...

by Sudipto Mundle | On 09 Sep 2010

Measurement of Inflation in India: Issues and Associated Challenges for the Conduct of Monetary Policy

In India, there is a large divergence between CPI and WPI inflation trends in the past, wide dispersion in inflation across commodity groups within WPI, and significant volatility in headline WPI in...

by Nadhanael G V | On 08 Sep 2010

History Institutions and Economic Performance: The Legacy of Colonial Land Tenure Systems in India

This paper analyze the colonial institutions set up by the British to collect land revenue in India, and show that differences in historical property rights institutions lead to sustained differences...

by Abhijit Banerjee | On 03 Sep 2010

Disarticulation of Indegenous People: Can the Judiciary Saviour Them

The paper aims at bringing out and explaining the problems faced by tribals. The paper also analyzes various laws made for protecting the tribals and giving them justice.

by Ketan Mukhija | On 03 Sep 2010

Sports Retailing in India: Opportunities, Constraints and Way Forward

Sports retail is a small but fast growing segment of modern retail in India. Recently, the country has been hosting many international sports and this has given a boost to this sector. Many foreign...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 13 Aug 2010

Informal Trade in the SAARC region

This paper explores issues relating to informal trade in the SAARC region. It spells out the reasons underpinning illegal trade in the South Asian region. Further it focuses on the estimated size an...

by Nisha Taneja | On 10 Aug 2010

What Singapore Can Learn from Indonesia

This report series is all about the growing recognition that Singapore can also learn from the experiences of Indonesia. [Report No.1]

by H.P. Desker | On 06 Aug 2010

Determinants of Competitiveness of the Indian Auto Industry

This paper analyses the determinants of competitiveness of auto industry in India, based on a field survey and a quantitative analysis of secondary data. It highlights that all segments of Indian auto...

by Badri Narayanan G. | On 29 Jul 2010

Chronic poverty in India: Policy responses

Despite the huge efforts at eliminating poverty made in India since independence, it is estimated that up to 130 million Indians live in chronic poverty – defined as poverty that endures for at least...

by Shashanka Bhide | On 29 Jul 2010

The Japanese Economy and Economic Policy in Light of the East Asian Financial Crisis

The depth and breadth of the East Asian financial crisis has added a sense of acute urgency for some concrete and credible measures by policy-makers to revitalise the Japanese economy. While steps...

by Ramkishen Rajan | On 23 Jul 2010

Eco-efficiency Indicators: Measuring Resource-use Efficiency and the Impact of Economic Activities on the Environment

The paper aims at examining the "grow green, clean up later", approach to economic growth used by several countries.

by Environment and Development Division | On 21 Jul 2010

Implications Of The Economic Rise Of The PRC For Asean and India: Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

An important and vigorous policy debate ongoing in Asia concerns the impact of the economic rise of the PRC on the rest of the region. This paper examines the relative performances of the PRC, selec...

by Sadhana Srivastava | On 20 Jul 2010

Issues in Infrastructure for Export of Rice from India

Rice is exported in two varities, basmati and non-basmati. The basmati rice exports are in three categories: white, brown and parboiled. India earned Rs 18.4 billion in 2001-02 from exports of basmati...

by G. Raghuram | On 15 Jul 2010

Innovations for Reviving Small-Scale Industries

Given the economic distress worldwide, the micro, small and medium scale enterprises (MSME) had been hit hard. Large numbers of workers have been laid off because of depressed demand, piled up inven...

by Anil K Gupta | On 14 Jul 2010

Institutions for Asian Connectivity

To make Asia more economically sustainable and resilient against external shocks, regional economies need to be rebalanced toward regional demand- and trade-driven growth through increased regional co...

by Biswa N Bhattacharyay | On 09 Jul 2010

Feasibility and Sustainability Model for Identity Management

National Identity projects and providing such identification to citizens in various countries around the globe has captured attention of late. Although the perceived benefits are numerous, nonethele...

by Rajanish Dass | On 06 Jul 2010

Microfinance Engagements of the ‘Graduated’ TUP Members

This study takes a look at the beneficiaries who were selected at the first round in 2002 to explain various dimensions of their engagement with microfinance. With a lower borrower-member ratio and re...

by Munshi Sulaiman | On 02 Jul 2010

Intellectual Property Rights: Who Needs Them?

The twenty-first century will be the century of knowledge, indeed the century of the intellect. A nation’s ability to translate knowledge into wealth and social good through innovations will determi...

by Garima Gupta | On 24 Jun 2010

The Exchange Rate Regime in Asia: From Crisis to Crisis

Prior to the Asian financial crisis, most Asian exchange rates were de facto pegged to the US Dollar. In the crisis, many economies experienced a brief period of extreme flexibility. A `fear of float...

by Ila Patnaik | On 18 Jun 2010

Parking Space for the Poor: Restrictions Imposed on Marketing and Movement of Agricultural Goods in India

Agricultural markets in India have been regulated since 1928 with the inception of the "Royal Commission of Agriculture." Policy intervention in agriculture was virtually absent till the Bengal Fam...

by Mayank Wadhwa | On 16 Jun 2010

Street Vendors: Exploitation by the State

Street vendors are those millions of people who come to cities as economic refugees hoping to provide basic necessities for their families.They are the main distribution channels for a large variety...

by Shailly Arora | On 15 Jun 2010

Wine Industry in Maharashtra: An Analysis

Two of the countryʹs biggest grape-producing districts, Nasik and Sangli, are in Maharashtra; 20,000 hectares of vineyards here grow more than one lac tons of grapes a year. As much as 99 per ce...

by Sudipto Mitra | On 15 Jun 2010

Policy Barriers Preventing Access to Emergency Obstetric Care in Rural India

The paper is based on study of policies, research reports and experience of working in the area of maternal health over last several years. The paper describes how policies restrict basic doctors*fr...

by Dileep V. Mavalankar | On 07 Jun 2010

The Current Trade Framework and Gender Linkages in Developing Economies: An Introductory Survey of Issues with Special Reference to India

This background paper discusses the conceptual and empirical linkages between trade liberalization and gender equality in the context of development; and the impact of the WTO and PTA/FTAs on gender....

by Ranja Sengupta | On 07 Jun 2010

Addressing Agricultural Power Subsidy: A Case Study of North Gujarat

This paper on the basis of fieldwork in the region of North Gujarat tries to analyze the perceptions among various sections of the farmers and examines whether the subsidy is pro-poor in nature. The...

by Vidyut Joshi | On 07 Jun 2010

Economies: An Introductory Survey of Issues with Special Reference to India

This paper discusses the conceptual and empirical linkages between trade liberalization and gender equality in the context of development; and the impact of the WTO and PTA/FTAs on gender. It then pr...

by Ranja Sengupta | On 01 Jun 2010

The EU-India FTA in Services and Possible Gender Impact in India: Concern Areas

This paper studies the impact of services trade liberalization under the currently negotiated EU-India FTA on women’s lives in India and tries to delineate the concern areas. Relevant sectors of int...

by Ranja Sengupta | On 25 May 2010

Grassroot Empowerment (1975-1990): A Discussion Paper

The discussion focusses on women in poverty their concentration in rural and urban areas, and the organisational approach for their mobilization and empowerment. Maximum emphasis has been placed on...

by Narayana K Banerjee | On 17 May 2010

OTC Derivatives Market in India: Recent Regulatory Initiatives and Open Issues for Market Stability and Development

The paper seeks to prove the point that the Indian OTC derivatives markets, unlike many other jurisdictions, are well regulated. Only contracts where one party to the contract is an RBI regulated e...

by Dayanand Arora | On 03 May 2010

The Flight from Defence to Civilian Space: Evolution of the Sectoral System of Innovation of India’s Aerospace Industry

India is one among the few developing countries that have sought to establish an aerospace industry. The industry has two components, namely aeronautical and astronautic. The sectoral system of inn...

by Sunil Mani | On 30 Apr 2010

Implementation of Monetary Policy in India

How does the Reserve Bank of India implement monetary policy? The objectives and framework of monetary policy, as they have evolved, the operational aspects of monetary policy have been discussed. Th...

by Deepak Mohanty | On 08 Apr 2010

The EU India FTA in Agriculture and Likely Impact on Indian Women

This study attempts to provide an analysis of the gender concerns of the proposed EU India FTA in the field of agriculture and suggest policy changes both in the FTA text as well as in domestic poli...

by Roopam Singh | On 08 Apr 2010

The EU India FTA in Agriculture and Likely Impact on Indian Women

This study attempts to provide an analysis of the gender concerns of the proposed EU India FTA in the field of agriculture and suggest policy changes both in the FTA text as well as in domestic poli...

by Roopam Singh | On 04 Mar 2010

The Current Trade Paradigm and Women's Health Concerns in India: With Special Reference to the Proposed EU-India Free Trade Agreement

India is currently negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, which includes not only liberalization of commodity trading, but also a wide range of chapters including deep services ...

by Ranja Sengupta | On 17 Feb 2010

Transport Infrastructure and Poverty Infrastructure

The main issues surrounding this concern and provides a range of policy, regulatory, and institutional measures that could help strengthen the impact of transport infrastructure on poverty reduction...

by Sununtar Setboonsarng | On 10 Feb 2010

Factor Employment, Sources and Sustainability of Output Growth: Analysis of Indian Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector in India is crucial for two main reasons: It has significant potential to provide modern employment to a growing labour force, especially that of less skilled type and second...

by Arvind Virmani | On 09 Feb 2010

Post-Independence Educational Development among Women in India

This paper aims to examine the policy debates on women's education and highlight some of the basic issues affecting the progress of women's education since the introduction of planned development in...

by Balaji Pandey | On 08 Feb 2010

Asia Confronts the Impossible Trinity

Capital account openness and exchange rate flexibility in 11 Asian countries are examined. Asia has made slow progress on de jure capital account openness, but has made much more progress on de facto...

by Ila Patnaik | On 04 Feb 2010

Transparency and Accountability in Employment Programmes The case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

Based upon several field visits to the state of Andhra Pradesh to observe and analyse the social audit process initiated by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the National Rural Employment Guaran...

by Neera Burra | On 04 Feb 2010

Exchange Market Pressure and Monetary Policy

The objective of this study is to examine empirically the impact of monetary policy on exchange market pressure (EMP) in Bangladesh. EMP is measured as the sum of percentage change of international re...

by Sayera Younus | On 29 Jan 2010

Third Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2009-10

The Reserve Bank has pursued an accommodative monetary policy beginning mid-September 2008 in order to mitigate the adverse impact of the global financial crisis on the Indian economy. The measures ta...

by D Subbarao | On 29 Jan 2010

Measures of Inflation in India: Issues and Perspectives

A review of the various primary measures of inflation with a particular reference to the divergence between WPI and CPI. Focus is also given on different secondary (derived) measures of inflation, par...

by Deepak Mohanty | On 21 Jan 2010

Why India Choked when Lehman Broke

India has an elaborate system of capital controls which impede cap- ital mobility and particularly short-term debt. Yet, when the global money market fell into turmoil after the bankruptcy of Lehman...

by Ila Patnaik | On 19 Jan 2010

Consultation Paper on Foreign Investment in Broadcasting Sector

Department of Industrial Policy and promotion has recently issued revised guidelines for calculation of total foreign investment i.e. direct and indirect foreign investment in Indian companies for bri...

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI | On 18 Jan 2010

Pro-Poor Growth: Illusions of Marriage and Divorce?

This note seeks to show that the debate on ‘Pro-Poor Growth’ is sterile and largely academic with few policy insights.

by Suryanarayana M H | On 15 Jan 2010

Working with Existing Systems: Lessons from INHP

Engaging and strengthening the ICDS and Health programs of the government was a major approach of the two component projects under the RACHNA program, INHP-II and Chayan. Of the two, the INHP interve...

by CARE India | On 24 Dec 2009

Re-Activating Primary Health Centres Through Industrial Partnership in Tamilnadu Is it a Sustainable Model of Partnership?

Kerala’s success in human development demonstrated that efficient functioning of government health care delivery system opens the doors of prosperity for the poor and vulnerable sections of the popu...

by Varatharajan D | On 21 Dec 2009

Rethinking Food Security Policies: IDSAsr Declaration

Declaration made at the end of two days national seminar on Food security and Sustainability in India held on November 7-8, 2009 organized by GAD Institute of Development Studies, PO Naushera, Amritsa...

by Gursharan Singh Kainth | On 14 Dec 2009

The Effect of Direct Foreign Investment on Domestic Firms: Evidence from Firm Level Panel Data in Emerging Economies

This paper uses firm level panel data to investigate empirically the effects of direct foreign investment (DFI) on the productivity performance of domestic firms in three emerging economies of Centr...

by Jozef Konings | On 11 Dec 2009

Poverty Dynamics in Rural Sindh, Pakistan

This paper focuses on poverty dynamics and their determinants, using panel survey data for rural Sindh, Pakistan. Households interviewed by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) d...

by Hari Ram Lohano | On 10 Dec 2009

Has India Become More Innovative Since 1991? Analysis of the Evidence and Some Disquieting Features

There is a strong feeling among especially the West that India is becoming very innovative. The study will take the reader through the empirical evidence on whether this is indeed the case since the...

by Sunil Mani | On 03 Dec 2009

Literacy Traps: Society-wide Education and Individual Skill Premia

Using a model of O-ring production function, the paper demonstrates how certain communities can get caught in a low-literacy trap in which each individual finds it not worthwhile investing in higher...

by Vidya Atal | On 01 Dec 2009

Climate Change and India-Some Major Issues and Policy Implications

The paper examines the genesis of Climate Change which has been referred to as the defining human development issue of our generation. Also studied is the impact of this problem in the global as well...

by H A C Prasad | On 01 Dec 2009

The Difficulties of the Chinese and Indian Exchange Rate Regimes

China and India have both attempted distorting the exchange rate in order to foster exports-led growth. This is described as the Bretton Woods II framework, where developing countries buy bonds in the...

by Ila Patnaik | On 30 Nov 2009

Access and Mobility for the Urban Poor in India: Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Needs

Indian cities are characterised by rapid growth in human as well as motor vehicle populations. Although the poor benefit the least from motor vehicle activity, they bear the brunt of its impacts. The...

by Madhav Badami | On 26 Nov 2009

Climate Conference in Copenhagen Success is a Political Must

This conference is one of the most important and most complex in the history of climate policy negotiations. The objective is to form a treaty as a successor for the Kyoto Protocol. To enable a breakt...

by Eric Heymann | On 26 Nov 2009

Statistical Trends in Pharmaceutical Research for Poor Countries

Introducing patent rights in developing country markets might stimulate greater R and D investment targeting their specific health needs – areas long neglected. This paper examines this argument using...

by Jean O Lanjouw | On 26 Nov 2009

Should Banking Be Made Boring? - An Indian Perspective

Ills of the banking system that caused the crisis. An extensive analysis of the causes is given. A brief synopsis to provide a backdrop for the ‘boring banking’ discussion is given. [Speech at the Int...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 25 Nov 2009

Innovation through Long-distance Conversations? Lessons from Offshoring-based Software Clusters in Bangalore

This paper is aganist the popular assertion regarding the links between innovation and clustering and it is found that the main sources of knowledge transfer and innovation among key firms in Bangalor...

by Aya Okada | On 23 Nov 2009

No One Barked

No reponse form the policies that the government is announcing

by T.N. Ninan | On 20 Nov 2009

Start With a Girl: A New Agenda for Global Health

Sheds light on the realities of girls' health and wellbeing in developing countries, on the links between the health of girls and the prospects for their families, and on the specific actions that wil...

by Miriam Temin | On 17 Nov 2009

Track Record of Financial Institutions in Assisting the Poor in Asia

A variety of institutional forms of microfinance are being introduced in Asia including by the ADB-and financial institutions pursue different objectives, so it is difficult to assess how well micro...

by Richard L Meyer | On 13 Nov 2009

The Socio-Economic Determinants Behind Infant Mortality and Maternal Mortality

A qualitative study was conducted in the six states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Haryana to understand the socio-economic, cultural and demographic features a...

by Indian Trust for Innovation and Social Change ITISC | On 12 Nov 2009

Philosophy and Practice of Financial Sector Regulation – Space for Unorthodoxy

Evolution of the financial sector regulation in India, particularly focusing on the elements of the policy framework which have contributed to the broader stability in the financial sector is depicted...

by Shyamala Gopinath | On 05 Nov 2009

Horizontal Equity and the Thirteenth Finance Commission: Issues and Ponderables

An attempt has been made in this paper to critically analyse the parameters/ criteria on which basis awards are finalized. With special reference to poorer states, the following aspects have been di...

by Keshab Das | On 03 Nov 2009

Crash Boom Bang: Second Hand Car Imports in India

The paper analyzes and enumerates the various causes for accidents in Delhi and also suggests possible solution solution to counter the problem and bring down accident rates.

by Arjun Bhattacharya | On 21 Oct 2009

Drug Regulation and Incentives for Innovation: The Case of ASEAN

The focus of this paper is to examine the ways in which regulatory framework affect the pharmaeutical innovations in developing countries using member countries of the Association of South-east Asian...

by Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin | On 16 Oct 2009

Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developing Countries

Simultaneous relationship between telecommunications and the economic growth, using data for developing countries are examined. Using 3SLS, a system of equations that endogenize economic growth and...

by Kala Seetharam Sridhar | On 15 Oct 2009

Emerging Market Concerns: An Indian Perspective

From the perspective of Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) and particularly for that of India, five concerns are expressed. These are: first, timing of exit from the accommodative monetary policy in the...

by D Subbarao | On 15 Oct 2009

Assessing the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Poverty

Fiscal policy measures are a key means by which governments can influence distribution and poverty, but in fact the relationships between fiscal policy and poverty are not well understood. The most c...

by Andrew McKay | On 05 Oct 2009

Dual Practice by Public Health Providers in Shandong and Sichuan Provinces, China

Private practice in the health sector was re-introduced from 1980, when China began its economic reform from a planned economy to a market economy. But today the total number of private sector provide...

by Ying Bian | On 30 Sep 2009

Monetary Policy, Forex Markets and Feedback Under Uncertainity in an Opening Economy

Options for monetary policy arising from interactions between it and Indian foreign exchange (FX) markets. A brief survey covers recent rapid changes providing a snapshot of current microstructure, ...

by Ashima Goyal | On 14 Sep 2009

Making the Case for Early Care and Education: A Message Development Guide for Advocates

The book offers advocates arguments to make, and value statements to support those arguments, for a variety of early care and education policy goals. It is believed that young children, their familie...

by Lori Dorfman | On 20 Aug 2009

Reforming Foodgrains Management: Achieving Food Security with Cost-Effectiveness

This paper examines the efficacy of the current system of public foodgrains management and policies in promoting food security in the country. It argues that the system has outlived its usefulness,...

by A. Ganesh Kumar | On 13 Aug 2009

Commodities, Comforts, and Chaos

There is an incessant flow of technical innovations for newer and newer consumer goods and gadgets in our contemporary times. Even though technology has benefitted modern civilization through major sc...

by Arup Maharatna | On 10 Aug 2009

National Innovation System and the Emergence of Indian Information and Software Technology Multinationals

This study analyzes the factors leading to the emergence of these Indian IST firms as multinationals in the global market. Applying the theoretical framework of national innovation system (NIS), the...

by Jaya Prakash Pradhan | On 07 Aug 2009

Policies and Strategies for Radioactive Waste Management

The spent fuel and radioactive waste management strategy sets out the means for achieving the goals and requirements set out in the national policy. It is normally established by the relevant waste...

by International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA | On 04 Aug 2009

Peasant Classes, Farm Incomes and Rural Indebtedness: An Analysis of Household Production Data from Two States

The paper attempts to appraise the extent of the constraint of credit relations on agricultural production and its differential impact across peasant classes. Additionally, the analysis of the structu...

by Arindam Banerjee | On 04 Aug 2009

R&D for Development of New Drugs for Neglected Diseases How Can India Contribte?

The focus of this paper is India. In line with TRIPS India has introduced a product patent regime in pharmaceuticals from 1 January, 2005. WIll this lead increase in resources deveoted to R and D by I...

by Sudip Chaudhuri | On 31 Jul 2009

Emerging Contours of Financial Regulation: Challenges and Dynamics

The paper attempts to analyse the emerging contours of regulation of financial institutions with an emphasis on the emerging challenges and dynamics. [Paper prepared for Financial Stability Review of...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 29 Jun 2009

Inflation and the Poor in Bangladesh

This note analyses the major characteristics of the current inflationary episode in the economy along with its probable impact on different population groups in Bangladesh. The note also draws some po...

by Mustafa. K. Mujeri | On 27 Jun 2009

Inflation in Bangladesh: Does the Changing Consumption Pattern Affect its Measurement ?

The paper analyzes the effects of changes in consumption factor on the calculation of inflation calculation in Bangladesh. This is important as there might exist some volatile and non-trend components...

by Md. Habibour Rahman | On 27 Jun 2009

Measuring Inflationary Pressure in Bangladesh: The P-Star Approach

The paper estimates the P* model for Bangladesh economy and test its forecasting ability through generating recursive forecasts. The empirical result shows that the model performs relatively well and...

by Mustafa. K. Mujeri | On 27 Jun 2009

Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Output Growth in Bangladesh: A VAR Approach

This paper investigates the relative importance of monetary and fiscal policies in altering real output of Bangladesh. An unrestricted vector auto regression (VAR) framework based on the St. Louis equ...

by Md. Habibur Rahman | On 27 Jun 2009

Groundwater Irrigation in India: Gains, Costs and Risks

Groundwater has rapidly emerged to occupy a dominant place in India’s agriculture and food security in the recent years. It has become the main source of growth in irrigated area over the past 3 decad...

by Vasant P Gandhi | On 23 Jun 2009

Impact of Monetary Policy Changes in a Semi-Global Economy: Evidence from Bangladesh

The study examines the impact of changes in monetary policy in Bangladesh. Specifically, the study examines the impact of domestic and foreign monetary shocks on Bangladesh’s major economic aggregate...

by Sayera Younus | On 22 Jun 2009

Target Free Approach for Family Welfare in Gujarat: A Review of Policy and Its Implementation

The introduction of the Target Free Approach (TFA) has been a major policy shift in the health and family welfare programme of India. This study reviewed the process of change in the implementation...

by B L Kumar | On 17 Jun 2009

Disentangling the Global Financial Crisis: A Review of the Global Response

At this moment, the world is undergoing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1930s. It is not clear exactly which factors instigated the crisis, but there are many candidates; the f...

by H. N. Thenuwara | On 15 Jun 2009

Employment Promoting Growth in Bangladesh: Monetary and Financial Sector Issues

Although economic growth has improved in recent years in Bangladesh, the better economic performance has not translated into satisfactory poverty reduction. The type of growth that matters Bangladesh...

by Mustafa. K. Mujeri | On 15 Jun 2009

Blunt Instruments: On Establishing the Causes of Economic Growth

Despite intense concern that many instrumental variables used in growth regressions may be invalid, or both, top journals studies of economic growth based on problematic instruments. doing so risks p...

by Samuel Bazzi | On 04 Jun 2009

Interactions between Policy Assumptions and Rural Women’s Work –A Case Study

This paper is mainly concerned about the approaches to rural women’s development and an understanding of their work roles in the planning strategies. Changes in the economic and social participation o...

by Kumud Sharma | On 03 Jun 2009

EXPORTING THROUGH E-COMMERCE: How Indian Exporters have Harnessed the IT Revolution

This monograph looks at how Indian exporters of goods and services have used e-commerce to promote exports. The second section comes up with explanations for the failure of the Indian garment export...

by Dipankar Sengupta | On 29 May 2009

Effect of Mobiles on Socio-economic Life of Urban Poor

Using a survey of 1774 users and non-users in 84 slums in three metropolitan cities (Delhi, Ahmedabad and Kolkata), we try to understand the impact of mobiles on their social and economic lives. Urban...

by Ankur Sarin | On 27 May 2009

Summary of the Welcome Remarks by Dr.Bimal Jalan, Governor, at the 11th C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture

Dr. Bimal Jalan, Governor gave a welcome remark to Prof. Charles Goodhart on his 11th C. D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture on 'Whither Central Banking ?' This paper revolves around Dr. Jalan's summary and...

by Dr Bimal Jalan | On 21 May 2009

Straddling Faultlines : India's Foreign Policy Toward The Great Middle East

India’s foreign policy has had an anomalous quality since the time Jawaharlal Nehru resolutely attempted to steer clear of Cold War alliances. This continues to be so given India’s unique situation of...

by Sushil J Aaron | On 21 May 2009

Assessing Policy Choices For Managing SO2 Emisions From Indian Power Sector

The production, transportation and consumption of energy resources, especially of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, generate negative environmental externalities including air pollution....

by Deepa Menon Choudhary | On 18 May 2009

Macroeconometric Policy Modeling for India: A Review of Some Analytical Issues

Macroeconomic modelling is generally motivated by two objectives: forecasting and more significantly, policy analysis. In pursuit of both these objectives, every model must ideally satisfy four crite...

by V. Pandit | On 16 May 2009

Intellectual Property Protection And Technology Transfer The Case Of Overseas R & D

This paper investigates whether, in what direction, and to what extent one mode of technology transfer – namely, overseas R&D – is influenced by the strength of intellectual property protection that h...

by Sunil Kanwar | On 15 May 2009

Manager’s Perceptions of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment Liberalizations: Information Technology Firms in India

Firms differ in the effects that foreign direct investment liberalizations have on their businesses, and in the responses they make to adjust to the liberalized business environment. In this study th...

by Stanley Nollen | On 15 May 2009

Gender and Innovation in South Asia

To understand how gender, women’s rights and citizenship intersect with innovation in SouthAsia, one must begin by considering some of the main features of life for South Asian women, about a half of...

by Sujata Byravan | On 06 May 2009

Sharing Traditinal Knowledge for Commerce-the Power of Bargaining Strength

The paper is motivated by concerns about the depletion of traditional knowledge and recent efforts to preserve this knowledge through commercial use. The study looks at incentives that can induce comp...

by Aparna K Bhagirathi | On 30 Apr 2009

Global Financial Crisis: Causes, Consequences and India’s Prospects

Presentation shows the global financial crisis, the difference between US, Europe and India, RBI’s policy response and impact, lessons from the crisis, medium-term issues and challenges. [Speech deliv...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 29 Apr 2009

Water-Forest Management, Law And Policy In Uttaranchal Issues, Constraints, Opportunities

The Study aims at reviewing legal, policy and institutional provisions for the management of natural resources-water and forest in the State of Uttaranchal with a special focus on how the laws actuall...

by Videh Upadhyay | On 27 Apr 2009

Poverty, Undernutrition and Vulnerability in Rural India: Public Works versus Food Subsidy

This paper analyses the effects of access to Rural Public Works (RPW) and the Public Distribution System (PDS), a public food subsidy programme, on consumption poverty, vulnerability and undernutrit...

by Raghbendra Jha | On 27 Apr 2009

AIDAN Policy Brief: Drug Prices and Affordability

India has a booming drug industry and has contributed to making generics at low prices worldwide. But medicines within India are overpriced and unaffordable. Price regulation of medicines is a key pub...

by All India Drug Action Forum AIDAN | On 25 Apr 2009

China’s Socialist Market Economy: Lessons for Democratic Developing Countries

The paper’s focus is on successful Chinese policies that can be emulated by other countries to an extent (within certain bounds) which mentined in the article. The author is not trying to draw lesson...

by Arvind Virmani | On 22 Apr 2009

Listen Up Economists, Why Might History Matter for Development Policy?

History matters, and it matters in important and interesting ways for policy  today. But it is not just actual events in the past. It is how they are recorded, interpreted,  and the interpretation...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 22 Apr 2009

Gender and Innovation in South Asia

Women in South Asia have a great balancing act to perform, what with the dual burden of taking care of their homes and families and working outside the home or running a business. For them, mobili...

by Sujata Byravan | On 16 Apr 2009

Macroeconomic Effects Of Public Invesment In Infrastructure In India

This paper attempts to build an aggregative, structural,macroeconometric model for India. Investment and output in the model are disaggregated into four sectors namely(a) agriculture including forestr...

by K.N Murty | On 02 Mar 2009

Some Reflections on the Recent Global Financial Turmoil – an Indian Perspective

The speech tries to underline some lessones that be drawn from the financial crisis relevant to regulation, financial markets and the market infrastructure and to reflect on these. [Annual Conference...

by Shyamala Gopinath | On 15 Jan 2009

Government Spending, Trade Openness and Economic Growth in India: A Time Series Analysis

The study examines the impact of aggregate government expenditure and its two broader components such as revenue expenditure and capital expenditure on the growth rate of output in the Indian contex...

by Hrushikesh Mallick | On 22 Dec 2008

Reducing Currency and Maturity Mismatch

The main objectives of this report are to identify and propose policies, factors and conditions that could mitigate or avoid double mismatches. policies here means any course of action pursued and ad...

by Khee-Giap Tan | On 19 Dec 2008

Suggesting Effective Policy Frames for Chronic Poverty Alleviation in India

This is a continuation of an earlier paper (2005) by the author which dealt with policy implications based on the work done by CPRC in India. There is no map of chronic poverty in India, but have an a...

by N C B Nath | On 16 Dec 2008

Micro and Small Enterprises During Reforms: Policy and Concerns

This paper addresses some key policy issues relating to the micro and small enterprises in India during the reforms period. A close look into the definitional changes in terms of the criterion of inve...

by Keshab Das | On 16 Dec 2008

Consultation Paper on Quality of Service Issues for Cable TV Services in Non-CAS Areas and DTH Services

This consultation paper attempts to solicit the views of stakeholders on the issues involving quality of service aspects of cable television service in non-CAS area. Additionally, some new quality of...

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI | On 08 Dec 2008

Traveling Agents: Political Change and Bureaucratic Turnover in India

Politicians face high-powered electoral pressures while bureaucrats face longer-term, low powered incentives. Given constitutional constraints, what incentives do politicians employ to control bureauc...

by Lakshmi Iyer | On 02 Dec 2008

The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Sustaining Growth with Stability in India

This paper focuses on the role of fiscal and monetary policies in the evolution of the Indian economy over the years, with particular attention being given to the reforms undertaken in these policies...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 28 Nov 2008

Contemporary International and Domestic Banking Developments and the Emerging Challenges

A broad overview, from the Indian perspective, of the factors underlying the credit market crisis in the west, the implications of the crisis for the financial sector, lessons learnt from it, the var...

by Leeladhar V | On 25 Nov 2008

Development of Corrugated Fiber Board Cartons for Long Distance Transport of Tomato in India

Tomotaoes which are produced in Gujarat, north west India are small, so the growers were not organized enough to raise funds to sponsor research at public R&D institutions in the area. That task was t...

by Girja Sharan | On 25 Nov 2008

The Demand for Disadvantage

In a poor, growing economy with academic costs well below the market value of educational training, the tag of disadvantage has come to acquire value and, ironically, the desire for mobility has brou...

by Rohini Somanathan | On 18 Nov 2008

Trade in Health Services

The paper provides an overview of the nature of trade in health services in the world economy. It oulines some of the general implications of trade in health services for national health systems for a...

by Rupa Chanda | On 13 Nov 2008

Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Fragile Environments : Resource Endowments or Policy Interventions? (A Study in the Context of Participatory Watershed Development in AP)

This paper primarily assesses the status of rural livelihoods in fragile environments with diverse resource endowments and policy interventions. Livelihood assessment was carried out using the sustai...

by V Ratna Reddy | On 07 Nov 2008

Agflation and the PDS: Some Issues

In the context of the current public policy focus on rising food prices and their implications for food security, this paper examines two major issues raised: (i) Universalization of the public distri...

by Suryanarayana M H | On 04 Nov 2008

India’s Macroeconomic Performance

The paper reviews India’s macroeconomic performance and policies since 2000. The first section briefly summarizes key macroeconomic developments regarding economic growth, inflation, external bala...

by Shankar Acharya | On 02 Nov 2008

India’s Macroeconomic Performance and Policies Since 2000

The paper reviews India’s macroeconomic performance and policies since 2000. The first section briefly summarizes key macroeconomic developments regarding economic growth, inflation, external balance...

by Shankar Acharya | On 29 Oct 2008

Global Financial Turmoil and India’s Look East Policy

The ongoing global financial turmoil represents an end of an era of exuberant financial capitalism. But the transition to a more sedate and scaled down financial sector will be traumatic for the world...

by Mukul Asher | On 15 Oct 2008

International Financial Regulation : The Quiet Revolution

The author points out that the general directions of change adopted by the financial authorities in countries around the world in response to the market turbulence of 1997 and 1998 are correct. But, e...

by Howard Davies | On 14 Oct 2008

Deconstructing China’s and India’s Growth: The Role of Financial Policies

This paper uses the standard one-sector neoclassical growth model to investigate why China’s consumption has been low and investment high. This paper looks into the role played by the financial sector...

by Jahangir Aziz | On 07 Oct 2008

Issues Before the Thirteenth Finance Commission

The paper argues that irrespective of the wording of the Terms of Reference (ToR), the Commission would do well to focus on its primary task of recommending transfers to serve the objective of equit...

by M.Govinda Rao | On 06 Oct 2008

Consultation Paper on Media Ownership

The objective of the paperis to obtain the inputs of stakeholders and to generate a discussion on the appropriate policy relating to cross media and ownership restrictions in India. The comments of al...

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI | On 03 Oct 2008

Technology Sourcing and Internationalisation of IT firms in India

The paper analyzes the determinants of internationalisation, defined in terms of export intensity and overseas investments, of the IT firms in India. In particular, the paper examines the role of tech...

by Narayanan K | On 01 Oct 2008

The Natural Interest Rate in Emerging Markets

An optimizing model of a small open emerging market economy (SOEME) with dualistic labour markets and two types of consumers, is used to derive the natural interest rate, terms of trade and potentia...

by Ashima Goyal | On 24 Sep 2008

Impact of Organized Retailing on the Unorganized Sector

The study has indicated how consumers and farmers benefit from organized retailers. The study has also examined the impact on intermediaries and manufacturers. The results are indicative of the mega-a...

by Mathew Joseph | On 23 Sep 2008

Food Processing in Andhra Pradesh Opportunities and Challenges

The study is taken up in the state of Andhra Pradesh with the following objectives: 1. To study the opportunities and challenges in processing of rice, fruits and vegetables, oilseeds and livestock...

by S.Mahendra Dev | On 17 Sep 2008

India's Climate Change Policy and Trade Concerns: Issues, Barriers and Solutions

This study assesses the Five Year Plans and relevant government policies adopted to garner India's climate change goals and priorities. It attempts to highlight key climate change concerns from a brie...

by Centre for Trade and Development CENTAD | On 17 Sep 2008

Innovation Systems as Patent Networks

The present paper is a study of how specific institutions affect innovation in a specific country. In the paper uses data for patents granted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a...

by Wilfred Dolfsma | On 16 Sep 2008

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategies in ICT SMEs in Enlarged Europe (EU25)

The paper investigates the innovation behavior off entrepreneurs in small and medium sized enterprises in the ICT sector of the European Union. In this study innovative strategies of entrepreneurs are...

by Kaushalesh Lal | On 15 Sep 2008

China and India: A Tale of Two Trade Integration Approaches

The comparison of the key features of trade integration processes and the economic outcomes in China and India reveals that while much has already been achieved in both these economies, the Chinese re...

by Przemyslaw Kowalski | On 09 Sep 2008

WCD Thematic Review 1.3:Social Aspects: Contributing Paper: Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Reparation and Development

This paper seeks primarily to establish some benchmarks for policy and law for displacement and rehabilitation in India. It will do this by looking briefly at the actual experience of displacement due...

by Ravi Hemadri | On 14 Aug 2008

Fiscal Policy and Economic Reforms

A practitioner’s perspective of fiscal policy, and economic reforms.

by Y V Reddy | On 14 Aug 2008

Who Funds the Act of Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Chittgaong Hill Tracks?

Since 1978 Bangladesh government has been providing free food rations to plain settlers to sustain the conflict, make indigenous Jumma peoples a minority in the CHTs and eventually destroy their disti...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 07 Aug 2008

Andhra Pradesh State Policy on Organic Farming

The objectives of the policy on organic farming, the strategies of the policy are explained here.

by Centre for Sustainable Agriculture CSA | On 26 Jul 2008

Managing Capital Flows: The Case of India

From the early 1990s, India embarked on easing capital controls. Liberalization emphasised openness towards equity flows, both FDI and portfolio flows. In particular, there are few barriers in the fa...

by Ajay Shah | On 24 Jul 2008

Impact of Organic Farming on Economics of Sugarcane Cultivation in Maharashtra

The primary goal of this paper is to examine the impact of organic farming on economics of sugarcane cultivation in Maharashtra. The study is based on primary data collected from two districts coverin...

by Kshirsagar K G | On 14 Jul 2008

Drivers and Effects of Internationalising Innovation by SMEs

This paper investigates the drivers and the effects of the internationalisation of innovation activities in SMEs based on a large data set of German firms covering the period 2002-2007. Globalisation...

by Anja Schmiele | On 01 Jul 2008

Sustainable Economic Growth for India

Use of Macroeconometric models has by now assumed a measure of universality as an unavoidable aid to forecasting and policy analysis; challenges and controversies spread over more than two decades not...

by V. Pandit | On 26 Jun 2008

Poverty Eradication and Human Rights

This paper examines the proposition that "poverty is a violation of human rights". The author disuses the possibility of this proposition to be implementable in real case senarios and in polcies,

by Arjun Sengupta | On 26 Jun 2008

Changing Paradigm of Indo-Japan Relations: Opportunities and Challenges

This paper presents an overview of Indo-Japan cooperation since late 18th and early 19th century till date. In the light of the changing paradigm in India-Japan relations over the past several years,...

by PG Rajamohan | On 23 Jun 2008

Process, People, Power and Conflict: Some Lessons from a Participatory Policy Process in Andhra Pradesh, India

A large body of empirical literature highlights the need for stakeholder participation within the context of policy change and democratic governance. This makes intuitive sense and may appear to be a...

by Vinod Ahuja | On 19 Jun 2008

The Sectoral System of Innovation of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

The paper undertakes a detailed mapping out of the sectoral system of innovation of India's pharmaceutical industry. The industry is one of the most innovative industries in the Indian manufacturing s...

by Sunil Mani | On 15 Jun 2008

Towards Public Policy Education: Imparting Economic and Financia Literacy

Financial and economic literacy is essential for understanding forces that are driving social change in India, and globally. It is also an essential contributing factor in determining employability an...

by Mukul Asher | On 28 May 2008

New issues in Indian macro policy

For many decades, macro-policy in India was conducted in an environment with five key elements: ˆ Agricultural shocks rather than a conventional business cycle; A closed economy; deeply distorti...

by Ajay Shah | On 13 May 2008

Newsletter on Regional Economy: A bi-monthly four state update from IRIS India

A monthly compilation by IRIS.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 09 Apr 2008

Innovation and Growth: Role of the Financial Sector

A brief overview is provided about India’s long-term growth performance. Then an attempt is made to set out the conditions for successful innovations. To assess the role of innovations in the Indian...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 03 Apr 2008

ICT and Employment Promotion Among Poor Women: How Can We Make It Happen? Some Reflections On Kerala's Experience

This paper deals with the integration of gender in policies relating to information and communication technology to empower socially excluded poor women as producers of this technology. In this contex...

by Mohanan Pillai P | On 25 Mar 2008

Trade and Inequality: The Role of Economists

The role of economists in trade debates is especially pernicious because there is no area of economics in which economists have been less honest about what their models show. They have consistently ex...

by Dean Baker | On 17 Mar 2008

Markets, politics and freedom in the work of Hannah Arendt

Like the alchemist's philosopher's stone of old, though, the heavy artillery of game theory is being wheeled out in more and more sophisticated models, in the hope of converting the lead of individual...

by Kevin Quinn | On 17 Mar 2008

Inclusive Growth - The Role of Banks in Emerging Economies

Speech describes India’s experiences on ‘Inclusive Growth’ - a topic which is both current and close to the hearts of public policymakers and central bankers of emerging economies. [Independence Comme...

by Usha Thorat | On 14 Mar 2008

A Sugar Policy for India Comment on D R Gadgil

D.R. Gadgil, wrote at length about the need for a long-term sugar policy and its efficient implementation is needed in India. What is the current relevance of his ideas?

by Aparna Mitheel Jaikar | On 13 Mar 2008

Above our Weight

The political strategies of India and China

by T.N. Ninan | On 11 Feb 2008

Patents and Biopharmaceuticals in India: Emerging Issues

This paper highlights the status of the Indian biopharmaceutical industry and also makes a comparison with the global scenario. It also discusses the current situation regarding patenting biopharmaceu...

by Lalitha N | On 05 Feb 2008

Consultation Paper on Issues Arising out of Plethora of Tariff Offers in Access Service Provision

This consultation paper discusses the various issues arising out of the plethora of tariff offers in the access segment and the need to address the consumer issues arising out of it. [All the stakehol...

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI | On 31 Jan 2008

Third Quarter Review of Annual Monetary Policy for the Year 2007-08

Review consists of three sections: I. Assessment of Macroeconomic and Monetary Developments; II. Stance of Monetary Policy; and III. Monetary Measures. An analytical profile of macroeconomic a...

by Y V Reddy | On 30 Jan 2008

Market Failure and the Poverty of New Drugs in Maternal Health

A new survey finds that only 17 drugs are under active development for maternal health indications, which is less than 3% of the pipeline in cardiovascular health (660 drugs). The international agenci...

by Nicholas M Fisk | On 30 Jan 2008

Municipal Finance in India:An Assessment

This study, entitled “Municipal Finance in India – An Assessment”, undertaken for the Development Research Group (DRG), Reserve Bank of India examines the performance of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in I...

by P K Mohanty | On 29 Jan 2008

National Policy on the Voluntary Sector

This National Policy on the Voluntary Sector-2007 is the beginning of a process to evolve a new working relationship between the Government and the Voluntary Sector, without affecting the autonomy and...

by Planning Commission, India | On 29 Jan 2008

Visible Hand: Public Policy nd Economic Growth in the Nehru Era

This paper investigates the relationship between the policy regime and growth during 1950-64 termed here ‘the Nehru era’. While there exist valuable early appraisals of the period, access to new data...

by Pulapre Balakrishnan | On 28 Jan 2008

Toward an Economic Sociology of Chronic Poverty: Enhancing the Rigor and Relevance of Social Theory

This paper focuses on both expanding and refining the analytical scope of the “social” (or non-economic) aspects of chronic poverty, and thereby, to enhance efforts to respond more effectively to it....

by Michael Woolcock | On 25 Jan 2008

Review of The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction

Review of The Economics of Information Technology: An Introduction" by Hal R. Varian, Joseph Farrell, Carl Shapiro, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, pages 102, Price Rs. 795 RBI Occasional...

by Brijesh Pazhayathodi | On 22 Jan 2008

Managing Migration in thePhilippines: Lessons for India

The significance of international migration in the Philippines economy and society is discussed. The Government of Philippines plays a supportive and regulatory role promoting internationational migr...

by S. Irudaya Rajan | On 19 Jan 2008

A Review of the Pharmaceutical Industry of Canada

Three important aspects of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry-viz. compulsory licence, price control on patented drugs and the R&D scenario. Unlike other developed countries, which have adopted the...

by Lalitha N | On 18 Jan 2008

Newsletter on Regional Economy A bi-monthly four-state update from IRIS

A monthly compilation by IRIS.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 11 Jan 2008

Intergrated Energy Policy

The report of the Expert Committee provides a broad overarching framework for guiding the policies governing the production and use of different forms of energy from various sources. It makes specific...

by Planning Commission, India | On 10 Jan 2008

Management of the Capital Account in India: Some Perspectives

Management of capital accounts in the global context and in the Indian context. [Inaugural address delivered by Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Governor, Reserve Bank of India at the Annual Conference of the Indian...

by Y V Reddy | On 08 Jan 2008

Optimal Patent Length in a North-South Framework

Under certain conditions it is optimal for the noninnovating south to give patent protection for a longer time period than the innovating north. A cooperative patent agreement involves a larger protec...

by Swapnendu Banerjee | On 03 Jan 2008

Decentralisation as a Policy Process in India

This article argues that decentralisation in India should be seen as a policy process. It is a policy process in the sense that multiple actors, and agencies influence the decentralisation process at...

by V. Anil Kumar | On 12 Dec 2007

Trade Possibilities and Non-Tariff Barriers to Indo-Pak Trade

There is a large untapped trade potential between the two countries. Using the potential trade approach, the study finds that the export potential from India to Pakistan is to the tune of US$ 9.5 bill...

by Nisha Taneja | On 29 Nov 2007

The Growth Performance Of India’s Telecommunications Services Industry, 1991-2006. Can It Lead To The Emergence of a Domestic Manufacturing Hub?

A distinguishing aspect of the growth performance is that India now has five mobile phones for every one fixed telephone and the monthly additions to mobile subscribers are well over six million. Such...

by Sunil Mani | On 26 Nov 2007

Fasten Your Seatbelts! Monetary Policy Challenges in Turbulent Times

One of the burning issues at the moment relates to increasing the “voice” or representation of emerging-market economies in international financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank. There a...

by Mboweni T.T. | On 13 Nov 2007

Monetary Conditions Index for India

The authors attempt to construct a monetary conditions index (MCI) for India in order to take both interest rate and exchange rate channels simultaneously into consideration while evaluating the stanc...

by Kannan R | On 08 Nov 2007

Enhancing Rural Livelihoods

The Overseas Development Institute in the UK recently carried out a study on ICT for rural livelihoods, commissioned by InfoDev. The study included a literature and donor review in collaboration with...

by Paul Matthews | On 26 Oct 2007

Newsletter on Regional Economy: A bi-monthly four-state update

A monthly compilation by IRIS.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 22 Oct 2007

Report on National Mineral Policy

Even after five years of after the liberalisation of the investment regime India has failed to attract FDI to come to the mining sector. In the last decade, many developing countries have significantl...

by Planning Commission, India | On 18 Oct 2007

Recent Financial Market Developments and Implications for Monetary Policy

The nature of the financial turbulence that happened recently in US and Europe, why it happened, where it happened, and the implications for central banks. Some of the forces that led up to and charac...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 12 Oct 2007

Why Don’t Small and Medium Enterprises Innovate More : Creating a Cooperative Learning Environment at Individual, Firm and Regional Level

In a globalising economy, regional or national benchmarks do not suffice any more. Be it technology or business method or practices, Indian small scale entrepreneurs will have to benchmark their curre...

by Anil K Gupta | On 10 Oct 2007

Elements of Effective Central Banking: Theory, Practice, and History

The key elements of effective central banking that account for much of the improvement in monetary policy around the world today are outlined and explained. The past quarter of the century has been a...

by Marvin Goodfriend | On 09 Oct 2007

Educational Policy and the Economics of the Family

The implications of alternative ways to model decisionmaking by families for educational policy are analysed. Many of the policy implications associated with credit constraints cannot be distinguished...

by Abhijit Banerjee | On 11 Sep 2007

Monetary Policy Developments in India: An Overview

A review of the recent developments in the Indian Economy. Review of the trends in monetary policy challenges globally and for emerging market economies (EMEs) in particular. The monetary policy frame...

by Y V Reddy | On 10 Sep 2007

RBI Annual Report for 2006-07

Annual report of RBI for the year 2006-07

by Reserve Bank of India | On 31 Aug 2007

Intellectual Property Protection to Plant Varieties: Issues in Transgenic Cotton Cultivation

As Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights have been extended to agriculture, member countries are forced to provide intellectual property protection to plant varieties. As a member coun...

by Lalitha N | On 28 Aug 2007

Newsletter on Regional Economy: A bi-monthly four-state update

A monthly compilation by IRIS.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 22 Aug 2007

Public Health Policy Making and Drug Industry: Issues in Knowledge Legitimation

The political economy of the pharmaceutical industry defines truth significantly, if not substantially and wholly, in medicine as much as does dominant medical practice. This mediated wisdom of medici...

by S Srinivasan | On 19 Aug 2007

Educational Innovations in Rural Tamil Nadu: Tsunami-affected Arunthatiars of Sathyamangalam

This paper reports on the human aspect of a two-and-half-year collaboration between mathematics teachers of the City University of New York (CUNY), and grassroots organizers in rural Tamil Nadu. Repor...

by Vrunda Prabhu | On 19 Aug 2007

First Quarter Review of Monetary Policy: Underlying Macroeconomics

An overview of domestic and global macroeconomic developments [Valedictory address at the High Powered Macroeconomic Workshop organised by the State Bank of India].

by Rakesh Mohan | On 08 Aug 2007

Essays: Monetary Policy: Satisfy China’s Demand for Money

A talk with Nobel economics laureate Robert Mundell on how Beijing can keep the yuan’s value fixed and still avoid inflation. China’s high balance of payments surplus and pressure on the yuan could be...

by Hugo Restall | On 04 Aug 2007

FEER: The June 2007 issue

Satisfuy China's Demand for Money by Hugo Restall Monetary Policy: China’s Last Option: Let the Yuan Soar by Michael Pettis Stop the Specter of a Rising Rupee by Vivek Moorthy Hong Kong’s Arreste...

by FEER | On 04 Aug 2007

Impact of Special Economic Zones on Employment, Poverty and Human Development

There are three channels through which SEZs address these issues: employment generation, skill formation (human capital development), and technology and knowledge upgradation. It examines how the imp...

by Aradhna Aggarwal | On 02 Aug 2007

Dowry and Property Rights

Modernisation necessarily leads to the emergence of dowry as a direct transfer to the groom ("groom-price"). The historical instances of dowry can be classified according to the schema implied by the...

by Siwan Anderson | On 31 Jul 2007

First Quarter Review of the Annual Policy Statement on Monetary Policy for the Year 2007-08

*Bank Rate kept unchanged *Cash Reserve Ratio to be increased by 50 basis points to 7.0 per cent with effect from the fortnight beginning August 4, 2007 *GDP growth projection for 2007-08...

by Y V Reddy | On 31 Jul 2007

Comprehensive Sports Policy 2007

The Policy aims at building on previous sports policies with a view to accomplishing the unfinished agenda and addressing the emerging challenges of India in the 21st century, most particularly the na...

by Ministry for Youth Affairs and Sports Govt of India | On 26 Jul 2007

OECD Agricultural Trade Reforms Impact On India's Prces and Producer's Welfare

The welfare of the producers are analysed with the main focus on small farmers. The analysis presented in the paper is an approximation of the general equilibrium analysis. The four parts of this appr...

by Surabhi Mittal | On 16 Jul 2007

Trade Policy and Urban-Rural Inequalities In LDCS: A Simulation Experiment With A New Economic Geography Model

This paper follows the new economic geography approach to model the relationships between trade policy and spatial agglomeration of production in the context of a small open developing economy. It c...

by Ayele Gelan | On 13 Jul 2007

Economic Reforms, Capital Inflows and Macro Economic Impact in India

The effects of the inflows of private foreign capital on some major macroeconomic variables in India are analyzed using quarterly data for the period 1993-99. Cointegration test and The Granger Causal...

by Indrani Chakraborty | On 11 Jul 2007

The Trade-Off Among Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in India

This study examines the consequences of a) a domestic carbon tax policy, and, b) participation in a global tradable emission permits regime on carbon emissions, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and pover...

by Vijay Prakash Ojha | On 07 Jul 2007

Conceptualizing Economic Marginalization

What exactly is 'economic marginalization'? How should one conceptualize it, and what are the implications of such conceptualization? Economic marginalization can be conceptualized as outcome or as p...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 05 Jul 2007

National Health Accounts, 2001-02

National Health Accounts (NHA) is a tried and tested tool for summarizing, describing, and analyzing the financing of national health systems. The estimates prepared provide clues regarding the essent...

by National Health Acounts Cell NHA Cell | On 05 Jul 2007

Industrial Clusters in India: Perspectives and Issues for Research

Considering the Indian context as the basis of enquiry into industrial clustering three important issues that largely determine the performance and strategy of firms to survive compete and grow are id...

by Keshab Das | On 27 Jun 2007

Effect of Structural and Conditional Rigidities on Moving a Beneficiary from Passive to Active State: An Empirical Investigation in a Poverty Reduction Programme in Rural India

Most studies on poverty alleviation and reduction programmes emphasize structural bottlenecks, asymmetric information, and rent seeking behaviour. This paper provides an analytical characterization of...

by Arindam Banik | On 19 Jun 2007

Post-Autistic Economics Review : No. 41, March 2007

- What would post-autistic trade policy be? Alan Goodacre (UK) On the need for a heterodox health economics : Robert McMaster (University of Aberdeen, UK) - True cost environment...

by PAER Post Autistic Economic Review | On 17 Apr 2007

SEZ Policy: Ceiling on size will limit growth

The government’s recent decision of putting a ceiling limit for Special Economic Zones (SEZs) may well result in defining a ceiling on equitable economic growth harming not just industrial development...

by Savita Kulkarni | On 17 Apr 2007

Will The WTO Prevent The Growth Of Ethical Trade? Implications Of The International Policy Environment For Ethical Trade

The paper explores the factors that are pushing the development of ethical trade and also the potential constraints.

by Anne Tallontire | On 15 Mar 2007

Dynamics Of Rice Economy In India: Emerging Scenario And Policy Options

Most of 726 million rural populations in India is dependent on agriculture. Rice is the staple food of nearly 65% of the total population in India. The production of rough rice reached 135 million ton...

by Barah B.C. | On 09 Mar 2007

The International Mobility of Technical Talent: Trends and Development Implications

This paper charts the complex dynamics of the movement of technical talent in the world economy and assesses broadly the impact of such mobility on both sending and receiving countries. Based on sec...

by Anthony P. D'Costa | On 29 Dec 2006

Telecommunications privatisation in Taiwan: A beautiful mistake?

This paper examines the changing role of the government and market in regulating the telecommunications sector since 1996 in Taiwan. It also explores changes in the institutional framework for regula...

by Kuo-Tai Cheng | On 22 Dec 2006

Building Technological Capability in Developing Countries: The Case for a Technology Policy

The paper offers some reflections on technological capability building in the context of low-income developing countries. The issue is of particular concern, especially in an economic climate of liber...

by Mozammel Huq | On 22 Dec 2006

Economic Development in a Changing Globalised Economy: The Case of Developing Countries

In the context of the changing economic environment, this analysis is of particular relevance to Third World countries, who are currently being asked and/or actively encouraged to implement the "globa...

by Mozammel Huq | On 22 Dec 2006

Policymaking under Globalization Pressures: Reforming Public Utilities in Latin America

To analyse the role of partisan beliefs and interests, this paper focuses on two industries—telecoms and electricity—which have been subject to strong pressures for policy diffusion and thereby are u...

by Maria Victoria Murillo | On 21 Dec 2006

The Dragon vs. The Elephant: Comparative Analysis of Innovation Capability in the Telecommunications Equipment Industry in China and India

China and India have one of the largest telecommunications equipment markets in the world. The paper employs a sectoral system of innovation framework towards understanding the differential outcomes i...

by Sunil Mani | On 19 Dec 2006

Keeping Pace with Globalisation Innovation Capability in Korea's Telecommunications Equipment Industry

Korea is one of the four from the developing world to have built up substantial innovation capability in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art telecommunications equipments. The paper undert...

by Sunil Mani | On 19 Dec 2006

Coping with Globalisation: Public R&D Projects in Telecommunications Technologies in Developing Countries

The paper focuses on the response strategies of public research systems in various advanced developing countries (Brazil, India and Korea) to specific challenges paused by increasing integration of...

by Sunil Mani | On 19 Dec 2006

System of Rice Intensification in India: Innovation History and Institutional Challenges

This report documents the history of the systems of rice intensification (SRI, for short) in India in the last few years and presents some of the institutional changes and challenges that SRI throws u...

by C. Shambu Prasad | On 06 Dec 2006

Telecommunications Reform and the Emerging ‘New-Economy’: The Case of India

Telecommunications reform in recent years in almost all developed and developing nations created an opportunity to attract foreign direct investment. The investments have been taking place mainly in...

by Moazzem Hossain | On 27 Nov 2006

China's Pharmaceutical Industry: Typologies and Characteristics

This paper uses aggregate and firm level data to examine the characteristics of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry in general and its geographical agglomeration in particular. It addresses the foll...

by Hayan Zhang | On 27 Nov 2006

Decrypting E-Governance: Narratives, Power play and Participation in the Gyandoot Intranet

The mapping of the social and political constraints that marginalized communities and individuals encounter in their interface with e-governance projects, perhaps, has implications for the optimistic...

by T.T. Sreekumar | On 27 Nov 2006

Ministries must stop being regulators

Regulation that is working well, as well as others that plainly speak of misgovernance, are both instructive; the road forward lies in separating regulation from the government, and vesting this inste...

by Subramaniam Vincent | On 21 Nov 2006

Review of Development and Change: Volume XI Number 1 January - June 2006

Highlights: Cultural Politics of Environment and Development: The Indian Experience Amita Baviskar Participatory Governance and Institutional Innovation – A Case of Andhra Pradesh Forestry Project...

by Madras Institute of Development Studies | On 08 Nov 2006

Midterm Review of Annual Policy Statement for the year 2006-07

* Repo Rate increased to 7.25 per cent from 7.0 per cent. * The flexibility to conduct overnight repo or longer term repo including the right to accept or reject tender(s) under the LAF, wholl...

by Reserve Bank of India | On 31 Oct 2006

Withering Valli: Alienation, Degradation and Enslavement Of Tribal Women In Attappady

Various policies and programmes implemented avowedly for the benefits of the tribal people have resulted in alienation and degradation of tribesfolk. This detailed study of Kerala's Irular tribal comm...

by Mariamma J. Kalathil | On 20 Oct 2006

Wrong focus

If business gains at the expense of other stake-holders (consumers, the tax department, farmers), economic benefits get captured by a small minority at the top of the pyramid. Even without skewed poli...

by T.N. Ninan | On 01 Oct 2006

Sub-National Innovation Networks in India: An Emerging Scenario

Proliferation of sub-national innovation networks, a relatively new concept, promises to be an alternative to centralized national innovation system. To be an independent entity, its growth must come...

by A.S. Rao | On 03 Jun 2006

MDGs : Millennium or Moving Development Goals?Health Sector Starved of Funds

The budget 2006-07 proposals in health care fell well short of India’s march towards achieving Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), the National Health Policy (NHP) goals and fully operationalising the...

by Vinish Kathuria | On 09 May 2006

Rivers for Life: Inspirations and Insights from the 2nd International Meeting of Dam-Affected and their Allies

On November 28, 2003, roughly 300 grassroots activists, people affected by large dams and representatives from NGOs gathered in a small village in Rasi Salai district in Northeast Thailand. They met...

by Susanne Wong | On 25 Apr 2006

Strengthening the Export Competitiveness of firms in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry

This paper attempts to identify the factors that determine the export competitiveness of firms in the Indian pharmaceutical industry. Our findings suggest that the competitiveness of firms depends not...

by Aradhna Aggarwal | On 21 Apr 2006

Public health, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights: Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights,Innovation and Public Health

On April 3, 2006, an independent commission on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), innovation and public health presented its report to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The report was commissioned...

by | On 14 Apr 2006

India Needs to Separate Debt from Monetary Management

The Reserve Bank of India, in its Annual Policy Statement on April 28, 2005, for the year 2005-06, announced its intention to reorient government debt management operations entailing functional separ...

by Charan Singh | On 14 Apr 2006

Legislative Brief: The Food Safety and Standards Bill, 2005

The main objectives of the Bill are: (a) to introduce a single statute relating to food, and (b) to provide for scientific development of the food processing industry. The Bill aims to establish a sin...

by M. R. Madhavan | On 14 Apr 2006

Trends and Patterns of Technology Acquisition in Indian Organized Manufacturing: An Inter-industry Exploration

With liberalization of foreign technology import policy in the 1990s, India has seen declining R&D intensity at national level. This has generated a general concern on how Indian industries are doin...

by Jaya Prakash Pradhan | On 28 Mar 2006

The Siren Song of Technonationalism

Technological development in Asia is driven by government policy, and that policy is motivated in large part by technonationalism, or the desire of Asian states to free themselves from dependence on W...

by David Kang | On 07 Mar 2006

Medico Friend Circle Bulletin, 315, February-March 2006

Wishing away a Condition: Issues of Concern in the Control and Treatment of Leprosy - Jan Swasthya Sahayog(JSS) How to Count the Poor Correctly versus Illogical Official Procedures - Utsa Patnaik...

by Medico Friend Circle | On 04 Mar 2006

The Economic Costs of the Iraq War: An Appraisal Three Years After the Beginning of the Conflict

Many aspects of the Iraq venture have turned out differently from what was purported before the war: there were no weapons of mass destruction, no clear link between Al Qaeda and Iraq, no imminent dan...

by Linda Bilmes | On 25 Feb 2006

Attracting Export-Oriented FDI:Can India Win the Race?

Why has India has performed poorly in attracting export oriented foreign direct investment (EFDI) as compared to its peer groups such as China. The empirical literature on the location of EFDI indic...

by Jaya Prakash Pradhan | On 20 Feb 2006

Weapons of Mass Destruction? Or, of Mass Deception? Media in Iraq War and After

The close relationship, a symbiotic one, between the media and the government of the day has long existed. In the run up to the Iraq war and afterwards, the Bush Administration and legislators in t...

by Yasemin Inceoglu | On 16 Feb 2006

What’s Social Policy Got To Do With Economic Growth?

So what’s social policy got to do with economic growth? Quite a lot, it would appear, if one takes the results of cross-country growth regressions at face value, as they are by many social policy anal...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 03 Feb 2006

Real Sector Shocks and Monetary Policy Responses in a in a financially vulnerable Emerging Economy

When analyzing the appropriate response for monetary policy during a currency crisis it is important to keep in mind two distinct channels: (a) the impact of raising interest rates on exchange rates...

by Ramkishen S. Rajan | On 27 Jan 2006

A test of Governance: Education, Health and Family Planning in Areas Annexxed toKarnataka, Maharashtra and AP from Hyderabad State

At the time of reorganization of states on the basis of the linguistic formula, the territory that belonged to erstwhile state of Hyderabad was broken down to three parts and annexed to Andhra Prade...

by P. N. Mari Bhat | On 19 Jan 2006

Systematic Hierarchies and Systemic Failures: Gender and Health Inequities in Koppal District

Health and health care inequities in Koppal reflect systematic hierarchies based on gender, caste, economic class, and life-stage; they also reveal systemic failures in health care services, both publ...

by Asha George | On 19 Jan 2006

'To Be Or Not to Be': The Location of Women in Public Policy

Despite great leaps in uncovering of knowledge, as well as extraordinarily skillful strategizing, neither has the value of women’s advisories to public policy been recognized; nor have the tools been...

by Devaki Jain | On 19 Jan 2006

Inflation Targeting Arrangements in Asia: Exploring the rate of the Exchange rate

Since the Asian crisis it has been recognized that exchange rate and monetary policy strategies must involve a “fairly high” element of flexibility rather than a single-minded defense of a particular...

by Ramkishen S. Rajan | On 19 Jan 2006

Draft National Pharmaceutical Policy, 2006

In 2002 the government had formulated a new Drug Policy, but the same could not be implemented due to litigation involving it. As a consequence, the policy of 1994 continues to be in force.The pr...

by Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals | On 16 Jan 2006

Agrarian Reform for a Liberal Pattern of Society? Karnataka's Land Policy and the New Dispensation

It is puzzling how much the discourse of development has backed away from the seemingly central question of rural poverty: land. Elaborate rules concerning its distribution, rights, regulation, prot...

by Ronald Herring | On 12 Jan 2006

The Right to Education Bill, 2005: A Constructive Critique

This policy note aims to provide a constructive critique of the Bill and its provisions. It is divided into the following sections: Section I sets out the meaning and implications of the right to educ...

by Rohan Mukherjee | On 11 Jan 2006

Political Leadership and Economic Development in Karnataka

How has the political leadership in Karnataka contributed to the state's economic developmet? In order to assess the role that the political leadership has played, the author examines the role of the...

by Gujjarappa Thimmaiah | On 09 Jan 2006

Consultation Paper on Issues Relating to Convergence and Competition in Broadcasting and Telecommunications

This Consultation Paper, being issued with a view to making recommendations to the Government under section 11(1)(a)(iv) of the TRAI Act, focuses on the need to bring about convergence in all aspects...

by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) | On 04 Jan 2006

The Great Education Muddle: State Failure and Judicial Jigsaw

A comprehensive White Paper on India’s higher education policy for a pragmatic programmatic for at least the next 20 years is urgently needed. Such a Paper should take stock of the present and require...

by P. Radhakrishnan | On 07 Dec 2005

Dictatorship, Democracy and Institutions: Macropolicy in China and India

We explore the hypothesis that macroeconomic polices are influenced by political structure, through a systematic comparison of reform period macroeconomic policy choices and outcomes, in China and Ind...

by Ashima Goyal | On 23 Nov 2005

Policy Processes and Policy Advocacy

The development process in the present context where economic and governance reforms are emphasized tends at times to by-pass the concerns of the marginalized and the voiceless. It is precisely to bri...

by V. Anil Kumar | On 19 Nov 2005

Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier?

Developments in the financial sector have led to an expansion in its ability to spread risks. The increase in the risk bearing capacity of economies, as well as in actual risk taking, has led to a ran...

by Raghuram G. Rajan | On 16 Nov 2005

Banking on Limited Freedom

Successive finance ministers have been calling the public sector banks “to brace for a wave of consolidation” to become global players. However, calling for world-beaters does not produce them; vision...

by Aruni Mukherjee | On 22 Oct 2005

Policy Processes and Policy Advocacy

Policy advocacy is an important tool to democratise the policy making process. In discussing the relation between policy process and policy advocacy this paper delineates the changing context for both...

by Kumar Anil | On 18 Oct 2005

I G.Patel: Qua Economist and Policy Maker

In tribute, a brief note on the rich intellectual trajectory described by I. G. Patel

by Deena Khatkhate | On 28 Sep 2005

The Development of Development Thinking

This essay, the text of a public lecture as V.K.R.V. Rao Chair Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Change, examines the evolution of thinking on development and development policy, with...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 03 Sep 2005

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Bill, 2004

A Bill to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the poor households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financia...

by Anonymous | On 19 Aug 2005

Pharmaceutical Policy, 2002

Pharmaceutical Policy of 2002 covering issues of pricing, ,marketing, size of market, quality, production, investment, regulatory authority, monitoring, ethical issues

by Anonymous | On 10 Aug 2005

Comment:Draft Nep: A Flawed Vision

The draft National Environment Policy represents the first-ever attempt to draft a policy for the environment as a whole. the draft is fundamentally flawed in its vision and its analysis of socio-envi...

by Sharatchandra Lele | On 08 Aug 2005

Revitalising Science

Cover page

by Anonymous | On 08 Aug 2005