Illegal Bangladeshi Migration: Evaluating India-Bangladesh Approaches

Published By: CLAWS | Published Date: December, 01 , 2014

The issue of Bangladeshi migration in India has become a major concern for policy makers in recent years. Indeed, India’s eastern border is facing major illegal activities viz. the influx of illegal migrants, migration It was after the creation of Bangladesh that those who migrated from there began to be considered illegal Bangladeshi migrants invoked violent conflicts, terrorism, insurgency, trafficking of drugs, human, arms and animals. According to the Group of Ministers (GoM) Report, there are approximately 15 million Bangladeshi nationals who have migrated illegally and settled in different states of India.14 The issue of migration is now viewed as a threat to the internal security of India. Thus, the demand for tightening the border, and its, fencing, to prevent illegal migration has become one of the critical components of India’s policy and strategy.

Author(s): Sanjay Bhardwaj | Posted on: Jan 19, 2016 | Views()

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