The 3rd Urban Economy Forum is one of the world’s most premier urban gatherings on sustainable urban economies and urban management. The collaborative approach for collective action taken by the organ...
by | On 07 Jan 2022 The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has become a major global crisis that requires country, regional, and global intervention, as well as collaboration to mitigate damage to economies and peop...
by Asian Development Bank | On 25 Jan 2021 The macroeconomic uncertainty created by COVID-19 is hard to measure. The
situation demands simultaneous policy intervention in terms of public health
infrastructure and livelihood. Along with the g...
by Lekha S. Chakraborty | On 29 Apr 2020 Certificates are widely used as a signaling mechanism to mitigate adverse selection when information is asymmetric. To reduce information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers, Chinese peer-to-peer...
by Maggie Rong Hu | On 24 Apr 2019 The essays collected here grapple with different aspects of what, if natural scientists are to be believed, is the most profound set of issues humanity has ever faced. The United Nations Framework Con...
by World Economics Association | On 29 Mar 2019 Over the coming decades, competition and conflict over land is likely to intensify with the growing pressures of climate change, population growth, increased food insecurity, migration and urbanizatio...
by Secretary-General United Nations | On 21 Mar 2019 Asia is a hot spot for emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, including those with pandemic potential. At the same time, the region is grappling with growing antimicrobial resistance and the hea...
by Megan Counahan | On 24 Aug 2018 The policy brief aims to mitigate the impact of natural disasters on food security, ASEAN established a rice reserve on 4 October 1979. The rice reserve was developed to alleviate poverty and to eradi...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 10 Aug 2018 Ensuring the realization of the full potential of the incumbent DRRM policy requires appropriate sectoral and institutional translation of its espoused principles; reflecting more refined institutiona...
by Sonny N. Domingo | On 06 Jul 2018 This paper evaluates the parental response to non-cognitive variation across siblings in rural Gansu province, China, employing a household fixed effects specification; the non-cognitive measures of i...
by Jessica Leight | On 26 Jun 2018 In many developing countries, the average firm is small, does not grow and has low productivity. Lack of market integration and limited information on non-local products often leave consumers unaware...
by Robert T. Jensen | On 12 Jun 2018 The widespread reforms were expected to bring about significant transformations in the structure, operations, allocation of resources (including capital) and competitiveness of the businesses in India...
by Nupur Bang | On 27 Apr 2018 Recently, a renewed interest in large-scale community health worker (CHW) programs has been
seen globally. This renewal provides an opportune moment to take stock of issues and
challenges such progr...
by Steve Hodgins | On 12 Apr 2018 This report examines the current state of Myanmar’s industrial sector, draws comparisons to
its neighboring countries, and discusses the potential impacts of SEZ policy on the economy. A key
by Amit K. Khandelwal | On 12 Apr 2018 The report says that investment in climate change adaptation and mitigation are listed as key ways of minimizing the drivers that force people from their country of origin – one of the GCM’s central o...
by Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) | On 09 Apr 2018 This article presents a historical review of national community health worker (CHW) programs in
India using a gender- and rights-based lens. The aim is to derive relevant policy implications to
by Kavita Bhatia | On 06 Apr 2018 The report says that the goal is to promote community leadership in strengthening capabilities and resource mobilization.
by National Alliance Risk Reduction (NAADRR) | On 05 Apr 2018 From 2015 there has been a spate of incidents of violence and intimidation around issues of cow
slaughter and beef. These ranged from the lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq for alleged cow theft,
by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 04 Apr 2018 The present study was undertaken to review the pilot implementation of the programme and its uptake by beneficiaries, in order to provide data to the DWCD, before scaling up the programme to all distr...
by Centre for Budget and Policy Studies CBPS | On 23 Mar 2018 Nature-based solutions (NBS) are inspired and supported by nature and use, or mimic, natural processes to contribute to the improved management of water.
by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultura UNESCO | On 23 Mar 2018 This paper explores the faith context of
displacement and settlement for the Sikh and
Christian Afghan refugees and Muslim Rohingya
refugees in Delhi. It examines the foundation of
community faith...
by | On 09 Mar 2018 The current paper tries to fill this gap by investigating the impact of floods on pregnancy and birth outcomes across conflict-affected and unaffected districts in Pakistan.
by Baishali Goswami | On 08 Mar 2018 The paper studies a dynamic model of the decision to continue or abandon a research project. Researchers improve their ideas over time and also learn whether those ideas will be adopted by the scienti...
by | On 07 Mar 2018 The paper studies a dynamic model of the decision to continue or abandon a research project. Researchers improve their ideas over time and also learn whether those ideas will be adopted by the scienti...
by Bernhard Ganglmair | On 06 Mar 2018 The paper says that the Committee noted that synergy between the central and state policies will bring changes in women's healthcare.
by Nivedita Rao | On 06 Mar 2018 This paper says that micro finance is an emerging reality in contemporary development discourse and has come to occupy a significant place in financial intermediation in India.
by M.A. Oommen | On 27 Feb 2018 Through these studies it has been shown how often the plight of women and the impact of war on their lives had been ignored.
by Sona Drahonovská | On 22 Feb 2018 The end of the Cold War in 1989 did not, as had been expected, bring about a reduction in armed conflicts. More than two thirds of the poorest countries in the world are in conflict regions. The natur...
by Austrian Development Agency (ADA) | On 21 Feb 2018 This article focuses on rape as a weapon of war, the sociological impacts of which can be widespread and long-lasting. This is especially due to the ensuing terror and disruption to livelihoods, relat...
by AMSA Global Health | On 21 Feb 2018 The paper talks about the unequal power relations, discrimination and misogyny in patriarchal
societies are exacerbated by the promotion of aggression and violence during war.
by E.J. Wood | On 21 Feb 2018 The report described the level and cases of gender based sexual violence during the armed conflict and proved that both the warring parties were involved in such heinous acts. It also showed the letha...
by Institute of Human Rights Communication, Nepal (IHRICON | On 21 Feb 2018 India's claim that all human rights violations are redressed stands sharply refuted by the report of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) which in its report to UPR2 stated that AFSPA remains i...
by Working Group on Human Rights (WGHR) | On 21 Feb 2018 This study aims to explore and identify circumstances related to the use of sexual violence by
armed groups, and by state forces in particular. The overall purpose is to contribute to an
by Matilda Carlsson | On 20 Feb 2018 This systematic paper aimed to canvas the extent and impact of initiatives to reduce incidence, risk and harm from sexual violence in conflict, post-conflict and other humanitarian crises, in low and...
by Jo Spangaro | On 20 Feb 2018 The paper says that the term “violence against women” means any act of gender-based violence that leads to physical, sexual or psychological harm to women and girls
by Amnesty International AI, | On 20 Feb 2018 The paper says that perpetrators of sexual violence escape justice, while their victims are trapped between exhortations by women's advocacy groups not to ‘suffer quietly' and the social stigma attach...
by Dolly Kikon | On 20 Feb 2018 The paper takes a look at the past record of vertical transfers viz., transfers from the Centre to the States as a whole.
by K.K. George | On 16 Feb 2018 The paper says that women constitute only a quarter of the total labour force in India though they form nearly half of the Indian population.
by Martin Patrick | On 14 Feb 2018 The report says that the fact that transnational spread of disease does pose a threat to national security, is well entrenched now.
by Animesh Roul | On 09 Feb 2018 India is currently going through a major demographic transition and it is this transition that is
going to make India one of the world’s youngest countries with largest young population. Of
this you...
by HAQ: Centre for Child Rights | On 05 Feb 2018 The brief talks about supporting local democracy in forestry is crucial for enhancing local people’s wellbeing.
by Jesse Ribot | On 02 Feb 2018 The paper find technical changes and the degree of inefficiency are related with the magnitude of multipliers, but we leave a fundamental identification problem to future research.
by Kim Gui | On 30 Jan 2018 The paper says that the productivity growth of the service sector would foster economy-wide productivity and it can be achieved by the mitigation of misallocation of resources in service sectors.
by Choi Hyelin | On 26 Jan 2018 Conflict, violence and social upheaval have been the greatest threats to mankind since the dawn
of civilisation. Poorest communities, children and education sector are among the most severely
by Komol Singha | On 24 Jan 2018 Budget analysis entails analysis and assessment of budget from the lens of marginalised sections
of population with the objective of prioritisation of public
expenditures and collection of revenues...
by Happy Pant | On 17 Jan 2018 The paper narrates that in today’s age of globalization and trans-border connectivity, the Northeast is fast emerging as the potential gateway for India to Southeast and East Asia through
by Namrata Goswami | On 17 Jan 2018 ‘Lived place’ refers to the subject perception of place. It is concrete and based on experience. For the tribal communities staying or camping in the forest, it is their ‘lived place’ about which they...
by | On 12 Jan 2018 The paper says that the Community Disaster Resilience Fund (CDRF) is viewed as a mechanism to direct resources for DRR to at risk and vulnerable communities in the context of local implementation of t...
by National Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction NADRR | On 10 Jan 2018 Historically, extractive sector MNEs have been seen as an obstacle to sustainable development, because they operated in enclaves with limited local engagement. Import substitution policies aimed to in...
by | On 11 Dec 2017 This paper aims to inform academia and policymakers about ways and means to first increase trade with Afghanistan, and second, to discuss trade-related procedures and processes that could be streamlin...
by Vaqar Ahmed | On 04 Dec 2017 This analysis has identified three major challenges, which need to be addressed to make module manufacturing competitive in India
by Bhupesh Verma | On 02 Nov 2017 Iran’s game-changing nuclear deal with the West and imminent ending of the US-led sanctions open a window of opportunity for deeper Indo-Iranian relations. On the sidelines of the BRICS summit in
by Research and Information System for Developing Countries | On 17 Oct 2017 Natural disasters, together with other shocks, have contributed to the vulnerability of both poor and nonpoor Filipino households to poverty.
by Christian D. Mina | On 07 Sep 2017 The report narrates about, should India’s national defence budget be discussed and deliberated in public domain?
by Deba Mohanty | On 28 Aug 2017 This paper attempts to outline a number of points, which would help to develop a more superior external intelligence infrastructure.
by Shantanu Bansal | On 28 Aug 2017 The enactment of RTE Act, 2009 imposes a duty on the Indian states to fulfill every child's right to elementary education. Education is also a stand-alone goal among SDGs, which India is one of the si...
by Protiva Kundu | On 22 Aug 2017 By way of this contact, communities have re-constituted their relation with the forest, their identity and relations with others.
by M. Suresh | On 22 Aug 2017 The impacts of climate change on global temperatures profoundly affect people’s ability to sustain their livelihoods as well as their health; both of these dimensions in turn influence the migration o...
by International Organisation for Migration | On 18 Aug 2017 The report, Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in South Asia- Evidence for Interventions in the Health Sector, Women’s Collectives and Local Governance Mechanisms, is based on a systemic review of l...
by Rohini Prabha Pande | On 18 Aug 2017 This paper describes the process of displacement of tribals from the hills to resettlement in the plains.
by Arjun Patel | On 17 Aug 2017 The paper argues, in line with other recent studies that time has come to rethink concepts and practices used to promote local governance in African countries.
by Göran Hydén | On 10 Aug 2017 Debashis Chakraborty visited Siliguri for the first time in 1952. After the final examinations of Class IV, this was his first trip to Siliguri to visit the part of his family that had relocated to th...
by Atig Ghosh | On 04 Aug 2017 With a focus on Northeast Indian experiences and a comparative look at Nepal, this project addresses the role of women in local governance and politics, particularly within the context of peace and se...
by Calcutta Group | On 04 Aug 2017 This paper contributes to the scant body of literature on inequalities among and within ethnic groups in the Philippines by examining both the vertical and horizontal measures in terms of opportunitie...
by Celia M. Reyes | On 02 Aug 2017 The present paper is an attempt to conduct a valuation of the three most important exhaustible natural resources, viz., natural gas, coal and hard rock, via
the System of Environmental-Economic Accou...
by Mahfuz Kabir | On 27 Jul 2017 Previous studies have examined how demographic characteristics, education, culture, and labor policy suppress Indian women’s labor supply. However, not enough attention has been paid to the role of po...
by Lei Lei | On 27 Jul 2017 This report summarizes the investments in clean energy made by the operations departments of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2014.
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 26 Jul 2017 The project developed a gender, caste, and ethnicity (GCE) strategy that sought to ensure the participation of women and ethnic minorities in decision-making processes, as well as their increased repr...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 25 Jul 2017 The People’s Republic of China (PRC) implemented a Fuel Tax Reform in 2009 that made significant changes to the way the country funds and delivers its ‘ordinary road’ program.
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 17 Jul 2017 The report says that the ASEAN+3 Multi-Currency Bond Issuance Framework (AMBIF) is a policy initiative under the Asian Bond Markets Initiative (ABMI) to help facilitate intraregional transactions thro...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 11 Jul 2017 This publication offers a snapshot of the region’s energy sources and how they are used, and presents recent developments and challenges that emphasize the urgency and necessity of sustainable energy...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 05 Jul 2017 The report says Fiji’s economy has seen 5 years of positive growth since 2010 - one of its few episodes of sustained growth since 1970. Growth averaged 3.3% a year during 2010-2014, which is nearly fo...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 27 Jun 2017 The problem of balanced regional development received much greater attention in the Third Five Year Plan. The Plan took a more positive view of the possibility of reaching regional balance. It stated...
by MC Singhi | On 22 Jun 2017 The report narrates that early adoption of information and communication technology can allow developing countries in Asia and the Pacific to move from labor-intensive, natural resources-based to know...
by Jouko Sarvi | On 22 Jun 2017 The report says Mother Earth cleanses us from violent pollution and her waters renew us as we recover from violent penetration. The ancestors strengthen us and elders give insights on strategies for...
by Documentation and Information Sustainability (DINIPS) | On 20 Jun 2017 This report describes how applying community-driven development principles to managing the water resource can both expand livelihood opportunities available to beneficiaries at no additional cost to t...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 16 Jun 2017 Ashas, the lowest rung of contracted full-time community health workers, face irregular
pay and lack social security. Will the draft Central Code on Labour enable their
regularization and a fixed wa...
by Kavita Bhatia | On 14 Jun 2017 This report reviews trade and transport procedures in Bangladesh, highlights the importance of monitoring trade and transport facilitation, and lays a foundation for future studies and establishment o...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 12 Jun 2017 The report sets out the experience, analysis and conclusions of VisionFund International and their Philippine microfinance operation Community Economic Ventures Incorporated (CEVI). This analysis foll...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 09 Jun 2017 The study examines the Philippine government’s convergence initiative, and how it relates to community-driven development (CDD) that can impact rural communities in the Philippines.
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 09 Jun 2017 The paper uses a food systems approach to analyze the bidirectional relationships between climate change and food and nutrition along the entire food value chain. It then identifies adaptation and mit...
by Jessica Fanzo | On 30 May 2017 This report presents the findings of a climate risk financing study conducted by the GMS Core Environment Program in 28 rural communities in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Viet Na...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 22 May 2017 The private healthcare sector in rural India is often dominated by unqualified rural medical practitioners (RMPs). However, there is limited evidence on RMPs and potential for an intervention to reduc...
by Subrata Mukherjee | On 19 May 2017 The paper outlines that the sanitation has long been “beneath the radar” on the development agendas of governments worldwide. Aside from the massive investment requirements for putting in place sanita...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 12 May 2017 This paper introduces that the landscape approach has provided a platform for a wide-ranging
discussion about these issues, but has simultaneously opened up the opportunity for a discussion
about su...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 08 May 2017 This report summarises the main results of the initiative Earth Observation for a Transforming Asia and Pacific
(EOTAP) that brought together our two institutions – the European Space Agency (ESA) an...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 05 May 2017 South Asia continues to be one of the most important crisis regions in the 21st century. It is characterized by an interlocking web of old and new security risks. There are unresolved territorial disp...
by | On 17 Apr 2017 Value added tax was first introduced by Maurice Laure, a French economist, in 1954. The tax was designed such that the burden is borne by the final consumer. Since VAT can be applied on goods as well...
by | On 13 Apr 2017 In this article, we review research on the economics and sociology of education to assess the relationships between family and community variables and children’s educational outcomes in South Asia. At...
by | On 14 Feb 2017 In the context of social
sector and particularly for children, the Union Budgets have disappointed the marginalized
community and the Union Budget 2017-18 further pushed its children to the peripher...
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 06 Feb 2017 The serious concern over quackery is a shared one, and not solely the province of allopaths, or the courts for that matter. In a plural system like ours, this is to be expected. But looking only to th...
by Devaki Nambiar | On 30 Jan 2017 Demonetisation is a weapon to stop the black money in the country. But cash is only a small portion of black money. Also the economy has been affected by this step. How will the government tackle this...
by Rakesh Mumbai | On 27 Jan 2017 In India the Community Health Worker has long been a part of health care services for rural populations across the voluntary sector. As far as India?s public health sector is concerned, Community Heal...
by Kavita Bhatia | On 27 Jan 2017 The study attempts to highlight some of the major hurdles in Delhi’s
governance and fiscal policy in ensuring the safety of women in public spaces. Though violence
against women is widespread and oc...
by Kanika Kaul | On 27 Jan 2017 Using government data, this brief reports on trends for SBM-G along the following
• Allocations and expenditures
• Physical progress of toilets
• Expenditures incurred under
by Avani Kapur | On 27 Jan 2017 This report, The geography of poverty, disasters and climate extremes in 2030, examines the relationship between disasters and poverty. It concludes that, without concerted action, there could be up t...
by | On 23 Jan 2017 The early literature on migrant urban communities emphasized the conditions and employment patterns of squatter residents who have emerged on the urban landscape. Only recently has attention shifted t...
by | On 23 Jan 2017 Rapid urbanisation with an increase in urban population from 28.3% (in 1950) to 50% (in 2010) is witnessed in megacities in India. Urbanisation is one of the demographic issues in the 21st century and...
by Bharath H. Aithal | On 16 Jan 2017 Secondary education is an important stage in the school education ladder as it equips students with skills important for higher education and the labour market. Besides helping students to choose diff...
by | On 10 Jan 2017 The government of the United Arab Emirates requires all foreign migrant workers to reside on temporary visas. This affects transnational mobility patterns among the one class of residents whom we shou...
by | On 09 Jan 2017 This discussion paper examines the current state of sanitation services in India in relation to two goals—Goal 7 of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which calls on countries to halve, by 2015,...
by Asian Bank | On 27 Dec 2016 This WWF Living Planet Report comes at a critical juncture following the remarkable successes in 2015 of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals fo...
by World Wide Fund | On 23 Dec 2016 This paper represents a holistic study of the multifaceted notion of stranded migrants, which gained renewed attention by international actors in the past decade, and especially in relation to the 201...
by | On 28 Nov 2016 Low-waged Tamil migrant workers have long been contributing to Singapore. Despite labouring for three decades and being connected to the existing Tamil diasporic community there, they have been left o...
by | On 24 Nov 2016 The rapid rise of service sector in India, as in its developing counterparts in Asia, follows the pattern of skipped
industrialization and raises concern for sustaining economic growth in India. Whil...
by K L Krishna | On 10 Oct 2016 The most popular imagery that the 16th Lok Sabha election campaign projected was of good governance
and development. What does this mean for communities that lie on the margins of
body politics? Are...
by Shilp Shikha Singh | On 05 Oct 2016 The concern of this paper is limited to the approaches to rural women's development and an
understanding of their work roles in the planning strategies. [CWDS Working paper].
by Kumud Sharma | On 30 Sep 2016 Migration is a complex issue which has been a subject of keen interest for many years to sociologists, anthropologists, demographers, economists and political scientists. The migrants who work out of...
by | On 29 Sep 2016 This paper studies the impact of international long-distance flights on the global spatial allocation of economic activity. To identify causal effects, it exploits variation due to regulatory and tech...
by Filipe Campante | On 21 Sep 2016 Climate change is a term that refers to major changes in temperature, rainfall, snow, or wind patterns lasting for decades or longer. Both human-made and natural factors contribute to climate change”...
by | On 14 Sep 2016 Many national and international environmental agreements acknowledge that the impoverishment of ecosystems is limiting the world’s capacity to adapt to climate change and that ecosystem-based adaptati...
by | On 05 Sep 2016 Enhancing the ability of smallholders to connect with the knowledge, networks, and institutions necessary to improve their productivity, food security, and employment opportunities is a fundamental de...
by World Bank [WB] | On 01 Sep 2016 The Monsoon Session of Parliament concluded on August 12, 2016. The session had 20 sittings, during which various
Bills were passed, including a Constitutional Amendment Bill enabling the levy of a G...
by Kusum Malik | On 16 Aug 2016 India is moving towards introducing a Goods and Services Tax (GST). The GST
would be a multistage comprehensive value added tax (VAT) encompassing both
goods and services. Given the federal structur...
by Sacchidananda Mukherjee | On 09 Aug 2016 This paper reports on an experimental test of a new market design that is attractive in theory but makes the common and potentially unrealistic assumption that “agents report their type”; that is, tha...
by Eric Budish | On 27 Jul 2016 Natural resource taxation and investment often exhibit cyclical behaviour, associated with shifts in political power. Why do finders get to keep more of their discoveries in some periods than others?...
by Niko Jaakkola | On 22 Jul 2016 This paper examines whether, in India, discriminatory practices by government-employed child caregivers along religious lines, lead to differential health outcomes among the care receiving children. C...
by Utteeyo Dasgupta | On 19 Jul 2016 This Evidence Report seeks to understand the health and other impacts of slum women’s access to sanitation through the Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach. It also examines the process thro...
by | On 15 Jul 2016 The central government periodically constitutes a Pay Commission, to evaluate and recommend revisions of salaries and
pensions, for its employees. Recently, the Seventh Central Pay Commission has mad...
by Vatsal Khullar | On 07 Jul 2016 The study sought to gauge the extent of decentralisation and devolution of power to community-based bodies in relation to schools, and see if there is any disconnect between what is envisaged and what...
by Jyotsna Jha | On 01 Jul 2016 The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of Panchayati Raj Institutions in Health Care System in the State of Kerala with a special reference to impact of duality and role of bureaucr...
by Jacob John | On 29 Jun 2016 International migration offers individuals and their families the potential to experience immediate and large gains in their incomes, and offers a large number of other positive benefits to the sendin...
by | On 28 Jun 2016 Do ruling parties positively discriminate in favour of their own constituencies in allocating public resources? If they do, do they gain electorally in engaging in such a practice? This paper tests wh...
by Subhasish Dey | On 27 Jun 2016 This paper models an opposition group’s choice between peace, terrorism, and open conflict. Terrorism emerges if executive constraints are intermediate and rents are sizeable. Open conflict is predict...
by Michael Jetter | On 27 Jun 2016 In the past decade, nearly 20 studies have found a strong, persistent pattern in surveys and behavioral experiments from over 40 countries: individual exposure to war violence tends to increase social...
by Michal Bauer | On 24 Jun 2016 Review of Inside-Outside: Two Views of Social Change in Rural India. Edited by B. S. Baviskar and D. W. Attwood, Sage Publications, New Delh, 2014.
by | On 20 Jun 2016 Almost a billion people around
the world are now suffering from hunger and
malnutrition - a dramatic rise in number since the
soaring food prices over the last three years. Of
these, about half ar...
by Focus on the Global South FGS | On 10 Jun 2016 Today’s food and farming systems have succeeded in supplying large volumes of foods to global markets, but are generating negative outcomes on multiple fronts: widespread degradation of land, water an...
by | On 10 Jun 2016 Throughout the conference it became clear that there are two emerging trends in humanitarian action across the Asia–Pacific. The first is the increasing activity of selected Asia-Pacific states engage...
by | On 09 Jun 2016 In India, a majority of rural households meet their energy requirements from traditional fuel sources, such as fuel wood, agricultural residues and kerosene. Statistics shows that 21 percent of villag...
by | On 09 Jun 2016 This Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) water report presents an economic framework for the assessment of the use of reclaimed water in agriculture, as part of a comprehensive planning process in...
by Food and Agricultural Organization [FAO] | On 07 Jun 2016 If human development is defined as a comprehensive economic, social, cultural and political process aiming to improve the well-being of populations and individuals, then the one element that can serve...
by Gianna Alessandra Sanchez Moretti | On 06 Jun 2016 The international humanitarian system—the vast UN-led network in which Oxfam and other international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement, and others play key rol...
by Oxfam India | On 02 Jun 2016 This study, based on analysis of secondary data, assesses the current state of electricity access in PHCs and rural primary schools. Given the increasing policy support for solar energy in India, it a...
by | On 02 Jun 2016 This report examines the international community’s assistance to Afghanistan, with particular focus on U.S. efforts. It
assesses the impact of the U.S.-devised counter-insurgency strategy on Afghans’...
by International Crisis Group | On 26 May 2016 This report reviews Afghanistan’s 2014 presidential election and the related political contests. Drawing on interviews in Kabul and the work of researchers in several provinces, this study does not se...
by International Crisis Group | On 26 May 2016 In modern society, the possession of a personal official identification (ID) is critical to an individual’s access to government services, and social and economic programs. From voting to receipt of s...
by Michael Stahl | On 26 May 2016 This report explores the role of forests in a green economy transformation in Africa. Its aim is to present policymakers with a strong rationale for linking forests and REDD+ planning with green econo...
by | On 25 May 2016 Getting organized puts smallholders in charge. Through farmers groups, cooperatives and networks, forest and farm producers can help each other not only through marketing advantages and access to fina...
by Jeffrey Campbell | On 25 May 2016 Rapid degradation of peri-urban ecosystems is resulting in a loss of associated ecosystem services. Water provision, storm- and waste-water regulation, along with protection from natural disasters and...
by Rockeffeller Foundation RF | On 25 May 2016 The coastal freeway is a 34-km road planned along the entire Western Coastline of Mumbai. This presentation attempts to understand Social and Environmental Impacts of the proposed road on the city of...
by | On 20 May 2016 Coastal Road and Mumbai's Development Plan (2014–2034), video interview with Shweta Wagh, urban conservationist. Filmed for Hamara Shehar Vikas Niyojan, Mumbai
by | On 20 May 2016 Climate refugees are basically poor, helpless people forced to migrate from their homes because of climatic changes. Even as migration stands to be the most time-tested coping mechanism of the people,...
by | On 19 May 2016 The NBAP draws from the principle that National Enviroment Policy (NEP) that human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development and they are entitled to a healthy and productive li...
by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 18 May 2016 This paper demonstrates the effect of an innovative community-based management programme on acute malnutrition among children under three years of age, through an observational longitudinal cohort stu...
by Vandana Prasad | On 11 May 2016 As a background paper to the International Expert Working Group on a New Development Paradigm, this document seeks to synthesise for busy readers how the IEWG might explain and defend well-being and h...
by | On 11 May 2016 The mortality due to air pollution is shown in the presentation. The different types and sources of air pollution are explained. The condition of the respiratory system after breathing polluted air is...
by T K Joshi | On 11 May 2016 Mumbai has the potential to become one of the world’s ideal cities in terms of sustainable water management. With abundant natural and perennial water sources around it, the megacity is currently one...
by Dhaval D Desai | On 10 May 2016 The aim of the Department of Health Research (DHR) is to bring modern health technologies to the people
through research and innovations related to diagnosis, treatment methods and
vaccines for prev...
by Rajya Sabha Secretariat | On 05 May 2016 Climate change combat is often in the hands of policy-makers, researchers and
governments. However it is the marginalised and indigenous communities that feel
the full force of climate change effect...
by Serina Rahman | On 03 May 2016 The PAISA for Panchayats research project extends AI’s PAISA methodology to track fund flows and implementations processes at the Panchayat level. By focusing on understanding the state of fiscal devo...
by | On 13 Apr 2016 A study was undertaken by the Council for Social Development with the sponsorship of Planning Commission, Government of India with the following specific objectives to analyse the impact of NFSM initi...
by Ankita Goyal | On 05 Apr 2016 The Global report on urban health: equitable, healthier cities for sustainable development, 2016 presents new data on the health of urban residents from nearly 100 countries, updating the first joint...
by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 04 Apr 2016 This report is a case study based on a preliminary comparative evaluation, which suggests that many other state medical councils can adopt practices initiated by the MMC, especially those regarding th...
by Dr. Nirmalya Bagchi | On 04 Apr 2016 A big earthquake hit the ocean floor off Southwestern Sumatra, Indonesia on 2
March 2016. Tsunami warnings were issued by the government to the whole
Sumatran regions. How effective are Indonesia’s...
by Jonatan Lassa | On 28 Mar 2016 There is no single method in impact evaluation that can always address the different aspects better than others. Importance of mixed design approach in impact evaluation studies arises with the need f...
by Navneet Kaur | On 21 Mar 2016 The economic structure and rates of growth across the states in India are markedly different, with significant disparities in income per capita growth as well as sector-specific performance. The high-...
by Alokesh Barua | On 21 Mar 2016 The paper attempts to develop a project life-cycle approach to gain insights into the complexities of water reallocation. The paper is
able to show that water reallocation and the resultant phenomeno...
by Subodh Wagle | On 21 Mar 2016 This series is a continuation of WRI’s ‘Environmental Accountability in Africa’ working paper series (Working Papers number 1 through 22). The series was renamed to reflect the Equity Poverty and Envi...
by Institue World Resources | On 20 Mar 2016 This review and compendium of our country’s environmental laws, policies, and regulations aims to enhance the accessibility to information by judges, lawyers, government officials, and stakeholders in...
by Antonia Gawel | On 18 Mar 2016 With a view to define a balance in the allocation of public expenditure across secondary education and higher education, this paper compares, the relative contributions of public expenditures on secon...
by Vijay P. Ojha | On 16 Mar 2016 The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) is poised to continue developing at a significant pace. The subregion is well placed to benefit from the emerging Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Com...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 15 Mar 2016 This case study covers two related projects funded by the Asian Development Bank: the North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDP), which aimed to improve sustainable livelihood and natur...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 15 Mar 2016 State concerns about crime and security issues have strongly affected conceptions of economic action outside the law, a traditional field of research in sociology. This increasing encroachment by poli...
by Matías Dewey | On 14 Mar 2016 May 14-15, 2013, the Arctic Council will decide on whether to admit India and China as observers to the organization.India and China consider the Arctic as a region of increasing global importance, an...
by | On 12 Mar 2016 Renewed impetus has been put into building a military naval base on the strategically located island of Jeju, off the coast of South Korea. With the rise of tensions in the East China Sea and Yellow S...
by | On 12 Mar 2016 For more than a decade fears have been voiced by the international community at the prospect of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists or other non-state actors. The author ar...
by | On 12 Mar 2016 While Russia and China are heralding a new “strategic partnership,” this policy brief explores how competition between the two countries may increasingly emerge in regard to Central Asia—a region wher...
by | On 11 Mar 2016 Enmeshed directly and indirectly in Myanmar’s ethnic conflicts, Beijing is facing a dilemma in how to deal with ethnic Chinese irredentist groups amidst ongoing fighting in northern Shan State. Failur...
by | On 11 Mar 2016 Recreation is an important ecosystem service in coastal and marine ecosystems. The methodology for valuing recreational services is well developed in the literature. To the best of our knowledge, this...
by Pranab Mukhopadhyay | On 10 Mar 2016 Resolving Myanmar’s protracted civil war is the country’s defining challenge. With declarations of support signed for a National Ceasefire Agreement, there is much optimism that Myanmar is finally on...
by | On 10 Mar 2016 North Korea’s recent nuclear test and satellite launch throw into sharp relief the dilemma of how the international community should respond to Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions. While immediate reaction...
by | On 10 Mar 2016 Infant and child mortality rates in India have fallen by almost half from the time of adoption of millennium development goals to 2012 but there has not been a concurrent decrease in morbidity and und...
by Sowmya Dhanaraj | On 10 Mar 2016 This model focuses on sectoral allocation of capital and labour and distribution of sectoral output. Second, Harberger-Scarf-Shoven-Whalley models, which have their roots in welfare economics. Third,...
by Zafar Iqbal | On 10 Mar 2016 This paper empirically tests the role of search frictions in driving qualification mismatches in the labor market. Using new data from several low-income economies in urban Asia we find that overeduca...
by Kenn Chua | On 10 Mar 2016 The neo-classical economics literature incorporated the notion of environment during the mid 20th century, but climate change has found its place in the economics discourse during the early 1980s. Dur...
by Unmesh Patnaik | On 09 Mar 2016 How does the transfer of advanced technology spur innovation in developing countries? This paper exploits the large-scale introduction of high-speed railway (HSR) technology into China in 2004 as a na...
by Yatang Lin | On 09 Mar 2016 The paper tries to analyse the effect of religious composition on the provision of public services captured mainly by infrastructure index, of four types, (i) basic amenities such as water, housing an...
by Santanu Gupta | On 09 Mar 2016 This paper looks into the role of community based natural resource management focussing on the Joint Forest Management (JFM) in India. The analysis presented is the result of triangulation of critical...
by Madhusudan Bandi | On 09 Mar 2016 The debate on common property resource centres on issues of a particular strategy for managing it in order to cater to the growing demand for communities that depend on it and the economy at large tha...
by Jharna Pathak | On 09 Mar 2016 Situation of children in Assam in 2016.
by Melvil Pereira | On 09 Mar 2016 This NTS-Alert examines the nexus between water management and food security in Asia and how climate change exacerbates the adverse impacts that result from poor water management. It then highlights t...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 05 Mar 2016 The recent cyber attacks on South Korea and the United States, as well as those on Georgia in 2008 and Estonia in 2007 have awakened a certain consciousness in the minds of the international community...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 05 Mar 2016 Southeast Asia is potentially one of the more vulnerable regions to climate change impacts, as many of the countries in the region have relatively low levels of development, weak infrastructure, long...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 05 Mar 2016 This issue of the NTS Alert offers an overview of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) as a means of improving long-term preparedness against the projected increase in frequency and intensity of natural haza...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 04 Mar 2016 Non-state armed groups (NSAGs) are often associated with those that act in opposition to governments – such as insurgents, terrorists and rebels – and are the subject of significant analysis. Less fre...
by Manpavan Kaur | On 03 Mar 2016 The Finance Minister of Bihar, Mr. Abdul Bari Siddiqui, presented the Budget for Bihar for the financial year 2016-17.
by Arvind Gayam | On 03 Mar 2016 Harmful non-indigenous species (NIS) impose great economic and environmental impacts globally, but little is known about
their impacts in Southeast Asia. Lack of knowledge of the magnitude of the pro...
by Le T. P Nghiem | On 03 Mar 2016 In recent weeks, Indonesia experienced a series of demonstrations over land rights in various parts of the country. While land rights controversies are not uncommon in Indonesia, the new wave of dis...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 02 Mar 2016 Volunteerism in Bhutan is deeply grounded in its traditional belief systems and community practices in which much emphasis is placed on the principles of national self-reliance, community participatio...
by | On 02 Mar 2016 The Union Budget has failed to deliver on the needs of the marginalised section of population. The spending has been much lower than what was budgeted.
by Paul Divakar | On 01 Mar 2016 Disappointingly, the new health policy that appeared to be robust one, has received little support in the Union Budget.
by | On 01 Mar 2016 In this paper, we examine the asymmetric approaches to sharing natural resource revenues in Indonesia. We examine in Section 2, some of the potential theoretical arguments underlying...
by Cut Agustina | On 01 Mar 2016 The share of children in the Union Budget 2016-17 goes up to 3.32% showing a slight increase from 3.26% in the last years Budget 2015.
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 01 Mar 2016 Agriculture sector in India is beset with all kinds of issues ranging from declining output, unaffordable input costs, very low subsidies for small farmers, lack of proper procurement mechanism by gov...
by | On 29 Feb 2016 Empirical evidence suggests that the emergence of international production networks in East Asia results from market-driven forces such as vertical specialization and higher production costs in the ho...
by Kornkarun Cheewatrakoolpong | On 29 Feb 2016 The recently launched ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve (APTERR) aims to safeguard the region’s food security in times of calamity, disaster, supply shock or extreme price spike. The region had...
by Sally Trethewie | On 27 Feb 2016 A recent cover of the Economist magazine asked: ‘Has the Arab Spring failed?’ More questions along this line will certainly come as the international community follows closely the political developm...
by Mely Caballero-Anthony | On 27 Feb 2016 This year is the 20th anniversary of the release of the 1994 United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Human Development Report, which defined the concept of human security and brought it to int...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 27 Feb 2016 Armed conflicts always have disproportionate consequences on civilian populations. Civilians accounted for 74 per cent of the fatalities in Israel’s bombing of Gaza in the summer of 2014. The high civ...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 27 Feb 2016 2015 is a critical year for global and regional institutions, and for the international community as a whole, as it represents a milestone in the big push for achieving global goals of peace, human se...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 27 Feb 2016 Land reforms require urgent attention in emerging market economies, and there is a vast body of literature that deals with the economic impact land reforms, especially land titling (Acemoglu et al., 2...
by Madalasa Venkataraman | On 27 Feb 2016 The forces of globalization, in tandem with realities of domestic natural resources, economics and politics, and the influence of international institutions such as the World Trade Organization (WTO),...
by | On 26 Feb 2016 Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar, which made headline news across the globe, triggered denunciations of the military regime in delaying the international humanitarian relief efforts. The cyclone-struck count...
by | On 26 Feb 2016 In the Union Budget 2015-16, there was a reduction in the allocation for school education on account of more untied funds being given to States following the 14th Finance Commission recommendation. Ho...
by Provita Kundu | On 26 Feb 2016 Is Food Aid effective or does it actually lead to other food-related insecurities? This paper examines whether Food Aid in Bangladesh merely addresses the challenge of food supply disruptions induced...
by | On 25 Feb 2016 Emerging security challenges in Asia are compelling the international community to take a hard look at their causes and implications on state and human security. Given the growing complexity of these...
by Mely Caballero-Anthony | On 25 Feb 2016 The international community is now faced with an influenza pandemic and the rhetoric of global health security has become more urgent. Whilst our preparedness for such an emerging infectious disease i...
by | On 25 Feb 2016 The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), established in 1993, is a civil society initiative to promote an ongoing dialogue between the principal partners in the decision-making and implementing process....
by Uttam Kumar Deb | On 24 Feb 2016 The latest natural disaster in Chile, like the one in Haiti, comes as yet another test of Southeast Asia’s readiness in global humanitarian relief — five years after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. How...
by | On 24 Feb 2016 In this report 10 sites from seven landscapes are assessed located in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, for their potential to harbour viable reintroduc...
by Wildlife Institute of India | On 24 Feb 2016 The inordinate delays in the indigenous production of India’s Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) have taken a considerable toll of human lives, caused by the malfunctioning of the ‘stop-gap’ foreign flying m...
by | On 24 Feb 2016 The Pakistani government and the international community’s response to the recent floods has been heavily criticised for being woefully inadequate. While a national disaster management framework is in...
by | On 23 Feb 2016 Adequate supplies of natural resources have always been preconditions for economic growth. The requirements for energy and metallic mineral resources have been larger and more obvious with the modern...
by Dominic Meagher | On 23 Feb 2016 This paper seeks to explore and assess the implications of climate insecurities for the armed forces of the Asia-Pacific region, and in particular Southeast Asia. It identifies key issues and trends r...
by | On 22 Feb 2016 Southeast Asia is certainly no stranger to natural hazards, having experienced some of the world’s worst. This paper argues that the occurrence of a natural hazard does not inevitably lead to a natura...
by | On 22 Feb 2016 This paper discusses the financial landscape of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a region engaged in building an economic community (a “single market and production base”) by 2015....
by Choong Lee | On 21 Feb 2016 This paper is an excerpt from a FY 2008 survey for the promotion of oil and natural development and utilization as commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Since 2008, the global L...
by Yoshikazu Kobayashi | On 21 Feb 2016 As the crisis in Syria edges towards civil war, the international community is locked in a stalemate over whether and how to intervene to stop the carnage. There is an urgent need for a middle ground...
by | On 20 Feb 2016 The policymaking in modern states is highly complex and requires a high degree of expertise and knowledge, which was not the case even 10, let alone 25 years ago. Partly in view of limited capacity in...
by Nurul Islam | On 20 Feb 2016 This report presents the proceedings of a Policy Roundtable on Asian Non-Traditional Security held in Beijing on 30-31 July 2012. Attended by academics and policymakers from across the region, the Rou...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 19 Feb 2016 In the megacities of developing Southeast Asia, the important role of the informal sector in supporting economic development is often under-recognised. Cities seeking to address the economic risks and...
by | On 19 Feb 2016 This lecture proposes a fundamental shift in addressing the problems of slums, and suggests an approach that focuses on streets as the engine for urban transformation. The strategy brought forward by...
by | On 19 Feb 2016 China’s first attempt to establish a multilateral financial institution was met with some suspicion and caution in the west. According to one interpretation, China is frustrated with the United States...
by Mike Callaghan | On 19 Feb 2016 Asia’s rapid change across socio-economic and political spheres, amid population growth and rising demand for food, feed and energy supplies, is unprecedented. To strike a balance between economic gro...
by Research Consultative Group on International Agricultural | On 18 Feb 2016 The ASEAN-Canada Research Partnership was launched in 2012 by the Centre for Non-Traditional Security (NTS) Studies at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological U...
by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 17 Feb 2016 This Working Paper comprises a literature review that was carried out to inform the formulation of a research project on power, violence, citizenship and agency, which addresses how social actors reac...
by | On 17 Feb 2016 Educational outcomes of children are highly dependent on household and school-level inputs. In poor countries remittances from migrants can provide additional funds for the education of the left behin...
by Lisa Höckel | On 17 Feb 2016 Despite clear aspirations by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to create an effective framework to facilitate movements among skilled professionals within the ASEAN Economic Community...
by Demetrios G. Papademetriou | On 16 Feb 2016 Recent diplomatic engagements between North Korea and Russia have raised the prospect of resuming denuclearisation talks between Pyongyang and the international community. What is the prospect of Nort...
by | On 16 Feb 2016 The Southwest Area Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management Project in Bangladesh became the first initiative to successfully incorporate beneficiary participation into all aspects of managi...
by Asian Bank | On 15 Feb 2016 Corruption in the water sector compromises the environmental agenda. It contributes to water scarcity, large- scale pollution and the destruction of natural habitats — all factors which make our respo...
by Transparency International TI | On 14 Feb 2016 How can we make sense of where the United States is in Afghanistan today? A poor country, wracked by 30 years of civil war, finds itself at the mercy of insurgents, terrorists, and narco-traffickers....
by Michael O'Hanlon | On 14 Feb 2016 Encouraging Taliban attacks on NATO, leaders of the Pakistan military and its intelligence service are impatient for the US to abandon the war in Afghanistan. The Pakistani goal is to prevent a pro-In...
by Bruce Riedel | On 14 Feb 2016 The continued withdrawal of ISAF forces and the handover of responsibilities to Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) along with a strong Taliban military push dominated the security realm. The ANSF...
by Vanda Felbab-Brown | On 14 Feb 2016 Afghanistan is the largest refugee repatriation operation in the world. More than 5.7 million people have returned in the last ten years, representing nearly a quarter of the current population of 28...
by Aidan O'Leary | On 14 Feb 2016 This study explores closed cases filed under section 498A of the IPC, which pertains to cruelty to a married woman by her marital family. It draws from two datasets of both primary and secondary data,...
by Anjali Dave | On 14 Feb 2016 Globally, there are 26 ongoing armed conflicts and nearly one sixth of the world’s population lives in so-called ‘weak governance’ zones.1 In 2009 alone, the United Nations estimated that 42 million p...
by Transparency International TI | On 12 Feb 2016 The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Climate Change’s report, Climate Adaptation: Seizing the Challenge, captures some of the latest thinking in the field of climate adaptation and fina...
by World Economic Forum [WEF] | On 11 Feb 2016 This version of the literature survey updates and expands a working draft produced in ugust 2000 as part of a project funded by the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID). It will contin...
by | On 10 Feb 2016 This paper highlights the perception of each and everyone involved in the course of cross-border migration from Myanmar in each step they, internationally or unintentionally, maintain the status of il...
by | On 09 Feb 2016 In this quantitative study, 367 patients who had been hospitalised in the six months prior to the study were identified through Mitanins (Community Health Workers - CHWs) and interviewed using a struc...
by | On 09 Feb 2016 This paper examined the role of culture in urban health inequity by drawing a case of a basti in Surat (City in Gujarat, India). Like many other Indian cities, Surat is vulnerable in terms of populati...
by | On 09 Feb 2016 Can we create awareness among the urban poor and create documents for them? What are the steps to be followed for that?
by K.R. Antony | On 09 Feb 2016 India has a number of policies that contribute to climate mitigation but what is required to implement these into action is proper planning and allocation in the budget
by T. V. Ramachandra | On 09 Feb 2016 China’s rising military power and its implications is of significant concern that has been widely discussed in the international community and among political elites across the globe. This paper explo...
by | On 08 Feb 2016 Although there is an extremely robust positive correlation between various measures of trade and financial development on the one hand, and economic growth, on the other, the evidence concerning the d...
by | On 08 Feb 2016 This paper estimates the effect of local labor market conditions on crime in a developing country with high crime rates. Contrary to the previous literature, which has focused exclusively on developed...
by Rafael Dix-Carneiro | On 07 Feb 2016 This edition of Nature &Faune journal will be a special Issue to mark the International Year of Soils. It is planned to be issued during the Conference of the African Soil Society taking place in Ouag...
by Food and Agricultural Organization [FAO] | On 07 Feb 2016 Natural resources can bring considerable amounts of wealth to a country. But transparency must be present for these riches to benefit citizens. Strong disclosure policies on the part of companies help...
by Transparency International TI | On 07 Feb 2016 Unprecedented pressures on land and its governance have been created. As evident around the globe, where land governance is deficient, high levels of corruption often flourish. Under such a system, la...
by Transparency International TI | On 06 Feb 2016 Despite receiving large quantities of foreign aid, Pakistan, like many other developing countries, has remained stagnant and become more aid dependent. This grim reality has provoked a vigorous debate...
by Muhammad Javid | On 06 Feb 2016 Controlling prices is one of the major tasks for the macroeconomic policy-makers. The recent oil price hike that shifted the policy towards biofuels and some natural calamities increased food prices a...
by Henna Ahsan | On 06 Feb 2016 Each ASEAN member state has taken some steps to addressing corruption at the national level, such as ratifying the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), but much more is urgently neede...
by Transparency International TI | On 05 Feb 2016 The empirical growth literature gives no clear indication as to how democracy impacts growth; there is evidence of both positive and negative effects and also of no direct link in democracy and growth...
by Madeeha Gohar Qureshi | On 03 Feb 2016 This study examines the effect of foreign aid on the fiscal behaviour of the Government of Pakistan. It applies the Autoregressive Distributed Lag model to analyse the relationship that prevailed betw...
by Rabia Butt | On 03 Feb 2016 In September this year, world leaders will meet in New York at the United Nations General Assembly. Top of the agenda will be the passage of a resolution laying out global development goals for the fi...
by Charles Kenny | On 03 Feb 2016 In recent years, Central Asia has increasingly come under the focus of the European Union (EU). This development occurred not least due to a series of interruptions in the supply of Russian natural ga...
by Sijbren Jong | On 03 Feb 2016 The reform program that Pakistan gradually implemented during the 1980s and the early 1990s dismantled many of the components of the ISI strategy.1 The extent of dependence on quantitative import cont...
by Zafar Mahmood | On 02 Feb 2016 ‘Armed conflict’ is defined in this report as the use of armed violence to resolve local, national and/or international disputes between individuals and groups that have a political, economic, cultura...
by | On 02 Feb 2016 The compromise effect refers to individuals’ tendency to choose intermediate options. Its existence has been demonstrated in a large number of hypothetical choice experiments. This paper uses field da...
by | On 02 Feb 2016 By 2020, road accidents are expected to be the third highest cause of death and disability globally. Transport safety concerns in poor countries have focused mainly on roads and motorised traffic, but...
by International Forum for Rural Transport and Develo IFRTD | On 01 Feb 2016 A temperature increase of 2 degree celsius above pre-industrial levels is the maximum target range established by the scientific community for stabilizing carbon concentrations at a level that prevent...
by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016 The issue of climate change currently holds the attention of the international community. Worsening emissions predictions and a perception that impacts are occurring more rapidly than anticipated have...
by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016 There is a renewed consensus on the need to re-regulate international capital movements. But there is a collective action problem, which puts developing countries at a particular disadvantage. Countri...
by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016 Arguably, ensuring food and nutrition security for all people in the coming decades is the major challenge for the global community. Food demand is increasing in aggregate and per capita values, in pa...
by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016 The responses collected from the online survey on people’s empowerment contained in this report represent a collaborative effort, made possible by the answers received from people across the world on...
by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016 In this paper a comparative analysis of the role of government policies in industrial learning and the development of capabilities of indigenous firms in Mexico and China in order to shed light on why...
by Kevin P. Gallagher | On 31 Jan 2016 This paper presents a proposed use of virtual community for farmers in Sri Lanka by reviewing Information and communication technology perspective with reference to past and present political strategi...
by Devaka Punchihewa | On 31 Jan 2016 The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) is a new survey-based index designed to measure the empowerment, agency, and inclusion of women in the agricultural sector. The WEAI was initially d...
by Sabina Alkire | On 30 Jan 2016 The study was carried out in the Mbarali District of Tanzania. A qualitative study design was used. In-depth interviews and focus group discussion were conducted among members of the district health t...
by Health & Education Advice & Research Team HEART | On 30 Jan 2016 The paper looks into the recent experience in exports and imports of drugs and pharmaceutical products. It is found that there is a tremendous growth in the exports. The paper suggests the removal of...
by Reji K Joseph | On 30 Jan 2016 The human capital and growth relationship has been subject to a lot of debate in economic literature. The empirical growth models are beset with problems ranging from theoretical frameworks and statis...
by Verda Salman | On 30 Jan 2016 The ‘De-notified Tribes’ are those communities which were notified under the several versions of the Criminal Tribes Act (CTA) enforced during colonial rule in India between 1871 to 1947. After a sev...
by Praveenkumar Katarki | On 30 Jan 2016 It was expected that education would address these problems to a large extent. However, inspite of enhanced investment on expenditure, leading to increased enrolment, these issues remain largely unatt...
by (Field Action Project on Homelessness and Destitut Koshish | On 30 Jan 2016 The ARCAB programme has a well-developed theory of change (ARCAB 2012). This encompasses broader issues relating to the scaling up and out of CBA that are central to ARCAB as a whole and its goal of a...
by Sarder Alam | On 29 Jan 2016 The present paper titled Poverty-Environment Nexus: An Investigation of Linkage and Policy Implications has been prepared under the CPD-UNDP collaboration programme on Pro-Poor Macroeconomic Policies...
by Centre for Policy Dialogue CPD | On 29 Jan 2016 This study first reviews current thinking on the underlying causes of conflicts and disasters, identifying poverty as a major driver of both. Poverty breeds frustration, compelling the poor to turn to...
by Surendra Varma | On 29 Jan 2016 Recent research suggests that trade and investment are closely linked as two-way economic complements. Trade liberalization facilitates investment, but even complete trade openness will not overcome a...
by | On 29 Jan 2016 The study tries to examine the implementation process of the Forest
Rights Act 2006 in Kerala, in terms of providing individual holding land rights and
community rights over forest products. The stu...
by Jyothis Sathyapalan | On 29 Jan 2016 At the domestic level, if managed properly, the revenues from extractive industries can have a substantial impact on income and prosperity while respecting community needs and the environment. To achi...
by | On 28 Jan 2016 Based on the evidence generated from a community-based maternity surveillance system, the note examines the prevalence of home births as well as the factors influencing the choice of home delivery, ca...
by Neena Shah More | On 28 Jan 2016 One of the critical dimensions of rural water supply has been participation by the local community in managing the source and finances. Drawing upon case studies of 20 villages (spread across 17 distr...
by Keshab Das | On 28 Jan 2016 This document incorporates outputs of two discussions conducted on State of the Sector Report 2012. The summaries of the two discussions on SOS 2012 also find place in the State of the Sector Report...
by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | On 27 Jan 2016 The proposed SDGs constitute a comprehensive, universal and interactive agenda of structural transformations as the pathway to sustainable development, leaving no-one behind while creating green econo...
by | On 26 Jan 2016 Thailand, Brazil and Vietnam are examples of developing countries that have successfully reduced undernutrition. While each country used its own set of policies, strategies and approaches to address u...
by Sheila Vir | On 26 Jan 2016 This study examines the relationship if any among economic growth (output), private sector credit and inflation in Bangladesh. In many developed and developing countries, private sector credit has pla...
by Sayera Younus | On 23 Jan 2016 This paper looks at the latest targeted killings in Pakistan that have not only exacerbated its sectarian tensions but also exposed the failings of the civil administration in a country where the Army...
by | On 23 Jan 2016 The Patel agitation of Gujarat should not be seen merely as a one-issue movement. More than merely an attempt by youthful members of the Patel community who feel they have been denied their just share...
by | On 23 Jan 2016 The ARCAB programme has a well-developed theory of change (ARCAB 2012). This encompasses broader issues relating to the scaling up and out of CBA that are central to ARCAB as a whole and its goal of a...
by Hannah Reid | On 23 Jan 2016 Research suggests that development interventions that do not take mountain specificities into account may threaten rather than facilitate development for the inhabitants in a sustainable mountain envi...
by Brigitte Hoermann | On 23 Jan 2016 In spite of the advances in cotton production, it has to propagate the cause at the national & international level by joining the forces and harmonizing of the interest of the producers, users & other...
by Department of Agriculture & Cooperation GOI | On 22 Jan 2016 Over the years, India has designed and implemented a number of targeted interventions for the poor including putting in place specific reservations for the disadvantaged to ensure equitable access to...
by Global IPE | On 22 Jan 2016 India is witnessing rapid growth in the urban centers. Urbanization trend is expected to accelerate in coming decades as well. It is projected that the number of cities with a population of more than...
by Urban Climate Change Resilience UCCR | On 21 Jan 2016 This is the second collective effort from the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies to address global issues that are largely unfamiliar to the Greek international affairs community. Last year we dealt wit...
by Stamatis Zachariadis | On 21 Jan 2016 This paper evaluates the impact and potential of development programmes known as Small Development Projects (SDPs), introduced by India as part of its development cooperation portfolio in Nepal. Throu...
by Sachin Chaturvedi | On 21 Jan 2016 The Indian Diaspora has a powerful influence on the global community where Indians constitute a diverse and a heterogeneous group that shares Indian origin and intrinsic values. Earlier migration was...
by | On 19 Jan 2016 This dissertation tries to answer the puzzle of why the Maoist insurgency in India, which is considered to be the most important internal security threat to the world’s largest democracy, occurs in ce...
by Shivaji Mukherjee | On 19 Jan 2016 There are five areas where the categories of ‘communal’ and ‘ethnic’ fall short: in their historical precision, in their scale, in their partial conceptualization of agency, in their ability to engage...
by | On 18 Jan 2016 The paper identifies five important aspects of agriculture that
need immediate attention to bring economic advantages to millions of farm families. First, output
per hectare, which is a common measu...
by Niti Aayog GOI | On 18 Jan 2016 This study, relying primarily on qualitative data from Côte d’Ivoire, examines how income allocation and intra-household dynamics affect household resilience during the lean season. Its findings indic...
by Elizabeth Kiewisch | On 14 Jan 2016 This learning brief synthesises lessons drawn from CARE’s Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa (ALP), which has been supporting vulnerable communities in sub-Saharan Africa to adapt to the impacts...
by Webb J. | On 13 Jan 2016 The following is a report based on PUDR’s repeated visits to
Atali and its interactions with Muslim and Jat families over the last four
by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 13 Jan 2016 Developing and developed countries alike need a paradigm shift in agricultural development: from a "green revolution" to a "truly ecological intensification" approach. This implies a rapid and signifi...
by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD | On 09 Jan 2016 The paper looks at the flow of ideas from the South Asian Diaspora groups to their original homelands. This is occurring in the areas of economic management and political change. As a result of the in...
by Shahid Javed Burki | On 09 Jan 2016 Constitutional arrangements for peripheral areas in India reflect the national government’s instrumentalist attempts at decentralising bureaucratic and administrative control in far-flung (essentially...
by Sanjay Barbora | On 08 Jan 2016 The system of participatory (or joint) forest management was commenced in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan in 1996 through Asian Development Bank's funded project. These forest refo...
by Tanvir Ali | On 08 Jan 2016 The study of geography of poverty and peoples’ changing livelihood and their relation with globalization are some of the major areas of geographic research in the present context (Subedi, 2005). So, P...
by Basant Adhikari | On 08 Jan 2016 Land is regarded as an important source of livelihoods to many people, especially rural people. For those people, access to and control over land resources is the source of livelihoods. Therefore, lan...
by Samana Adhikari | On 08 Jan 2016 Heads of state and government have adopted a new development agenda to guide sustainable development efforts for the next 15 years. Member States will have the responsibility of turning this collectiv...
by | On 08 Jan 2016 This chapter examines the food security situation in Nepal and the impact of the recent armed conflict on the food security situation. It argues that food security is understood in different ways and...
by Bishnu Upreti | On 07 Jan 2016 This paper investigates and analyzes the present status, potential, and prospects of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) free trade agreements (FTAs). The move towards the ASEAN Economic Co...
by Suthiphand Chirathivat | On 07 Jan 2016 This paper analyzes the current status of fisheries and aquaculture in Southeast Asia and international trade. Analysis concludes that a policy of sustainable management for both capture fisheries and...
by Masayuki Komatsu | On 07 Jan 2016 This paper explores the long-term challenges for trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The region has emerged as an important production base...
by Masahiro Kawai | On 06 Jan 2016 Indonesia is a net importer of grains, horticulture and livestock produce. The instability of food prices since 2008 has led to a renewed emphasis on food security. Despite increasing food crop produc...
by Victor Pontines | On 01 Jan 2016 Switzerland changed its migration policy in the 1990s from a “non-qualified only” policy to one of almost free movement of labor. To analyze the impact of this policy change on the schooling outcomes...
by Maria Cattaneo | On 01 Jan 2016 This paper discusses how endogenous mechanisms linking processes of violent conflict and the economic well-being of individuals and households in combat areas provide valuable micro foundations to the...
by Patricia Justino | On 30 Dec 2015 Clearly, the monograph addresses a set of critical issues related to the forest rights and livelihood and makes a sincere effort to draw attention to the plight of forest dependent communities. Policy...
by Tapas Kumar Sarangi | On 30 Dec 2015 The failures of water management have been extensively studied and reviewed and the shortcomings are listed.
by Ravi Chopra | On 29 Dec 2015 Meaningful participatory processes of natural resource management lead to enhanced productivity, equity, sustainability and self-reliance. This is evident from the experiments at Sukhomajri, Ralegan-S...
by People's Science Institute PSI | On 29 Dec 2015 Intense climate-related natural disasters—floods, storms, as well as droughts and heat waves—have been on the rise worldwide. Is there an ominous link between the global increase of these hydrometeoro...
by Ramón López | On 29 Dec 2015 This paper explores Gross National Happiness (GNH) as a framework for socio-economic development in Bhutan by elucidating GNH principles that affect the way Bhutanese society and state interact.The pa...
by Karma Ura | On 29 Dec 2015 The paper examines ASEAN’s political and security challenges and prospects in the coming two decades. The challenges facing ASEAN could be classified into six broad categories: (1) the shifting balanc...
by Amitav Acharya | On 29 Dec 2015 The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) was set up in 2003 with the objectives of creating a single market and production base, enhancing equitable economic development as well as facilitating the integrat...
by Siowyue Chia | On 29 Dec 2015 This study was undertaken on behalf of the Child Protection and Gender-Based Violence sub-working groups in Jordan, established in February 2012 to coordinate prevention and response to child protecti...
by UN Women | On 28 Dec 2015 This in-depth, data-rich action framework, sometimes referred to as the ICPD beyond 2014 Global Report, is the culmination of a major global review of progress in implementing the ICPD Programme of Ac...
by United Nations Population Fund UNFPA | On 26 Dec 2015 Rural women suffer double discrimination because they are female and poor. Though women are the biggest food producers, they earn only one-tenth of the world’s income and own less than 1% of the world...
by | On 23 Dec 2015 This paper seeks to identify the strategic and economic variables involved in India’s decision about whether or not to pursue a proposed natural gas pipeline from Iran. There is a lot of misinformatio...
by | On 22 Dec 2015 This paper intends to ascertain whether a uniform national law would be beneficial to the interests of the three main parties involved with refugee policy in India, namely the Government of India, the...
by Arjun Nair | On 22 Dec 2015 It is vital for countries to identify climate risks, reduce these risks through mitigation, and adapt to these risks—thereby increasing resilience and reducing vulnerability. This study informs decisi...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 21 Dec 2015 While the government continues to press for an unconditional surrender of arms and men as a precondition to a dialogue and settlement; the other side is also adamant on its demands including the withd...
by | On 18 Dec 2015 The 2015 Global Sustainable Development Report, an intergovernmental-mandated report on the science-policy interface for sustainable development, was presented to UN Member States at the High Level Po...
by United Nations UN | On 17 Dec 2015 This report articulates three strategies by which the poorest and most marginalised have attempted to ensure accountability from national and global policymakers to local people.It is a response to de...
by Philip Ikita | On 17 Dec 2015 The current education system in Ladakh does not give much importance to learning rather they manufacture students by making them pass the
examination; this is leading to degradation of education in L...
by | On 17 Dec 2015 This paper looks at possible alternatives to UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding missions with a view to establishing if there are organizations or other interested parties, which may be more effective...
by | On 17 Dec 2015 This research paper is divided into two parts to provide a more complete view of how both countries think in term of their ambitions and the methods they deem important to achieve them. This paper arg...
by | On 17 Dec 2015 Sri Lanka, home to a plethora of ethnically diverse communities, saw horrific
communal bloodshed in July 1983. Over three decades down the line, history seems to be repeating itself as hordes of Budd...
by Chaarvi Modi | On 17 Dec 2015 Food security and nutrition is a major global challenge. SDC’s Global Programme Food Security(GPFS) represents an innovative initiative of Switzerland in addressing food security and nutrition challen...
by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC | On 17 Dec 2015 Is there an ominous link between the global increase of the hydrometeorological and climatological events on the one side and anthropogenic climate change on the other? This paper considers three main...
by Vinod Thomas | On 15 Dec 2015 The study finds that micro hydro (MH) has significant impact on reduction in fuel wood consumption. Communities are more inclined to harvest fuel wood from government forest. These led to the promotio...
by Bishwa Koirala | On 15 Dec 2015 The key challenge is to develop a policy that facilitates the adaptive capacity of migration rather than inhibiting it. Such an endeavour and subsequent shift in policy where it is sub-optimal is impe...
by Richard Black | On 15 Dec 2015 This paper aims to measure the changes in the type and depth of knowledge and understanding on sexual and reproductive health and gender issues, and how they obtained that knowledge. Secondly, changes...
by Md. Abdul Alim | On 11 Dec 2015 The central government periodically constitutes a Pay Commission, to evaluate and recommend revisions of salaries and
pensions, for its employees. Recently, the Seventh Central Pay Commission has mad...
by Vatsal Khullar | On 10 Dec 2015 The World Economic Forum along with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) convened the National Strategy Day on India on 3rd and 4th of November to provide a platform to boost economic growth and...
by | On 09 Dec 2015 We use a natural experiment in Indonesia to provide causal evidence on the role of location-specific human capital and skill transferability in shaping the spatial distribution of productivity. From 1...
by Samuel Bazzi | On 08 Dec 2015 Intense climate-related disasters—floods, storms, droughts, and heat waves—have been on the rise worldwide. At the same time and coupled with an increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atm...
by Vinod Thomas | On 30 Nov 2015 This paper examines youth vulnerabilities, with a particular emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. It touches on the challenges confronted by young people exposed to extreme, life threatening...
by | On 26 Nov 2015 Over the last twenty years, the overwhelming majority (90%) of disasters have been caused by floods, storms, heatwaves and other weather-related events. In total, 6,457 weather-related disasters were...
by | On 25 Nov 2015 Review of The Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India. Harper Collins India, 2015; pp. 552, Rs 527/-
by Sandeep Dubey | On 20 Nov 2015 Agriculture and food security should be viewed in the context of the broader economic transformation in Asia and the Pacific. In particular, the adoption of food security policies that address both im...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 10 Nov 2015 This study aimed to evaluate the Multipurpose Learning Centres or Gonokendros (GK) operated by BRAC jointly with the local community in rural areas of Bangladesh. Two main goals were process evaluatio...
by | On 09 Nov 2015 This paper provides an assessment of the interventions in reforming the
drinking water and sanitation sector in Gujarat as through the Water and
Sanitation Management Organisation (WASMO) from a sup...
by Keshab Das | On 06 Nov 2015 The study aimed to assess the ‘incentive package’ implemented in
the study area through the frontline health workers of BRAC. A qualitative research design used in-depth interviews, Informal discussi...
by | On 29 Oct 2015 This paper explores the degree to which exposure to reoccurring natural disasters of various kinds explains seven dimensions of severe child poverty in 67 middle- and low-income countries. It also ana...
by Adel Daoud | On 28 Oct 2015 This article uses Pakistan’s 2010 floods to identify the
effects of a natural disaster on citizens’ aspirations. Aspirations were significantly reduced—especially
among the poorest and most vulnerab...
by Katrina Kosec | On 19 Oct 2015 Using a theoretical framework that
combines the essence of Ramsay’s growth model and the New-Keynesian macrodynamics,
and applying the Kalman filter estimation technique, this paper finds that
by Harendra Behera | On 16 Oct 2015 More than 850 million people in developing countries are excluded from a wide range of information and knowledge, with the rural poor in
particular remaining isolated from both traditional media and...
by | On 14 Oct 2015 A wide range of interventions, from subsidized grains all the way to conditions on nutrition in conditional cash transfers, have either been tried or put in place in different countries in order to fi...
by Abhijit Banerjee | On 12 Oct 2015 Improving maternal health has been a great challenge in developing countries like India. This study comprehends women’s perceptions of quality and satisfaction with maternal health care services. It w...
by Aditya Raj | On 12 Oct 2015 Tobacco control needs in India are large and complex. Evaluation of outcomes to date has been limited. The aim of this paper is to review the extent of tobacco control measures, and the outcomes of as...
by | On 30 Sep 2015 The Government of India has proposed the National Health Assurance Mission (NHAM) to move the country rapidly towards universal health coverage (UHC), by providing all citizens with specified drugs, d...
by Indrani Gupta | On 30 Sep 2015 This report from the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Geo-economics maps out the challenges that current geo-economic trends pose for globalisation. Findings show that the rise in strat...
by | On 22 Sep 2015 Bhutan is one of the youngest democratic countries in the world. The constitution of Bhutan was formally signed on July 18, 2008 by the fifth King of Bhutan, elected members of Parliament, and the Chi...
by | On 21 Sep 2015 This paper reviews the literature on the performance of commonly found social safety net programs in developing countries. The evidence suggests that universal food subsidies have very limited potenti...
by | On 18 Sep 2015 Child marriage can be prevented and children protected by activating the mandated government structures. A two-pronged approach – working with
specific community groups, as well as with representativ...
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 14 Sep 2015 This paper encompasses two major themes - local governance and citizens' participation in five neighbouring countries in South Asia, their trials, achievements and failures. Whether their experiences...
by | On 14 Sep 2015 More than half of Rural Maharashtra defecates in the open. The main issue to understand is the nexus between the access to water and adoption of sanitation practices. It is also interesting to underst...
by Parliamentarian's Group for Children PGC | On 09 Sep 2015 This brief provides an overview of civil society in Sri Lanka. With a view to strengthening ADB cooperation with civil society organizations, the NGO and Civil Society Center periodically prepares rep...
by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 07 Sep 2015 IDMC estimates that as of July 2015 at least 31,400 people are internally displaced as a result of conflict and violence in Indonesia. Nearly all are protracted internally displaced persons (IDPs) who...
by Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre | On 03 Sep 2015 On 21 October 2011, hundreds of Mexican civil society organizations formally submitted a petition to the Lelio e Lisli Basso Foundation in Rome to justify the opening of a Mexican Chapter of the Perma...
by Rosalba Icaza | On 02 Sep 2015 This paper highlights a strategic framework to eradicate rural poverty by 2015 with the rural household as the central unit. It is based on the premise that the livelihoods of rural households depend...
by Ministry of Rural Development Government of India | On 31 Aug 2015 This report highlights deficiencies in the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) undertaken by Vedanta Resources Plc for its proposed bauxite mine in Niyamgiri, Orissa, its alumina refinery in Lanji...
by Amnesty International AI, | On 31 Aug 2015 Indian security forces have been deployed in Jammu and Kashmir for decades, officially tasked with protecting civilians, upholding national security and combatting violence by armed groups. However, i...
by Amnesty International AI, | On 31 Aug 2015 Since 2008, an average of 26.4 million people have been displaced from their homes each year by disasters brought on by natural hazards- equivalent to one person displaced every second.
Policy make...
by Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre | On 24 Aug 2015 This paper examines the role of national and sub-national institutions in managing carbon sequestration and trade in Nepal. It first asks whether it is feasible and advantageous to implement REDD+ in...
by Bishnu Prasad Sharma | On 20 Aug 2015 This paper deals with the interface between science and economics in environmental policy making in India. It explains Nehru‘s concept of scientific temper and its influence in the formulation of scie...
by U. Sankar | On 19 Aug 2015 This report of the steering committee on rapid poverty reduction and local area development for the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012). The first section attempts to examine the data on the poor, the...
by Planning Commission, India | On 14 Aug 2015 The National Policy on Biofuels sets an indicative target of 20per cent blending of biofuels by 2017 to tackle the twin problem of energy security and climate change. Although biofuels seem to be the...
by Gopinath Reddy | On 13 Aug 2015 This publication highlights the relevance in India and the multiplicity of entry points of the right to the city as a vehicle for social inclusion and sustainable social development for Indian cities....
by Centre de Sciences Humaines CSH | On 12 Aug 2015 In this paper the results are documented which derived from the Perception and Attitudes towards Ageing and seniors (PATAS) survey completed in early 2014. These results delve into respondents beliefs...
by Mathew Mathews | On 11 Aug 2015 Asian Societies with linguistic diversity have faced serious problems of loss or decline of vernacular and indigenous languages in modern times. Globalisation and urbanisation have brought a sea chang...
by P. Ishwara Bhat | On 10 Aug 2015 This document describes the activities and achievements of an effective approach used in Nepal to involve community leaders and local health workers, volunteers, and organizations in tracking children...
by Hari Krishna Shah | On 06 Aug 2015 Recognizing the need to formulate policy strategies for the changes it faces, Myanmar started a multifaceted reform process in 2011. But speeding up development requires a multipronged but more cohere...
by | On 04 Aug 2015 This paper takes on an older debate that the agriculture transformation in
the regional economy of Kerala has been mainly driven by ‘peasant
rationality’. It argues that the agrarian transformation...
by Viswanathan P K | On 31 Jul 2015 Poverty and environmental factors are interlinked and hold crucial importance for economic development. The poor depend so much on their natural resource base and primary production sources that the d...
by | On 30 Jul 2015 During the last two decades international trade in healthcare services has expanded under the GATS. Increasingly it has acquired new dimensions with application of advanced information and communicati...
by T.P. Bhat | On 23 Jul 2015 Is the mid-day meal scheme following the nutritional standards? Are funds properly allocated? HARCRC is showing a clear picture of what is happening to the mid-day meal scheme.
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 08 Jul 2015 Countries vary widely with respect to the share of government spending on health, a metric that can serve as a proxy for the extent to which health is prioritized by governments. World Health Organiza...
by Ajay Tandon | On 25 Jun 2015 The statement aims to stand firmly as an independent institution and to conduct every election honestly, fairly and transparency and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the country. The st...
by Ministry of Finance Bangladesh | On 18 Jun 2015 The Government’s main budgetary objective is to allocate fiscal resources in line with Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS). In this way, it will be assured that resources are allocated to...
by Ministry of Finance Afghanistan | On 11 Jun 2015 International experiences show significant opportunities in using GIS technologies and participatory methods to map community natural resource uses. In India, this has as far as is known only been don...
by Patrik Oskarsson | On 01 Jun 2015 With the increasing emphasis on need for development, coupled with increasing urbanization, it is becoming apparent that the natural resources are to be used judiciously and sustainably. This report h...
by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 27 May 2015 The document has been prepared with the basic surmise that Wildlife Management, Ecotourism and Animal Welfare are to be treated as a Priority Sector during the 12th Plan as the conservation of our nat...
by Ministry of Environment and Forests GOI | On 26 May 2015 An external review, commissioned by the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board, was prepared in May 2013, providing detailed analysis of WHO’s administrative and managem...
by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 26 May 2015 At the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly in May 2013, Member States requested the Director-General to propose, for consideration by the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly, in consultation with Member...
by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 26 May 2015 The present report is an attempt to focus on how our national policies and programmes can be better appreciated and reflected in the country’s obligations and commitments to the various international...
by Planning Commission | On 25 May 2015 The Working Group recognises the need for enhanced, inclusive and sustainable growth in rainfed areas. It identifies factors contributing to instability in production system under rainfed conditions e...
by Planning Commission | On 20 May 2015 The sub-group on NTFP under the Planning Commission Working Group on Natural Resource Management discussed the issues, challenges, potential, and scope in developing the NTFP sector in the country and...
by Ministry of Environment and Forests | On 20 May 2015 This year the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will formally establish the ASEAN Community, which is set to enhance regional community building among its member states. Ramses Amer makes...
by | On 13 May 2015 The January 2014 issue of YOJANA contains the following articles - Tribal and Marginalized Communities, Constitutional Provisions, Laws and Tribes, Actualising Adivasi Self-Rule, The Food Bill, Wild F...
by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting MIB | On 11 May 2015 The National Health Policy framed from time to time provides the framework for the implementation of policies and programmes for health care. The Eleventh Five Year Plan had focused on the poor and th...
by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 28 Apr 2015 Serious efforts at economic integration among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members started only in 1992. Initial obstacles included the widespread pursuit of import substitution...
by Siow Yue Chia | On 14 Apr 2015 Internally displaced persons operation was one of the first against armed anti-state fighters in the tribal belt, and marked the beginning of operations across the seven tribal agencies of the Federal...
by International Crisis Group | On 06 Apr 2015 The paper discusses several patent cases to argue that MNCs are aggressively asserting their patent rights not for getting genuine patents which they are entitled to but for preventing generic competi...
by Sudip Chaudhuri | On 30 Mar 2015 In this paper People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) potential growth rate during the last 30 years is analysed. The PRC’s potential growth rate is not demand constrained, in particular by the balance...
by Juzhong Zhuang | On 27 Mar 2015 Budget for children is not a separate budget. It is merely an attempt to disaggregate from the overall allocations made, those made specifically for programmes that benefit children. This enables us t...
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 24 Mar 2015 This paper proposes a simple game-theoretic framework for analyzing the relationship between the government, industry and indigenous community, especially in the context of mounting violence surroundi...
by Soumyanetra Munshi | On 23 Mar 2015 Research findings point to the need for focusing on gender equality in education and the need for a multi-level approach addressing barriers
at the individual, community, school and policy levels if...
by | On 11 Mar 2015 The budget proposals are premised on the assumption that health care is an individual’s responsibiity. The government appears to be rapidly shedding its responsibilities to provide accessible health...
by Ravi Duggal | On 01 Mar 2015 2014 has brought India’s environmental movement to a crossroad. On the one hand, there is a greater acceptance of our concerns, but on the other hand, there is also growing resistance against the requ...
by Sunita Narain | On 26 Feb 2015 The Fourteenth Finance Commission (FC-XIV) was constituted by the President under
Article 280 of the Constitution on 2 January 2013 to make recommendations for the period 2015-
20. Dr. Y. V. Reddy w...
by Finance Commission | On 24 Feb 2015 Nutritional deprivation is the highest among tribal children in india. However, fiscal policy strategy to improve nutritional status for this section of the population depends a lot on the implementat...
by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability | On 20 Feb 2015 This special issue on mental health was put together for the Annual Meet of the Medico Friend Circle at Pune. Contents - Power to Label: the Social Construction of Madness by Prateeksha Sharma (1); T...
by Medico Friend Circle | On 18 Feb 2015 Development economists have considered physical infrastructure to be a precondition for industrialization and economic development. Yet, two issues remain to be addressed in the literature. First, whi...
by Yasuyuki Sawada | On 16 Feb 2015 The paper examines the policies of the central as well as state governments with respect to the agricultural market, specifically in rice and wheat markets, analyses their shortcomings and argues for...
by Anandi Subramanian | On 16 Jan 2015 In keeping with the special status accorded to Scheduled Tribes (STs) in the constitution of India, the Union Government has affirmed its commitment to improving their socio-economic status and has ta...
by | On 29 Dec 2014 The exploitation of one human being by another is the basest crime. And yet trafficking in persons remains all too common, with all too few consequences for the perpetrators. Trafficking happens every...
by United Nations Drugs and Crime | On 26 Nov 2014 When households increase their deposits in formal bank savings accounts, what is the source of the
money? High-frequency surveys are combined with an experiment in which a Sri Lankan bank used
by Michael Callen | On 13 Nov 2014 This book originates from a conference of the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils and contains writings and research reports on Youth in Transition in the Asia and Pacific region. Th...
by UNESCO UNESCO | On 16 Oct 2014 In order to provide Quality Care in these CHCs Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) are being prescribed to provide optimal expert care to the community and achieve and maintain an acceptable standar...
by Government of Odisha | On 09 Sep 2014 Understanding how mortality and fertility are linked is essential to the study of population dynamics. The fertility response to an unanticipated mortality shock is investigated that resulted from the...
by Jenna Nobles | On 02 Sep 2014 There is perhaps only one broad certainty in the contemporary debate on climate change: not only does climate change affect different nations and communities differently, but the responses of individu...
by Vivan Sharan | On 02 Sep 2014 It is shown that boundedly-rational individuals can, simply by
tracking sources of gossip, identify those who are most central in a network according to “diffusion centrality,” which nests other stan...
by Abhijit Banerjee | On 20 Aug 2014 Are ostensibly demand-driven public programs less susceptible to political clientelism even when private goods are allocated? This is examined using expenditure data at
the local level from India’s N...
by Megan Sheahan | On 01 Aug 2014 This paper studies how changes in climatic variables such as temperature and rainfall impact migration through agriculture. Bangladesh is recognized as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate...
by Paritosh Roy | On 31 Jul 2014 In the American animated television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA), a visually Asian-influenced world of humans, animals and spirits plays out a history of violence, trauma and resistance....
by Gayatri Viswanath | On 24 Jul 2014 This paper focuses on autobiographies by Kaushalya Baisantri and Surajpal Chauhan to look into the ways in which Dalit life-narratives written by men and women vary in terms of emotions, nature of the...
by Shweta Singh | On 24 Jul 2014 This Outlook on Education report for the EAC region was produced on behalf of the African Union - Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology - for the 2014 Conference of Ministers of Educat...
by East Community | On 09 Jul 2014 This study examines the impact of India's Public Distribution System (PDS) on poor households in terms of income gains, reductions in the incidence and severity of poverty, as well as nutritional impr...
by R. Radhakrishna | On 07 Jul 2014 The Report highlights the unique aspects of youth development in various regions but emphasizes that young people the world over are ultimately constrained in their efforts to contribute to their own...
by United Nations UN | On 16 May 2014 This paper intends to further the understanding of how a ‘tradition’ is formed through pedagogy – how ideas of continuity, change and knowledge transfer are addressed during the student’s period of le...
by Ajinkya Shenava | On 13 May 2014 The article highlights of the SC judgment on Transgender Rights and why it will go down in history as one of the most rights enhancing decisions in the Court’s history.
by Siddharth Narrain | On 16 Apr 2014 The effects of the Indonesian decentralization and democratization process on
budget allocation at the sub-national level is analyzed. Based on panel data for 271 Indonesian districts
for the years...
by Krisztina Kis Katos | On 17 Jan 2014 In many of Southeast Asia’s cities, critical infrastructure development is concentrated in affluent areas; and poor communities, lacking access to basic services, often resort to alternatives that may...
by Sofiah Jamil | On 15 Jan 2014 This paper explores the different sets of power relationships and resultant ethical dilemmas that arise when developing community monitoring systems. Community Based Monitoring and Planning, as part o...
by Renu Khanna | On 22 Nov 2013 This paper deals with the philanthropic between Indian migrants and the local community in
Gujarat from a homeland perspective. It is based on research in rural central Gujarat, one of the regions
by Natascha Dekkers | On 05 Nov 2013 India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its unique geo-climatic conditions. About 60% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million...
by Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs | On 17 Oct 2013 The paper analyses the changing leadership in Computer and
Information Services (CIS). Leadership is measured in terms of export
shares. The leadership appears to have changed from United States of
by Sunil Mani | On 10 Oct 2013 This study is an attempt to examine the decentralized production of supplementary nutrition which has been instituted for the Integrated Child Development Services in
urban Maharashtra, specifically,...
by Natasha S. K. | On 04 Oct 2013 In the aftermath of the anti-governmental Gezi demonstrations of May-June and the conclusion of the Ergenekon trial earlier this month, clear fault-lines are crystallizing in the Turkish political lan...
by Ozan Serdaroglu | On 05 Sep 2013 To bring social awakening and awareness in the society and to create a healthy and safe environment. This is done with a view to protect common people in the society against evil and sinister practice...
by Maharashtra Cabinet Sectretariat | On 23 Aug 2013 After a long and gruelling campaign by ANS for the past eight years to enact a Law against
Superstition which harm the citizens, the Maharashtra State Government under the leadership
of the new Chie...
by Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmoolan Samiti MANS | On 22 Aug 2013 The findings of the present study are being documented with an aim for invoking a paradigm shift in the attitudes and perceptions about natural hazards; this shift should make the state and the
by Tuhin Ghosh | On 12 Aug 2013 The Union Cabinet gave its approval to launch a National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) as a new sub-mission under the over-arching National Health Mission (NHM).
by Anonymous | On 27 May 2013 This paper presents a choice experiment designed to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of rural farmers to mitigate damages caused by invasive plant species, particularly Mikania micrantha, in the...
by Rajesh Kumar Rai | On 27 May 2013 This paper deals with the interface between science and economics in environmental policy making in India. It explains Nehru‘s concept of scientific temper and its influence in the formulation of scie...
by U. Sankar | On 23 May 2013 H.E Finance Minister’s Speech
for Mishrano Jirga. [Ministry of Finance, Afghanistan]. URL:[
by Ministry of Finance Afghanistan | On 10 Apr 2013 This brief gives the idea about the allocations to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan by Government of India in 2013-14 [Accountability Initiative]. URL:[
by Accountability Initiative | On 07 Mar 2013 The status of various forms of tribal and folk art and culture are explored. The influence of tribal and folk art & culture on the socio-economic
conditions of the subjects covered under survey are...
by Gramin Vikas Seva Sanshtha GVSS | On 26 Feb 2013 This paper attempts to identify lifestyle changes at the individual level, and behavioral changes at the community level that could offer high carbon abatement potential. It also provides some good pr...
by Brahmanand Mohanty | On 22 Feb 2013 As population and human activities expand they exert heavy environmental pressure through the resource requirement, their production and consumption. Hence, it is important to understand the resource...
by B. Sudhakara Reddy | On 12 Feb 2013 Legal mechanisms to achieve justice should factor in the challenges and roadblocks of its implementation, structural or otherwise, right from the stage of planning and framing the law. Law can be expe...
by D Manjit | On 08 Jan 2013 This study was conducted in 25 neighborhoods and 5 zones of the Ahmedabad
Municipal Corporation (AMC). A total of 50 sanitation workers were interviewed and
through them the condition of their famil...
by Ashish Mishra | On 05 Dec 2012 Review of the book 'Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific: How Can Countries Adapt?' Venkatachalam Anbumozhi; Meinhard Breiling; Selvarajah Pathmarajah; Vangimalla R. Reddy (Eds)
by Sunil Nautiyal | On 21 Nov 2012 Son preference is widespread in a number of developing countries. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that women may contribute to the persistence of this phenomenon because they
derive substantial long-run...
by Laura Zimmermann | On 19 Nov 2012 This paper develops a super game model of collusion between price-setting oligopolists located in different markets separated by trade costs. The firms produce a homogenous good and sustain collusion...
by Aditya Bhattacharjea | On 05 Nov 2012 In 2011 the US National Institute of Mental Health launched the Grand Challenges to Global Mental Health on the lines of earlier initiatives on ‘Global Health’ and on ‘Global Chronic Non-Common-commun...
by Anonymous | On 05 Oct 2012 A new comprehensive scheme, called Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls or Sabla, merging the erstwhile Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) and Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls (NPA...
by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 05 Oct 2012 The paper reviews the
available evidence on the patterns of Muslim participation in education and
employment. Comparing the estimates derived from the most recent round of
the National Sample Surve...
by Rakesh Basant | On 27 Sep 2012 This paper examines the potential gender impacts of the trade
reforms in plantation agriculture in the emerging context of the two
prominent FTAs, viz. the Indo-ASEAN and the proposed EU-India FTA....
by Viswanathan P K | On 14 Sep 2012 The earlier National Youth Policy was formulated in 1988. The socio-economic conditions in the country have since undergone a significant change and have been shaped by wide-ranging technological adva...
by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012 The NYP 2012 is a step forward from the earlier Policy formulated in 1988 and, later, in 2003. It reaffirms commitment of the nation to the rights and holistic development of the young people of the c...
by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012 Even though the economic and social benefits of thriving entrepreneurship and innovation are evident, it is critical to recognize that these benefits will only accrue if the key gaps in the ecosystem...
by Planning Commission | On 31 Aug 2012 The devolution of environment and natural resource functions to local government units was a bold move in the history of environmental Management in the Philippines. However, the implementation of the...
by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 28 Aug 2012 The BasicNeeds model of Mental Health and Development (MHD), Nepal emphasizes
user empowerment, community development, strengthening of health
systems, and policy influencing.
The Nepal program was...
by Shoba Raja | On 24 Aug 2012 A unique data-set from Indonesia is analysed to understand what individuals know about the income
distribution in their village to test theories such as Jackson and Rogers (2007) that link informatio...
by Vivi Alatas | On 23 Aug 2012 Improving maternal and newborn health in low-income settings requires both health service and community
action. Previous community initiatives have been predominantly rural, but India is urbanizing....
by Neena Shah More | On 17 Aug 2012 Drawing on secondary data, insights and ideas from an all-India consultation meet
at NIAS, four regional / zonal consultations, data from a project in Chamarajanagar district (Karnataka),
and select...
by P Veerbhadranaika | On 01 Aug 2012 The frequency of intense floods and storms is increasing globally, particularly in Asia-Pacific,
amid the specter of climate change. Associated with these natural disasters are more variable
and ext...
by Vinod Thomas | On 26 Jul 2012 F rom its headwaters in the Tibetan Plateau to its estuary in Burma, the Salween River
supports over ten million people. For many decades, it was the longest free-flowing
river in Southeast Asia. It...
by International Rivers Network IRN | On 17 Jul 2012 This paper examines the effects of political factors on allocation of revenue budget for developmental
expenditure by the sub-national governments, using data from 15 major states in India during the...
by Arun Kaushik | On 10 Jul 2012 This paper investigates if better access to secondary education increases enrolment
in primary schools among children in the 6–10 age group. A household-level
longitudinal survey is also done coveri...
by Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay | On 10 Jul 2012 Creating and developing fair and evidence-based national and global systems to more rationally set priorities for public spending on health. An interim secretariat should be there to incubate a global...
by Amanda Glassman | On 10 Jul 2012 Evidence is presented to show that shared codes, religious beliefs, ethnicity - cultural proximity - between lenders and borrowers improves the efficiency of credit allocation. In-group preferential t...
by Raymond Fisman | On 05 Jul 2012 Review of the book From Individual to Community: Issues in Development Studies--Essays in Memory of Malcolm Adiseshiah by Nandan Nawn.
by Nandan Nawn | On 05 Jul 2012 The deficit in the supply of electricity relative to demand at peak hours in 2011-12 was 11 per cent. While
generation capacity has increased, the fuel supply situation has deteriorated. Here, some f...
by Karan Malik | On 04 Jul 2012 The United Nations Conference on
Sustainable Development (Rio+20) takes
place in Rio de Janeiro on 20–22 June
2012. Twenty years after the 1992 Earth
Summit that led to the establishment of
two m...
by Georgina M Mace | On 02 Jul 2012 The concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is relatively new to many Southeast Asians, who have traditionally relied on the state for security and therefore faced a sense of hopelessness when such...
by Pavin Chachavalpongpun | On 27 Jun 2012 Afghanistan is
an example of a ‘‘fragile state,’’ characterised
by a government that lacks the
capacity to provide core services and basic
security to its population. Improving health
care within...
by Peter Ventevogel | On 22 Jun 2012 An outline of what would be ideally needed for a comprehensive set of national accounts is given.
National governments and international agencies ought ideally to go even beyond green national accoun...
by Partha Dasgupta | On 22 Jun 2012 The objective of the study was to review media coverage (print ) related to HIV/AIDS in three states (Gujarat, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh) in order to determine the gaps in reporting. [CCMG Working Pa...
by Biswajit Das | On 10 May 2012 This brief reviews recent evidence, examines main research challenges in identifying migration–climate links and discusses the policy options for formalizing migration as an adaptation mechanism to cl...
by Jean-François Maystadt | On 09 May 2012 The NAC Working Group held three national consultations on different aspects of the issue of declining child sex ratio. The Working Group conveners also separately met with Ministry of Women and Child...
by Farah Naqvi | On 25 Apr 2012 The paper examines the implications of Myanmar's reforms for its neighbours- China, India, Thailand and Bangladesh. Issues of major concern to the four countries include energy, humanitarian consequen...
by Lina Gong | On 20 Apr 2012 Review of the book Community Policing: Misnomer or Fact? Author: Veerendra Mishra
Sage, New Delhi.
by Vijay Raghavan | On 16 Apr 2012 The paper gives an analysis and description of the quantity and quality of the Iban population of Sarawak. The information about the pattern and trends of change of the population over time is also sh...
by Lam Chee Kheung | On 09 Apr 2012 The analysis of micro impacts of macroeconomic adjustment policies (MIMAP) is a relatively new discipline. It has spawned out of the concern that adjustment policies aimed to correct macroeconomic imb...
by Celia M Reyes | On 04 Apr 2012 Jetz and Fine that we are in the midst of the sixth
mass extinction event on this planet and
the cause is us. By achieving greater
understanding of the underlying causes
and correlates of current-...
by Jonathan Chase | On 29 Mar 2012 Since the elections of 2010, Myanmar’s political landscape has changed significantly;
the old military junta has officially been dissolved and a new
civilian government, led by President Thein Sein,...
by Christopher O’Hara | On 27 Mar 2012 Budget speech by the Finance Minister of Bhutan. [Budget Speech]. URL:[].
by Minister of Finance Bhutan | On 22 Mar 2012 The paper considers the process of discovery for subsoil resources, including both hard minerals and
hydrocarbons and estimates its magnitude in recent years, as derived from the sum of extraction an...
by Alan Gelb | On 20 Mar 2012 In many developing countries plastic bags are a significant environmental
problem. This is particularly true in the city of Delhi, which faces rapid
development with un-matched and inadequate waste...
by South Asian Network for Development SANDEE | On 20 Mar 2012 Over the last two decades, community-based forest management has
graduated from being an experimental strategy to becoming a much more
mainstream approach. In developing countries, an estimated 22 p...
by Priya Shyamsundar | On 19 Mar 2012 What the Budget of India, 2012-13 has got for children? [HAQCRC]. URL:[].
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 19 Mar 2012 Rural people are deprived even of the basic facilities of medical care. Is this ethical? [6th K R Memorial lecture].
by Yogesh Jain | On 16 Mar 2012 This brief uses Government reported data to analyse Sarva Shiksha Ahiyan performance along the following parameters: a) Overall trends in allocation and expenditures, b) Expenditure performance across...
by Accountability Initiative | On 16 Mar 2012 There is in urgent need for modernization and generational
Change need to be done in the Indian railways to assure safety, improve productivity, take advantage of advanced technology, respond to ever...
by Ministry of Railways | On 14 Mar 2012 The report reviews the status and performance of agriculture, especially
during the last two decades, and also presents what could be the way forward, given
our objectives of accelerated growth, inc...
by Ministry of Agriculture GOI | On 14 Mar 2012 Government-ownedand-
corporations were
initially created as
solutions to market
imperfections. It is
ironic therefore, that
in recent years, they
have come to be seen
as problems t...
by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 06 Mar 2012 The implications of the rule of Chiang
Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo in Taiwan (1950–1988) for the Taiwan
Strait Crises is examined, especially the third one af??ter the Cold War and potenti...
by Lu Jinghua | On 05 Mar 2012 The experience of childhood is increasingly urban. Over half the world’s people – including more than a
billion children – now live in cities and towns. This report adds to the growing body of eviden...
by United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF | On 01 Mar 2012 The general objective of the paper is to review the different macroeconomic models and
microeconomic valuation methods applied in the analysis of the natural resource and enviromnent
sector which ar...
by Danilo C Israel | On 27 Feb 2012 Using government data, this brief
reports on SSA performance along the
following parameters:
a) Overall trends in allocation and
b) Expenditure performance across
key SSA activities...
by Accountability Initiative | On 23 Feb 2012 Review of the book 'Riots and After in Mumbai: Chronicles of Truth and Reconciliation' Meena Menon, Sage Publications India, 2011, Pp 267 + xcii, Rs. 595/-
by Irfan Engineer | On 17 Feb 2012 This paper reviews and discusses available empirical research on the impact of violent conflict
on the level and access to education of civilian and combatant populations affected by violence. Three
by Patricia Justino | On 15 Feb 2012 The study measures the contribution of MNCs to the generation of innovations from India.
The focus is on innovations that are carried out in foreign R&D Centres. After having
mapped out the size of...
by Rakesh Basant | On 06 Feb 2012 This paper analyses the energy use in the manufacture of cement in India during 1992–2005. Cement
manufacturing requires large amounts of various energy inputs. The most common types of energy
by Binay Kumar Ray | On 30 Jan 2012 This paper explains the gaps between official objectives and the actual accomplishments of the Aquino government, with an emphasis on the implementation record of agricultural-based strategies. Summar...
by V. Bruce J Tolentino | On 30 Jan 2012 This paper is an account of recent developments at Paka's mini-museum, which
culminated in the production of English text panels for its collection in March
2005. As it turned out, working on these...
by Liana Chua | On 19 Jan 2012 It has been widely documented that the poor spend a significant proportion of their income on gifts even at the expense of basic consumption. We test three competing explanations of this phenomenon—pe...
by Xi Chen | On 10 Jan 2012 Affirmative action, especially in the form of reservation policies, to address the issues of inclusion and equity has been in place in India for a long time. Through these policies higher participatio...
by Rakesh Basant | On 09 Jan 2012 Water is arguably the most
important natural resource
and because it is scarce, its
optimal usage and proper
management must be
Water governance in the
Philippines, however, has
by Senate Economic Planning Office SEPO | On 03 Jan 2012 Review of the book 'Social Income and Insecurity: A Study in Gujarat' by
Guy Standing, Jeemol Unni, Renana Jhabvala, and Uma Rani
Routledge India, 2010 216 pages.
by N. Vijayamohanan Pillai | On 12 Dec 2011 A series of common-pool-resource field experiments were conducted
in eight indigenous communities in India that have very long traditions of
shared norms and mutual trust. Two experimental designs a...
by Rucha Ghate | On 02 Dec 2011 With a review of the historic role of India as a supplier of Antiretrovirals (ARV) medicines the paper outlines some of the key rulings in Indian courts as the interpretation of the new patent laws ar...
by Cassandra Sweet | On 19 Oct 2011 This study estimates the transaction costs entailed in maintaining Farmer
Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) in Nepal based on a case study of
60 irrigation systems in the Kathmandu valley. It analyz...
by Ram Chandra Bhattarai | On 18 Oct 2011 Review of Nandanar’s Children: The Paraiyans’ Tryst with Destiny Tamil Nadu 1850—1956, Raj Sekhar Basu,
Sage India, New Delhi,
2011, 492 pp, Rs 895
by Rajesh Komath | On 11 Oct 2011 This paper examines
some of the explicit as well as not so explicit trends in relation to women’s
employment in India from 1993-94 till 2009-10 and argues that they indicate a
grave and continuing...
by Indrani Mazumdar | On 10 Oct 2011 Management of hunger has to look into issues of availability, accessibility and adequacy. Posing it from
an ethical perspective the paper argues out in favour of right to food. But, for this to happe...
by Srijit Mishra | On 30 Sep 2011 This paper starts by examining some of the variables that have been considered important
determinants of openness and how views of these have changed over the last twenty
years. It then considers th...
by Kenneth E Jackson | On 29 Sep 2011 The Optional Protocol (OP) on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of
Children in Armed Conflict was ratified by India on November 30, 2005, and is
in effect since December 30, 2005. This is t...
by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 29 Sep 2011 This paper seeks to understand whether decentralized
management of forests can reduce forest loss in developing
countries. [SANDEE Working Paper, No 59 - 11]. URL:[
by Priya Shyamsundar | On 28 Sep 2011 This background paper seeks to brief readers on the extent of the development, production and
consumption of agrofuels, particularly liquid fuels for transport, in the Mekong region. The area of focu...
by Rebeca Leonard | On 12 Sep 2011 This paper investigates the effects of plants' dynamics on productivity growth in the Indian pharmaceutical industry across five regions: north, north-west, west, south and the rest of India, during t...
by Atsuko Kamiike | On 06 Sep 2011 The project aimed to
find the reasons for bottlenecks in the present system that deprive the
tribal community of the benefit of schemes. Five villages from each block have been selected to
make tot...
by Maharana Pratap Adhyayan Evam Jan Kalyan Sansthan Jaipur | On 02 Sep 2011 Poverty and food security in the context of Bangladesh has become a major concern
over time. While efforts have been intensified to increase crop yield through increased
land use, using inorganic fe...
by Shyamal C Ghosh | On 30 Aug 2011 The paper paper reviews the 'model' central and state government bills, pertaining to groundwater, through a conceptual framework and discusses the Andhra Pradesh experience in the developing governme...
by G.Ananda Vadivelu | On 30 Aug 2011 Participatory irrigation management programme as a prelude to irrigation
management transfer to users is being set up by many states for over five
years now. Though it is recognized that the governm...
by R Parthasarathy | On 25 Aug 2011 In 2004, Afghanistan pioneered a balanced scorecard (BSC) performance system to manage the delivery of
primary health care services. This study examines the trends of 29 key performance indicators ov...
by Edward Anbrasi | On 04 Aug 2011 The ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) control programme of BRAC has been in
operation for the last few years. No independent evaluation has so far been
conducted to explore how far the objectives of...
by Qazi Shafayetul Islam | On 28 Jul 2011 A new application for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) – community radio is proposed. How MANETS help overcome important limitations in how community radio is currently operationalized is shown here. A...
by Kavitha Ranganathan | On 19 Jul 2011 Theory of allocation of time revealed that historically market-time
has never consistently been greater than the non-market time and
therefore the allocation and efficiency of latter may be equally...
by Lekha S. Chakraborty | On 29 Jun 2011 The fast growing demand for fresh water-coupled with the need to protect the environment has made
many areas of India and the rest of the World vulnerable to water shortages for various uses of the
by Perini Praveena Sri | On 29 Jun 2011 Traditionally sanitary services are provided by the State or State owned bodies. However, with the ever increasing population and waste generation rates coupled with lack of financial resources and in...
by Sudhakar Yedla | On 27 Jun 2011 In this CGD essay, Mead Over argues that international donor community cannot afford to continue its business-as-usual AIDS policy. It must focus more on preventing HIV to decrease the number of peopl...
by Mead Over | On 27 Jun 2011 How much more taxes would it be possible for Panchayats in Kerala to collect? This
question is important in deciding the financial allocations to such local governments.
Information regarding this m...
by Centre for Development Studies | On 17 Jun 2011 Community Forestry in India is characterized broadly by the presence of three different types of institutional structures aimed at promoting common property regimes- self-initiated efforts, NGO- promo...
by Rucha Ghate | On 15 Jun 2011 Over the last 25 years, the international community has pursued a series of measures to address unsustainable debt burdens in low-income countries. Early actions focused on debt relief for official bi...
by Ben Leo | On 15 Jun 2011 The objective of this research and policy brief is to analyse different mechanisms of access to land for the rural poor in an era when redistribution through expropriative land reform is largely incon...
by Alain de Janvry | On 10 Jun 2011 After a natural catastrophe in a developing country, international migration can play a critical role in
recovery. But the United States has no systematic means to leverage the power and cost-effecti...
by Royce Bernstein Murray | On 08 Jun 2011 Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes can devastate people’s lives and a country’s economy, particularly in the developing world.This policy brief explores the various legal ch...
by Michael Clemens | On 07 Jun 2011 The articles in each section of this analogy of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics represents major debates on the ethics of healthcare technology- its development and its application. They cover is...
by Sandhya Srinivasan | On 03 May 2011 The study looks at
the relationship between indigenous people and
their forest homes using a novel field field experiments approach. [Policy Brief No. 48-10]. URL:[
by South Asian Network for Development SANDEE | On 29 Apr 2011 Two of the key highlights of the training
were: the absence of counselling services, especially for women in Kashmir given
the nature and scale of violence and; the denied right of conflict affected...
by ... CEHAT | On 29 Apr 2011 This particular field study is concerned with Van Panchayats, which can be seen as a variant of Common Property Resources. A comparison of the efficacy of this specific CPR across three villages in U...
by Chandana Anusha | On 27 Apr 2011 The paper presents some empirical data from the Pradhan Tribe of Andhra
Pradesh which highlights the community's indigenous agricultural knowledge and the
changes over time. These custodians of indi...
by Anil Kumar K | On 25 Apr 2011 In this study, two types of aid transfers - boats and houses are examined- that were made to
rehabilitate tsunami-affected fishery households in Sri Lanka. The goal is to investigate the
by Asha Gunawardena | On 20 Apr 2011 There have been significant developments in the global economy since we met in the fall of 2010. The IMF too has moved on several fronts under its mandate which has strengthened its position in a chan...
by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 20 Apr 2011 The NYP 2010 is a step forward from the earlier Policy
formulated in 1988 and, later, in 2003. It reaffirms commitment
of the nation to the holistic development of the young people of
the country....
by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 19 Apr 2011 In January 2011, the government formed a Group of Ministers, chaired by Shri Pranab Mukherjee to suggest
measures to tackle corruption, including examination of the proposal of a Lok Pal Bill.
by Kaushiki Sanyal | On 08 Apr 2011 As countries in South Asia ready
themselves for climate change and the possibility
of increased frequency in natural disasters, it is
useful to understand how well post disaster
operations work to...
by South Asian Network for Development SANDEE | On 28 Mar 2011 This paper we make an attempt to understand and analyze the budget from a gender perspective. The paper looks into the different areas of allocations, how far it is ‘pro woman’ budget or a ‘gender re...
by Aleyamma Vijayan | On 08 Mar 2011 With shrinking public spending, State’s health care concerns are specious. The rise in allocations on the health sector will only have limited impact on its efficiency and availability.
by Ravi Duggal | On 06 Mar 2011 Rajesh Komath gives a description the conflicts between his socio-material position as a Teyyam performer, and persona/personality as a student of economics.
by Smriti Vohra | On 26 Feb 2011 The overall objective of the Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) risk factors survey was to improve the information available to the Government health services and care providers on a set of high-priority...
by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 24 Feb 2011 One of the most intriguing aspects of the recent empirical literature on
FDI-related spillover effects is the increasing identification of mixed
results. A few studies, particularly in advanced coun...
by Anabel Marin | On 10 Feb 2011 This paper studies the effect of community identity on investment behavior
in the knitted garment industry in the South Indian town of Tirupur. [BREAD Working Paper No. 004] URL: [http://ipl.econ.duk...
by Abhijit Banerjee | On 03 Feb 2011 Many of the world’s poorest and most fragile states are joining the ranks of oil and gas producers. These
countries face critical policy questions about managing and spending new revenue in a way tha...
by Todd Moss | On 25 Jan 2011 Information on vegetation is important for the planning of regional natural resources management carbon cycling studies, terrestrial primary productivity modeling of hydrology, energy and climate. In...
by Nepal C. Dey | On 17 Jan 2011 Understanding the morbidity profile and healthcare seeking behaviour of different
socioeconomic strata of the community is important for planning and delivery of appropriate health
services, especia...
by Syed Masud Ahmed | On 14 Jan 2011 There has been much interest recently in promoting decentralization in the forestry sector in the belief that it would bring in downward accountability, which in turn would ensure economic efficiency,...
by Rucha Ghate | On 06 Jan 2011 BRAC’s Advocacy and Human Rights Unit (BAHRU) has developed a social
communications programme that goes beyond traditional approaches of marketing
communications. The goal of the programme is long-t...
by Jeneviève Mann ell | On 03 Jan 2011 The objective of this study was to identify and understand the problems
faced by women-headed households. The study was undertaken with two assumptions: (1) a support
system is in place which ensure...
by Naomi Hossain | On 28 Dec 2010 The paper discuses the differences tribals and government have in understanding of and perception about the forest. It also discuses the outcomes of these differences.
by M. Suresh | On 15 Dec 2010 This report sets out a way to prevent an all-too-common form of
theft from some of the world’s poorest people. An illegitimate,
unelected regime signs a contract with a foreign agent, handing
by Centre for Global Development | On 10 Dec 2010 Open regionalism and trade cooperation between the world’s two largest developing countries,
the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and India, can foster outward-oriented development and
by Swapan K. Bhattacharya | On 06 Dec 2010 International Development Association (IDA) donors and others operating a country performance-based allocation system face two difficult problems: how to strengthen incentives to produce and document...
by Alan Gelb | On 29 Nov 2010 Peoples’ Science Institute (PSI), Dehradun and Winrock International India (WII), Gurgaon jointly initiated participatory hydrological studies in two micro-catchments that is, the Bhodi-Suan and Kuhan...
by Rajesh Gupta | On 26 Nov 2010 Although the finance–growth nexus has become firmly entrenched in the empirical
literature, studies that question the strength of the empirical results have appeared and
seem to have become more f...
by Peter L. Rousseau | On 26 Nov 2010 The general assumption in New Delhi’s “strategic community” is that it is in India’s interest for Americans troops to stay on in Kabul. The theory is that the US is doing the hard work that is beyond...
by T.N. Ninan | On 11 Nov 2010 This brief shows how three of the biggest donors to global HIV/AIDS programs can go beyond their stated commitments to address gender inequality and more effectively combat HIV and AIDS.
by Christina Droggitis | On 20 Oct 2010 They analyse the aid portfolio of various bilateral and multilateral donors, testing whether
they have prioritized aid in line with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Employing Tobit models...
by Rainer Thiele | On 13 Oct 2010 This paper is the product of an international research project of the
Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of
Massachusetts, Amherst, USA and the Centre for Science and
by John Kurien | On 07 Oct 2010 The paper attempts to capture the construction of 'community' in Indian communication research. This paper attempts to trace the genealogy, interrogates its usage in Indian communication studies and s...
by Biswajit Das | On 05 Oct 2010 In this paper they show how an optimization algorithm can be used to approximately quantify the costs to users of spatial misallocation in centrally provided public goods. This method can be employed...
by Siva Athreya | On 23 Sep 2010 Science and technology have continuously enlarged the frontiers of human knowledge, growth
and development. The issue which keeps surfacing time and again and needs to be addressed
while planning ou...
by Kumud Sharma | On 15 Sep 2010 The European Union is a profoundly political project and one which
has attempted to achieve important political goals through economic
means. Initially through the establishment of a coal and steel
by Christopher F. Patten | On 07 Sep 2010 The report gives information about The Art, Culture and Language Department which aims at preservation of cultural heritage of India.
by Kriti Kapur | On 02 Sep 2010 Review of 'Promoting Economic Cooperation in South Asia'; S. Ahmed, S. Kalegama and E. Ghani (Editors). Published by Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2010
by Sandhya S . Iyer | On 17 Aug 2010 Natural resources perform multiple functions as a driver, maintainer, potential exit route, and also an effective escape mechanism in the context of poverty dynamics, especially in a predominantly agr...
by Amita Shah | On 17 Aug 2010 Climate change has become one of the most important global issues of our time, with far-
reaching natural, socio- economic, and political impacts. In order to equip the community to
deal with the...
by Vidhi . | On 12 Aug 2010 The differential multiple tax regime across sectors of production leads to distortions in
allocation of resources thus introducing inefficiencies in the sectors of domestic production.
With regard t...
by Rajesh Chadha | On 12 Aug 2010 The study shows that the three major communities had different explanatory models of malaria. Though they had many differences and similarities, some beliefs and practices of malarial treatment and pr...
by Shamim Hossain | On 28 Jul 2010 The paper is a study of the relationship between poverty and environment by using a purpose-collected survey data from 535 households in 60 different villages of the Jhabua district of India. The meth...
by Shreekant Gupta | On 26 Jul 2010 Macro vulnerability of the small island developing states (SIDS) as well as of least
developed countries (LDCs) has been an increasing concern for the international
community. This concern has led...
by Patrick Guillaumont | On 30 Jun 2010 Vietnam's (re) discovery in recent years by the international investor community gives the country a second chance to become and Asia tiger. The article looks into the economic, social, political, per...
by Tamara Trinh | On 16 Jun 2010 Effective targeting is a hallmark of the BRAC’s CFPR/TUP programme. Like many other targeted programmes, CFPR/TUP combines a number of targeting methods. Launching in 2002, his programme has scaled up...
by Munshi Sulaiman | On 15 Jun 2010 The fact that statelessness as a concept is
largely absent from the medical literature has been on e of the central motivatin factor for this essay which aims for a discussion,
primarily to illustr...
by Lindsey N. Kingston | On 15 Jun 2010 This study aimed to explore the current state of awareness and knowledge among the community people about presbyopia and its treatment, barriers to detection of presbyopia and its correction by using...
by Syed Masud Ahmed | On 10 Jun 2010 This paper intends first to give a brief overview of the rise and growth of some of those separatist groups, with a special focus on the Nagas, the Mizos and the Assam movement.
An analysis of the de...
by Renaud Egreteau | On 10 Jun 2010 The ultimate goal of this paper is to derive inspiration from Coase Theorem and the Japanese model of Keiretsu to empower the producers and suppliers of fish – namely, the fisher folk and to place the...
by Samar K. Datta | On 09 Jun 2010 This
paper will focus on different instances of community assertions by the
Syrian Christians in twentieth century Travancore/Kerala. [Working Paper 427]
by J Devika | On 02 Jun 2010 This paper attempts to question the state of ‘women community” at large with situation
depicting the growing rate of crime, oppression and subjugation which is historically
unprecedented and its re-...
by Chitra Mishra | On 03 May 2010 Obstacles to improving survival include: many newborn infants are invisible to
health services; care-seeking for maternal and newborn ailments is limited;
health workers are often not skilled and co...
by Nirmala Nair | On 03 May 2010 The overall
effort of the paper is to highlight the ambiguities of ‘liberation’ in 20th
century Keralam and to problematise the tradition/modernity binary
that too often organises the writing of th...
by J Devika | On 02 Apr 2010 The paper raises some hard questions that need to be answered before one can conclude that events such as Common Wealth Games has a positive effect on the host community. Can the financial requirement...
by Vinayak Uppal | On 23 Mar 2010 Budget speech by finance minister Dr. Thomas Issac
by Government of Kerala Govt | On 05 Mar 2010 The study examines the manner in which India is engaged in constructing a credible and stable
deterrence relationship with two of its nuclear armed adversaries, Pakistan and China with an arsenal
by Manpreet Sethi | On 16 Feb 2010 This report is a comprehensive and analytical compilation of health care development of Assam bringing together all available information and data on health and health care.
by Indranee Dutta | On 09 Feb 2010 This paper examines the health services provided by Reliance Industries in the village,
Motikhavadi, which comes under the Special economic Zone- Jamnagar to scrutinise the
role of the state, especi...
by Shilpa Jadhav Bhakre | On 22 Jan 2010 Bihar has achieved double-digit economic growth over the past five years is a wonder
by T.N. Ninan | On 21 Jan 2010 Market-based approaches to environmental management, such as payment for
environmental services (PES), have attracted unprecedented attention during the past
decade. PES policies, in particular, hav...
by Bhim Adhikari | On 20 Jan 2010 Engaging and strengthening the ICDS and Health programs of the government was a major approach of the two component
projects under the RACHNA program, INHP-II and Chayan. Of the two, the INHP interve...
by CARE India | On 24 Dec 2009 This study explores the factors determining the dependence of local people on protected area of forest based on household analysis of a Protected Area from Kerala. [WP-2007-005].
by Shylajan C.S | On 21 Dec 2009 Declaration made at the end of two days national seminar on Food security and Sustainability in India held on November 7-8, 2009 organized by GAD Institute of Development Studies, PO Naushera, Amritsa...
by Gursharan Singh Kainth | On 14 Dec 2009 The objective of the study is to undertake watershed based planning for integrated community management of natural resources for livelihood security. Separate studies were done in Nepal and in Uttarak...
by Debashish Sen | On 04 Dec 2009 This paper presents some of the findings of our recent study on women’s representation and participation in panchayats. Some of the findings of the study (Buch; 1999) of women in panchayats after the...
by Nirmala Buch | On 04 Dec 2009 This document is at the behest of KMVS and is an effort to hold up a mirror to their journey. It is a documentation of their history, context, evolution, and experiences since its emergence in 1989. A...
by Vimala Ramachandran | On 01 Dec 2009 This document highlights the results and associated processes from Chayan’s
implementation experience under the RACHNA program. The programmatic
framework, designed for low-prevalence contexts in In...
by CARE India | On 20 Nov 2009 The present paper deals with the discourse of the rights of Muslim women in
the pre- independence period with particular reference to the Shariat Act
1937 and the Muslim Marriage Dissolution Act 193...
by Sabiha Hussain | On 20 Nov 2009 INHP adopted a multiple volunteer per village model, with one volunteer serving the immediate neighborhood of about 20-30 households to rationalize volunteer workloads and to ensure cultural compatibi...
by CARE India | On 09 Nov 2009 This review paper provides the background to research that will take place in four country case-studies
to examine these issues. A key focus of this paper concerns government's capacity to fulfil the...
by Sara Bennett | On 09 Nov 2009 The paper discusses the impacts of climate change to the environment of China and most especially to the livelihood of Chinese people there. It analyzed the Chinese government’s position and enumerate...
by Dale Jiajun Wen | On 16 Oct 2009 BRAC health programme (BHP) initiated a pilot maternal, neonatal and child
health project (MNCH) in Nilphamari in 2006 to improve the health status of
women of reproductive age including neonates an...
by Shahnawaz Mohammad Rafi | On 15 Oct 2009 Review of the most salient issues in ecological economics when the subject is applied to the field of economic development. The aim here has
not been to be scholastic but to examine the lives of the...
by Partha Dasgupta | On 06 Oct 2009 India is home to fantastic water harvesting traditions that have evolved over millennia. The central western Himalayan states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are no exceptions to these traditions....
by People's Science Institute PSI | On 21 Sep 2009 The present study
attempts to capture chronic poverty in Sri Lanka by examining general information on poverty and drawing conclusions on those who are likely to be among the chronic poor.
Certain p...
by Indra Tudawe | On 17 Sep 2009 The book offers advocates arguments to make,
and value statements to support those arguments, for a variety of early care and education policy goals. It is believed that young children, their familie...
by Lori Dorfman | On 20 Aug 2009 This paper is a “rough guide” for evaluation of programs, projects and policies in the environment and development arena. First, a general overview of the what, how, and why of program evaluation, wit...
by Subhrendu K Pattanayak | On 19 Aug 2009 This paper examines the levels, patterns, and determinants of
morbidity in Kerala. This study is based on a community survey
conducted in 2004, in three districts of the state namely
by Navaneetham K | On 14 Aug 2009 This study examines household behaviour related to fuelwood collection and use. The focus is on
identifying the behavioral transition of fuelwood-using households from collection to purchase.
The st...
by ARABINDA MISHRA | On 29 Jul 2009 Sal seeds could provide effective livelihoods support for poor people when few alternative natural resource based strategies are available
by Sanjoy Patnaik | On 23 Jun 2009 The paper contours of a feasible design of VAT in India. It also takes on board the various alternatives proposed. It looks at the issues that need resolution and the options available for resolving t...
by R.Kavita Rao | On 12 Jun 2009 This paper is mainly concerned about the approaches to rural women’s development and an understanding of their work roles in the planning strategies. Changes in the economic and social participation o...
by Kumud Sharma | On 03 Jun 2009 The paper provides a detailed scan of the position of each of the major ALBA countries in turn, plus Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. While Argentina and Brazil are beginning to get involved in ALBA acti...
by David Harris | On 31 May 2009 Many developing countries have taken interest in learning from the Honey Bee Network experience for replicating the model. In a UNESCO conference, the author was asked to identify the key steps that n...
by Anil K Gupta | On 27 May 2009 Many developing countries have taken interest in learning from the Honey Bee Network experience for replicating the model. In a UNESCO conference, the author was asked to identify the key steps that...
by Anil K Gupta | On 21 May 2009 The study aimed at identifying social and biomedical risk factors attributable to perinatal and neonatal mortality (PN, NNM) in rural Punjab.
by Rohina Joshi | On 30 Apr 2009 The paper tries to understand what are the aims of education.
by National Council of Educational Research &Training NCERT | On 28 Apr 2009 The Study aims at reviewing legal, policy and institutional provisions for the management of natural resources-water and forest in the State of Uttaranchal with a special focus on how the laws actuall...
by Videh Upadhyay | On 27 Apr 2009 The
paper’s focus is on successful Chinese policies that can be emulated by other countries to an extent (within certain bounds) which mentined in the article. The author is not trying to draw lesson...
by Arvind Virmani | On 22 Apr 2009 This is a continuation of an earlier paper (2005) by the author which dealt with policy implications based on the work done by CPRC in India. There is no map of chronic poverty in India, but have an a...
by N C B Nath | On 16 Dec 2008 Concerns of the community needs to be taken into account for water resources
development and management. The success of the National Water Policy will depend entirely on evolving and maintaining a na...
by Ministry of Water Resources GOI | On 02 Dec 2008 This paper identifies the idealistic images driving the watershed programmes as a major stumbling block in sustainable natural resource management. It calls for building on the existing governance ins...
by Saravanan S | On 02 Dec 2008 What does citizenship mean to poor and socially excluded people? How do their views help us understand and analyse what 'inclusive' citizenship means?
by Naila Kabeer | On 20 Nov 2008 The policy brief describes the life stories of five people, to show the face of human face of chronic poverty. It also suggests that such life history material can be an important source of data for p...
by Martin Prowse | On 11 Nov 2008 It is attempted to understand the implications of equality in water distribution on social welfare with a simple abstract analysis using Leontief-type fixed production function.
by Sashi Sivramakrishna | On 16 Oct 2008 The paper carries the reader across and over great spans of space and time, with an Indian feminist woman academic journeying back to seventeenth-century ancien regime France, to 1770s Scotland, to 17...
by Bagchi B | On 01 Oct 2008 Over 50 persons, mainly Christians, have been killed since the Hindu fundamentalists launched an attack on the Christians following the murder of four members of the VHP including 90 year old Laxmanan...
by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 22 Sep 2008 The study is taken up in the state of Andhra Pradesh with the following objectives:
1. To study the opportunities and challenges in processing of rice, fruits and
vegetables, oilseeds and livestock...
by S.Mahendra Dev | On 17 Sep 2008 Funds generated through community forestry offer crucial and significant resources for rural in Nepal. This study examines forestry funds in 100 communities in three districts to assess how large they...
by Ridish K. Pokharel | On 11 Sep 2008 Child Labour in the hybrid cottonseed fields has caused much attention locally and internationally. Inexpensive labour is crucial for the farmers, as 52% of the cost of production goes toward human la...
by Yumi Lifer | On 13 Aug 2008 The purpose of this study is to review the changes that have taken
place recently in water supply and sanitation services and examine
the role of various stakeholders involved in urban governance in...
by Agnes Huchon | On 15 Jul 2008 This paper examines the proposition that "poverty is a violation of human rights". The author disuses the possibility of this proposition to be implementable in real case senarios and in polcies,
by Arjun Sengupta | On 26 Jun 2008 On 28th April 2008, hundreds of illegal plain settlers attacked the local Jumma people in Bangladesh. Hundreds of people were displaced and their houses burned. People suffered from such a level of sh...
by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 13 Jun 2008 The problematic areas in child feedoing, particularly the poor infrastructure for the Anganwadis was highlighted. The consensus was that despite all these shortcomings there must be an expansion of A...
by Swami Sivananda Memorial Institute SSMI | On 13 Mar 2008 Budget for Children (BfC) is not a separate budget. It is merely an attempt to disaggregate from the overall budget, the allocations made specifically for programmes that benefit children. From 2000-0...
by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 04 Mar 2008 An analysis of the various parameters of manufacturing competitiveness of the Indian economy is provided. The paper notes that India is one of the leading producers and exporters of a number of commod...
by Lakshmanan L | On 19 Feb 2008 The work of the IPCC has helped the world to learn more on all aspects of climate change, and the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has acknowledged this fact. [Speech delivered in Oslo]
by Pachauri R K | On 04 Feb 2008 A historical survey of transport to demonstrate that transport has always been recognised as of paramount importance for the wellbeing of the whole community, that a combination of collective and indi...
by Ralph Harrington | On 01 Feb 2008 This paper discusses the emerging contradictions that may have serious implications for the sustainable growth and performance of China’s rubber industry in the era of internal restructuring and globa...
by Viswanathan P K | On 30 Jan 2008 This National Policy on the Voluntary Sector-2007 is the beginning of a process to evolve a new working relationship between the Government and the Voluntary Sector, without affecting the autonomy and...
by Planning Commission, India | On 29 Jan 2008 Review of The Social and the Symbolic edited by Edited by Bernard Bel, Jan Brouwer, Biswajit Das, Vibodh Parthasarathi, Guy Poitevin; Sage, New Delhi; 2007, pp 481, Rs 895.
by Ratnawali Sinha | On 22 Jan 2008 This paper analyzes the situation of the Indo US Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture, by using the science studies approach.
by C. Shambu Prasad | On 16 Jan 2008 Militarizing Sri Lanka: Popular Culture, Memory and Narrative in the Armed Conflict
by Neloufer de Mel; Sage, New Delhi, 2007; pp. 329, Rs. 475.
by Pramod K. Nayar | On 14 Jan 2008 The promotion of ‘inclusive citizenship’, through which the disadvantaged engage in
collective struggles for justice and recognition, has been attracting growing attention as a
solution to chronic p...
by Katsuhiko Masaki | On 19 Dec 2007 This document contains information and tools concerning testimonies of denial of health care – the stories of persons who have been denied essential health care from health facilities, and who have su...
by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan JSS | On 17 Dec 2007 Following this disaster in Orissa caused by a super cyclone there was a great deal of controversy over whether the high levels of mangrove forest destruction in the area had increased the impact of th...
by Saudamini Das | On 13 Dec 2007 When research takes place within the context of clinical care, how can we distinguish which activities constitute care, and which research? The editors of PLoS Medicine believe that open access to res...
by PLoS Medicine | On 30 Nov 2007 Review of Community-based Natural Resource Management Issues and Cases from South Asia by Ajith Menon, Praveen Singh, Esha Shah, Sharachchandra Lele, Suhas Paranjape, K.J. Joy Sage Publications, New D...
by Santhakumar V | On 05 Nov 2007 Majuli was once the largest river islands and the cultural home of the Asomiya community. Today, repeated floods of the Brahmaputra have ensured that the community has lost home and hearth to erosion...
by Apurba K. Baruah | On 07 Oct 2007 Idea on National Knowledge Commission, what it is and what are they trying to accomplish, ask for the audience support, understanding and also talk about the need for major reforms in University educa...
by Sam Pitroda | On 05 Oct 2007 The key to making mobile TV a reality lies in combining traditional broadcast standards with features specific to handheld devices: mobility, smaller screens and antennas, indoor coverage, and relianc...
by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India TRAI | On 24 Sep 2007 TRIPS is a reality and India has to rework its patent law to conform to it. But that does not mean that we have a patent law that provides for TRIPS plus rules. Our interest lies in taking full advant...
by Sheela Rai | On 20 Sep 2007 Over the last decade there has been a major push within policy circles to strengthen community initiatives related to natural resources management. The success or failure of such projects is an import...
by Athula Senaratne | On 29 Aug 2007 This paper presents a systemic framework to look at the prospects for sustainability of Indian agriculture. The framework is based on trends, indicators and assessment by experts spanning three domain...
by V.M. Rao | On 27 Aug 2007 This paper attempts to value the biodiversity functions of India’s
natural ecosystems and suggest a method to adjust national (GDP) and
state income (GSDP) accounts. The main objectives of this stud...
by Haripriya Gundimeda | On 26 Aug 2007 This paper reports on the human aspect of a two-and-half-year collaboration between mathematics teachers of the City University of New York (CUNY), and grassroots organizers in rural Tamil Nadu. Repor...
by Vrunda Prabhu | On 19 Aug 2007 Environmental Issues in India: A Reader
Edited by Mahesh Rangarajan;
Pearson Longman, New Delhi;
Pp. 570, Rs 199.
by Vijay Laxmi Pandey | On 10 Aug 2007 This paper tries to advance the perspective that the poor and the marginalized in society lack a sense of “participatory equity,” by building a new model where a person’s community identity matters, e...
by Kaushik Basu | On 07 Aug 2007 This paper explores three important but interrelated issues: The power of example; the fragment as evidence; and finally, the field experience and the possibility of generalisation. These issues are...
by Paramjit S Judge | On 03 Aug 2007 This report analyzes the ITRIPS agreement. It discuses the problems and stakes, and consequences of this agreement. The report also provides case studies related to the topic and finally gives a sugge...
by Andrea Onori | On 21 Jul 2007 Review of High-Tech Industries in China by Chien-Hsun Chen and Hui-
Tzu Shih. RBI Occasional Papers, Vol. 27, No. 1 and 2, Summer and Monsoon 2006.
by Brijesh Pazhayathodi | On 05 Jul 2007 Children are born curious, and nature is one of the most compelling targets for their curiosity. Unfortunately, as the world becomes more urbanized, interactions between children and the natural world...
by Mitchell Betsy | On 26 Jun 2007 The essay is to provides a detailed overview of the state of the recent empirical literature on why and how children work as well as the consequences of that work. It provides a descriptive overview o...
by Eric Edmonds | On 01 Jun 2007 The paper explores the factors that are pushing the development of ethical trade and also the potential constraints.
by Anne Tallontire | On 15 Mar 2007 The Budget is ‘exciting’ precisely because it has at least decided to pay a little more than lip service to the so-called social sector. And Finance Ministers then tend to increase allocations for the...
by S Srinivasan | On 08 Mar 2007 Poverty, property rights and distributional implications of community-based resource management have become major topics of discussion and debate in recent years. This study tries to examine the contr...
by Bhim Adhikari | On 17 Feb 2007 Freshwater community-based aquaculture was introduce to village irrigation tanks in
the dry zones of Sri Lanka in order to off-set the limited supply of animal protein
available to residents in inla...
by Athula Senaratne | On 17 Feb 2007 The objective of universal access to good quality, appropriate healthcare, envisaged over half a century ago at the dawn of Independence, today remains unrealised. Public health haseffectively remaine...
by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan | On 16 Feb 2007 A commonly alleged pitfall of decentralization is that poverty, socio-economic inequality and lack of political competition allow local elites to capture local governments. This hypothesis is empirica...
by Pranab Bardhan | On 27 Dec 2006 The management of natural resources is quite complex and requires the involvement of multiple social actors or stakeholders. Managing natural resources sustainably requires learning from local people,...
by Haripriya Gundimeda | On 09 Nov 2006 The objective of this research paper is to approach the debates on
indigenous/tribal identity in international law deploying the framework
of subaltern studies in South Asia with a view to, first, c...
by Rajat Rana | On 29 Aug 2006 While critical perspectives on the budget are certainly necessary and are useful, they are not sufficient to produce the change necessary. For that we need to encourage civil society initiatives on en...
by Maithreyi Krishnaraj | On 07 Apr 2006 Changes in the practices and norms of research have changed the dynamics of creation of knowledge. Issues of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and proprietary information and knowledge have begun to...
by Sambit Mallick | On 29 Mar 2006 Review of:
Communication Technology and Human Development: Recent Experiences in the Indian Social Sector by Avik Ghosh;
Sage Publications, New Delhi; 2006; Rs. 340.
by Devan Chandrasekher | On 23 Mar 2006 'Mahinda Chintana' : Towards a New Sri Lanka
by Ministry of Finance and Planning Sri Lanka | On 05 Mar 2006 Tax Proposals and Administration
Summary of Budget 2006
by Ministry of Finance and Planning Sri Lanka | On 05 Mar 2006 Union Budget 2006-07 breaks new ground in many areas, and continues on the
path of modernizing the tax system. It also gives deserved recognition to
key allocation priorities. But its legacy will be...
by Mukul Asher | On 05 Mar 2006 Russia’s Gazprom, the world’s largest gas company, has precipitated serious tensions among the post-Soviet countries by sharply hiking gas prices this winter. Gazprom has been supplying gas to these c...
by R.G. Gidadhubli | On 07 Feb 2006 Contents
Good Practices of the “Good Practice Study”! - Dhruv Mankad 1
Disbanding the CGHS 4
Involving Self-Help Groups in Reproductive Health - Rajani Ved 9
Women’s Narratives from Kashmir-3 - Za...
by Medico Friend Circle | On 20 Jan 2006 Health and health care inequities in Koppal reflect systematic hierarchies based on gender, caste, economic class, and life-stage; they also reveal systemic failures in health care services, both publ...
by Asha George | On 19 Jan 2006 The Cotonou Agreement introduces new fundamental principles with respect to trade between the European Union and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries relative to the Lomé Convention: in particula...
by Alexander Keck | On 19 Dec 2005 There is a growing need to a more institutionalized economic arrangement in East
Asia. East Asia Economic Community might be an ideal form of such institution.
However, the road is still long and...
by A Damuri | On 23 Nov 2005 Inherenet weaknesses in AFTA and AEC and the need to counter regionalism in other parets of the world are some of the important reasons for evolving an East Asian Community. However, there are severa...
by Joseph Yap | On 23 Nov 2005 An East Asian community(EAC) is an idea now being seriously pursued in spite of significant challenges. Proliferating bilateral deals in Asia could emerge as building blocks towards the EAC, provided...
by Rahul Sen | On 22 Nov 2005 The enterprise of building an East Asian Community has already begun. The
process will indeed be long-term. Malaysia, from the beginning , has been
steadfast in not giving up on the concept. Despite...
by Stephen Leong | On 22 Nov 2005 Without trust-building, an East Asian community remains unrealized. The vision of an Asia-Pacific community offers a more attractive and viable option. A sound paradigm is community building and the w...
by David S. Hong | On 08 Nov 2005 EU's response to the East Asian community has to take account of several dimensions including Issues and dynamics of East Asian regional cooperation and integration; Scenarios of regional Community-bu...
by Willem vd Geest | On 08 Nov 2005 This article builds upon the recognition that the declining child sex ratios are a result of an ongoing process of societal change. Looking at areas both in the north and in the south which have shown...
by Mattias Larsen | On 03 Sep 2005 Medico Friend Circle, April-May 2005, featuring Background papers for annual Theme Meet on Quality and Cost of Health Care
by Anonymous | On 24 Aug 2005 Pharmaceutical Policy of 2002 covering issues of pricing, ,marketing, size of market, quality, production, investment, regulatory authority, monitoring, ethical issues
by Anonymous | On 10 Aug 2005 Modifications to Drug Policy 1986
by Anonymous | On 10 Aug 2005 With China’s access to World Trade Organization in November 2001, global competitions and local just-in-time productions became even more intense. Millions of migrant workers, in particular the young...
by Pun Ngai | On 31 Mar 2005 The working paper offers a conceptual basis for action research on internal controls in community finance institutions (CFIs) in rural Cambodia. A CFI is defined as “an institution that specializes in...
by Brett Matthews | On 31 Mar 2005 Membership based organisations are an increasingly important institutional form, encountered both in the social theories we use and in the practices of people we study. An examination of these organis...
by Joseph Devine | On 31 Mar 2005