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Book Review: Mainstreaming an Emerging Field

Review of 'Reflections on Sociology of Sport: Ten Questions, Ten Scholars, Ten Perspectives'. Edited by Kevin Young; Research in the Sociology of Sport, Emerald Publishing Limited; Vol.10, 1-15.

by Purendra Prasad | On 01 Jun 2018

Understanding Well-Being: An Indian Experience

Book Review of Sociology of Well-Being: Lession from India. by Steve Derne Sage India, 2017, Rs.850 INR, (Harcover) Pp.xv+327, ISBN: 9789385985720

by Kishor Podh | On 24 Apr 2018

Restorative Care: Integral to Access to Justice

Existing research on “access to justice” has shown how the understanding of the term developed as the human rights approach gained ground. The conventional notion of access to justice was limited to s...

by HAQ: Centre for Child Rights | On 20 Apr 2018

Sociology of Sport: India

This chapter is a collation and review of literature that can be considered to form the terrain of sports studies in India. It attempts two broad tasks: firstly, to aggregate these studies, and second...

by Veena Mani | On 16 Mar 2018

Informal Economy Budget Analysis in Pakistan and Ravi Town, Lahore

The papers says that the informal sector in developing countries seems not only to be growing but also contributing to economic growth and linked with the formal sector of the economy.

by Khawar Mumtaz | On 04 Jan 2018

Marginality, Suffering, Justice: Questions of Dalit Dignity in Cultural Texts

Dalit dignity is organized around caste-determined labour that fits them into hierarchies of social dignity but which, in savage irony, renders them undignified as humans through social death. Second,...

by Pramod K. Nayar | On 31 Oct 2017

Analyzing housework through family and gender perspectives

This Policy Note analyzes the role of wage and attitudes toward gender roles within the family in determining the time allocated to housework.

by Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy | On 08 Sep 2017

Can Social Protection and Labour Programmes Contribute to Social Inclusion? Evidence from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India and Nepal

Discussions around the post-2015 development goals and the proposed ‘leave no-one behind’ principle have revived global interest in inequality and the role of social protection in promoting social...

by | On 04 Aug 2017

Early Childhood Development and Violence Free Safe Environment for Women and Children in Selected Slums of Dhaka City

Bangladesh has experienced massive urbanisation in the last few decades with a staggering growth of seven millions slum dwellers. About two million people live in the slums of Dhaka city. Most of the...

by Polin Kumar Saha | On 26 Jul 2017

Unexplored “Bill of Rights” : A Magna Carta for Gender Justice and Budgeting in India

This paper explores the “Bill of Rights” in the Justice Verma Committee Report as an analytical framework for gender budgeting in justice. Gender budgeting in justice, as a public good, needs effectiv...

by Lekha Chakraborty | On 03 Mar 2017

Identity and Marginality in North East India: Challenges for Social Science Research

Conceptualising the Northeast as a singular territory is problematic. But this construction determines the way the region is governed by the Indian state that propagates the idea of a shared identity...

by N. Atungbo | On 21 Feb 2017

Is Domestic Violence a Lesser Crime? Countering the Backlash against Section 498A, IPC

The situation today is that domestic violence is treated as a `social crime’ when compared with violence by strangers, even though it is much more severe in nature. Why is wife beating considered as a...

by Shalu Nigam | On 21 Feb 2017

Family, Community, and Educational Outcomes in South Asia

In this article, we review research on the economics and sociology of education to assess the relationships between family and community variables and children’s educational outcomes in South Asia. At...

by | On 14 Feb 2017

From Struggle to Law Reform: Eliminating Incarceration of Children as adults in Jails in India

India’s juvenile Justice Law started its journey in 1919-20 with Indian Jail Committee’s recommendation that children be removed from Jails. This mandate remains unfulfilled till date. One will stil...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 23 Dec 2016

Men, Masculinities & Climate Change: A Discussion Paper

“Men, Masculinities and Climate Change: A Discussion Paper” aims to establish a rationale for understanding boys’ and men’s multiple roles in climate change by conducting an analysis of masculinities...

by | On 13 Oct 2016

H-Net Review: Identity and the Second Generation: How Children of Immigrants Find Their Space

Review of Identity and the Second Generation: How Children of Immigrants Find Their Space by Faith G. Nibbs, Caroline Brettell. Nashville Vanderbilt University Press, 2016. 240 pp. Reviewed by Mar...

by | On 27 Sep 2016

You Can Silence Me, But You cannot Silence the Truth

Discrimination against dalits and minority communities has only become more brazen and open. Freedoms – of thought and expression, of scientific enquiry and of rational dissent – continue to be stifle...

by Newsclick Newsclick | On 06 Sep 2016

Contemporary India and the Discourse of Social Justice: Examining the Colonial Legacy

Contemporary Indian society has witnessed a pervasiveness of claims for and debates about social justice with two enduring aspects to it: on the one hand, injustice and discrimination has become an ov...

by | On 28 Jul 2016

Putting Justice First: Legal Strategies to Combat Human Trafficking in India

The comprehensive research found significant impediments preventing victims of trafficking from using the courts: from the lack of specialised legal assistance, to the absence of protection for those...

by The Thomson Reuters Foundation | On 17 Jun 2016

Social Studies of Social Science: A Working Bibliography

The social sciences are currently going through a reflexive phase, one marked by the appearance of a wave of studies which approach their disciplines’ own methods and research practices as their emp...

by Michael Mair | On 01 Jun 2016

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015

An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to children alleged and found to be in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection by catering to their basic needs through proper ca...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 27 May 2016

Dalits with Disabilities: The Neglected Dimension of Social Exclusion

This working paper studies broader areas of Dalits and Disability in India and explores in-depth consequences of inter-relation between the two. It draws corollary between the two concepts that is phy...

by Gobinda Pal | On 26 May 2016

Illegal Markets Boundaries and Interfaces between Legality and Illegality

In sociology generally, the infringement of legal norms is not treated as a special kind of norm violation, the sociology of law being an obvious exception. The study of illegal markets therefore face...

by Renate Mayntz | On 14 Mar 2016

The Promise of a Protocol

Uruguay’s ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights marked an important milestone in its protection in international law. The Optional...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

The Social Order of Markets

This article develops a proposal for the theoretical vantage point of the sociology of markets, focusing on the problem of the social order of markets. The initial premise is that markets are highly d...

by Jens Beckert | On 09 Mar 2016

Imagined Futures:Fictionality in Economic Action

Starting from the assumption that decision situations in economic contexts are characterized by fundamental uncertainty, the paper argues that the decision-making of intentionally rational actors is a...

by Jens Beckert | On 09 Mar 2016

In the Shadow: Illegal Markets and Economic Sociology

Illegal markets differ from legal markets in many respects. Although illegal markets have economic significance and are of theoretical importance, they have been largely ignored by economic sociology....

by | On 09 Mar 2016

Contrarian Lives: Christians and Contemporary Protest in Jharkhand

This paper is a preliminary attempt to assess the impact of Christian social activists on issues facing adivasis in the state of Jharkhand in contemporary India. This has been prompted by a few factor...

by Sushil J. Aaron | On 09 Mar 2016

Capitalism as a System of Contingent Expectations Toward a Sociological Microfoundation of Political Economy

Political economy and economic sociology have developed in relative isolation from each other. While political economy focuses largely on macrophenomena, economic sociology focuses on the level of soc...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

Bringing Power Back In: A Review of the Literature on the Role of Business in Welfare State Politics

What is the impact of business interest groups on the formulation of public social policies? This paper reviews the literature in political science, history, and sociology on this question. It identif...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

Porous Borders: The Study of Illegal Markets from a Sociological Perspective

State concerns about crime and security issues have strongly affected conceptions of economic action outside the law, a traditional field of research in sociology. This increasing encroachment by poli...

by | On 08 Mar 2016

Responding to Transnational Organised Crime: Case Study of Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking

Human trafficking and illicit drug trafficking are arguably the most intractable of all transnational crimes. They are an issue of both domestic and foreign policy concern and a subject of longstandin...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 04 Mar 2016

Justice for War Crimes: Retribution, or Reconciliation?

In February, when the International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh sentenced two men for crimes committed during the independence war of 1971, deadly protests followed. The violence calls into questi...

by Lina Gong | On 27 Feb 2016

Alternate to Alternatives Critical Review of the Claims of ADR

This paper offers a macro understanding of the dispute resolution methods existing in India. The emerging trend of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) will be the focus of the next section of the pap...

by Jasmine Joseph | On 27 Feb 2016

The US and Myanmar: Moving into a New Phase

At the recent United Nations general debate, US President Barack Obama outlined his vision for US foreign policy, making a clear break with the previous administration. The shift has significant impli...

by | On 24 Feb 2016

World Program of the Census of Agriculture 2020, Volume I: Programme, concepts and definitions

The census of agriculture is one of the key pillars of a national statistical system, and in many developing countries it is often the only means of producing statistical information on the structure...

by Food and Agricultural Organization [FAO] | On 08 Feb 2016

Climate Justice: Sharing the Burden

It is now beyond scientific doubt that the emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reduced significantly to prevent dangerous interference in the climate system and avoid dramatic consequences of glo...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Elite Politics and Dissent in Sri Lanka

The year 2015 has been dramatic for politics in Sri Lanka. A Presidential, as well as a General, Election within the first eight months of the year saw the country having a new President and a new gov...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

State of Injustice: The Indian State and Poverty

The paper throws light on the view that the Indian state has been one that has been perpetrated by injustice irrespective of a series of ground-breaking legislative acts that enshrine a number of soci...

by John Harriss | On 09 Jan 2016

2015 World Public Sector Report on Responsive and Accountable Public Governance

Heads of state and government have adopted a new development agenda to guide sustainable development efforts for the next 15 years. Member States will have the responsibility of turning this collectiv...

by | On 08 Jan 2016

Locating the Survivor in the Indian Criminal Justice System: Decoding the Law

The publication “Locating the Survivor in the Indian Criminal Justice System: Decoding the Law” serves as a guide for survivors, young lawyers, and other key stakeholders in the criminal justice syste...

by Lawyers Collective | On 06 Jan 2016

Habitat III Issue Papers : 22 – Informal Settlements

Although some governments acknowledge the existence of slums and informal settlements, many do not. This lack of recognition and subsequent response directly undermines city-wide sustainable developme...

by | On 05 Jan 2016

Financial Crisis as a Catalyst of Legal Reforms: The Case of Asia

This paper discusses how financial crises in emerging Asia and Japan worked as catalysts for legal reforms. Findings show that six Asian countries pursued significant legal and judicial reforms follow...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 29 Dec 2015

Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice

This report looks at how the legal system can play a positive role in women accessing their rights, citing cases that have changed women's lives both at a local and at times global level. It also look...

by UN Women | On 28 Dec 2015

The Political Economy of Transitions: Governance Assessments and Measurements

This discussion paper examines existing methods for measuring aspects of political transitions. The paper canvasses and examines existing measurement tools that focus on some, but not all, relevant di...

by United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] | On 23 Dec 2015

The Challenges of Climate Change: Children on the Front Line

The challenge of climate change is huge; it requires an urgent response from all generations. As the effects of climate change become more visible and extreme, they are likely to affect adversely the...

by United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF | On 17 Dec 2015

Are Juveniles Really Responsible fo Making Delhi the Rape Capital?

Statistics have been the most important criteria for the Central Government in changing the juvenile justice law and introducing treatment of 16-18 year old juveniles committing such offences as adult...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 13 Nov 2015

Children in the Juvenile Justice System will no Longer Remain Deprived of their Right to Identity, Citizenship and Protection

An RTI filed by HAQ: Centre for Child Rights with Jail No.7 in Tihar, brought to light the shocking violations of Child Rights and Juvenile Justice in the Tihar Jail. It was found that within a peri...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 03 Nov 2015

Is there a New Economic Sociology Effect? A Topic Model on the Economic Orientation of Sociology, 1890 to 2014

The conventional story tells us that since the birth of the discipline of sociology, the economic orientation of the discipline has peaked twice: the first peak was during the classical era between 18...

by Sebastian Kohl | On 28 Oct 2015

World Social Protection Report 2014-15: Building Economic Recovery, Inclusive Development and Social Justice

This ILO flagship report provides a global overview of the organization of social protection systems, their coverage and benefits, as well as public expenditures on social protection. The report follo...

by Internaional Labour Organization [ILO] | On 07 Oct 2015

An Asessment of Implementation of the POCSO Act in Two Major Cities -Delhi and Mumbai

Almost three years since the enforcement of POSCP Act is a good time to review its implementation and build evidence that can be used to seek improvement and/or appropriate changes.

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 24 Sep 2015

The Dismal State of the Social Sciences in Pakistan

The report measures the development of social sciences against several criteria, some of which are listed here: the number of Pakistani social scientists who have made internationally recognised contr...

by S. Akbar Zaidi | On 11 Sep 2015

Dalit Women and Social Exclusion in Nepal: A Concern for Social Justice

Nepali society is highly stratified with many glaring inequalities among different socioeconomic groups. The worst positioned among them are Dalits. The caste system segregates Dalits from the rest to...

by | On 10 Sep 2015

The Permanent People’s Tribunals and Indigenous People’s Struggles in Mexico: Between Coloniality and Epistemic Justice?

On 21 October 2011, hundreds of Mexican civil society organizations formally submitted a petition to the Lelio e Lisli Basso Foundation in Rome to justify the opening of a Mexican Chapter of the Perma...

by Rosalba Icaza | On 02 Sep 2015

Gender and Distributional Preferences: Experimental Evidence from India

This paper is the result of a lab experiment conducted to assess whether gender of dictators and recipients, and distributional preferences affect allocations in a modified dictator game where both pa...

by Smriti Sharma | On 01 Sep 2015

Lethal Lottery: The Death Penalty in India- A Study of Supreme Court Judgments in Death Penalty Cases 1950-2006

This report presents evidence for re-examining the death penalty in India, through a study of Supreme Court judgments in death penalty cases from 1950-2006.

by Amnesty International AI, | On 31 Aug 2015

Children in Conflict with Law

A juvenile or a child is any person below the age of 18 years. Over the last 10 years, crimes committed by children, as a percentage of all crimes committed in the country, have risen from 1.0% to 1....

by Apoorva Shankar | On 21 Aug 2015

In Search of Economic Alternatives for Gender and Social Justice: Voices from India

How can we shape an alternative economic and gender just development? This document from Heinrich Böll Foundationand WIDE is a collection of Indian voices in the form of short essays on economic alter...

by | On 11 Aug 2015

Juvenile Justice in India: Policy and Implementation Dilemmas

The article tells us about what are the positive aspects of Juvenile Justice bill what it is lacking.

by Bharti Ali | On 23 Jul 2015

The Frenemy of the People

Politicians have continued taking people for granted and managed to stay above the law.

by T.N. Ninan | On 22 Jun 2015

Fifteenth Report on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2014

The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 was enacted to give effect to the Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of the...

by Lok Sabha Secretariat | On 22 Jun 2015

Digital Technologies and Gender Justice in India

Two decades after the Fourth World Conference on Women and the Beijing Platform for Action, the question of gender justice remains as urgent as ever, to the women's movement. While revisiting the ques...

by | On 29 May 2015

ASEAN and Conflict Management: The Need for a High Council

This year the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will formally establish the ASEAN Community, which is set to enhance regional community building among its member states. Ramses Amer makes...

by | On 13 May 2015

Fifteenth Report of the Social Justice and Empowerment Committee on “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2014

The Committee are of the view that the disabled group in our country still remains an invisible group in the mind of policy makers. A vast number of the disabled are excluded from the existing servic...

by Lok Sabha Secretariat | On 11 May 2015

The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabitation and Resettlement Act, 2013

The Act aims to ensure a humane, participative, informed and transparent process for Land acquisition, industrialisation, development of essential infrastructural facilities and urbanisation with leas...

by | On 09 Mar 2015

On Rethinking Population Education: Challenging the Gender and Structural Violence of Prevailing Norms

The way population issues are taught in schools, colleges and universities can have a profound impact on the development of students’ worldviews, particularly regarding the root causes of poverty, mal...

by Betsy Hartmann | On 01 Mar 2015

Economic Sociology and Political Economy: A Programmatic Perspective

The paper presents some of the ideas underlying the current research program of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG). It begins with a discussion of how the institute’s pro- gra...

by Jens Beckert | On 18 Jan 2015

Land of exclusion: India exclusion Report 2013-14

The report seeks to track and map the extent to which central and state governments in India have succeeded in ensuring access to a range of basic public goods for all people. This report argues that...

by Centre Equity Studies | On 27 Nov 2014

Doing more than Lip-service to the Backward Sections

The Scheduled Castes form 16 percent of the population yet their issues have largely remained silent. It’s high time to bring into line the discord between election commitments and budgetary allocatio...

by P.S Krishnan | On 19 Aug 2014

CRY’s Response to the Draft Juvenile Justice, Bill 2014 circulated by Ministry of Women and Child Development

Suggestions for sections of the bill is given.

by Child Rights and You CRY | On 08 Aug 2014

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2014

An act to consolidate and amend the law relating to children in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection by catering to their developmental needs through proper care, protection a...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 08 Aug 2014

Yes to Justice, No to Death

PUDR’s opposition to the penalty of death is three decades old. Like everything else our opposition on capital punishment is evolving and is a ‘work in progress’. Starting with serious objections to t...

by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 25 Jul 2014

Repeal and re-enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000, (JJ Act)

The Ministry of Women and Child Development invites comments and suggestions to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act of 2000, which is also known as the JJ Act.

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 02 Jul 2014

Crimes of Habit: A Report on Custodial Torture in Vijay Vihar Police Station

This investigation report unfolds the custodial torture which some boys had to undergo in a police station in outer Delhi.

by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 01 Jul 2014

World Social Protection Report 2014/15 - Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice

This ILO flagship report: (i) provides a global overview of the organisation of social protection systems, their coverage and benefits, as well as public expenditures on social security; (ii) followin...

by International Labour Organisation ILO | On 17 Jun 2014

Access to Justice for Rape Survivors

Taking note of the pervasiveness of Violence against Women (VAW), coupled with insensitive and prolonged investigations & trials, which only furthers the trauma faced by a sexual violence survivor; th...

by Lawyers Collective | On 21 Jan 2014

Changes between IPC law commission reports

Indian Penal Code (IPC, ) is the main criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code, intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The Code has since been amended several times and...

by Lawyers Collective | On 20 Jan 2014

Globalization and Gender Justice

Globalization makes all products costlyfor workers. Canadian women face same problems as women in India. They face domestic violence, sexual harassment at work place.

by Lorraine Michael | On 25 Oct 2013

Child Focussed Questions in Parliament in 2012

One third of the population of India are children below the age of 18 years. They are citizens of this country. Even though they do not vote, they have all rights as equal citizens of the country. How...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 07 Oct 2013

India Shadow Report

The gains made since ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) are plenty, but the reality of children’s situation is disturbing on many counts calling for urgent and serious att...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 26 Aug 2013

The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012

An act to provide for the prohibition of employment as manual scavengers and their families and for matters connected there with.

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 08 Aug 2013

Obituary: Sharmila Rege (1964 to 2013)

Obituary: Sharmila Rege (1964 to 2013)

by Vibhuti Patel | On 30 Jul 2013

Ethical Guidelines for Counselling Women Facing Domestic Violence

This document lays down ethical principles and guidelines to inform counselling practice in the best interest of the client. Ethical principles include Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Veracity...

by ... CEHAT | On 08 Apr 2013

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Amendment) Bill, 2013

A bill further to amend the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. [PRS]. URL:[,%202013/The%20Securities%20and%20Exchange%20Board%20...

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 19 Mar 2013

Address by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee to Parliament

Reviving economic growth is the priority of the government. [].

by Pranab Mukherjee | On 22 Feb 2013

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Ordinance, 2013

The Amendment was drafted taking into account the recommendations of the Justice Verma Committee that was set up following the rape and murder of a young girl in New Delhi. The Amendment was signed i...

by Government of India GOI | On 07 Feb 2013

Juvenile Justice in Different Countries: Age of Criminal Responsibility and Treatment of Juvenile Offenders

In the world, there are three models that inspire administration of juvenile justice: • The Welfare Model • The Justice Model or Control model - Retributive • The Restorative Model The age of c...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 06 Feb 2013

PUDR's Submission of Suggestions to Verma Commission for Changes in Law and Procedure Regarding Violence Against Women

Legal mechanisms to achieve justice should factor in the challenges and roadblocks of its implementation, structural or otherwise, right from the stage of planning and framing the law. Law can be expe...

by D Manjit | On 08 Jan 2013

Maharashtra State Youth Policy Declaration

This is an inclusive policy, which recognizes diversity in gender, caste, class, religion, language and reiterates the commitment of the State to this vibrant and significant population group and look...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012


The earlier National Youth Policy was formulated in 1988. The socio-economic conditions in the country have since undergone a significant change and have been shaped by wide-ranging technological adva...

by Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs YAS | On 12 Sep 2012

The Quality of Governance How Have Indian States Performed?

What is ‘good’ governance? Can the quality of governance be measured? And how do state governments in India measure up by such a measure? [Working Paper no. 104]. URL:[

by Sudipto Mundle | On 02 Aug 2012

How Close Does the Apple Fall to the Tree? Some Evidence on Intergenerational Occupational Mobility from India

Using data from the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) 2005, intergenerational occupational mobility in India is examined, an issue on which very few systematic and rigorous studies exist. Individ...

by Sripad Motiram | On 12 Jul 2012

Recommendations on the Proposed Disability Rights Legislation

Estimates of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in India vary greatly depending on the source. The 2001 census found 21.91 million disabled persons (2.13 % of the population), but there are serious cons...

by National Advisory Council NAC | On 11 Jul 2012

Obituary: Leela Dube (1923-2012)

Obituary: Leela Dube (1923-2012)

by Vibhuti Patel | On 22 May 2012

Tenth Malaysia Plan: 2011-2015


by Prime Minister Malaysia | On 11 Apr 2012

The State of Juvenile Justice in Karnataka

The situation of juveniles in conflict with law and children in need of care and protection across India is precarious. Nothing underlines this more than the situation in Karnataka. While the State Hu...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 05 Apr 2012

Mumbai Riots, 1992-3: Revisiting the Affected

Review of the book 'Riots and After in Mumbai: Chronicles of Truth and Reconciliation' Meena Menon, Sage Publications India, 2011, Pp 267 + xcii, Rs. 595/-

by Irfan Engineer | On 17 Feb 2012

Human Rights in Malaysia: Challenges and Constraints in the Malaysian Context

The paper discusses some of the main human rights areas of concern within Malaysia, over the years. [Working Paper Series No. 12]. URL:[].

by Mohammad Hirman Ritom Abdullah | On 07 Feb 2012

Estimating the Middle Class in Pakistan

Using the Pakistan Social and Living Measurement Survey (PSLM), conducted in 2007-08, the paper measures the magnitude of the middle class (definition given by Thurow (1987); Birdsall, Graham and Pe...

by Durr-e- Nayab | On 06 Feb 2012

India’s Draft Universal Periodic Report-II: A Case of Forced Marriage?

The paper has the objective of viewing the condition of women in terms of freedom of choice, freedom and expression and right of privacy. Also it views violence against women.

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 20 Jan 2012

Comparison of the Lok Pal Bill, 2011 and the Standing Committee Report on the Lok Pal Bill

The Department Related Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice tabled its 48th Report on the ‘Lok Pal Bill, 2011’ on December 9, 2011. The Bill was introduced in the Lok Sa...

by Kaushiki Sanyal | On 23 Dec 2011

Juveniles of Jammu and Kashmir: Unequal Before the Law and Denied Justice in Custody

While the arrests of dozens of juveniles during the mass uprising in the Kashmir valley from June to September 2010 brought the abuse of the Public Safety Act against the children in conflict with the...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 16 Nov 2011

Gender, Governance and Women’s Rights in South Asia

This study focuses on gender equality and democratic governance in the five largest states of the South Asian region, namely, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Beginning with a general...

by Seema Kazi | On 20 Oct 2011

The Land Acquisition Bill: A Critique and a Proposal

The new Bill on land acquisition recently tabled in Parliament is well intentioned but seriously flawed. Its principal defect is that it attaches an arbitrary mark-up to the historical market price to...

by Maitreesh Ghatak | On 12 Sep 2011

The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Bill, 2010

A bill further to amend the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000. [Rajya Sabha passed this bill]. URL:[

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 23 Aug 2011

In the Shadow: Illegal Markets and Economic Sociology

Illegal markets differ from legal markets in many respects. Although illegal markets have economic significance and are of theoretical importance, they have been largely ignored by economic sociology....

by Jens Beckert | On 05 Aug 2011

Televangalism and Popular Religiosity

Review of McDonaldisation, McGospel and Om Economics By Jonathan D. James; Sage, Delhi; 2010, Pp. xxvii + 232, Rs. 596, hb.

by Rudolf C. Heredia | On 05 Aug 2011

Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011

The Bill intends to create a framework for prevention and control of communal and sectarian violence. It also aims to provide relief to victims of such violence. URL:[

by | On 22 Jul 2011

Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011

The Bill intends to create a framework for prevention and control of communal and sectarian violence. It also aims to provide relief to victims of such violence. URL:[

by | On 22 Jul 2011

Lives and Livelihoods on the Streets of Dhaka City: Findings from a Population-based Exploratory Survey

BRAC has long been working to empower people and communities in situations of poverty, illiteracy, disease and social injustice. In recent years, BRAC has extended its activities to include the urba...

by Syed Masud Ahmed | On 11 Jul 2011

Communal Violence in India

The National Advisory Council recently released a draft ‘Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Bill, 2011’. The Bill intends to create a framework for preven...

by Rohit Kumar | On 05 Jul 2011

Book Review: Ineffable or Not: Understanding and Writing about Sri Aurobindo

Review of The Lives of Sri Aurobindo Peter Heehs. Columbia University Press, New York 2008. xiv + 496 pp. $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-231-14098-0. [

by Hanna H. Kim | On 05 Jun 2011

‘Fair Trial’ As A Precondition To Rendition: An International Legal Perspective

In this paper the author tries to provide an international legal perspective to fair trial as a precondition to rendition. It has been seen that like in other areas of the law, international human rig...

by Roda Mushkat | On 17 May 2011

Migrant Nightclub/Escort Workers in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Possible Human Rights Abuses

The paper is part of a broader study of the human rights of women who migrate or are trafficked to Hong Kong for the purposes of working in the commercial sex industry. The study is being conduct...

by Robyn Emerton | On 12 May 2011

"Free Dawit Isaak"

The author joined the World Press Freedom Day campaign this year, 2011, to highlight the plight of WAN-IFRA's 2011 Golden Pen of Freedom laureate, Dawit Isaak, incarcerated without charge for nearly a...

by Peter Englund | On 04 May 2011

National Budget Making: Bottom Up Approach and Inclusiveness

National Budget of the country is the annual program of the Government's expenditure and income for a fiscal year. In a developing economy like Bangladesh, the national annual budgets reflect the gove...

by Atiur Rahman | On 03 May 2011

Children's Rights to be Heard in Judicial Process in India

This submission to the UNCRC Committee is primarily addressing the right to be heard in judicial processes. It analyses the space available within the legal system that ensures that children are giv...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 07 Feb 2011

Exclusion and Poverty: An Analytical Approach for Understanding Exclusion and Assessing Programmes Targeting the Very Poor in Bangladesh

Exclusion is a term that comes up often in association with poverty, social welfare and social injustice. Development interventions are designed with some notion of benefiting or including the exclu...

by Sajjad Zohir | On 18 Jan 2011

Response of Health System to Sexual Violence: An exploratory study of six health facilities in two districts of Maharashtra

Sexual violence is a highly stigmatising form of violence. Precisely because of this it is invisible to the public, policy makers and agencies that need to respond to it. The public health system is...

by Amita Pitre | On 20 Dec 2010

Census of Castes

The present system of making Census has many advantages such as, taking stock of Indian situation with detailed data regarding the wide diversity of our people and the finding of conditions of life ha...

by Rajesh Komath | On 01 Dec 2010

An Ethnography of Associational Life: Caste and Politics in India

In 1956 Susanne Rudolph and I arrived in India for the first of many research years there. We were among the second batch of Ford Foundation Foreign Area Training Fellows. As area scholars we were com...

by Lloyd I. Rudolf | On 15 Sep 2010

Disarticulation of Indegenous People: Can the Judiciary Saviour Them

The paper aims at bringing out and explaining the problems faced by tribals. The paper also analyzes various laws made for protecting the tribals and giving them justice.

by Ketan Mukhija | On 03 Sep 2010

Employee State Insurance: For a handful of contribution, a bagful of benefits

The paper is about the Employment State Insurance Act (ESIC). It analyzes two important questions i.e. what ESTA is and whether the ESIC in Delhi is catering to the needs of its employees.

by M Gopinath | On 02 Sep 2010

The National Commission For Women: Assessing Performance

Although a lot of scholarly attention has gone into issues concerning women for more than three decades, little work has been done on the evolution and functioning of institutions1 that have been cr...

by Sadhna Arya | On 16 Jul 2010

How Does a Single Professional Issue Become Social Movement Discourse? Case of Lawyers’ Movement in Pakistan

This paper explores the modification of a discourse in the context of emergence of social movement from a single issue professional campaign through a framework of Habermasian communicative action the...

by Muhammad Anwar | On 22 Jun 2010

The Social Significance of Sports

The sociology of sport has a history of academic marginalisation: for being a sociological study of an activity prioritised for its physical, rather than socio-cultural attributes; and for being a stu...

by Elizabeth C.J. Pike | On 21 Feb 2010

Understanding Untouchability: A Comrehensive Study of Practices and conditions in 1589 villages

To date, the tools used to assessthe status of untouchability have been divided by discipline—human rights, legal and social science. Although significant contributions toward understanding untouchabi...

by David Armstrong | On 05 Feb 2010

Migration of Health Care Professionals from India: A Case Study of Nurses

The study attempts to examine why there is staff shortage of health care professionals especially the nurses in India and the impact of such migration on services like emergency preparedness, quality...

by Ann Issac | On 04 Feb 2010

Transparency and Accountability in Employment Programmes The case of NREGA in Andhra Pradesh

Based upon several field visits to the state of Andhra Pradesh to observe and analyse the social audit process initiated by the Government of Andhra Pradesh under the National Rural Employment Guaran...

by Neera Burra | On 04 Feb 2010

Flying with the Crane-Recapturing KMVS’s Ten-Year Journey

This document is at the behest of KMVS and is an effort to hold up a mirror to their journey. It is a documentation of their history, context, evolution, and experiences since its emergence in 1989. A...

by Vimala Ramachandran | On 01 Dec 2009

Political Sociology of Poverty In India: Between Politics of Poverty and Poverty of Politics

This paper on political sociology of poverty in India is based upon the assumption that a) the caste system and economic inequality complement each other in the case of the poorer sections of Indian...

by Anand Kumar | On 10 Nov 2009

The Behavioral Equivalence of Organizational Culture

This paper presents findings from an extensive review of literature on organizational cultural (OC) and highlights the relevance of OC with respect to individual, organizational, intra-organizational...

by Indu Rao | On 10 Aug 2009

Social Group Disparities and Poverty in India

This paper seeks to provide a profile of social group disparities and poverty in India,where social groups are classified as scheduled caste, scheduled tribe and other social groups, and examine the f...

by Rohit Mutatkar | On 26 May 2009

Can Ethical Trade Certification Contribute to the Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals? A Review of Organic and Fair-trade Certification

The growth of ethical consumerism in developed countries has led to increased imports of environmentally and socially certified products produced by the poor in developing countries, which could poten...

by Sununtar Setboonsarng | On 13 May 2009

Social Protection for Informal Workers: Insecurities, Instruments and Institutional Mechanisms

This paper presents a broad definition of social protection to include basic securities, such as income, food, health and shelter, and economic securities including having income generating productive...

by Jeemol Unni | On 01 May 2009

'Mirakles' Do Happen!

A courier service entirely run and staffed by the deaf? Is it a workable idea? Here’s the remarkable story of just such a service surviving against all odds.

by Indira Gartenberg | On 18 Apr 2009

Moving Beyond the Privatisation Debate: Different Approaches to financing Water and Electricity in Developing Countries

In today’s developing world the vast majority of water and electricity services are provided by public utilities. Rather than asking “who should provide the services”, the authors adopt a financing po...

by Daniel Platz | On 09 Feb 2009

Science Commons: Towards Free and Open Knowledge Systems

The free/open source software movement is an economic, social and political movement that has triggered a new recognition of the importance of open knowledge systems, especially in developing countrie...

by Shambhu Ghatak | On 06 Feb 2009

Suggesting Effective Policy Frames for Chronic Poverty Alleviation in India

This is a continuation of an earlier paper (2005) by the author which dealt with policy implications based on the work done by CPRC in India. There is no map of chronic poverty in India, but have an a...

by N C B Nath | On 16 Dec 2008

Reporting on Violence: New Ideas for Television, Print and Web

This handbook gives information about violence like domestic or family violence and youth violence. It also provides suggestions to public health departments on the ways to deal with such crimes. Addi...

by Jane Ellen Stevens | On 04 Dec 2008

Values and Meanings of Citizenship

What does citizenship mean to poor and socially excluded people? How do their views help us understand and analyse what 'inclusive' citizenship means?

by Naila Kabeer | On 20 Nov 2008

Forgotten Youth: Disability and Development in India

In 2001, it is estimated that 270 million Indians belonged in the 12-24 years age group. While attention is being focused on these young people’s potential for social transformation, some of them –...

by Nidhi Singal | On 04 Nov 2008

Gender Justice and Reconciliation

This paper examins how women's experiences of conflict and transition differ to that of men because of inherent gendered power relations and that, as a result women's experiances of violance and need...

by Nahla Valji | On 10 Oct 2008

Maldives: Judiciary Under the President Thumb

In March 2006,President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom announced the "Roadmap for the Reform Agenda". The reform measures undertaken by the government have been half-harted. Instances of arbitrary arrests, dete...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 07 Oct 2008

Withdrawal of the Maoists’ unilateral cease-fire:Where does Nepal go?

The government of Nepal took an illegal measure to try the cases under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Ordinance. Under the amendments, all anti-terrorist cases will be heard in-c...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 27 Aug 2008

Book Review: Work, Life in IT: Contradictions and Redefinitions

Review of In An Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India's Information Technology Industry. Edited by Carol Upadhya and A.R. Vasavi; Routledge, London, New Delhi; 2008.

by Rahul De | On 06 Aug 2008

Constitutionalising Panchayats: The Response of State Legislatures

This article is an attempt to look at debates in the light of the Assemblies' tryst with panchayats. It should be noted that it is not an evaluation of what transpired in the state Assemblies. In view...

by Girish Kumar | On 03 Jul 2008

Book Review: Tales of the Displaced in India’s North-East

Review of: Internal Displacement in South Asia: The Relevance of the UN’s Guiding Principles Edited by Paula Banerjee, Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Samir Kumar Das, Sage Publicatons, New Delhi;...

by Ratna Bharali Talukdar | On 22 Jun 2008

Process, People, Power and Conflict: Some Lessons from a Participatory Policy Process in Andhra Pradesh, India

A large body of empirical literature highlights the need for stakeholder participation within the context of policy change and democratic governance. This makes intuitive sense and may appear to be a...

by Vinod Ahuja | On 19 Jun 2008

Food Failures and Futures

The paper is an analysis of food aid, rising food prices and its implications.

by Laurrie Garrett | On 31 May 2008

Gujjar protest and Reservation Politics

Successive governmental commissions have held that Gujjars do not meet the criteria for inclusion in the Scheduled Tribes. The Gujjar protest has ramifications beyond the States where they live. If th...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 28 May 2008

Book Review: Inside the Indian Family

Review of: Democracy in the Family: Insights from India. Edited by Joy Deshmukh-Randive Sage Publications. New Delhi 2008.

by Tulsi Patel | On 26 May 2008

Differential Impact of Development Interventions on Multiple Ethnic Groups

This paper looks at the effects on livestock of silvi-pasture development on common lands in relation to (a) ruminant systems and (b) livestock numbers and ownership patterns in Rajasthan, India. [SDC...

by Czech Conroy | On 14 May 2008

Subject Matter of Jurisdiction of an Industrial Tribunal

The purpose of creating an industrial tribunal was to introduce compulsory adjudication where voluntary negotiation fails and the ‘appropriate government’ believes that the matter is grave enough to b...

by Navjyoti Samanta | On 13 May 2008

Medical Ethics Education in Britain, 1963-1993: Volume 31

Medical ethics did not become a recognized subject in the syllabus of Britain's medical schools until 1993. This Witness Seminar transcript records the development of international ethical codes, the...

by The Wellcome Trust Centre for History of Medicine WTC UCL | On 02 May 2008

Clinical Research in Britain, 1950–1980: Volume 7

The growth of clinical research in the UK since the Second World War is examined, including the 1953 Cohen Report and the subsequent creation of the Medical Research Council’s Clinical Research Board....

by The Wellcome Trust Centre for History of Medicine WTC UCL | On 02 May 2008

Book Review: Psychoanalytic Polyclinics: Progressive Institutions?

Review of Freud's Free Clinics: Psychoanalysis and Social Justice, 1918-1938 by Elizabeth Ann Danto. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005.

by Eric J. Engstrom | On 14 Apr 2008

Report on SAHR Fact Finding Mission to the North and East of Sri Lanka to Assess the State of Displaced Persons

This report on the state of displaced persons in the North and East of Sri Lanka analyses the security condition and concerns of those who live in makeshifts and camps in conflict affected areas. It p...

by South Asians for Human Rights SAHR | On 11 Apr 2008

India, Democracy and the Press

The impressive growth of the Indian media is largely taking place outside of the voting classes, ensuring that the media are not playing a significant public service role. Ultimately, the author sugge...

by James Mutti | On 11 Apr 2008

Divided Destinies, Unequal Lives: Economic, cultural and Social rights and the Indian State

On 10th July, 1979, India - by ratifying the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) - became a State party to this treaty body. Reporting guidelines of the Covenant re...

by Peoples Collective PCESCR | On 10 Apr 2008

Toward an Economic Sociology of Chronic Poverty: Enhancing the Rigor and Relevance of Social Theory

This paper focuses on both expanding and refining the analytical scope of the “social” (or non-economic) aspects of chronic poverty, and thereby, to enhance efforts to respond more effectively to it....

by Michael Woolcock | On 25 Jan 2008

Human Tragedy in Majuli: Can Anything Be Done?

Majuli was once the largest river islands and the cultural home of the Asomiya community. Today, repeated floods of the Brahmaputra have ensured that the community has lost home and hearth to erosion...

by Apurba K. Baruah | On 07 Oct 2007

Minorities Under Attack in Gujarat: Report of an Investigation

This report is based on the visit of the team to various affected villages and other areas in Gujarat and interviews with the victims and other villagers of these areas. There are a number of other vi...

by Act Now for Harmony and Democracy ANHAD | On 26 Sep 2007

Asian Anthrpology, Volume 4, 2005

Main Articles Hahoe: The Appropriation and Marketing of Local Cultural Heritage in Korea - Okpyo MOON The Polder Museum of Ogata-mura: Community, Authenticity, and Sincerity in a Japanese Village ...

by Anthropology Department Chinese University of Hong Kong | On 07 Sep 2007

Position Paper on National Focus Group: Aims of Education

For a fairly long time now, we have been engaged in the great task of educating the children of India, an independent nation with a rich variegated history, extraordinarily complex cultural diversity...

by Mrinalini Miri | On 02 Sep 2007

Human Rights Violations Against Sexuality Minorities in India

This report is located in the twin contexts of the global movement for recognition of sexuality minority rights and the increasing assertiveness of sexuality minority voices at the local level. It exa...

by PUCL Karnataka | On 27 Aug 2007

Sustainability of Indian Agriculture: Towards an Assessment

This paper presents a systemic framework to look at the prospects for sustainability of Indian agriculture. The framework is based on trends, indicators and assessment by experts spanning three domain...

by V.M. Rao | On 27 Aug 2007

Book Review: Contested Modernities

Indigenous Modernities: Negotiating Architecture and Urbanism by Jyoti Hosagrahar; Routledge,New York; 2005. xiii + 234 pp., $43.95 (paper).

by Amita Sinha | On 23 Aug 2007

Fostering Opportunities to Learn At An Accelerated Pace: Why Do Girls Benefit Enormously?

A major challenge in achieving universal education lies in ensuring that girls who have missed the school bus or simply got off the bus too early, can realise their right to quality, basic education....

by Vimala Ramachandran | On 22 Aug 2007

Educational Innovations in Rural Tamil Nadu: Tsunami-affected Arunthatiars of Sathyamangalam

This paper reports on the human aspect of a two-and-half-year collaboration between mathematics teachers of the City University of New York (CUNY), and grassroots organizers in rural Tamil Nadu. Repor...

by Vrunda Prabhu | On 19 Aug 2007

Goa Musings: Vanamahotsav

The first in a new column. On the wonderful world of Goa’s horticultural heritage and enterprise.

by Valmiki Faleiro | On 19 Aug 2007

Book Review: Anti-Imperialism and Individualism

Organizing Empire: Individualism, Collective Agency, and India. By Purnima Bose; Duke University Press, Durham and London, South Asian Reprint, Zubaan, New Delhi, 2006.

by Barnita Bagchi | On 13 Aug 2007

Tal Makeshift Camp: No One Should Have to Live Like This

There seems to be no place for the stateless Rohingya people fleeing discrimination and persecution in their own country, Myanmar. They run away from a country that does not recognize them as citizens...

by Médecins Sans Frontières MSF | On 11 Aug 2007

ACHR Weekly Review: Pakistan: The Land of Religious Apartheid and Jackboot Justice

On 14 August 2007, the United Nations Committee on the International Convention Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD Committee) is tentatively scheduled to examine the situation of...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 11 Aug 2007

FEER: The June 2007 issue

Satisfuy China's Demand for Money by Hugo Restall Monetary Policy: China’s Last Option: Let the Yuan Soar by Michael Pettis Stop the Specter of a Rising Rupee by Vivek Moorthy Hong Kong’s Arreste...

by FEER | On 04 Aug 2007

Social Science Research Methods and Knowledge-Claims

This paper explores three important but interrelated issues: The power of example; the fragment as evidence; and finally, the field experience and the possibility of generalisation. These issues are...

by Paramjit S Judge | On 03 Aug 2007

Cities, Gender Budgeting and Civic Governance

The Budget is an important tool in the hands of the state for affirmative action for improvement of gender relations through reduction of gender gap in the development process. It can help to reduce e...

by Vibhuti Patel | On 03 Aug 2007

Development Disparity in Education Sector: An Inter District Temporal Analysis in Kerala

This study aims to identify the trend and disparity in development in the education sector at the district level; examine the factors that led to this inter district variation in education sector deve...

by V. Nagarajan Naidu | On 03 Aug 2007

Custodial Death of Rohtas Singh of Haryana: A Fact Finding Report

The report of a two member team of Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) consisting of Advocate Nitesh Kumar Singh and Advocate Rajesh Pandey on the death in custody of Rohtas Singh, owner of a ready-m...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 13 Jul 2007

Higher Education in Public Institutions: How Do We Stem the Slow Rot?

Higher education in state funded universities has quietly deteriorated over the past decades. Little effort is being made to change the structure of education, its content or even the processes by wh...

by P.S. Neelam | On 07 Jul 2007

Book Review: Discourses on Women’s Movement: Theory and Action

Review of Writing the Women’s Movement: A Reader Edited by Mala Khullar; Zuban (in collaboration with EWHA Women’s University Seoul).

by Veena Poonacha | On 05 Jul 2007

Book Review: The Intersection of Race and Class in the Segregated South

Review of Thomas J. Ward Jr.'s Black Physicians in the Jim Crow South. University of Arkansas Press, 2003.

by James Seymour | On 29 Jun 2007

Book Review: Growth, Justice and Globalisation

Review of: Globalizing Rural Development: Competing Paradigms and Emerging Realities by M. C. Behera; Sage Publications, 2006.

by Mohan Kanda | On 12 Jun 2007

Limits of Modern Epidemiological Models: What are the Alternatives?

Modern epidemiology has, by and large, been based on a narrow model of biomedicine and behaviour modification. It fails to answer, for instance the following questions: Why certain populations are inf...

by Vijay Kumar Yadavendu | On 15 May 2007

Book Review: Being Mothers

Review of Janani: Mothers, Daughters, Motherhood edited by Rinki Bhattacharya; Sage India, New Delhi, 2006; Pp 200, Rs. 280.

by P. Princy Yesudian | On 14 May 2007

Book Review: Women Workers, Unite!

Review of Ela R Bhat's 'We are Poor, But So Many Oxford University Press, 2006.

by Sharit Bhowmik | On 10 May 2007

Book Review: Towards a Relevant Social Science

Review of: Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science: Responses to Eurocentricism by Syed Farid Alatas; Sage Publications, New Delhi.

by Vedapushpa | On 08 May 2007

Livelihood Concerns of Women and Men in Small Mines and Quarries of South Asia

The global trend of informalisation of women’s work is also evident in what is commonly known as artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) practices. Women constitute a large segment of workers in the in...

by Kunthala Lahiri-Datta | On 08 Apr 2007

Book Review: Trojan Horses?

Review of Susantha Goonatilake's 'Recolonisation: Foreign Funded NGOs in Sri Lanka' . Takes up case studies of some leading development and human rights NGOs in Sri Lanka, arguing that NGOs are neith...

by Mohan Rao | On 21 Mar 2007

Budget 2007-08 and Children: A First Glance

Of every 100 rupees in the Union Budget 2007-08, only 4 rupees and 84 paise has been promised by the Finance Minister for children. Within the child budget, the share of education and child protectio...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 05 Mar 2007

Why Children Should be Seen and Heard

The paper first provides some examples of how the media tend to neglect children as sources and resources and goes on to describe how briefly about how children have proved themselves eminently capa...

by Ammu Joseph | On 24 Feb 2007

The Offshored World

There has been a clear change in the cultural milieu of the IT city Bangalore in the last few years. And while this may not be only due to the call centres that have sprouted providing high-paying jo...

by Sahana Udupa | On 16 Feb 2007

Do We Have to Change Amidst ‘Changing Times’?

The ‘market’ – mostly referred to by the broad term ‘changing times’ – has increasingly been allowed to pervade humanity’s profoundest pillars, namely, objective reasoning, rationality, sensibilities...

by Arup Maharatna | On 14 Feb 2007

Female Headship, Poverty and Child Welfare: A Study of Rural Orissa, India

First, on the basis of primary data collected in a rural setting in the State of Orissa, an attempt has been made in this paper to compare the socioeconomic status of male- and female- headed househ...

by Pradeep Kumar Panda | On 12 Feb 2007

Ethics in Health Research: A Social Science Perspective

Ethical codes of conduct cannot be effectively implemented in isolation and may be enforced in several different ways. One, is to conscientise the members of the profession to observe the rules, sec...

by Amar Jesani | On 06 Feb 2007

Book Review: This is Water: The Ethics of Memory

This review of Avishai Margalit's The Ethics of Memory (Harvard University Press, 2004. New York) explores the ethical significance of memory and forgetting, with special reference to the potential va...

by Jeffrey H. Barker | On 04 Feb 2007

Poverty Begins at Home? Questioning some (Mis)conceptions about Children, Poverty and Privation in Female-Headed Households

Grounded in a popular stereotype that female-headed households are the ‘poorest of the poor’, it is often assumed that women and children suffer greater poverty than in households which conform with a...

by Sylvia Chant | On 30 Jan 2007

Approximate Poverty

The changed survey methodology of the 55th round (and the consequent furore that has ensued) has demonstrated that there is indeed uncertainty surrounding estimates of poverty. The uncertainties conce...

by David Williams | On 30 Jan 2007

Dynamics of Caste-based Deprivation in Child Under-Nutrition in India

This paper makes an attempt at illustrating the dynamics of caste-based deprivation considering the case of child under-nutrition. It essentially demonstrates the patterns of differentials in nutrit...

by Rudra Narayan Mishra | On 26 Jan 2007

Globalisation and Health

This paper, one among a series for the Jan Swasthya Abhiyan addresses the issue of the impact of globalisation on health. How has globalisation affected different countries and who are the winners an...

by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan | On 25 Jan 2007

The Writing of the Social Sciences

Doing sociology, writing sociology, is to somehow engage with the subjects of the discourse, to give voice to these subjects. It perforce means that our writing should be sensitive to these voices. Li...

by Sundar Sarukkai | On 25 Jan 2007

Social Medicine in the Twenty-First Century

In its launch issue in October 2004, PLoS Medicine signaled a strong interest in creating a journal that to the social conditions in which people live and work. The socially disadvantaged have less...

by Scott Stonington | On 23 Jan 2007

Health Is Still Social: Contemporary: Examples in the Age of the Genome

Social medicine is as important now as it has ever been. The fi eld of social medicine includes various social and cultural studies of health and medicine , and in this article, the focus is o...

by Timothy H. Holtz | On 23 Jan 2007

How Did Social Medicine Evolve, and Where is it Heading?

This essay briefl y examines some of the diverse developments of social medicine as an academic discipline and its links to political conceptualizations of the role of medicine in society. The...

by Dorothy Porter | On 10 Jan 2007

Anthropology in the Clinic: The Problem of Cultural Competency and How to Fix It

Cultural competency has become a fashionable term for clinicians and researchers. Yet no one can defi ne this term precisely enough to operationalize it in clinical training and best practices....

by Arthur Kleinman | On 10 Jan 2007

Singapore: The Art of Building a Global City

This article discusses the art of deliberately creating a global city for Asiain Singapore. Twnty-first century cities exist in order to allow human interaction and enhance lifestyle. Such clusters...

by Sanjeev Sanyal | On 09 Jan 2007

India: Second NGO Shadow Report on CEDAW: Executive Summary

The 2nd and 3rd NGO Alternative Report on CEDAW -- INDIA has just been submitted to the UN CEDAW Committee and is coming up for review in January 2007 in New York. Each of the chapters in the Reports...

by National Alliance of Women | On 06 Jan 2007

Unbound Savagery: Brutal Repression of Farmers by UP Police

This report brings out again sharply the perennial question, which the poor in the country are asking – Development for Whom? A big business company has been allotted land disproportionate to the requ...

by People's Union of Civil Liberties PUCL | On 26 Dec 2006

Modernity with Democracy?: Gender and Governance in the People's Planning Campaign, Keralam

This paper takes advantage of the possibility of a critical perspective afforded by the feminist perspective in analyzing the interactions between political and civil societies in the shaping of spe...

by J Devika | On 19 Dec 2006

Dalits Ostracised in Karnataka

In Kadakola, a small village near Basavabagevadi in Bijapur district Karnataka the Chalavadi community, a lower caste is facing a social boycott from the upper caste and including Madigas which is als...

by PUCL Karnataka | On 14 Dec 2006

Educational Deprivation of Children in Andhra Pradesh: Levels and Trends, Disparities and Associative Factors

In line with the perspectives of human capital, human development and human rights, this paper conceives education to be the basic right of children and re-christens all children who are not in schoo...

by M. Venkatnarayana | On 06 Dec 2006

System of Rice Intensification in India: Innovation History and Institutional Challenges

This report documents the history of the systems of rice intensification (SRI, for short) in India in the last few years and presents some of the institutional changes and challenges that SRI throws u...

by C. Shambu Prasad | On 06 Dec 2006

What Education? Imperative of Change

Once the reach of education remains circumscribed only by its functional role in the formation of human capital, which, by definition, has little significance beyond its instrumentality in production...

by Arup Maharatna | On 20 Nov 2006

Urban Studies: An Exploration in Theory and Practices

What is the character of our cities? What are the attributes of inequalities and social exclusions in towns, metropolises and mega cities? How do urban structures and forms characteristic of pre capit...

by Sujata Patel | On 18 Nov 2006

Analytic and Strategic Review Paper: International Perspectives on Early Child Development

The present work builds on the affirmed desire of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH) to be judged on both its scientific rigor and the policy implications that the Commission’s w...

by Stefania Maggi | On 15 Nov 2006

Gramsci and Freire: Bridging the Divide in Indian Context: An Exploratory Essay

There is a stark contrast between the Gramscian approach to the relationship between intellectuals, knowledge and people and the Freirian approach. The former favours the exclusivity of the intellectu...

by V. Anil Kumar | On 03 Nov 2006

Children of Women Prisoners in Jails: A Study in Uttar Pradesh

Imprisonment of mothers with dependent young child is a problematic issue. The effects of incarceration can be catastrophic on the children and costly to the state in terms of providing for their car...

by Planning Commission, India | On 30 Oct 2006

Targeting the Poorest in Microfinance: Poverty Outreach of BDP Ultra Poor Programme

Despite the general consensus that microfinance does not reach the poorest; recent evidence suggests that nearly 15% of microfinance clients in Bangladesh are among the poorest. It is from the realiza...

by Proloy Barua | On 25 Oct 2006

Considerations for Increasing the Competences and Capacities of the Public Health Workforce: Assessing the Training Needs of Public Health Workers in Texas

Over the last two decades, concern has been expressed about the readiness of the public health workforce to adequately address the scientific, technological, social, political and economic challenges...

by Stephen Borders | On 25 Oct 2006

Surat 2006 Floods: Citizen's Report

The paper is a study with the purpose of exploring the flood time position of citizens in Surat city and to check aspects associated with flood warning system of Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC). The...

by Akash Acharya | On 21 Oct 2006

Book Review: Historical Experiences and Modern Encounters with Law

This book attempts to address how the tribes in India have perceived the State and its law. The tribes stand apart from the general population, and are made to stand outside the law, characterises the...

by Mayur Suresh | On 16 Oct 2006

Human Cost of Making Bricks

In India, thousands of women, men and children slave away in the brick kilns. Common to almost all brick kilns is the use of violence, over or implicit. Women and girls, however, are profoundly affect...

by Nalini Kant | On 25 Sep 2006

Parens Patriae: Exercising Patriarchal Prerogative in Post-Partition India

This paper analyses the implications of this Abducted Persons (Recovery and Restoration) Act of 1949 not with the intention of discussing its legal merits, but rather, to indicate that in the exercise...

by Ritu Menon | On 29 Aug 2006

Indigenous Identity As ‘Subaltern’

The objective of this research paper is to approach the debates on indigenous/tribal identity in international law deploying the framework of subaltern studies in South Asia with a view to, first, c...

by Rajat Rana | On 29 Aug 2006

Conspiracy in Criminology

This paper will examine the relationship between distributive justice, associational rights and the use of conspiracy in the law, underscoring the potential of this nexus to erode constitutional and...

by K.G. Kannabiran | On 29 Aug 2006

Report of the Sardar Sarovar Project Relief and Rehabilitation Oversight Group on the Status of Rehabilitation of Project-affected Families in Madhya Pradesh

In the light of the observations of the Supreme Court in its order dated 17th April 2006, the Prime Minister constituted the Sardar Sarovar Project Relief & Rehabilitation Oversight Group. The manda...

by V.K. Shunglu | On 28 Jul 2006

Geodisability Knowledge Production and International Norms: A Sri Lankan Case Study

In this paper I argue that United Nations norm standard setting, as a form of geodisability of knowledge which delimits and denotes the kinds of bodies known as disabled, is a technology for reining...

by Fiona Kumari Campbell | On 28 Jul 2006

Theorizing Dissent

This paper aims to present the act of dissent as at once unifying and divisive as a collective expression of a singular intention; it is sometimes illegal, but often represents an answerability that...

by Susan Brophy | On 28 Jul 2006

Crime and Punishment: An Analysis of Death Penalty

However despite the enuniciation of ‘rarest of rare’, there has been no decrease in the number of death sentences awarded by various courts. This essay shall attempt to chart the ‘hardening’ of the c...

by Bikram Jeet Batra | On 28 Jul 2006

Integrating Gender into the Legal Cuurriculum: The Case of a Technical Subject

This paper seeks to show how the absence of a feminist critique in the traditional understanding of a ‘technical’ subject such as tax law has led to a pedagogical crisis in the subject, and how the...

by M. Maithreyi | On 28 Jul 2006

Higher Education in India: The Need for Change

The paper relates the growth of higher education in India to the changing funding pattern and suggests ways to ensure that higher education remains both affordable and accessible to all. The author...

by Pawan Agarwal | On 25 Jul 2006

Law and Life in the State of Nature: Reflections on the Stories of Legal Literacy

This paper, based on analysis of experiential accounts and responses of persons all over the country, drawn from various backgrounds over a period of 15 years, will attempt to examine the ordinary and...

by Abha Singhal Joshi | On 25 Jul 2006

Criminology and the Homosexual Subject: A Queer Critique

well into the twenty first century the legal structure in its various manifestations continues to produce knowledge of the homosexual as criminal. Equally of import is the role that the constitution...

by ARvind Narrain | On 25 Jul 2006

Square Pegs in Round Slots: Dealing with Diversity in Law Schools

There is a profile that law students are expected to fit – proficient in English, assertive, capable of dancing circles around most people in terms of playing on words or logical reasoning for insta...

by Chinmayi Arun | On 25 Jul 2006

Application Of Ethical Principles With Cultural Sensitivity: Case Study Of Research Among Tribal Population

This paper aims to bring out the need to incorporate cultural sensitivity to ensure the principle of essentiality in research processes while undertaking research among tribal populations. The author...

by Sajitha O.G | On 24 Jul 2006

An Approach to the 11th Five Year Plan: Towards Faster and More Inclusive Growth

The 11th Plan provides an opportunity to restructure policies to achieve a new vision of growth that will be much more broad based and inclusive, bringing about a faster reduction in poverty and hel...

by Planning Commission | On 19 Jul 2006

Ethics in Demographic Research

Demographic research, has increasingly become field-based involving primary data collection and the nature of inquiry and its scope has widened a great deal in recent years. The ethical considerations...

by Leela Visaria | On 19 Jul 2006

Ethics in Social Science Research: Reflections from a Student of Economics

If poverty and nutrition are issues also of social justice and the commitment that a democratic state makes to its citizens (namely, ridding the country of hunger and malnutrition and also of ensuring...

by Padmini Swaminathan | On 19 Jul 2006

Research Ethics in Use of Statistical Methods*

Disagreements and confrontations are common among social scientists regarding conclusions obtained by two researchers on a similar premise. Such disagreements highlight two critical aspects of researc...

by Udaya S. Mishra | On 19 Jul 2006

Ethics in Sociological and Social Anthropological Research: A Brief Note

While there is a considerable body of writing on ethics in social sciences in general, in India ethical issues need to be better debated and discussed. With over 320 universities and 30 social science...

by A. M. Shah | On 19 Jul 2006

Ethics in Social Science Research: A Note for Discussion

Some questions relevant in the context of ethics in social science research are: Does social science have peculiarities which are masked by discussions on science at large? Given the need for objectiv...

by Sudarshan Iyengar | On 19 Jul 2006

Canadian Journal of Sociology

Volume 31, Issue 1, Winter 2006 The Rise of Cohabitation in Quebec: Power of Religion and Power over Religion by Benoît Laplante Refeudalizing the Public Sphere: 'Manipulated Publicity' in the Can...

by University of Toronto Press | On 16 Jul 2006

From a Rights Perspective

The collection of papers demonstrates that the human right to development in essence brings together several distinct but not mutually inconsistent streams of philosophical, political, economic and so...

by Vijay Kumar Nagaraj | On 15 Jul 2006

Report of the third Session of the World Urban Forum

The quest for innovative ideas and practical solutions – rare for a meeting convened by the United Nations – was underscored in the six Dialogues, 13 Roundtables and more than 160 Networking Events. M...

by UN-HABITAT | On 13 Jul 2006

Our Future: Sustainable Cities--Turning Ideas into Action

In convening the third session of the World Urban Forum in Vancouver, the United Nations Human Settlements Program has asked us to focus our attention on the Sustainable City and consider critical cha...

by Patricia L. McCarney | On 13 Jul 2006

Keynote Address on Social Inclusion and Cohesion

A central challenge facing us here – how do we ensure that the issue of the urban poor, in particular, is given as much attention by the international community, beyond speaking about it?

by L.N. Sisulu | On 13 Jul 2006

Business Roundtable on Corporate Leadership for Sustainable Urbanization: Discussion Paper

The reality of urban development is that commerce and industry are two of its core drivers. Without the full participation of the private sector in efforts towards sustainable human settlements, the p...

by Rob Sinclair | On 13 Jul 2006

Mumbai/Shanghai: Prospects/Problems--Imitating Global, Failing Local

Do we aspire to be a ‘global’ city like Shanghai, with all the spit and polish to attract foreign investors by the drove? Or can we aim to be a city with a sustainable plan for its development – one t...

by Kalpana Sharma | On 13 Jul 2006

The Wealth of Cities: Towards an Assets-based Development of Newly Urbanizing Regions

The argument in this paper is in four parts: First, the author suggests that we can no longer treat cities apart from the regions surrounding them with which they are intensively entwined. Second, t...

by John Freidman | On 13 Jul 2006

Tomorrow's Cities, Today's Youth: Perspectives from UN World Youth Forum

The cities of tomorrow are in poor countries, where the largest proportion of the population is below 25 years old and where young women are becoming particularly vulnerable. It is youth who will inhe...

by Kaveri Prakash | On 09 Jul 2006

Women and Migration: Creating New Identities

The cultural demands made of women by migrant communities struggling to establish a new identity and the stereotypes of women of other races often promoted by host communities are important forces in...

by Delia Davin | On 07 Jul 2006

WCD Thematic Papers I.1: Contributing Paper: Dams and Benefit-Sharing

Historically, hydropower developed in the early 1900s as a local activity with small projects supplying local communities and industry: projects had local impacts and provided local benefits. As dams...

by Joseph Milewski | On 03 Jun 2006

Wrong Attire

Why has India’s fashion fraternity, and indeed the official government system, not worked out a formal male attire that is suitable to the country’s mostly tropical climate, and at the same time appro...

by T.N. Ninan | On 03 Jun 2006

WCD thematic Review I.1: contributing Paper: Assessing the Project- social Impact and Large Dams

This paper looks at a number of questions about the social impacts of large dams. It does not set out original or integrated findings in these matters. Rather, the material here comes from experience...

by Hugh Brody | On 03 Jun 2006

WCD thematic Review I.1: Contributing Paper:Report of Social Impacts of Dams: Distributional and Equity Issues- Latin American Region

This consultancy reports on the social impact of large dams in Latin America, with a specific focus on distributional and equity issues. It is based on the author's research on the binational Yacyret...

by Carmen Ferradas | On 01 Jun 2006

WCD Working Paper: Human Health and Dams

Decisions on infrastructure development that may be critical to people's health status are, however, made without proper consultation of health authorities and experts. When negative health impacts oc...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 01 Jun 2006

Why Are We Opposed to Reservations?

When an Ambani becomes a CEO, when a Gandhi becomes a minister, we do not say it is against merit, when a professor whose son is not able to qualify JEE, is still able to send her child abroad for hig...

by Rahul Varman | On 30 May 2006

The Communal Violence (Pevention, Control and Rehabilitation of Victims) bill, 2005

Bill No. CXV of 2005 A Bill to empower the State Governments and the Central Government to take measures to provide for the prevention and control of communal violence which threatens the secular fab...

by Ministry of Home Affairs | On 25 May 2006

Open Access Archiving: The Fast Track to Building Research Capacity in Developing Countries

The science base in the developing world cannot be strengthened without access to the global library of research information. Currently, this is nearly impossible due to the high costs of journal subs...

by Leslie Chan | On 25 May 2006

The Challenges and Opportunities for International Civil Society in Promoting Ethical Globalisation

This paper explores some of the challenges ahead in terms of strengthening civil society networks working for ethical globalisation and in turning their shared vision of ethical globalisation into an...

by Maureen Leen | On 23 May 2006

The limits of tolerance and equality,or towards a 'new tolerance' and equality

Women's Equality in Transition: Intersectionality in Northern Ireland's/ North of Ireland's Equality Legislation Women have been invisible in mainstream analyses of the Northern Irish conflict. The...

by | On 23 May 2006

Sociology in the Context of Globalisation: Issues and Challenges in India

Any exercise in mapping the current status of any social science discipline is a mammoth task, as it involves the normative concerns as well as the personal perceptions of the sociologist who treads t...

by Paramjit S Judge | On 16 May 2006

Book Note: Communications Matter

Communications matter but we have to be careful how we communicate, lest the wrong message is received. How well has this book communicated this truth?

by T.C.A. Srinivasa Raghavan | On 15 May 2006

Book Review: Communal Mobilisation in South Asia: Is there a Grand Design?

The focus here is on the agency that produces religious forms and associated repertoires of action/conduct---the entire gamut of socio-religious networks of mobilization built around these forms, the...

by Sasheej Hegde | On 15 May 2006

WCD Thematic Review I.1:Contributing Paper-- Social Impacts of an African Dam: Equity and Distributional Issues in the Senegal River Valley

The story of Manantali Dam begins fifteen years before the dam itself became operational. The story to be told here is that of the social impacts of the Senegal River Development Organisation (OMVS) p...

by Adrian Adams | On 11 May 2006

WCD Thematic Review Social Issues I.1: The Social Impact of Large Dams--Equity and Distributional Issues

The ’social impacts’ of dams may be defined as 'impacts on the lives of individual people or groups or categories of people, or forms of social organisation'. Social impacts are distinct from environm...

by William Adams | On 11 May 2006

Motherhood, Mothers, Mothering: A Multidimensional Perspective

The question of matriarchate as female dominance, remains unresolved. While non materialist anthropologists dismissed it outright, socialist scholars accepted it as a stage in social evolution. If mat...

by Maithreyi Krishnaraj | On 09 May 2006

Ethics in Social Sciences: Theory and Practice: A National Consultation

What are the critical areas in social science research and intervention which might require systematic attention to ethical issues? A national level consultation on ‘ Ethics in Social Science Research...

by Sunita Bandewar | On 09 May 2006

Affirmative Action: Diverging Perspectives

The debate, on affirmative action seems to be focusing on the meaning and relevance of merit and efficiency. It is being conveniently forgotten that merit is a cognitive ability, the power to perceive...

by Prashant Negi | On 05 May 2006

Rivers for Life: Inspirations and Insights from the 2nd International Meeting of Dam-Affected and their Allies

On November 28, 2003, roughly 300 grassroots activists, people affected by large dams and representatives from NGOs gathered in a small village in Rasi Salai district in Northeast Thailand. They met...

by Susanne Wong | On 25 Apr 2006

Population Reports : February 2006

*The IUD: An Important Method with Potential Programmatic challenges and safety concerns have held back IUD use in many countries.Most recent research finds that serious complications are rare with...

by | On 25 Apr 2006

Dams and Development

The dams debate is simple because behind the array of facts and figures, of economic statistics and engineering calculations, lie a number of basic and easily understood principles. If adhered to and...

by World Commission on Dams WCD | On 24 Apr 2006

Population Ageing and Health in India

The number of elderly in the developing countries has been growing at a phenomenal rate; in 1990 the population of 60 years and above in the developing countries exceeded that of the developed countri...

by S. Irudaya Rajan | On 24 Apr 2006

Weekend Ruminations: Casting for jobs

The reality of caste representation in the corporate sector may not be out of line with what the government would like.

by T.N. Ninan | On 23 Apr 2006

De-colonising the Aesthetic Sense:The story of craft revival in Aruvacode potters’ village

Experiential knowledge is what indigenous knowledge is all about. Unfortunately again the Western intellectuals are reframing indigenous knowledge to suit their purposes. In the course of living with...

by Jinan K.B. | On 21 Apr 2006

Public health, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights: Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights,Innovation and Public Health

On April 3, 2006, an independent commission on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), innovation and public health presented its report to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The report was commissioned...

by | On 14 Apr 2006

Legislative Brief: The Food Safety and Standards Bill, 2005

The main objectives of the Bill are: (a) to introduce a single statute relating to food, and (b) to provide for scientific development of the food processing industry. The Bill aims to establish a sin...

by M. R. Madhavan | On 14 Apr 2006

Gender Critiques of Budgets: How Useful?

While critical perspectives on the budget are certainly necessary and are useful, they are not sufficient to produce the change necessary. For that we need to encourage civil society initiatives on en...

by Maithreyi Krishnaraj | On 07 Apr 2006

Media Studies: Turkey--Media Literacy: Why it is So Critical to Democratisation Process in Turkey

Media Studies is an emerging discipline in Asia and is of enormous significance at a time when many of the counties in this region which is witnessing struggles, both within the state apparatus and...

by Yasemin Inceoglu | On 07 Apr 2006

The Print Media as a Handmaiden of the Neo-liberal Regime

A vast body of theories of the media, known popularly as 'media theory', has evolved and developed into separate, distinguishable and often contesting paradigms with osmosis between the distinct schoo...

by | On 03 Apr 2006

Challenges before Cultural Resistance: Methods of Intervention

Any intervention of the Left in the field of the dominant media must be guided by an adherence to politics and seek to fundamentally alter the relations of artistic production and make art more access...

by Arjun Ghosh | On 01 Apr 2006

Voluntary Organisations, NGOs and the ‘Politics of Development’ in India: A Critical Exploration

This essay studies the domain of politics of development constituted by the state, and attempts to plot the emergence of the voluntary sector, NGOs in particular, as a representative in this contested...

by Swagato Sarkar | On 31 Mar 2006

Two Kinds of Activism: Reflections on Citizenship in Globalizing Delhi

The paper examines two of the most pressing concerns in Delhi: housing and the environment. The paper reviews the activities of Resident Welfare Associations, Sajha Manch, and Delhi Janwadi Adhikar Ma...

by Sanjeev K. Routray | On 14 Jun 2013

Restructuring Public Sector Hospital Services: Marginalising the Poor

The paper examines the state of public sector hospitals, how they are being compelled to transform into profit churning units through reforms, and in the process alienating poor and the underprivileg...

by Bijoya Roy | On 31 Mar 2006

Constituting Development: Encountering the deprivation of the ‘poor’ under the ‘reform’ apparatus in India

The paper addresses three main issues: The nature of economic reforms and how growth is segregated within the sectors; secondly, limitations of the poverty line approach to estimate the development of...

by Saji M. | On 31 Mar 2006

Health Inequalities, Social Cohesion and Social Capital: An Exploration

This paper claims that the roots and remedies of health inequalities reflected in the major academic debates that culminated with full force towards the turn of the last century, have done little to u...

by Vijay Kumar Yadavendu | On 30 Mar 2006

An Emerging Knowledge Economy and a Stagnating Agrarian Economy: Contradictions in Andhra Pradesh under Globalization

This paper presents some features of the contradictions in Andhra Pradesh’s economy today: the fast growth of IT and other technology-intensive industries in Hyderabad, and the alarming levels of dist...

by Jayan Jose Thomas | On 30 Mar 2006

Changing Practices in/of Science: The Context of Intellectual Property Rights in India

Changes in the practices and norms of research have changed the dynamics of creation of knowledge. Issues of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and proprietary information and knowledge have begun to...

by Sambit Mallick | On 29 Mar 2006

Migration and Labour mobility in the Leather Accessories Manufacture in India

Liberalisation and the policies thereafter have lead to a definite increase in production and export from the leather accessories industry in India. The focus of this paper is on migration and labour...

by Jesim Pais | On 28 Mar 2006

Understanding ‘Crises’ in a Traditional Industry: Case of Coir in Kerala

The paper attempts to critically analyse the issues that are an offshoot of the open market regime pursued in the industry. Intense competition between exporters for developed country suppliers along...

by I. Kalamani | On 28 Mar 2006

The Urban Siliguri and Adjacent Rural Stone Crushers

The river Balasan near Siliguri carries the natural resources like stone, sand, boulders. People live on the riverside and are involved in work like collection of stones and sand, crushing the stones...

by Somenath Bhattacharjee | On 27 Mar 2006

Neoliberal Economic Reforms and Targeted Public Distribution System: Case study of two Orissa villages

This paper draws on a study on functioning of public distribution system in Orissa based on secondary data as well as primary data. The first section of this paper discusses in brief the policy change...

by Rajshree Bedamatta | On 26 Mar 2006

Communication for Development: Need for Collective Vision

Review of: Communication Technology and Human Development: Recent Experiences in the Indian Social Sector by Avik Ghosh; Sage Publications, New Delhi; 2006; Rs. 340.

by Devan Chandrasekher | On 23 Mar 2006

Objectivity and Bias in Sociological Studies: A Rejoinder to 'Social Science Knowledge and Its Evaluation'

Does a social scientist need to renounce his ethnicity in order to be objective and unbiased? The issue of how and why scholars choose their subjects and approaches has been debated for almost a centu...

by Darshan Tatla | On 15 Mar 2006

Was India’s Tribal Demographic Behaviour Superior In The Past?

Amidst massive ethnographical and anthropological literature on India’s tribes, patterns of their demographic behaviour (e.g. fertility and mortality) have received relatively little attention. Howeve...

by Arup Maharatna | On 14 Mar 2006

Hunger and Health: Addressing Urgent Issues

This statement following a workshop on ‘Hunger and Health: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue attended by a cross-section of India’s nutritional scientists, health professionals, public health specialists,...

by Workshop on Hunger and Health Interdisciplinary Dialogue | On 13 Mar 2006

Medico Friend Circle Bulletin, 315, February-March 2006

Wishing away a Condition: Issues of Concern in the Control and Treatment of Leprosy - Jan Swasthya Sahayog(JSS) How to Count the Poor Correctly versus Illogical Official Procedures - Utsa Patnaik...

by Medico Friend Circle | On 04 Mar 2006

Responsive Philanthropy in Mumbai: Corporate Sector and Social Justice Philanthropy

The authors use the framework for social justice philanthropy as elaborated in the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy of America in April 2003 to study the role of four funding organisatio...

by P.G. Jogdand | On 03 Mar 2006

An Open Letter on Dissent, Dissenters and Petrification of Politics

Why are we – people who feel that there ought to be some space for disagreement in a democratic society, and more so in a dialogue between the world's two largest democracies -- so completely, unequiv...

by Ananya Vajpeyi | On 03 Mar 2006

Economic Survey 2005-06, Chapter 10

Social Sectors

by Ministry of Finance | On 27 Feb 2006

Decentralisation on Fallow and Fertile Ground: Preparing the Population for Democratic Self-Governance

Decentralizing authority to democratically elected local government is advised for reasons of efficiency and good governance, but equity may suffer if elites capture decision making at the local level...

by Anirudh Krishna | On 16 Feb 2006

What’s Social Policy Got To Do With Economic Growth?

So what’s social policy got to do with economic growth? Quite a lot, it would appear, if one takes the results of cross-country growth regressions at face value, as they are by many social policy anal...

by Ravi Kanbur | On 03 Feb 2006

Remedying Education: Evidence from Two Randomised Experiments in India

This paper presents the results of two experiments conducted in Mumbai and Vadodara, India, designed to evaluate ways to improve the quality of education in urban slums. A remedial education programme...

by Abhijit Banerjee | On 01 Feb 2006

Discussion Note: Draft National Pharmaceutical Policy 2006

A note on the long-awaited Draft National Pharmaceutical Policy 2006. The Policy appears to have taken into consideration consumer needs, paying respect to rational therapeutics. A closer examinati...

by All-India Drug Action Network (AIDAN) | On 28 Jan 2006

Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), 2005: Executive Summary

ASER 2005 is a citizen's assessment of the status of elementary education in rural India. Facilitated by Pratham, & executed by local groups in each district, it is the largest household survey on s...

by PRATHAM | On 20 Jan 2006

Reproductive Health Services and Role of Panchayats in Karnataka

The paper presents an analysis of the reproductive health care services available to women in rural areas in Karnataka, and the various factors influencing them. Based on survey data on the status o...

by Poornima Vyasulu | On 19 Jan 2006

A test of Governance: Education, Health and Family Planning in Areas Annexxed toKarnataka, Maharashtra and AP from Hyderabad State

At the time of reorganization of states on the basis of the linguistic formula, the territory that belonged to erstwhile state of Hyderabad was broken down to three parts and annexed to Andhra Prade...

by P. N. Mari Bhat | On 19 Jan 2006

Systematic Hierarchies and Systemic Failures: Gender and Health Inequities in Koppal District

Health and health care inequities in Koppal reflect systematic hierarchies based on gender, caste, economic class, and life-stage; they also reveal systemic failures in health care services, both publ...

by Asha George | On 19 Jan 2006

'To Be Or Not to Be': The Location of Women in Public Policy

Despite great leaps in uncovering of knowledge, as well as extraordinarily skillful strategizing, neither has the value of women’s advisories to public policy been recognized; nor have the tools been...

by Devaki Jain | On 19 Jan 2006

Gender, Work and Organizational Culture: A Southeast Asian Experience

Organizations operate in the social milieu and therefore the socio-cultural factors greatly influence the organizational culture. The Asian societies are patriarchal in nature that gives superior posi...

by Sunita Singh-Sengupta | On 13 Jan 2006

Conceptualizing NGO-State Relations in Karnataka:Conflict and Collaboration amidst Organizational Diversity

This paper maps the organizational diversity of the NGO sector in Karnataka, a “middle order state” (Vyasulu, 1995), and demonstrates that conceptualizing NGO actions vis-à-vis the state dichotomously...

by Neema Kudva | On 13 Jan 2006

Communication, Democracy and Evasive Silences:A Preliminary Report on the Public Sphere in Karnataka

This paper looks at one of the most important conditions that defines democracy as a system of self-governance. This condition is that all individuals in a society must have the right to communicate f...

by Dattathreya Subbanarasimha | On 13 Jan 2006

AT Times When Limbs May Fail: Social Security for Unorganised Workers in Karnataka

Policy makers, therefore, often encounter the following questions while formulating the social security schemes. What are the priority social security needs of unorganized workers? What existing mecha...

by D. Rajasekhar | On 13 Jan 2006

Agrarian Reform for a Liberal Pattern of Society? Karnataka's Land Policy and the New Dispensation

It is puzzling how much the discourse of development has backed away from the seemingly central question of rural poverty: land. Elaborate rules concerning its distribution, rights, regulation, prot...

by Ronald Herring | On 12 Jan 2006

Participation in a School Incentive Programme in Karnataka

Development education policy has recently focused on school-based recognition and conditional cash transfer programs to improve accountability and incentives of school employees and committees. The L...

by Sharon Bernhardt | On 12 Jan 2006

Institutionalising Citizen Participaion in Urban Governance

The twin concepts of a federal arrangement – a structure for a multi-tiered form of government with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, as well as active citizenship are like the two strands...

by Ramesh Ramanathan | On 12 Jan 2006

The Right to Education Bill, 2005: A Constructive Critique

This policy note aims to provide a constructive critique of the Bill and its provisions. It is divided into the following sections: Section I sets out the meaning and implications of the right to educ...

by Rohan Mukherjee | On 11 Jan 2006

Choosing not to Participate--Evidence from Drought-Prone Area Programme in Chitradurg, Karnataka

This paper examines the evidence on the constraints that farmers face in participating in a programme evolved by 'somebody else' viz, ‘the government’, . The paper begins with a discussion on the typ...

by G.Ananda Vadivelu | On 09 Jan 2006

Change in Karnataka over the Last Generation: Villages and the Wider Context

This paper examines changes that have (and have not) occurred – at the village level in Karnataka where most or the state’s residents live, and at higher levels when they impinge upon villages – sin...

by James Manor | On 09 Jan 2006

Teacher Motivation in India

This paper is based on a recent study on teacher motivation in India, which is part of an international research project on this topic covering 12 countries in South Asia and Africa. This study is bas...

by Vimala Ramachandran | On 07 Jan 2006

Monitoring Works: Getting Teachers to Come to School

In the rural areas of developing countries, teacher absence is a widespread problem. This paper tests whether a simple incentive programme based on teacher presence can reduce teacher absence, and whe...

by Esther Duflo | On 30 Dec 2005

The General Court Martial and the ‘Lady Officer’: Is All Fair?

Whatever the truth of the matter in the recent trial of Flying Officer Anjalli Gupa by the General Court Martial, there are many questions that may be raised on the fairness of the process and some of...

by Sqn Ldr BG Prakash | On 24 Dec 2005

Constraints in Birth Registration: Case Study in Andhra Pradesh

What are the constraints to efficient birth registration? How do people view the compulsory registering of births? This paper reports on a Readiness Assessment study on Universal Birth Registration...

by Alex George | On 11 Dec 2005

Realising Universal Labour Rights:Labour Standards for Small Enterprises in Pakistan

Labour protection has largely failed as enterprise contribution to social protection. Much labour legislation does not apply to micro and small enterprises (MSE) ; those laws that do apply are complie...

by Pakistan Institute of Labour Education & Research (PILER) | On 08 Dec 2005

Poverty Knowledge and Poverty Action: Evidence from Three States in India

Even as some households are coming out of poverty, other households are concurrently falling into poverty. Poverty creation and poverty destruction are proceeding alongside. A bottom-up methodology...

by Anirudh Krishna | On 08 Dec 2005

Supreme Court Judgement on Unaided Private Colleges

The Supreme Court judgement of Augutst 12, 2005 on four questions regarding higher education in unaided educational institutions including quota and fee structure. Q.1. Unaided educational instituti...

by Supreme Court of India | On 08 Dec 2005

The Great Education Muddle: State Failure and Judicial Jigsaw

A comprehensive White Paper on India’s higher education policy for a pragmatic programmatic for at least the next 20 years is urgently needed. Such a Paper should take stock of the present and require...

by P. Radhakrishnan | On 07 Dec 2005

Choosing to Live: Guidelines for Suicide Prevention Counselling in Domestic Violence

Nearly a million people take their own lives every year, more than those murdered or killed in war. Suicide is a problem that affects people of all ages and economic levels, and is recognised by the W...

by Aruna Burte | On 02 Dec 2005


The construction of large dams is one of the most costly and controversial forms of public infrastructure investment in developing countries, but little is known about their impact. This paper studies...

by Esther Duflo | On 21 Nov 2005

Policy Processes and Policy Advocacy

The development process in the present context where economic and governance reforms are emphasized tends at times to by-pass the concerns of the marginalized and the voiceless. It is precisely to bri...

by V. Anil Kumar | On 19 Nov 2005

Riots in Mau: Report on an Investigation

On October 13-14, 2005 Mau in Uttar Pradesh, India experienced widespread violence and communal tension. Mau has a long history of communal tensions. It is largely rural district with a minority of...

by Rooprekha Verma | On 16 Nov 2005

Underground Gun Markets

This paper provides an economic analysis of underground gun markets drawing on interviews with gang members, gun dealers, professional thieves, prostitutes, police, public school security guards and t...

by Philip J. Cook | On 11 Nov 2005

East Asian Community, Into Reality

Without trust-building, an East Asian community remains unrealized. The vision of an Asia-Pacific community offers a more attractive and viable option. A sound paradigm is community building and the w...

by David S. Hong | On 08 Nov 2005

Securing Access to Justice: A Matter of Right

Equality before the law in a democracy is a matter of right. It is not a subject of charity or magnanimity, but an entitlement strictly afforded to one and all. To ensure proper access to justice nume...

by Ketan Mukhija | On 17 Sep 2005

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by Anonymous | On 10 Aug 2005

Asian Anthropology Vol 3

Asian Anthropology Volume 3 Table of Contents

by | On 10 Aug 2005