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Creating Udyog Sahayak Enterprises Network (USENET) for Employment Generation and Scale-up in the MSME Sector

There are multiple forces – thirteen of them identified in this report - working against employment growth in India from both supply side and the demand side. It is proven that large enterprises creat...

by | On 02 Feb 2021

Gendered Research in Health: A Training Manual

To change the inequalities in medical research, women’s needs and desires must have a more prominent place in the research process. A formal set of policies will be needed to ensure that their interes...

by Renu Khanna | On 19 Oct 2020

Urban Food Markets and the Lockdown in India

On March 24, 2020, the Government of India announced a 21-day national lockdown that has since been extended to May 3, 2020. The lockdown has left urban food markets in disarray with severe supply b...

by Sudha Narayanan | On 06 May 2020

Is There a Demand for Reverse Mortgages in China? Evidence from Two Online Surveys

Reverse mortgages provide an alternative source of retirement funding by allowing older homeowners to borrow against their home. However, a recent pilot program of reserve mortgage products in several...

by Katja Hanewald | On 03 Feb 2019

Disclosures in Privacy Policies: Does “Notice and Consent” Work?

This paper evaluates the quality of privacy policies of five popular online services in India from the perspective of access and readability. The paper ask – do the policies have specific, unambiguous...

by Rishab Bailey | On 07 Jan 2019

Assessing Opportunities for Solar Lanterns to Improve Educational Outcomes in Rural Off-Grid Regions: Challenges and Lessons from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Solar lanterns are promoted across rural sub-Saharan Africa to improve both lighting in homes and educational outcomes. It undertakes a randomized controlled trial in Zimba District, Zambia, to evalua...

by Ognen Stojanovski | On 03 Jan 2019

Identifying the Costs of a Public Health Success: Arsenic Well Water Contamination and Productivity in Bangladesh

This paper exploits the recent molecular genetics evidence on the genetic basis of arsenic excretion and unique information on family links among respondents living in different environments from a la...

by Mark M. Pitt | On 22 Nov 2018

Demand for Information on Environmental Health Risk, Mode of Delivery, and Behavioral Change: Evidence from Sonargaon, Bangladesh

Lack of access to reliable information on environmental exposure limits opportunities for risk avoiding behavior, particularly in developing countries. Private markets could potentially play a role in...

by Ricardo Maertens | On 04 Oct 2018

Risk Management in Maldives: Sharing Practical Experience and Lessons Learned

Risk management is a systematic approach to determine which goods and passengers need to be examined in detail when entering a country. It involves (i) collecting, storing, and analyzing data to und...

by Asian Development Bank | On 19 Sep 2018

The Spread of Deposit Insurance and the Global Rise in Bank Asset Risk since the 1970s

The paper constructs a new measure of the changing generosity of deposit insurance for many countries, empirically model the international influences on the adoption and generosity of deposit insuranc...

by Charles W. Calomiris | On 03 Sep 2018

Climate-sensitive Decisions and Use of Climate Information: Insights from selected La Trinidad and Atok, Benguet Agricultural Producers

Valuing climate information is now an important discourse in mainstream economic thinking with the development of the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility hypothesis and of the refinement of decision theor...

by Celia M. Reyes | On 06 Jul 2018

Process Evaluation of the CHED K to 12 Adjustment Assistance Program

This paper evaluates the implementation of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) K to 12 Adjustment Assistance Program, established following the full implementation of the Enhanced Basic Educatio...

by Alex Brillantes | On 29 Jun 2018

Risk Management Innovation for Philippine Banking

This Policy Note revisits the risk management policy of BSP as a guide in strengthening the competitiveness of Philippine banks. It also recommends measures to further refine the banking system in the...

by Roberto Miguel S. Roque | On 29 Jun 2018

People’s Inquest into Thoothukudi Firings

A coalition of civil society organisations in Tamil Nadu titled, ‘Coordinating Committee for People’s Inquest into Thoothukudi Police Firing’ organised a People’s Inquest (PI) on June 2-3, 2018 at Tho...

by Environment Justice Matters (EJM) | On 05 Jun 2018

Restorative Care: Integral to Access to Justice

Existing research on “access to justice” has shown how the understanding of the term developed as the human rights approach gained ground. The conventional notion of access to justice was limited to s...

by HAQ: Centre for Child Rights | On 20 Apr 2018

Beyond Borders: A Report Produced by the Environmental Justice Foundation Our Changing Climate – Its Role in Conflict and Displacement

Climate change is an environmental and a human rights issue. EJF views climate change as a primary threat to world peace and security, development and human rights in the 21st century.

by Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) | On 06 Apr 2018

Effects of Contract Governance on Public Private Partnership (PPP) Performance

This paper empirically examines the impact of differences in contract attributes on project outcomes. The hypothesis is to test whether better incentive structure and stricter administrative controls...

by Chandan Kumar | On 05 Apr 2018

Role of Bidding Method and Risk Allocation in the Performance of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects

This paper analyses the Indian PPP framework, including its bidding process and the standard concession agreement. The paper argues that the existing bidding method (i.e. premium/grant based method) c...

by Chandan Kumar | On 05 Apr 2018

Case Study of Madhu - A Tribal from Kerala

In the evening of February 22, 2018, A 30 year old man named Madhu, a tribal from Attappadi, Kerala was severely beaten up by the mob who accused him of stealing food items which included rice. Althou...

by Aarti Salve | On 10 Mar 2018

Economic Survey 2017: Volume I, Chapter 5: Is there a “Late Converger Stall” in Economic Development? Can India Escape it?

The first order fact about the developing world today is that this is an era of unprecedented prosperity. And that is true about India too which has been one of the most dynamic economic performers...

by Arun Jaitley | On 31 Jan 2018

Beyond Emission Targets: How to Decarbonize the Passenger Transport Sector ?

Reaching the ambitious climate objective of the Paris Agreement requires decreasing significantly sectoral emissions from the transport sector. However, the ambition pledged for the transport sector u...

by | On 11 Jan 2018

Book Review: Of Disruptive Signals

Review of Ajay Gudavarthy edited Revolutionary Violence versus Democracy: Narratives from India, Sage India.

by Vrijendra | On 06 Jan 2018

Filipino Women In Leadership: Government And Industry

This Policy Note presents current statistics on female representation in key leadership positions in the Philippine government and industry.

by Clarissa C. David | On 12 Dec 2017

Gender Mainstreaming Case Study : India - Chhattisgarh Irrigation Development Project

The Chhattisgarh Irrigation Development Project (CIDP) aimed to increase agricultural productivity, improve rural livelihoods, and reduce poverty by improving irrigation delivery, enhancing agricult...

by | On 22 Nov 2017

Severe Air Pollution and School Absences: Longitudinal Data on Expatriates in North China

The paper uses a six-year panel of 6,500 students at three international schools in a major city in north China to estimate how fluctuation in ambient PM2.5 over the preceding fortnight impacts daily...

by Haoming Liu | On 20 Nov 2017

Impact of Human capital on Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan

The papers says that there is a need to invest in educational sector to maximize the human capital, which not only helps in economic growth but also contributes to economic development of the country.

by Syed Kazmi | On 17 Nov 2017

An Assessment of the Community Mortgage Program Implementation Strategy

The study also provides recommendations on how the identified issues can be addressed.

by Marife M. Ballesteros | On 29 Sep 2017

Federalism and the Formation of States in India

In recent days, the process of federalization within the Indian Union has become more debatable due to the unequal federal development at various levels. In this context, the issues of state formation...

by Susant Kumar Naik | On 14 Sep 2017

Embodied Engagements: Filmmaking and Viewing Practices and the Habitus of Telugu Cinema

Viewers of South Indian devotional films, female viewers in particular, have been known to offer prayers to the gods on screen and even moved to a state of possession while watching a film. Filmmaking...

by Uma Bhrugubanda | On 31 Aug 2017

The Importance of Being Siliguri, or the Lack Thereof Border-Effect and the “Untimely” City in North Bengal

Debashis Chakraborty visited Siliguri for the first time in 1952. After the final examinations of Class IV, this was his first trip to Siliguri to visit the part of his family that had relocated to th...

by Atig Ghosh | On 04 Aug 2017

Parents’ Perceptions of the Singapore Primary School System

In 2016, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) conducted a Survey on Parental Perceptions of Education with 1,500 citizen and PR parents to obtain a quantitative picture of sentiments towards Singapor...

by Mathew Mathews | On 01 Aug 2017

Valuation of Subsoil Minerals: Application of SEEA for Bangladesh

The present paper is an attempt to conduct a valuation of the three most important exhaustible natural resources, viz., natural gas, coal and hard rock, via the System of Environmental-Economic Accou...

by Mahfuz Kabir | On 27 Jul 2017

Economic Analysis of Climate-Proofing Investment Projects

This report describes the conduct of the cost-benefit analysis of climate proofing investment projects. An important message is that the presence of uncertainty about climate change does not invalidat...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 10 Jul 2017

Police Reforms in India

This report provides an overview of police organisation in India, and highlights key issues that affect their functioning. Note that the Standing Committee on Home Affairs is also examining two subje...

by Anviti Chaturvedi | On 04 Jul 2017

Asia Bond Monitor - June 2016

The report says that the global economic environment also affects the region’s bond yields, emphasizing the importance of domestic macroeconomic stability and bond market resilience in the face of glo...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 06 Jun 2017

Evaluation Study on Role of Public Distribution System in Shaping Household and Nutritional Security India

It has been observed that even though the Indian economy has achieved remarkable economic growth along with a decline in poverty over the last two decades, improvements in nutritional status have not...

by Niti Aayog GOI | On 18 May 2017

Strengthening Arbitration and its Enforcement in India – Resolve in India

The present paper focuses on the first and internationally the largest mode of dispute resolution, that is, Arbitration. However, prior to looking at how arbitration functions in the country, it would...

by Bibek Debroy | On 17 May 2017

INDIA Leaps Ahead: Transformative Mobility Solutions For All

The report says India can save 64% of anticipated passenger road-based mobility-related energy demand and 37% of carbon emissions in 2030 by pursuing a shared, electric, and connected mobility future....

by Shikha Juyal | On 17 May 2017

The India Freedom Report

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2017 it becomes important to view the level of press freedom in India in the wider context of societal freedom. The press cannot be truly free when facilitat...

by The Hoot the | On 08 May 2017

The Long Road Ahead: Status Report on the Implementation of the ASEAN Mutual Recognition Arrangements on Professional Services

In the report there has been progress primarily in two areas: (1) the creation of implementing offices and bodies at the regional and national levels as outlined in the MRAs; and (2) the incorporation...

by Dovelyn Rannveig Mendoza | On 05 May 2017

Asia Bond Monitor - March 2017

This issue of the Asia Bond Monitor includes three special discussion boxes. Box 1 discusses the risk of Federal Reserve rate hikes to emerging Asia’s financial stability. Box 2 analyzes the risks to...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 05 May 2017

Vital Stats: Overview of Road Accidents in India

In 2015, there were about five lakh road accidents in India, which killed about 1.5 lakh people and injured about five lakh people. India, as a signatory to the Brasilia declaration, intends to reduc...

by Prachee Mishra | On 30 Mar 2017

Safety of Women in Public Spaces in Delhi: Governance and Budgetary Challenges

The study attempts to highlight some of the major hurdles in Delhi’s governance and fiscal policy in ensuring the safety of women in public spaces. Though violence against women is widespread and oc...

by Kanika Kaul | On 27 Jan 2017

Jammu and Kashmir Budget Analysis 2017-18

The Finance Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr. Haseeb A. Drabu, presented the Budget for Jammu and Kashmir for financial year 2017-18 on January 11, 2017.

by Arvind Gayam | On 17 Jan 2017

Rail Revolution-2025

This policy brief proposes reorganisation of current industry structure and proposes a new organizational structure for the railways to meet the needs of the 21st century . [CPPR Policy Brief Series...

by Centre for Public Policy Research CPPR | On 21 Oct 2016

How do Gender Approaches improve Climate Compatible Development? Lessons from India

Although evidence shows that women are both victims of climate change and important contributors of knowledge and skills in disaster risk, adaptation and mitigation strategies, the gender perspective...

by | On 23 Sep 2016

The Indian Steel Sector: Development and Potential

The Indian steel industry has made a rapid progress on strong fundamentals over the recent few years. The industry is getting all essential ingredients required for dynamic growth. The government is b...

by | On 19 Sep 2016

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Childhood Overweight Policy Brief

In 2012, the World Health Assembly Resolution 65.6 endorsed a Comprehensive implementation plan for maternal, infant and young child nutrition (1), which specified six global nutrition targets for 202...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Low Birth Weight Policy Brief

In 2012, the World Health Assembly Resolution 65.6 endorsed a Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition (1), which specified six global nutrition targets for 2025...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Breastfeeding Policy Brief

In 2012, the World Health Assembly Resolution 65.6 endorsed a Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition (1), which specified six global nutrition targets for 2025...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Anaemia Policy Brief

The prevalence of anaemia was highest in south Asia and central and west Africa (3). While the causes of anaemia are variable, it is estimated that half of cases are due to iron deficiency. In some se...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Stunting Policy Brief

Childhood stunting is one of the most significant impediments to human development, globally affecting approximately 162 million children under the age of 5 years. If current trends continue, projecti...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

WHA Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Wasting Policy Brief

In 2012, the World Health Assembly Resolution 65.6 endorsed a Comprehensive implementation plan on maternal, infant and young child nutrition, which specified six global nutrition targets for 2025 (2)...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 07 Sep 2016

Prospects and Challenges of Out-Migration from South Asia and its Neighbouring Countries

This paper analyses the trends, nature and extent of out-migration from South Asia and its neighbouring countries like Afghanistan and Iran and examines the economic implications in both sending and r...

by | On 06 Sep 2016

The Externalities of Civil Strife: Refugees as a Source of International Conflict

Domestic strife and civil war frequently produce large population dislocations and refugee flows across national boundaries. Mass refugee flows often entail negative consequences for receiving states,...

by | On 23 Aug 2016

Vital Stats: Overview of Education Sector in India

The Ministry of Human Resource Development released a draft National Education Policy in July 2016. In this context, some data on education indicators such as enrolment of students, drop-out rates, a...

by Roopal Suhag | On 16 Aug 2016

Macroeconomic Determinants of Remittances in South Asian countries: A Dynamic Panel Study

The study attempts to identify the macroeconomic determinants of remittance inflows in South Asian countries. It uses additively separable utility function as theoretical framework and the Arellano-Bo...

by | On 16 Aug 2016

Review of Agri-Food Value Chain Interventions Aimed at Enhancing Consumption of Nutritious Food by the Poor: Pakistan

How can agriculture play a more effective role in improving nutrition in countries with a high burden of hidden hunger and where an increasing proportion of the poor sources its food from the market?...

by | On 27 Jul 2016

Enabling and Equipping Women to Improve Nutrition

Malnutrition during the 1,000 days between pregnancy and a child’s second birthday has irreversible physical, cognitive, and health consequences, reducing a person’s lifetime earning potential. For ma...

by | On 08 Jul 2016

Migration of Highly Skilled Persons From Developing Countries: Impact and Policy Responses

The synthesis report prepared by Professors Lowell and Findlay addresses the issues of the impact of high skilled emigration on developing countries, and the policy mixes and options available to both...

by | On 06 Jul 2016

Evidence on Policies to Increase the Development Impacts of International Migration

International migration offers individuals and their families the potential to experience immediate and large gains in their incomes, and offers a large number of other positive benefits to the sendin...

by | On 28 Jun 2016

Dedicated High Speed Rail Network in India: Issues in Development

This paper examines issues with regards to route fixation, choice of technology partner and need for standards, location of stations, choice of grade level, choice of gauge and inter-operability of tr...

by G Raghuram | On 28 Jun 2016

Antecedents and Consequences of Product Innovation : A Meta - Analytic Review

This study proposes a framework for product innovation to identify what strategies determine the drivers and outcomes of product innovation. Specifically, this meta-analytic study identifies key antec...

by Dheeraj Sharma | On 23 Jun 2016

Hurting the Host: The Dynamics of Refugee-Related Violence in South Asia

This paper assesses the proclivity towards refugee-related violence in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, using an original dataset. I show that the host’s attitude towards refugees depend on local fact...

by | On 17 Jun 2016

From Uniformity to Diversity: A Paradigm Shift from Industrial Agriculture to Diversified Agroecological Systems

Today’s food and farming systems have succeeded in supplying large volumes of foods to global markets, but are generating negative outcomes on multiple fronts: widespread degradation of land, water an...

by | On 10 Jun 2016

‘Lighting up’ the Lives of the Poor

In India, a majority of rural households meet their energy requirements from traditional fuel sources, such as fuel wood, agricultural residues and kerosene. Statistics shows that 21 percent of villag...

by | On 09 Jun 2016

Locked in a Low-Skill Equilibrium? Trends in Labour Supply and Demand in India

This paper analyzes aspects of supply and demand for labour in India using National Sample Survey data for the years 1983, 1993-94, 1999-2000 and 2004-05. With the possibility of a ‘demographic divide...

by Jayan Jose Thomas | On 03 Jun 2016

The Affordability of the Sustainable Development Goals : A Myth or Reality?

It is important to understand the fiscal capacity that underlies any potential mechanism to implement the social agenda of the SDGs, particularly if the international community wants to hold governmen...

by Victor Kwadwo | On 25 May 2016

Measuring Progress Towards MDGs in Child Health: Should Base Line Sensitivity and Inequity Matter?

Measurement of achievement or progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) should be suggestive of the issues involved in intertemporal comparison. Commonly, we observe that the measure...

by Udaya S. Mishra | On 03 May 2016

Global Challenges Report: Patent-based Analysis of the World Health Organization’s 2013 Model List of Essential Medicines

The objective of this report is to identify which of the 375 items on the 2013 Model List of Essential Medicines (MLEM) of the World Health Organization (WHO) (18th edition) are patented and where. Gi...

by | On 26 Apr 2016

Reducing Child Marriage in India: A Model to Scale Up Results, New Delhi, 2016

This paper presents a model for contextual strategizing and scaling up of interventions to accelerate the pace of reduction of child marriage, with particular reference to India, and within India with...

by Jyotsna Jha | On 18 Apr 2016

Living the ‘Absence’ The Rajbanshis of North Bengal

While often it describe the modern era - framed by the Post-Enlightenment narrative - as one marked by an unprecedented concern for identity and identification, it often lose sight of the parallel pro...

by Samir Kumar Das | On 21 Mar 2016

Contested Idea of Nation Madhesi Upsurge in Nepal

The end of World War II marked the advent of Ethnic disputes in the world. The explicit wars for territory converted into implicit wars for identity and recognition; perhaps, because a part of the pop...

by Kalpana Jha | On 21 Mar 2016

Innovative Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Accelerated Human Resource Development in South Asia Bangladesh

Improving the quality of skills among its labor force will help further economic growth in Bangladesh. Thus, there is an urgent need to provide better access to TVET to help increase productivity and...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 15 Mar 2016

Policy Options in the Iranian Nuclear Crisis

As reports circle of an advanced Iranian nuclear program, different policy options are considered by Israeli and American policy-makers. While officials in Jerusalem seem convinced that the military o...

by | On 14 Mar 2016

Politics of ‘Good Governance’ in Sri Lanka’s Parliamentary Polls

Sri Lanka’s latest parliamentary election, slated for 17 August 2015, is important not only for the political-comeback bid by former President Mahinda Rajapakse but also for the focus on issues of ‘go...

by Ayesha Wijayalath | On 14 Mar 2016

Shifting Preferences at the Fed: Evidence from Rolling Dynamic Multipliers and Impulse Response Analysis

The existing empirical literature on Taylor-type interest rate rules has failed to achieve a robust consensus. Indeed, the relatively common finding that the Taylor principle does not hold has fueled...

by Matthew Greenwood Nimmo | On 13 Mar 2016

Arsenic Contamination in Water: A Conceptual Framework of Policy Options

Arsenic contamination in water supplies continues to increase in many countries, especially in developing nations, thereby creating both environmental and health hazard. Its sources and effects are mu...

by Zareena Begum Irfan | On 13 Mar 2016

A Note on Excess Money Growth and Inflation Dynamics: Evidence from Threshold Regression

We test the effect of excess money growth on inflation using Threshold Regression technique developed by Hansen (2000). The empirical test is conducted using annual data from India for the period from...

by Saumitra N Bhaduri | On 13 Mar 2016

Bombings in Myanmar: New Impetus for Community Engagement

A series of recent bombings in Myanmar reveal how complex business interests can derail the peace process and put into jeopardy the country’s democratic transition. Police reports attributed the bombi...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

Can Univariate Time Series Models of Inflation Help Discriminate Between Alternative Sources of Inflation Persistence

When it comes to measuring inflation persistence, a common practice in empirical research is to estimate univariate autoregressive moving average (ARMA) time series models and measure persistence as t...

by Naveen Srinivasan | On 11 Mar 2016

Why South Korea Needs THAAD Missile Defense

South Korea, Japan, and the U.S. need a more effective anti-ballistic missile system to counter North Korea’s increased nuclear and missile threats. Yet Seoul has so far wavered in agreeing to the dep...

by | On 10 Mar 2016

Politicking and the Philippine Peace Process

Three months after a deadly clash in Mamasapano, the Philippine peace process is in danger. The hard-won gains of negotiations over the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)—the implementing piece of le...

by | On 10 Mar 2016

Kerosene Consumption in India: Welfare and Environmental Issues

The adverse fiscal effects of fuel subsidies in developing countries like India are well documented. More recently, few studies have highlighted the fiscal, welfare and environmental effects of possib...

by Brinda Viswanathan | On 10 Mar 2016

E Pluribus Unum? Varieties and Commonalities of Capitalism

The paper reviews the origins of the comparative study of capitalism and of the diverse approaches applied to it in contemporary political economy. It distinguishes four models accounting for differen...

by Wolfgang Streeck | On 09 Mar 2016

Models of Affective Decision-making: How do Feelings Predict Choice?

Intuitively, how we feel about potential outcomes will determine our decisions. Indeed, one of the most influential theories in psychology, Prospect Theory, implicitly assumes that feelings govern cho...

by Caroline J. Charpentier | On 09 Mar 2016

Climate Change Negotiations: the Road from Bali to Poznan

The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali in December 2007 was a landmark meeting which culminated in the creation of the Bali Action Plan – a roadmap for a two-year process of formal negot...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 06 Mar 2016

Voluntary Compliance: Better Governance with Lesser Government

Analysed from various perspectives, the success of a recent experiment of regulating car traffic on the streets of India’s capital city of Delhi – in order to control air pollution – shows the possibl...

by Vinod Rai | On 04 Mar 2016

Asia¬Pacific Countries Agree on Framework to Address Irregular Migration

The Fourth Bali Regional Ministerial Conference on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crimes – otherwise known as the Bali Process – was held in Nusa Dua, Bali, on 29-3...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 03 Mar 2016

ENGOs’ Bitter Pill: Adapting to Incremental Climate (Governance) Change

Environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) have often been depicted as a section of civil society that is highly critical of the lack of political will in addressing environmental issues. Th...

by Sofiah Jamil | On 02 Mar 2016

Diet and Nutritional Status of Population and Prevalence of Hypertension Among Adults in Rural Areas

The study highlights the need for implementation of developmental programmes in the tribal areas for the overall improvement of nutritional status of the community. There is also a need to carryout in...

by National Institute of Nutrition | On 29 Feb 2016

Should Asian Cities be Climbing on the ‘Resilience’ Bandwagon?

Providing essential services to Asia’s booming cities is becoming more difficult. With over 100,000 people thought to be moving to the region’s urban spaces every day, the demands on cities are beco...

by J. Ewing | On 27 Feb 2016

Money, Output and Prices in India

The dynamics of the monetary system is undergoing significant changes in India. The entire concept and flow of money; narrow, broad or base, is being influenced by measures related to financial inclus...

by Charan Singh | On 27 Feb 2016

Securitization of Illegal Migration of Bangladeshis to India

Over 10 million illegal migrants from Bangladesh live in India, according to both official and unofficial estimates. This paper examines the securitization of the issue by various actors through a cen...

by | On 26 Feb 2016

Measuring HDI – The Old, the New and the Elegant: Implications for multidimensional development and social inclusiveness

The Human Development Index (HDI) is calculated using normalized indicators from three dimensions- health, education, and standard of living (or income). This paper evaluates three aggregation methods...

by Srijit Mishra | On 26 Feb 2016

Railway Budget 2016-17: Preliminary Analysis

The Minister of Railways, Mr. Suresh Prabhu, presented the Railway Budget 2016-17 to Parliament on February 25, 2016. In his address, he commented on the performance of Railways in 2015-16 and laid o...

by Prachee Mishra | On 26 Feb 2016

Tourism Satellite Account for India

This study marks the culmination of a long process, first initiated in 2000 when the Ministry of Tourism Commissioned National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) to undertake a feasibility s...

by Dr. Rajesh Shukla | On 25 Feb 2016

Trade Liberalization under New Realities

The last decade has witnessed significant influx of direct foreign investment in developing countries. The increased flow of foreign investment has contributed to the ability of developing countries t...

by Syed Ali | On 25 Feb 2016

Workshop Report on “Starving Tigers?: Impact of Climate Change in South East Asia”

The Copenhagen Summit in December 2009 failed to yield a concrete, politically-binding agreement among states to reduce carbon emissions in order to mitigate climate change. This is so despite the wid...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 24 Feb 2016

Towards Transparency and Good Governance

Transparency has been put in processes, changed many rules for protection of environment and we have started taking decisions that are based on policies. The cases that fall within the policy framewor...

by Ministry of Environment and Forests | On 24 Feb 2016

Because the Personal is Political - A Documentation of the Work of the Special Cell for Women and Children 1984-1994

The documentation demonstrates the challenges waiting for the professional academic institutions to reach out beyond their walls to identify emerging issues and to develop new models of practice or st...

by Tata Institue of Social Sciences TISS | On 24 Feb 2016

Shades of Courage – Women & Indian Penal Code Section 498 A

This booklet is aimed at women's groups, activists, students, lawyers, police and all those who are concerned with the debate on violence against women. It provides empirical evidence gathered from po...

by Tata Institue of Social Sciences TISS | On 24 Feb 2016

Central Banking for Financial Stability in Asia

A key lesson of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis (GFC) was the importance of containing systemic financial risk and the need for a “macroprudential” approach to surveillance and regulation that c...

by Masahiro Kawai | On 22 Feb 2016

Preferential Trading In South Asia

This paper examines the economic case for the South Asia Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Agreement signed on January 6 th, 2004 by India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. It s...

by Tercan Baysan | On 21 Feb 2016

Price of Daily Essentials: A Diagnostic Study of Recent Trends

The present report summarises major results that seeks to trace the supply chains of a group of essential commodities and, in view of their future supply (domestic production and import) prospect, att...

by Centre for Policy Dialogue CPD | On 21 Feb 2016

Transforming Cities with Transit

In rapidly urbanizing and motorizing cities of the world, massive investments are being made in high-capacity transit systems to fend off worsening traffic congestion. Most investments have been guide...

by | On 19 Feb 2016

Urban Drainage & Green Infrastructure

This lecture addresses the need to reduce the impact of city development of flooding on residents and in other places, and the worsening of the water quality in streams, rivers and lakes caused by the...

by | On 19 Feb 2016

COP21 Paris Climate Change Conference: Can Global Deal Be Achieved?

All eyes are on Paris where world leaders will meet for the much anticipated 2015 climate change conference. They are expected to reach a consensus on a legally-binding climate agreement for all count...

by | On 16 Feb 2016

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Looking Ahead to the Next Steps

Pressure has been building for the conclusion of the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. Getting the deal done is important, but the TPP is not just another free trade agreement (...

by Deborah Elms | On 16 Feb 2016

Mainstreaming Children in the Union Budget 2016-17: The ‘Mantra’ of Inclusive Development

in order to ensure the inclusion and social security of children, the Central government must pay attention to the concerns raised by Sates and the upcoming Union Budget must include some of the point...

by Kumar Shailabh | On 15 Feb 2016

Promoting Fairness in Judicial Appointments

Where political power plays a significant role in the appointment, promotion and conditions of service of judges there is a risk that judicial candidates, as well as sitting judges, will feel compelle...

by Transparency International TI | On 14 Feb 2016

Growth Diagnostics in Pakistan

Following the Hausmann, et al. (2005) methodology, an attempt is done to identify the constraints to growth in Pakistan. It is argued that governance failure and institutional shortcomings are the h...

by Abdul Qayyum | On 14 Feb 2016

A Study of Cases Filed under Section 498A, IPC; Closed as False in Two Districts and Two Cities of Rajasthan

This study explores closed cases filed under section 498A of the IPC, which pertains to cruelty to a married woman by her marital family. It draws from two datasets of both primary and secondary data,...

by Anjali Dave | On 14 Feb 2016

A Strategy of the Special Cell

The primary objective of this study is to understand if the strategy which was developed by and for the violated woman, is at all detrimental to her and her access to rights.

by Anjali Dave | On 14 Feb 2016

Strengthening Corporate Governance to Combat Corruption

The collapse of global financial markets in September 2008 has ignited a debate on what caused their quick undoing. As captured in the comments of the OECD Secretary-General, there is a growing sentim...

by Transparency International TI | On 13 Feb 2016

Disempowered by Whom? Gender vs. Generation in Family Decision making

The now-frequent use of decision-making questions in household surveys has greatly enhanced our understanding of intra-household power relations. While much of the research interest in these questions...

by Mitali Sen | On 13 Feb 2016

Whistleblowing: An Effective Tool in the Fight Against Corruption

Whistleblowing helps to prevent and detect corruption and other malpractice. But reporting can come at a high price and it is essential to have policy and legal measures in place that provide an alter...

by Transparency International TI | On 12 Feb 2016

North Korea’s Third Hereditary Succession: Determining Factors and Hidden Meanings

North Korea appointed Kim Jong Un, the youngest son of Kim Jong Il, to the position of vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) at the third Party Conventi...

by | On 09 Feb 2016

How Soon Is Now? Evidence of Present Bias from Convex Time Budget Experiments

Empirically observed intertemporal choices about money have long been thought to exhibit present bias, i.e. higher short-term compared to long-term discount rates. Recently, this view has been called...

by Uttara Balakrishnan | On 07 Feb 2016

Looking Beyond 2015: A Role For Governance

The year 2015 signals the end date for development commitments that global leaders first made at the United Nations (UN) in 2000: the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As the world looks beyond 201...

by Transparency International TI | On 06 Feb 2016

Algebraic Representation of Social Capital Matrix

This paper proposes a mathematical model based on a Boolean algebra involving a 4×4 social capital matrix [Shah (2008)], that emerges through interaction within and across individuals, communities, in...

by Tariq Shah | On 06 Feb 2016

Reservation in Employment, Education and Legislature — Status and Emerging Issues

This Working paper studies the reservation policy of the Government of India with regard to – employment in government services, admission in educational institutions, and representation in legislativ...

by | On 05 Feb 2016

Using Online Vacancies and Web Surveys to Analyse the Labour Market: A Methodological Inquiry – 2016

This paper discusses methodological issues arising from the use of online job vacancy data and voluntary web-based surveys to analyse the labour market. It highlights the advantages and possible disad...

by | On 05 Feb 2016

Israeli Interference in Sudan

As part of its initial publications, the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies will soon issue a book in Arabic, titled The Secession of Southern Sudan: Risks and Opportunities. The book is the...

by | On 03 Feb 2016

Inter-linkage between Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Trade in Pakistan: Are they Complements or Substitute?

This study tries to investigate the inter-linkage between foreign trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in case of Pakistan. Annual data for the period 1985–2010 have been considered for eight maj...

by Unbreen Qayyum | On 03 Feb 2016

Governance and the Effectiveness of Foreign Capital

This study empirically investigates the impact of foreign capital and governance on the economic growth by employing country level data from 1984 to 2010 for Asian developing countries. Governance; fo...

by Unbreen Qayyum | On 03 Feb 2016

The Political Regime in Iraq: Between Reform and Legitimacy

In the light of the Arab Spring of 2011, this study concludes that the levels of social awareness in favor of changing Iraq's political and economic reality remain limited and specific to civil societ...

by | On 02 Feb 2016

Achieving Sustainable Development: The Energy Investment Challenge

There is an emerging consensus holding that sustainable development requires a radical transformation of the world’s energy system. This brief suggests that countries will need to manage large and com...

by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs | On 31 Jan 2016

Sri Lanka Demographic Transition Facing the Challenges of an Aging Population with Few Resources

This report discusses some of the economic implications of demographic transition in Sri Lanka, focusing n employment and productivity related issues on one side; and performance of cash transfer prog...

by World Bank [WB] | On 31 Jan 2016

Parliamentary Oversight and Social Accountability

Parliamentary oversight is one of the cornerstones of democracy. John Stuart Mill asserted that the most appropriate tasks of a representative body are to : oversee and clarify the government actions,...

by BRAC University | On 30 Jan 2016

Situational Analysis of Women's Representation in National Politics

The paper reviews the party declarations, election manifestos, party structures and level of women's presence within five different political parties as mentioned above. The election manifestos and co...

by . BRAC | On 30 Jan 2016

Social Work Intervention at Police Stations

This handbook on “Social Work Intervention in Police Stations” attempts to document the experiences of Prayas social workers in handling cases relating to women, children, youth, mentally or emotiona...

by Prayas NGO | On 30 Jan 2016

Transformation of the Arab Gulf Economies into Knowledge Economies: Motivational Issues Related to the Tertiary Education Sector

Over the past ten years, Arab Gulf states have made it an explicit aim to transform their economies into Knowledge Economies.However, changing economic platforms is no easy task for a state, and the s...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

Elite Politics and Dissent in Sri Lanka

The year 2015 has been dramatic for politics in Sri Lanka. A Presidential, as well as a General, Election within the first eight months of the year saw the country having a new President and a new gov...

by | On 29 Jan 2016

Climate Change and Vulnerability in Bangladesh

It is predicted that climate change will aggravate the presence of sudden (e.g. cyclones, floods etc.) and chronic (e.g. drought, erosion) hazards to agrarian communities in Bangladesh. According to t...

by Md Maniruzzaman | On 23 Jan 2016

Prospects and Challenges of Bond Market Development in Bangladesh

The thin bond market in Bangladesh faces manifold challenges emanating from several sources including excessive reliance on bank credit, government debt instruments dominated by primary auction based...

by Md. Akhtaruzzaman | On 23 Jan 2016

Implications of Sino-Russian Ties for the Region

Instead of viewing the growing links between China and Russia through the prism of Sino-American sensitivities, this paper believes that South Asian countries like India and Pakistan can benefit from...

by | On 23 Jan 2016

Better Ask the Parrot

It may be time to look at the market forecasts that pundits had made earlier.

by T.N. Ninan | On 23 Jan 2016

PDS ‘To Go’? ‘Portability’ of Rights through Real-time Monitoring: the Centralised Online Real-time Electronic PDS in Chhattisgarh, India

Information and communications technology (ICT)-based reforms are increasingly being used to improve the delivery of public services. The main question which the research reported here addressed is th...

by Anuradha Joshi | On 23 Jan 2016

Disability and the Millennium Development Goals

Over one billion people around the world live with a disability. However, disability issues are not included in any of the Millennium Development Goals, targets or indicators, thereby representing a l...

by UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs UNDESA | On 20 Jan 2016

United Nations E-Government Survey 2014

E-government—digital interactions between governments and people—varies greatly among and within regions, but most countries are making progress on providing greater access, according to the 2014 UN E...

by United Nations (UN) | On 19 Jan 2016

Neoliberal Development Macroeconomics: A Consideration of its Gendered Employment Effects

This paper expands on this contention, reviewing the primarily empirical research on the employment impacts of the macroeconomic policy environment, with a particular focus on women’s employment whene...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

Gender Sensitivity In Disaster Management

It lies at the intersection of two major challenges: disaster, experienced by many of the rural poor as drought, flood and storms; and the continuing issue of gender imbalances in many aspects of soci...

by Janet Robinson | On 14 Jan 2016

Broken Lives and Deserted Homes: Report on Exodus of Muslim Families from Atali

The following is a report based on PUDR’s repeated visits to Atali and its interactions with Muslim and Jat families over the last four months.

by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 13 Jan 2016

Why Human Rights Fail to Protect Undocumented Migrants

In this article, I depart from the factual difficulties of undocumented migrants to access a state’s protection mechanisms for avowedly universal human rights. I relate this aporia to two competing co...

by | On 11 Jan 2016

A Tortured History : Federalism and Democracy in Pakistan

The Pakistan Army’s ideological hegemony, especially in the country’s Punjabi-speaking heartland, the continuing focus on the state’s narrative of a religion-based unitary identity which is under a co...

by Aasim Akhtar | On 08 Jan 2016

Activity Based Training of WaterAid India Partners in Water Quality Monitoring & Management

Effective monitoring of access to, quantity of and quality of water is a key consideration for India. Given the large investments and big programmes and schemes including the current thrust of Sector...

by People's Science Institute PSI | On 07 Jan 2016

Locating the Survivor in the Indian Criminal Justice System: Decoding the Law

The publication “Locating the Survivor in the Indian Criminal Justice System: Decoding the Law” serves as a guide for survivors, young lawyers, and other key stakeholders in the criminal justice syste...

by Lawyers Collective | On 06 Jan 2016

Internal Migration, Poverty and Development in Asia

This article explores the relationship between internal migration and economic growth and development in Asia, concentrating on four countries: China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. Levels of internal...

by | On 05 Jan 2016

Journey from Violence to Crime: A Study of Domestic Violence in the City of Mumbai

This section analyses the records maintained at the Special Cell, between 1990-1997, in the city of greater Mumbai. As per the procedural requirements at the Special Cell, women are supposed to sub...

by Anjali Dave | On 05 Jan 2016

Democracy in Indonesia A Survey of the Indonesian Electorate 2003

This report presents the findings of The Asia Foundation’s third national survey of the ndonesian electorate. The aim of the research was to assess voter knowledge and opinion, and to identify key iss...

by The Asia Foundation | On 02 Jan 2016

A State in Periodic Crises Andhra Pradesh

The history of Andhra Pradesh is conveyed here with some authority based on a long, unbroken and, in all modesty, unrivalled experience as a civil servant. Some writings are collected together which t...

by B P R Vithal | On 30 Dec 2015

Women and Water

This article on women and water discusses gender perspectives of a growing water crisis and the evolution of the international policy on water. It stresses the importance of integrating gender perspec...

by UN Women | On 29 Dec 2015

Population and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Agenda

The Outcome Report of the Global Consultation on Population Dynamics and the Post-2015 Development Agenda not only explains the linkages between today's most pressing development challenges, populatio...

by United Nations Population Fund UNFPA | On 23 Dec 2015

Cricket and Indian National Consciousness

It is recognized that there are close links between sport and politics, and in particular between sport and national consciousness. The Olympic Games and the football, rugby and cricket World Cups hav...

by | On 22 Dec 2015

The Politics of Climate Change in India: Narratives of Equity and Co-benefits

India occupies an intriguing dual position in global climate politics – a poor and developing economy with low levels of historical and per capita emissions, and a large and rapidly growing economy wi...

by Navroz Dubash | On 21 Dec 2015

Uprooted Homes Uprooted Lives Key Findings of a Study on the Impact of Involuntary Resettlement on a Slum Community in Mumbai

Involuntary resettlement refers to the movement of populations when the choice to remain in a place is not granted. This is distinct from voluntary population movements, including rural- urban migrati...

by | On 21 Dec 2015

The Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011: Origin, Need, and Analysis

Tabled by V. Narayanasamy, Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, in Lok Sabha in December 2011, The Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redre...

by Amit Chandra | On 21 Dec 2015

Assessing Teacher Quality in India

Using administrative data from linked private schools from one of districts in India that matches 8,319 pupils to their subject specific teachers at the senior secondary level, we estimate the importa...

by Mehtabul Azam | On 18 Dec 2015

The Effect of Gender Equality Programming on Humanitarian Outcomes

Despite a number of developments in policy and practice aimed at integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment into humanitarian action, what remains missing is a strong evidence base that demon...

by UN Women | On 17 Dec 2015

China and Myanmar: Strategic Interests, Strategies and the Road Ahead

This research paper is divided into two parts to provide a more complete view of how both countries think in term of their ambitions and the methods they deem important to achieve them. This paper arg...

by | On 17 Dec 2015

Overview of Central Government Employees

The central government periodically constitutes a Pay Commission, to evaluate and recommend revisions of salaries and pensions, for its employees. Recently, the Seventh Central Pay Commission has mad...

by Vatsal Khullar | On 10 Dec 2015

The Sun Gets Bigger

The government should encourage the use of solar energy.

by T.N. Ninan | On 04 Dec 2015

A Review of Issues Pertaining to Distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Superior Kerosene Oil in Bhutan

LPG and Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO), are not only important sources of fuel, but also commodities whose price is subsidized to benefit the people of Bhutan. Therefore, it is important to ensure smooth...

by National Council Economic Affairs Committee | On 27 Nov 2015

State Policy for Transgenders in Kerala, 2015

The documents states the Government's policy on Transgenders (TGs) its goals, objectives, approaches, implementation processes and highlights selected area of focus in Kerala' s socio-economic context...

by Social Justice Department Kerala | On 13 Nov 2015

Gender and Land Tenure Security: Challenges and Barriers to Women’s Entitlement to Land in India

Given the importance of securing women’s rights to land as India grows and develops and recognizing the dearth of available data to guide the design of gender-sensitive interventions, this study provi...

by | On 04 Nov 2015

Performance of Targeted Public Distribution System in Kerala

Targeted Public Distribution System was introduced in the country following the failure of the Universal PDS to serve below the poverty line and poorest of the poor households.It is being implemente...

by T Jayan | On 04 Nov 2015

Ending Malnutrition: From Commitment to Action

Ending Malnutrition offers key insights from the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) to catalyze follow-up actions across the world. It reviews current evidence on the prevalence of ma...

by Vikas Rawal | On 23 Oct 2015

Safe Cities and Gender Budgeting

Women in the communities make efforts to seek allocation under appropriate budget heads to identify streams of revenue, available revenue and the required expenditure. Town planners, policy makers and...

by Vibhuti Patel | On 28 Sep 2015

The Dismal State of the Social Sciences in Pakistan

The report measures the development of social sciences against several criteria, some of which are listed here: the number of Pakistani social scientists who have made internationally recognised contr...

by S. Akbar Zaidi | On 11 Sep 2015

Global Nutrition Report: Actions and Accountability to Accelerate the World’s Progress on Nutrition

This report highlights the global nature of malnutrition and the successes and bottlenecks in addressing it. Malnutrition continues to affect the lives of millions of children and women worldwide. Eve...

by International Food Policy Research Institute | On 08 Sep 2015

Addressing Urban Poverty: Relevance of Conditional Cash Transfers

This paper from a two-day conference in New Delhi explores the relevance of CCTs in addressing entrenched issues of urban poverty even as across Asia there remain few social protection measures that p...

by United Nations Development Programme UNDP | On 31 Aug 2015

Rough Roads To Equality: Women Police in South Asia

This report looks at the situation of women in policing in Bangladesh, India, the Maldives, and Pakistan. It is based on the premise that gender equality, besides being a value to be upheld in and of...

by Aideen Gilmore | On 28 Aug 2015

MP Participation in the First Year of the 16th Lok Sabha

Monsoon Session 2015 marks the end of the first year of the 16th Lok Sabha. This note looks at the participation of MPs in both Houses of Parliament over the last year. Participation in debates includ...

by Kusum Malik | On 25 Aug 2015

On Reckoning Level Differentials in the Measurement of Progress: An Illustration in the Context of Deliveries Assisted by Skilled Health Personnel

The paper highlights that performance assessments should account for non-linear dynamics of progress, whereby an improvement at a higher level represents greater achievement than an equal improvement...

by William Joe | On 21 Aug 2015

Profile of Educational Outcomes by Gender: An Age Cohort Analysis

How to achieve target of universal primary education in Pakistan and how do we keep students that have enrolled to continue with schooling to higher levels are the most important policy questions whi...

by Madeeha Gohar Qureshi | On 18 Aug 2015

Results from the Perception and Attitudes Towards Ageing and Seniors Survey ( 2013/2014)

In this paper the results are documented which derived from the Perception and Attitudes towards Ageing and seniors (PATAS) survey completed in early 2014. These results delve into respondents beliefs...

by Mathew Mathews | On 11 Aug 2015

The Republican Spirit

Elected representatives should be ready to admit the mistakes which they have done and not flaunt the wealth. They should be sensitive to what is happening around them.

by T.N. Ninan | On 11 Jul 2015

Women Police in the City of Delhi: Gender Hierarchies, 'Transgression', and 'Pariah Femininities'

When women personnel are incorporated in the profession of policing, there is a general assumption behind it that the presence of women makes the force sensitive to gender-crimes, and thus more effici...

by Santana Khanikar | On 09 Jul 2015

The Impact of Temperature on Productivity and Labor Supply: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing

Cross-country studies have found that hotter years are associated with lower output in poor countries. Using high-frequency micro-data from manufacturing firms in India, we show that worker heat stre...

by Anant Sudarsan | On 07 Jul 2015

Relaxing Migration Constraints for Rural Households

There are an estimated 750 million internal migrants in the world, yet the effects of access to internal migration for rural households are not well understood. Internal migrants may provide wealth tr...

by Cynthia Kinnan | On 25 Jun 2015

Book Review: Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence

Review of Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence by Marieluise Jonas and Heike Rahmann. Berlin: Jovis, 2014. pp 192. Rs. 2,100.00/- , ISBN-13: 978-3868592726.

by Milica Muminovic | On 05 Jun 2015

An Advocates' Tool for Monitoring Rights-Based Provision of Contraceptive Information and Services in India

This Advocates’ Guide has been developed based on the ecommendations made in the World Health Organization’s “Ensuring human rights in the provision of contraceptive information and services: Guidance...

by Renu Khanna | On 01 Jun 2015

Representation of Public Health in the Print Media : A Survey and Analysis

This study aims to analyse the pattern in which mainstream media projects health issues, with a focus in the pulse polio eradication programme, and to understand the implications for media advocacy. A...

by Swati Bhattacharjee | On 27 Apr 2015

Personalities and Public Sector Performance: Evidence from a Health Experiment in Pakistan

This paper provides evidence that the personality traits of policy actors matter for policy outcomes in the context of two large-scale experiments in Punjab, Pakistan. Three results support the releva...

by | On 14 Apr 2015

IMI Konnect Volume 4 Issue 1 - January 2015

The January 2015 issue of IMI Konnect (Volume 4, Issue 1) contains the following articles - Does Monetary Policy Limit Lending Behaviour of Banks? by Samaresh Bardhan; Entrepreneurship Education in In...

by IMI Konnect | On 24 Mar 2015

India: Development Effectiveness Brief

The publication captures the core of ADB's operations in India and showcases select ADB interventions that are helping the government achieve its development goals. ADB supports the Government of I...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 17 Mar 2015

Sri Lankan Presidential Election at a Glance

This brief is review of an electoral analysis of Sri lanka Presidential Elections. Paper discusses the various measures of failure on the part of the Rajapaksa government and strategies for new govern...

by Saman Kelegama | On 09 Feb 2015

Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election: Risks and Opportunities

This briefing discusses Sri Lanka’s presidential election promises. It promises more competition than was initially anticipated but with that comes a great risk of violence. Long-term stability and po...

by Crisis Group | On 02 Feb 2015

Violence against Women in Politics A study conducted in India, Nepal and Pakistan

This study addresses the nature, extent and reasons for women’s political participation within India, Nepal and Pakistan. All three countries have recently elected or are in the process of electing th...

by Ranjana Kumari | On 27 Nov 2014

Draft Road Transport and Safety Bill

To provide a framework for safer, faster, cost effective and inclusive movement of passengers and freight in the country thus enabling the mission of ‘Make in India’.

by Ministry of Road Transport and Safety GOI | On 13 Nov 2014

International Migration and Development in East Asia and the Pacific

The East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region has an international emigrant population of more than 21 million people who remitted US$112 billion to their home countries in 2013. The region also hosts more t...

by Ahmad Ahsan | On 31 Oct 2014

The Impact of Climate Change on Rice Prduction in Nepal

This paper examines the sensitivity of rice yield in Nepal to changes in climate variables and the magnitude of potential impacts on rice productivity in the future. The findings draw attention to the...

by Prakash K. Karn | On 22 Oct 2014

Women and Science Education in India : A Saga of Marginalization

Science has traditionally been a male preserve. Socio-religious prejudices kept science education out of bounds for vast majority of women in India. Even today underrepresentation of women in science...

by Paromita Ghosh | On 29 Jul 2014

Railway Budget 2014-15: Analysis

The Minister of Railways, D V Sadananda Gowda, presented the Railways Budget 2014 to Parliament on July 8, 2014. In his address, he assessed the performance of Railways in 2013-14 and laid out his...

by Prachee Mishra | On 16 Jul 2014

Budget Speech 2014-15

Budget Speech 2014-15 by Arun Jaitley.

by Arun Jaitley | On 10 Jul 2014

Speech of the Minister for Railways 2014-15

Railway budget 2014-15.

by D.V. Sadananda Gowda | On 09 Jul 2014

Crimes of Habit: A Report on Custodial Torture in Vijay Vihar Police Station

This investigation report unfolds the custodial torture which some boys had to undergo in a police station in outer Delhi.

by PUDR Peoples Union for Democratic Rights | On 01 Jul 2014

Police and the Rule of Law: Recent Developments in India

This paper examines some of the recent pronouncements of the Supreme Court and other High Courts and tries to analyse them vis-à-vis the understanding of the rule of law in India. [IIMA W.P. No.2014-0...

by Anurag K Agarwal | On 11 Jun 2014

Election 2014: What Political Parties Must Commit to Children

What children need are effective institutions, equitable services and adequate resources, combined with political will and accountable leadership. This is what political leaders can promise them. [H...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 20 Feb 2014

Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis of the South China Sea and the East China Sea

This article systematically compares maritime territorial disputes in the East and South China Seas. It draws on the bargaining model of war and hegemonic stability theory to track the record of confl...

by Andy Yee | On 02 Jan 2014

Model State Affordable Housing Policy for Urban Areas

The aim of this policy is to create an enabling environment for providing “affordable housing for all” with special emphasis on EWS and LIG and other vulnerable sections of society such as Scheduled c...

by Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation MOHUPA | On 09 Oct 2013

Basic Procedures to be Followed in Sexual Assault: Towards Guidelines for Support Groups and Others

The focus of this document is to explain basic hospital ,police and justice systems procedures so that individuals providing support and care are aware of the rights of survivors vis a vis law enfo...

by ... CEHAT | On 31 Aug 2013

No Fireworks Railway Budget

Modernization, encouragement to PPP, integration of MGNREGA, has been given importance in the railway budget.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 27 Feb 2013

Evaluation Study of Tribal/Folk Arts and Culture in West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhatisgrah and Bihar

The status of various forms of tribal and folk art and culture are explored. The influence of tribal and folk art & culture on the socio-economic conditions of the subjects covered under survey are...

by Gramin Vikas Seva Sanshtha GVSS | On 26 Feb 2013

Expecting a Smooth Ride

Indian Railways have to be investor friendly. The railway budget will have to deal with core issues such as mobilizing resources, controlling costs and offering competitive freight structure with an e...

by Sachin Bhanushali | On 14 Feb 2013

Mapping Exercise of Home Based Workers in Maharashtra

Home-based work has a much wider scope of activity than the singular task of an individual working from his/her home. This essential service is tied in with a larger chain of forward and backward lin...

by Indira Gartenberg | On 16 Oct 2012

Nationalist Sentiments Run High in Asian Territorial Disputes

Spot fire disputes have sparked across Asia, with the winds of nationalism spurring them on. If one flares up it could ignite a region. Escalating tensions should have mediators vigilant and with pai...

by Elliot Brennan | On 24 Aug 2012

Pilot Intervention of Improved Cook Stoves in Rural Areas: Assessment of Effects on Fuel Use, Smoke Emission and Health

This study aims to explore the impact of improved cook stoves (ICS) on fuel expenditure (consumption), smoke emission, and health of women (cook) in rural households of Bangladesh. In the follow-up...

by Nepal C. Dey | On 06 Aug 2012

Musical Melody and Speech Intonation: Singing a Different Tune?

The processing of pitch information differs significantly for speech and music; specifically, there are two pitch-related processing systems, one for more coarse-grained, approximate analysis and one...

by Robert J Zatorre | On 01 Aug 2012

‘The Education Question’ from the Perspective of Adivasis: Conditions, Policies and Structures

Drawing on secondary data, insights and ideas from an all-India consultation meet at NIAS, four regional / zonal consultations, data from a project in Chamarajanagar district (Karnataka), and select...

by P Veerbhadranaika | On 01 Aug 2012

Obituary: Mrinal Gore (1928-2012)

Obituary: Mrinal Gore (1928-2012)

by Vibhuti Patel | On 23 Jul 2012

Evolution of Model Concession Agreement for National Highways in India

This paper discusses the evolution of Model Concession Agreement for National Highways, the vital framework on which the success of Public Private Partnership lies. The key learnings of this study wou...

by Ramakrishnan T S | On 18 Jul 2012

Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh

Shallow groundwater with high arsenic concentrations from naturally occurring sources is the primary source of drinking water for millions of people in Bangladesh. It has resulted in a major public...

by Imran Matin | On 28 May 2012

Hate Crimes in India: An Economic Analysis of Violence and Atrocities against Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Crimes against the historically marginalized Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) by the upper castes in India represent an extreme form of prejudice and discrimination. In this paper, the ef...

by Smriti Sharma | On 16 May 2012

Signpost for Community Policing

Review of the book Community Policing: Misnomer or Fact? Author: Veerendra Mishra Sage, New Delhi.

by Vijay Raghavan | On 16 Apr 2012

West Bengal Budget Speech: 2012-13

Speech by Amit Mitra, Minister of Finance. [Government of West Bengal]. URL:[].

by West Bengal Government | On 13 Apr 2012

Is a Ban the Best Way to Reduce Plastic Bag Use? A Case Study from Delhi

In many developing countries plastic bags are a significant environmental problem. This is particularly true in the city of Delhi, which faces rapid development with un-matched and inadequate waste...

by South Asian Network for Development SANDEE | On 20 Mar 2012

Railway Budget 2012

The Minister of Railways, Dinesh Trivedi, presented the Railways Budget 2012 to Parliament on 14th March. In his address, he commented on the performance of Railways in 2011-12 and laid out his bud...

by Rohit Kumar | On 16 Mar 2012

Report of the Expert Group for Modernizaion of Indian Railways

There is in urgent need for modernization and generational Change need to be done in the Indian railways to assure safety, improve productivity, take advantage of advanced technology, respond to ever...

by Ministry of Railways | On 14 Mar 2012

Can Institutions be Reformed from Within? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment with the Rajasthan Police

Institutions in developing countries, particularly those inherited from the colonial period, are often thought to be subject to strong inertia. This study presents the results of a unique randomized t...

by Abhijit Banerjee | On 27 Feb 2012

Mumbai Riots, 1992-3: Revisiting the Affected

Review of the book 'Riots and After in Mumbai: Chronicles of Truth and Reconciliation' Meena Menon, Sage Publications India, 2011, Pp 267 + xcii, Rs. 595/-

by Irfan Engineer | On 17 Feb 2012

Agriculture-Nutrition Linkages and Policies in India

This paper looks at some key entry points for agriculture to influence nutrition and suggests policies for nutrition-sensitive agricultural development, within the current policy framework. In additi...

by S.Mahendra Dev | On 07 Feb 2012

Chinese Commodity Imports in Ghana and Senegal: Demystifying Chinese Business Strength in Urban West Africa

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, independent entrepreneurial migrants from China have been increasingly flocking to Africa in search of “greener pastures.” This paper scrutinizes the...

by Laurence Marfaing | On 25 Jan 2012

The Effect of Foreign Remittances on Schooling: Evidence from Pakistan

The underlying study intends to show the impact of foreign remittances on the educational performance of children in the households receiving these remittances. Much of the literature in this area c...

by Muhammad Nasir | On 13 Dec 2011

Development and Health in Poor Countries: Role of Interntional Organizations and Switzerland

The study tries to better understand three fields which seems to be essential with respect to the problem of a facilitated access to medicines : 1. the ambiguous position of intellectual property...

by Bastein Briand | On 17 Nov 2011

"I did not ask for it". Sexual Harassment: Impressions from Mumbai

Sexual harassment is a global issue. In a recent case in Mumbai, two young men, Keenan Santos (24) and Reuben Fernandez (29) were stabbed on 20 Oct 2011 while confronting some unknown men eve-teasing...

by Indira Gartenberg | On 14 Nov 2011

Task Force to Explore Options other than Price Control for Achieving the Objective of Making Available Life-saving Drugs at Reasonable Prices

The Task Force was constituted to explore options other than price control for achieving the objective of making available life-saving drugs at reasonable prices. The Task Force recommends that pr...

by Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals | On 02 Nov 2011

Agriculture, Food, and Water Nanotechnologies for the Poor: Opportunities and Constraints

This brief presents a review of the potential opportunities and challenges of using nanotech applications for agriculture, food, and water in developing countries. [IFPRI Policy Brief 19]. URL:[http...

by Guillaume Gruère | On 01 Nov 2011

Growth and Election Outcomes in a Developing Country

With the exception Brander and Drazen (2008), who use a comprehensive cross-country database consisting of both developed and developing countries, the hypothesis that rapid growth helps incumbents...

by Poonam Gupta | On 31 Oct 2011

The Pricing Problem of Public Transport in Kerala

The mainstay of the public transport system in Kerala is the private stage carriages (PSC), the economics of operation of which is the subject of this paper. The long run sustainability of the secto...

by Narayana D | On 28 Oct 2011

Gender, Governance and Women’s Rights in South Asia

This study focuses on gender equality and democratic governance in the five largest states of the South Asian region, namely, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Beginning with a general...

by Seema Kazi | On 20 Oct 2011

Loan-to-Value Ratio as a Macro-Prudential Tool: Hong Kong's Experience and Cross-Country Evidence

This study assesses the effectiveness and drawbacks of maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratios as a macroprudential tool based on Hong Kong’s experience and econometric analyses of panel data from 13 eco...

by Eric Wong | On 03 Oct 2011

Position Paper: National Focus Group on Education of Children with Special Needs

The paper discusses the issues relating to the provisions, practices and curricular concerns for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Though SEN may result from a number of factors, in thi...

by National Council of Educational Research &Training NCERT | On 29 Sep 2011

National Policy for Senior Citizens: 2011

The foundation of the new policy, known as the “National Policy for Senior Citizens 2011” is based on several factors. These include the demographic explosion among the elderly, the changing economy a...

by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment GOI | On 19 Sep 2011

Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography

The Optional Protocol (OP) to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography was ratified by India on September 16, 2005. This is t...

by Government of India Ministry of Women and Child Development | On 16 Sep 2011

Who's Minding the Police?

Review of Enforcing Police Accountability through Civilian Oversight, Shankar Sen; Sage Publication, New Delhi; pp.198, Rs 595. ISBN: 978-81-321-04537(HB).

by Kamlesh Kumar | On 18 Aug 2011

Clinical Trials and Health Care Regulation in India

This report summarises the presentations and discussions at the Third Krishna Raj Memorial Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Sciences Instituted by Anusandhan Trust. It starts with...

by Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights | On 10 May 2011

Non-Recourse Mortgages and Credit Market Breakdowns: A Framework for Policy Analysis

This paper illustrates that the legal structure of mortgage credit, in particular, its status in terms of recourse in foreclosure, can lead not only to the familiar problem of adverse selection ...

by Kaushik Basu | On 05 May 2011

"Free Dawit Isaak"

The author joined the World Press Freedom Day campaign this year, 2011, to highlight the plight of WAN-IFRA's 2011 Golden Pen of Freedom laureate, Dawit Isaak, incarcerated without charge for nearly a...

by Peter Englund | On 04 May 2011

Enhancing Intra-SAARC Trade: Pruning India’s Sensitive List under SAFTA

The study suggests an approach to reduce India’s sensitive list under SAFTA. The concept of Revealed Comparative Advantage has been used to pair the RCAs for products on India’s sensitive list with th...

by Nisha Taneja | On 29 Apr 2011

Issues Related to the Lok Pal Bill

In January 2011, the government formed a Group of Ministers, chaired by Shri Pranab Mukherjee to suggest measures to tackle corruption, including examination of the proposal of a Lok Pal Bill.

by Kaushiki Sanyal | On 08 Apr 2011

The Protection Children from Sexual Offences Bill, 2011

Current Status of the Bill: Pending URL:[].

by Parliamentary Research Service PRS | On 25 Mar 2011

Indian Railway Budget 2011-12

Railway Budget 2011-12.

by Mamata Banerjee | On 25 Feb 2011

India and the Civil War in Sri Lanka:   On the Failures of   Regional Conflict Management in South Asia 

The  paper  provides  an  assessment  of  India’s  role  in  the  final  years  of  the  civil  war  in  Sri  Lanka  (2003‐2009).  In  particular,  it  looks  for  explanations  for  India’s  in...

by Sandra Destradi | On 10 Feb 2011

Report of the Short Course on Gender, Health and Development

The course aims at sensitizing the people working in the health care field on gender issues and encourages them to develop an in-dept understanding of these gender influences on the health of women an...

by SAKHI Women's Resource Centre SAKHI | On 08 Feb 2011

Asymmetric Shocks and Co-movement of Price Indices

This paper is an attempt to gauge the relationship between the long run paths of consumer price index and wholesale price index of Pakistan. For the empirical analysis the Johansen cointegration tec...

by Nasir Hamid Rao | On 07 Feb 2011

Children's Rights to be Heard in Judicial Process in India

This submission to the UNCRC Committee is primarily addressing the right to be heard in judicial processes. It analyses the space available within the legal system that ensures that children are giv...

by HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | On 07 Feb 2011

Bright Lines, Risk Beliefs, and Risk Avoidance: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Bangladesh

43 villages in Bangladesh were randomized to receive information on well-water arsenic that emphasized water safety relative to the national standard (bright-line message) or provided additional infor...

by Lori Bennear | On 02 Feb 2011


The National Programme for the Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE) is an articulation of the International and national commitments of the Government as envisaged under the UN Convention on the Righ...

by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 01 Feb 2011

National Programme for the Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE): An Approach towards Active and Healthy Ageing

The National Programme for the Health Care for the Elderly (NPHCE) is an articulation of the International and national commitments of the Government as envisaged under the UN Convention on the Righ...

by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare H & FW | On 01 Feb 2011

Dynamics of Urban Mobility: A Comparative Analysis of Megacities of India

This paper aims to analyse urban mobility patterns and consequent impacts on energy and environment in India. We investigate the quantity of energy use in 23 metropolitan regions for the period 1981–...

by B. Sudhakara Reddy | On 03 Jan 2011

Towards Gender-Balanced Leadership: What has not Worked and What May?

The paper analyzes the the dynamics of gender balance in the corporate world. It examines the present scenario of leadership in this sector and the reasons of lack of female leaders.

by Claire Schaffnit Chatterjee | On 30 Nov 2010

External Debt and Growth in Developing Countries: A Sensitivity and Causal Analysis

The paper aims to enhance the existing literature on the debt-growth nexus by analysing the relationship in two separate country groups using the extreme bounds analysis for sensitivity tests and th...

by Abdur R. Chowdhury | On 10 Nov 2010

Decent Work and the Informal Economy

The ILO was founded for social justice, a mandate expressed today in terms of decent work as a global goal, for all who work, whether in formal or informal contexts. In June 2002, the delegates to...

by Anne Trebilcock | On 08 Oct 2010

Koi Bhookha Na Soye

A report of the workshop ‘Koi Bhookha Na Soye’ was held at the Gandhi Peace Foundation on 14th and 15th of May, 2010.

by Shambhu Ghatak | On 03 Jun 2010

Railway Budget 2010-11

Railway Budget 2010-11.

by Mamata Banerjee | On 25 Feb 2010

Competitiveness of Firms in Indian Automobile Industry

The competitiveness among the firms in Indian automobile industry has been assessed by understanding the factors that determine its competitive advantage. The efforts have been made to construct a com...

by G Burange | On 05 Feb 2010

Analysis of Non Suburban Passenger Coaching Stock Utilization

The utilization of coaches on the parameters per cent of runtime, kilometers per day, and average speed of rakes servicing express per mails and passenger trains in the South Central Railway (SCR), t...

by G. Raghuram | On 04 Feb 2010

Fuel for the Clean Energy Debate – A Study of Fuelwood Collection and Purchase in Rural India

In many parts of rural India the use of wood for fuel is the cause of significant environmental and health problems. Efforts to help people switch to cleaner fuels have not been effective and fuelwood...

by ARABINDA MISHRA | On 18 Dec 2009

Regional Analysis of Gender-Related Development: Districts of Western India

In this paper the diverse dimensions of gender development are examined using individual indicators for the districts of the western region of India. The western region for the purpose of this study...

by Preet Rustagi | On 24 Nov 2009

Gender, Poverty And Development: Gender Sensitive Budgeting And Other 'Best Practices'

The dominance of the mainstream paradigm of growth is being increasingly superseded by the Sustainable Human Development approach. No Concept of development, however, can be complete unless and until...

by Ritu Dewan | On 20 Nov 2009

A Simple Model of the Financial Crisis of 2007-9 with Implications for the Design of a Stimulus Package

The financial crisis of 2007-09 began as a local problem in the mortgage finance market in the United States and Europe but, within months, escalated into a general global financial crisis, resulting...

by Kaushik Basu | On 17 Aug 2009

A Status Report on India’s Financial System: A view from the Standpoint of Intermediation and Risk Bearing

The paper seeks to analyse and discuss the impact of financial reform and related institutional change on the process of financial intermediation. In effect reforms stood the earlier quantity driven...

by Chakrabarti B.B. | On 09 Jul 2009

Emerging Contours of Financial Regulation: Challenges and Dynamics

The paper attempts to analyse the emerging contours of regulation of financial institutions with an emphasis on the emerging challenges and dynamics. [Paper prepared for Financial Stability Review of...

by Rakesh Mohan | On 29 Jun 2009

Essential Drugs in Government Healthcare: Emerging Model of Procurement and Supply

Medicines are important in curing and preventing diseases, and hence, the ultimate goal of `Health for All’ cannot be achieved if people do not have adequate access to essential drugs. Evidences show...

by Lalitha N | On 14 May 2009

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture: Experiences from India and Canada

Agriculture sector, world over, has experienced a phenomenal growth since the mid-twentieth century. The growth, driven by Green Revolution technology, has made a significant dent on aggregate supply...

by Amita Shah | On 02 May 2009

Essential Drugs in Government Healthcare: Emerging Model of Procurement and Supply

This paper details the procedures adopted by the Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation in procuring and supplying essential drugs to the government health care which is a positive measure in ensurin...

by Lalitha N | On 22 Apr 2009

Where Are The Empty Thalis In Uttarakhand? : District Level Food Insecurity Analysis of Uttarakhand.

The primary focus of this paper is a remote sense mapping excercise to identify the food insecure parts in Uttarakhand, using official, secondary data. To mitigate the intrinsic weakness of such an ef...

by Ravi Chopra | On 05 Mar 2009

Some Reflections on the Recent Global Financial Turmoil – an Indian Perspective

The speech tries to underline some lessones that be drawn from the financial crisis relevant to regulation, financial markets and the market infrastructure and to reflect on these. [Annual Conference...

by Shyamala Gopinath | On 15 Jan 2009

Indian Railways in the Past Twenty Years Issues, Performance and Challenges

To understand the development process of Indian Railway’s over the past twenty years, the study covers issues and strategies related to financial and physical aspects of revenue generating freight and...

by G. Raghuram | On 06 Jan 2009

Suggesting Effective Policy Frames for Chronic Poverty Alleviation in India

This is a continuation of an earlier paper (2005) by the author which dealt with policy implications based on the work done by CPRC in India. There is no map of chronic poverty in India, but have an a...

by N C B Nath | On 16 Dec 2008

Global and Regional Shocks: Challenges to Asian

Two major economic problems are currently shadowing Asian economies. On the one hand, the slowdown in the US economy, ignited by the subprime mortgage crisis, may not be confined to the US region...

by Kwanho Shin | On 05 Dec 2008

Contemporary International and Domestic Banking Developments and the Emerging Challenges

A broad overview, from the Indian perspective, of the factors underlying the credit market crisis in the west, the implications of the crisis for the financial sector, lessons learnt from it, the var...

by Leeladhar V | On 25 Nov 2008

The Sinister Ways of Chattisgarh Police

Since Dr. Sen's trial is disproving the prosecution's case the police is openly trying to fabricate evidence both inside and outside the court. The police even tried to legitimate Ajay TG's legitimate...

by Kavita Srivastava | On 06 Oct 2008

The Economics of Arsenic Water Pollution – A Study from Bangladesh

Bangladesh is facing a major health crisis because arsenic is poisoning a large percentage of the country’s drinking water. Although the government has taken a number of positive steps to address this...

by Zakir Husain Khan | On 04 Sep 2008

Managing the Arsenic Disaster in Water Supply:Risk Measurement, Costs of Illness and PolicyChoices for Bangladesh

Arsenic poisoning is a major public health concern in Bangladesh. This study uses primary data to examine health impacts and costs associated with arsenic contamination of groundwater. The study estim...

by M. Zakir Hossain Khan Khan | On 29 Aug 2008

The Naxals get lethal: Chhattisgarh continues to be the epicenter of the conflict

Chhattisgarh continues to be the epicenter of the Naxalite conflict as a direct consequence of the counter-insurgency Salwa Judum campaign. There have been credible reports of serious human rights vio...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 18 Aug 2008

Who Funds the Act of Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Chittgaong Hill Tracks?

Since 1978 Bangladesh government has been providing free food rations to plain settlers to sustain the conflict, make indigenous Jumma peoples a minority in the CHTs and eventually destroy their disti...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 07 Aug 2008

Narco Analysis, Torture and Democratic Rights

Narco-analysis was started almost seven years back in India, and was also accompanied by the increased use of lie-detection testing used on criminals. It was not taken up by human-rights organisations...

by Amar Jesani | On 14 May 2008

Police Firing on Adivasis in Gujarat: Report of Fact Finding Committee, PUCL Gujarat

Report of the committee of concerned citizens formed by the People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Gujarat to enquire into the facts related to the police firing on the Adivasis demonstration on t...

by Ghanshyam Shah | On 02 Mar 2008

Introducing the Railway Budget 2008-2009

Speech of Lalu Prasad

by Lalu Prasad | On 27 Feb 2008

Estimating the Economic Benefits of Arsenic Removal in India: A Case Study from West Bengal

People living in almost fifty percent of the districts in West Bengal are exposed to arsenic contaminated water. The economic costs imposed by arsenic-related health problems are estimated. Data from...

by Joyashree Roy | On 08 Feb 2008

Release Dr. Binayak Sen: Health Human Right and Development Activist--Prisoner of Conscience in Chhatisgarh, 2007-08

Dr. Binayak Sen – paediatrician, public health professional and civil liberties activist – was arrested by the Chhattisgarh police on 14th May 2007 at Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. Asked by the Superintende...

by Medico Friend Circle | On 07 Feb 2008

Each day Binayak Sen spends in jail is one day less for democracy in India

That Sen, in May, chose to return and face the law should have been reason enough for any court to grant him bail. Reposted with permission from Tehelka Magazine, Vol. 4, Issue 50, December 29, 2007

by Apoorvanand | On 24 Dec 2007

PPP at Work

Two years later Delhi will have an airport that can handle 40-50 million passengers-making it one of the 10 largest in the world. And it will have been built in barely half the time that it took Singa...

by T.N. Ninan | On 19 Dec 2007

Handbook One for Documentation and Presentation of Evidence Concerning Denial of the Right to Health Care

This document contains information and tools concerning testimonies of denial of health care – the stories of persons who have been denied essential health care from health facilities, and who have su...

by Jan Swasthya Abhiyan JSS | On 17 Dec 2007

Education for All by 2015 Will We Make It?

The EFA Global Monitoring Report offers an authoritative reference for comparing the experiences of countries, understanding the positive impact of specific policies and recognizing that progress ha...

by UNESCO Publishing | On 05 Dec 2007

Salwa Judum in Chattisgarh

Not only has the state outsourced its duty to protect its citizens but has also permitted human rights violations without any accountability. Such state action cannot be justified at any cost. Will th...

by Aditya Swarup | On 28 Nov 2007

Liberation, August 2007

Presidential Polls 2 Woman President, Women's Empowerment 3 1857 4 Corruption in Kerala CPI(M) 7 Crackdown in Campuses 9 Mining Policy 11 Dollar Millionaires in India 12 Public Transport...

by Liberation | On 20 Sep 2007

Democracy, Political Dissent, and Repressive Laws

The recent arrest of Binayak Sen of the PUCL-Chattisgarh has brought to the fore the important question as to what democracy means when it is practised under the ever present shadow of state repressio...

by Hasan Mansur | On 08 Aug 2007

Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines

This report analyzes the ITRIPS agreement. It discuses the problems and stakes, and consequences of this agreement. The report also provides case studies related to the topic and finally gives a sugge...

by Andrea Onori | On 21 Jul 2007

Custodial Death of Rohtas Singh of Haryana: A Fact Finding Report

The report of a two member team of Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) consisting of Advocate Nitesh Kumar Singh and Advocate Rajesh Pandey on the death in custody of Rohtas Singh, owner of a ready-m...

by Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | On 13 Jul 2007

Impact of U.S. Federal Interest Rate and Movement of MSCI on Indian Capital Markets

The relationship between Indian macro-economic factors and economic growth has been analyzed by a number of empirical studies. This paper re-examines the sources of variability in the Indian economy f...

by Bharat Chadha | On 26 Jun 2007

Reading Sraffa: The Philosophical Underpinnings of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities

It is argued that that both the Sraffians’ interpretation based on the classical notion of centre of gravitation as well as the neoclassical interpretation based on the supposedly implicit assumption...

by Ajit Sinha | On 26 Jun 2007

Union budget 2007-08: Have the Elderly Benefited?

While new schemes like reverse mortgage on houses show a measure of some serious thought going into the structuring of programmes for the elderly, the Union Budget 2007-08 falls short of comprehensive...

by Lakshmi Priya | On 21 Mar 2007

SHG-Bank Linkage Programme for Rural Poor - An Impact Assessment

The present study paper attempts to assess the impact of microfinance channelised through SHG Bank Linkage programme in Eastern areas (Orissa, Jharkhand & Chattisgarh) of India.It tries to quantify t...

by v. Puhazhendi | On 30 Dec 2006

Teacher Truancy in India: The Role of Culture, Norms and Economic Incentives

Social scientists often emphasize how ‘culture’ and ‘social norms’ can be important determinants of economic behavior and development. This raises questions of the relative importance of economic ince...

by Kaushik Basu | On 26 Dec 2006

Unbound Savagery: Brutal Repression of Farmers by UP Police

This report brings out again sharply the perennial question, which the poor in the country are asking – Development for Whom? A big business company has been allotted land disproportionate to the requ...

by People's Union of Civil Liberties PUCL | On 26 Dec 2006

Theorizing Dissent

This paper aims to present the act of dissent as at once unifying and divisive as a collective expression of a singular intention; it is sometimes illegal, but often represents an answerability that...

by Susan Brophy | On 28 Jul 2006

Crime and Punishment: An Analysis of Death Penalty

However despite the enuniciation of ‘rarest of rare’, there has been no decrease in the number of death sentences awarded by various courts. This essay shall attempt to chart the ‘hardening’ of the c...

by Bikram Jeet Batra | On 28 Jul 2006

Application Of Ethical Principles With Cultural Sensitivity: Case Study Of Research Among Tribal Population

This paper aims to bring out the need to incorporate cultural sensitivity to ensure the principle of essentiality in research processes while undertaking research among tribal populations. The author...

by Sajitha O.G | On 24 Jul 2006

The Role and Nature of Non-Contributory Social Security in the Design of Social Protection Strategies for Older People in DCs

Non-contributory social security is increasingly attracting the attention of developing country policymakers and observers, not least as a mechanism to help address the perceived failure of contributo...

by Roddy McKinnon | On 23 May 2006

WCD Thematic Review I.1:Contributing Paper-- Social Impacts of an African Dam: Equity and Distributional Issues in the Senegal River Valley

The story of Manantali Dam begins fifteen years before the dam itself became operational. The story to be told here is that of the social impacts of the Senegal River Development Organisation (OMVS) p...

by Adrian Adams | On 11 May 2006

Mirrors of Value? Advertising and Political Theatre in the Hegemonic Construction of Women in India

'Fair and Lovely’ fairness cream (FAL) advertisements and plays by Jana Natya Manch (Janam) are cultural representations that make particular claims about Indian women’s value and what they value. For...

by Dia Mohan | On 01 Apr 2006

An Open Letter on Dissent, Dissenters and Petrification of Politics

Why are we – people who feel that there ought to be some space for disagreement in a democratic society, and more so in a dialogue between the world's two largest democracies -- so completely, unequiv...

by Ananya Vajpeyi | On 03 Mar 2006

Elementary Education: Rising Expenditure, Poor Quality: Book Review

Review of 'The Economics of Elementary Education in India: The Challenge of Public Finance, Private Provision and Household Costs' edited by Santosh Mehrotra; Sage, New Delhi; 2005, pp.328.

by P. Geetha Rani . | On 20 Jan 2006

Monitoring Works: Getting Teachers to Come to School

In the rural areas of developing countries, teacher absence is a widespread problem. This paper tests whether a simple incentive programme based on teacher presence can reduce teacher absence, and whe...

by Esther Duflo | On 30 Dec 2005

Task Force to Explore Options other than Price Control for Achieving the Objective of Making Available Life-saving Drugs at Reasonable Prices

The Task Force recommends that price regulation should be on the basis of ‘Essentiality’ of the drug and it should be applied only to formulations and not to upstream products, such as bulk drugs. No...

by Task Force on Pharmaceutical Pricing | On 22 Dec 2005

Hepatitis B and the Case of the Missing Women

In many Asian countries the ratio of male to female population is higher than in the West -- as high as 1.07 in China and India, and even higher in Pakistan. A number of authors (most notably Sen, 19...

by Emily Oster | On 27 Nov 2005

Underground Gun Markets

This paper provides an economic analysis of underground gun markets drawing on interviews with gang members, gun dealers, professional thieves, prostitutes, police, public school security guards and t...

by Philip J. Cook | On 11 Nov 2005