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Authors Name: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Massive, Globally Coordinated Fiscal Stimulus is Needed: Going From the Drawing Board to Swift Action

In just over a year, the mid-2007 sub-prime housing debacle in the United States has escalated into a global financial crisis and pushed the world economy into recession arguably the deepest since Wor...

On 31 Jan 2016

A Global Green New Deal for Sustainable Development

Seventy-six years ago, in the midst of the Great Depression, the United States government introduced the New Deal. The New Deal effectively harnessed the fiscal stimulus for environmental as well as d...

On 31 Jan 2016

The Trillion Dollar Plan

The rapidly unfolding global financial and economic crisis will severely disrupt economic growth worldwide, affect the livelihoods of billions around the world and endanger progress toward the poverty...

On 31 Jan 2016

Off-shoring, Insecurity and the Protectionist Threat

The financial crash of 2008 threatens economic insecurity in industrialized countries to an extent not experienced since the Great Depression. But as discussed in the World Economic and Social Survey...

On 31 Jan 2016

Finance for Forests and Climate Change

In addition to providing multiple services and goods, forests can play a key role in tackling climate change. Forestry, as defined by the IPCC accounts for around 17.4 per cent of global GHG emissions...

On 31 Jan 2016

Forests: the Green and REDD of Climate Change

Forests are crucial for rural development, access to water, agricultural productivity, energy, soil conservation, and flood control. Forests are also home to at least 80 per cent of terrestrial biodiv...

On 31 Jan 2016

Reaching a Climate Deal in Copenhagen

There is a growing awareness that action is urgently needed to seriously address the climate change problem. The multilateral process that began with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate...

On 31 Jan 2016

Climate Change and Technology Transfer: The Need for a Regional Perspective

The international negotiations on climate change actions, including mechanisms for the efficient and equitable transfer of technologies for mitigation and adaptation, are currently being deliberated u...

On 31 Jan 2016

Technology Transfer and Climate Change: Beyond TRIPS

The introduction and diffusion of new technologies is crucial in meeting the challenges of climate change and fostering a rapid transition to a low-carbon economy. Such technologies are expected to in...

On 31 Jan 2016

Multidimensional Climate Threats Require New Approaches and More Resources for Adaptation Challenge

Long-term planning and investment are essential to prevent increasing vulnerability to climate change in developing countries. Tackling only the impacts will fail: fragmented action are only partial s...

On 31 Jan 2016

Climate Justice: Sharing the Burden

It is now beyond scientific doubt that the emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reduced significantly to prevent dangerous interference in the climate system and avoid dramatic consequences of glo...

On 31 Jan 2016

Financing Mitigation and Adaptation by Developing Countries

There is a broad consensus that without the active participation of developing countries, global temperatures cannot be stabilized at a safe level. It is also agreed that even if temperatures are cont...

On 31 Jan 2016

Stronger Industrial Policies Needed to Face the Climate and Development Challenges

Following a period during which policy options in many developing countries were confined to a standardized set of market friendly measures, there is growing recognition that one size does not fit all...

On 31 Jan 2016

Climate Change and the Energy Challenge

A temperature increase of 2 degree celsius above pre-industrial levels is the maximum target range established by the scientific community for stabilizing carbon concentrations at a level that prevent...

On 31 Jan 2016

Is Sustainable Recovery Possible for Haiti?

In Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, the earthquake of 7.0 on the Richter scale in early January 2010 had devastating effects. The Government estimates that more than 200,000 people (o...

On 31 Jan 2016

The Challenges of Adapting to a Warmer Planet for Urban Growth and Development

The United Nations estimates that more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. It is expected that the proportion of city dwellers globally will have risen to three quarters by 2050,...

On 31 Jan 2016

Ocean Acidification: A Hidden Risk for Sustainable Development

The issue of climate change currently holds the attention of the international community. Worsening emissions predictions and a perception that impacts are occurring more rapidly than anticipated have...

On 31 Jan 2016

Can we Avert the Next Dollar Crisis?

Are we heading towards a hard landing of the United States dollar? In recent months, the value of the dollar approached another historic low vis-à-vis other major currencies. This contrasts with the i...

On 31 Jan 2016

Till Debt do us Part: the Urgency of a Sovereign Debt Workout Mechanism

The danger to global economic recovery posed by the European debt turmoil throws a spotlight on a key missing international institution critical to global finance a sovereign debt resolution mechanism...

On 31 Jan 2016

Coordinating Capital Account Regulation

There is a renewed consensus on the need to re-regulate international capital movements. But there is a collective action problem, which puts developing countries at a particular disadvantage. Countri...

On 31 Jan 2016

Fiscal Stimulus is still Needed for Global Recovery

Responding to the economic and financial crisis, a large number of countries introduced fiscal stimulus packages to support aggregate demand. These have been critical in avoiding the recession becomin...

On 31 Jan 2016

Better Policy Coordination Needed to Avert another Global Slowdown

The United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects 2011 cautions that the lack of policy coordination could further weaken the already modest recovery, or even precipitate a new global recessio...

On 31 Jan 2016

Governments Need to Push for More Energy Efficient End-Use Technologies

About 2.7 billion people do not have access to modern energy. Without it, they have little chance of achieving a decent living standard. Much more economic progress is needed to lift the living standa...

On 31 Jan 2016

Financing the Green Technological Transformation

Sustainable development requires a fundamental, global green technological transformation over the next 30 to 40 years. Otherwise, it will be impossible to simultaneously meet the goals of ending pove...

On 31 Jan 2016

A Truly Green Agricultural Revolution is Needed

The recent food price spikes have exposed deep structural flaws in the world food system. Although increased financial speculation in commodity futures and options markets seems to have amplified shor...

On 31 Jan 2016

Can a Protracted Slowdown be Avoided?

The world economy is teetering on the brink of another major downturn. As in 2008, economic woes in the major developed economies are weakening economic prospects around the world. Th ere are multiple...

On 31 Jan 2016

Why Global Health Funds should be Consolidated

Over the past decade, international donors increased financing for health in developing countries substantively. Much of the additional support has come from the rapid expansion of so-called vertical...

On 31 Jan 2016

The Potential of Financial Transaction Taxes for Development Financing

Difficulties in raising sufficient resources to finance internationally agreed development goals and global objectives, such as combating climate change, have led the quest for new and innovative sour...

On 31 Jan 2016

Global Liquidity for Global Development

Official development assistance declined in real terms in 2011 as a result, in part, of fiscal austerity in many donor countries. Traditional forms of funding have fallen well short of needs to financ...

On 31 Jan 2016

An Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Cities

The multiple challenges that cities face also represent a strategic opportunity to build sustainable cities and reap the benefits of rapid urbanization. Urban development should be understood as a bal...

On 31 Jan 2016

Increasing Public Spending in Agricultural R&D to Ensure Food Security in Developing Countries

Arguably, ensuring food and nutrition security for all people in the coming decades is the major challenge for the global community. Food demand is increasing in aggregate and per capita values, in pa...

On 31 Jan 2016

Challenges of Financing Human and Sustainable Development

Accelerating progress to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will serve to advance human development and also to lay a solid foundation for the pursuance of sustainable development goals a...

On 31 Jan 2016

Achieving Sustainable Development: The Energy Investment Challenge

There is an emerging consensus holding that sustainable development requires a radical transformation of the world’s energy system. This brief suggests that countries will need to manage large and com...

On 31 Jan 2016

Promoting Empowerment of People in Achieving Poverty Eradication, Social Integration and Full Employment Integration and Full Employment and Decent Work for All

The responses collected from the online survey on people’s empowerment contained in this report represent a collaborative effort, made possible by the answers received from people across the world on...

On 31 Jan 2016