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Matching keywords : skilled, trained, manpower, tourist destination, high-quality, hospitality

Is India Creating Adequate Jobs Post 2000: Treading Through Employment Elasticity

This paper looks into diverse databases to gauge if economic growth in India creates adequate volume of jobs since the year 2000. In our exercise, we use a popular index called employment elasticity....

by G.D Bino Paul | On 26 Jun 2020

Does the Exposure to Routinization Explain the Evolution of the Labour Share of Income ? Evidence from Asia

This paper analyzes the evolution of the labor share of income in Asia, a region where countries have experienced steep declines and increases as well as stable labor income shares in the quarter-cent...

by Mitali Das | On 13 Dec 2018

A Probe into the Filipino Migration Culture: What Is There to Learn for Policy Intervention?

This paper seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining migration intentions of individuals from a high-emigration rural village in the Philippines. The results provide evidence of a cultu...

by Aubrey D. Tabuga | On 29 Jun 2018

National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

This strategy document is premised on the proposition that India, given its strengths and characteristics, has the potential to position itself among leaders on the global AI map – with a unique bran...

by Niti Aayog GOI | On 19 Jun 2018

Capital Skill Substitutability and the Labor Income Share: Identification Using the Morishima Elasticity of Subtitution

The relationship between a declining labor income share and a falling relative price of capital requires capital and labor to be gross substitutes at the aggregate level. It argues that this restricti...

by Saumik Paul | On 07 Jun 2018

Do Information and Communication Technologies Empower Female Workers? Firm-Level Evidence from Viet Nam

This paper studies the effects of firms’ investments in information and communication technologies (ICT) on their demand for female and skilled workers. Using the gradual liberalization of the broadba...

by Natalie Chun | On 31 May 2018

Energy Productivity And Energy Demand: Experimental Evidence From Indian Manufacturing Plants

This paper studies a field experiment among energy-intensive Indian manufacturing plants that offered energy consulting to raise energy productivity, the amount plants can produce with e...

by Nicholas Ryan | On 30 May 2018

India: A Fab-less Wonder: Case of SMDP

From IPod to I Pad, millions of electronics goods have rolled out of China, the global manufacturing hub. India’s share of global electronic product market is less than 3%. Taiwan had $72 billion of...

by A S Rao | On 07 Mar 2018

Labour Migration to Kerala: A Study of Tamil Migrant Labourers in Kochi

The study concludes that the migrant labourers get much higher monetary wages than in their native places.

by Surabhi K.S. | On 27 Feb 2018

Intellectual Property Rights and Diaspora Knowledge Networks: Can Patent Protection Generate Brain Gain from Skilled Migration ?

This paper studies the mechanism through which intellectual property rights (IPR) protection can influence the impact of skilled migration on innovation activities in developing countries. We argue th...

by | On 18 Dec 2017

Skilling India's Workforce

The report says that current capacity of 4 million workers per annum is grossly inadequate.

by Shri Ranganath | On 03 Nov 2017

How Inequality Hurts Growth: Revisiting the Galor‐Zeira Model Through a Korean Case

This paper aims to show that the level of inequality increases via the human capital channel with credit market imperfections generating negative effects on economic growth. We expand the model presen...

by Bogang Jun | On 28 Aug 2017

Measuring Global Migration Potential, 2010–2015

These surveys provide an indication of who is planning to migrate, which countries have the highest number of potential migrants, and which countries people would like to move to.

by International Organisation for Migration | On 18 Aug 2017

Settling for Academia? H-1B Visas and the Career Choices of International Students in the United States

The yearly cap on H-1B visas became binding for the first time in 2004, making it harder for college-educated foreigners to work in the United States. However, academic institutions are exempt from th...

by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes | On 17 Aug 2017

A Sustainable Development Framework for India’s Climate Policy: Interim Report

This study’s framework could serve as an alternative development paradigm for India and other developing countries.

by Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy CSTEP | On 14 Aug 2017

Cities, Towns, and Poverty: Migration Equilibrium and Income Distribution in a Todaro-type Model with Multiple Destinations

Should public investment be targeted to big cities or to small towns, if the objective is to minimize national poverty? To answer this policy question the basic Todaro-type model of rural-urban migr...

by Luc Christiaensen | On 01 Aug 2017

Rethinking the Development of Post-War Sri Lanka Based on the Singapore Model

This study explores three major points, namely, Singapore's development process,Singapore's model of economic development, and the economic challenges of post-war Sri Lanka. This study explores pages...

by Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake | On 25 Jul 2017

Gender Equality Results Case Study: Bangladesh - Second Urban Primary Health Care Project

The project provided preventative and curative services, including access to immunization, reproductive health services, limited curative care, nutrition-related services, community outreach on health...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 25 Jul 2017

Local Currency Bonds and Infrastructure Finance in ASEAN+3

This study was undertaken under ABMI. It addresses two key questions: (i) Why is local currency bond financing not more widely used for infrastructure projects in ASEAN+3? and (ii) What can be done to...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 18 Jul 2017

Sri Lanka: Development Effectiveness Brief

The paper says that Sri Lanka has emerged in recent years as one of the most dynamic countries in South Asia. With a rich cultural heritage, an increasingly sophisticated work force, and a strategic l...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 19 Jun 2017

Asian Economic Integration Report 2016

The reports notes the regional cooperation and integration (RCI) in Asia and the Pacific continues to evolve, creating an important source for the region’s dynamic growth. This report assesses the RCI...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 10 May 2017

Open Windows, Closed Doors: Mutual Recognition Arrangements on Professional Services in the ASEAN Region

The report says although these MRAs share nearly identical objectives, they diverge significantly in terms of institutional structures, requirements, and procedures. Not all MRAs are created equal. Gl...

by Dovelyn Rannveig Mendoza | On 09 May 2017

Firing Up Regional Brain Networks: The Promise of Brain Circulation in the ASEAN Economic Community

The reports in this series draw on the insights of 387 regional and international experts and practitioners through their participation in focus group discussions, meetings, and surveys. Contributors...

by Jeanne Batalova | On 08 May 2017

Job-to-Job Transitions, Sorting, and Wage Growth

We measure the contribution of match quality to the wage growth experienced by job movers. We reject the exogenous mobility assumption needed to estimate a standard fixed-effects wage regression in th...

by | On 30 Mar 2017

Migration, Scientific Diasporas and Development: Impact of Skilled Return Migration on Development in India

The contemporary discourse on migration and development is starting to consider the agency role of both diaspora communities and highly skilled returnees on equal terms, and we can observe how several...

by | On 19 Dec 2016

Indian Human Resources Mobility: Brain Drain versus Brain Gain

India is a major source of migrants, especially of highly-skilled and well-trained workers. This paper attempts to show that even with a high number of Indian talents abroad, India – as well as destin...

by | On 19 Dec 2016

Labour Market trends analysis and labour migration from South Asia to Gulf Cooperation Council countries, India and Malaysia

Temporary labour migration is often touted as a triple-win: a win for destination countries that can support a level of economic activity that would be impossible without foreign labour; a win for cou...

by | On 24 Nov 2016

Prevalence of Long Hours and Skilled Women’s Occupational Choices

Gender differences in occupations account for a sizable portion of the persistent gender pay gap. This paper examines the relationship between the demand for long hours of work (as proxied for by the...

by | On 10 Oct 2016

Is there a Size-Induced Market Failure in Skills Training?

A skilled and educated workforce can support the competitiveness of enterprises of all sizes. However, smaller firms may face greater challenges in developing human capital. We explore differences b...

by Paul Vandenberg | On 04 Oct 2016

Migration Patterns and Challenges for Indians Seeking Work Abroad: A Special Focus on South India

This research concentrates mainly on out-migration in an analysis of primary and secondary sources available with government agencies such as the Emigration Division, the Ministry of Labour (Union Gov...

by | On 12 Aug 2016

Citizenship and Displacement

Landscapes of persons who constitute the shifting world in which we live: tourists, immigrants, refugees, guest workers and other moving groups and persons constitute the essential feature of the worl...

by | On 09 Aug 2016

Market Integration and Price Transmission in Tajikistan’s Wheat Markets: Rising Like Rockets but Falling Like Feathers?

The extent of market integration and transmission of food price shocks is a major determinant of price stability and overall food security, particularly in developing countries. Few studies have exam...

by Jarilkasin Ilyasov | On 08 Aug 2016

South-South Migration and Remittances

The impact of South-South migration on the income of migrants and natives is smaller than for South-North migration. However, even small increases in income can have substantial welfare implications f...

by | On 27 Jul 2016

Female Migrants: Bridging the Gaps Throughout the Life Cycle

Female migrants face different challenges and opportunities than men as they integrate into their host communities and become development agents for both their countries of destination and origin. And...

by | On 25 Jul 2016

New Perspective on Youth Migration: Motives and Family Investment Patterns

Migration research commonly assumes that youth migrate as dependent family members or are motivated by current labor opportunities and immediate financial returns. These perspectives ignore how migrat...

by | On 25 Jul 2016

Child Trafficking in India

Reports of raids in factories and workshops and rescue of children from different cities of the country appear with unfailing regularity. Children from disparate geographical regions: West Bengal, Bih...

by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral | On 20 Jul 2016

Women on the Move Migration, Gender Equality and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This brief presents an overview and analysis of the opportunities, risks and vulnerabilities for women migrants and refugees. It describes the realities of women migrating around the world, and specif...

by | On 19 Jul 2016

Indonesian Labor Migrants in Malaysia: A Study from China

Malaysia is now a major receiving country with estimated over 2 million migrant workers. Such large inflow was caused by scarcity of jobs in plantation, construction and domestic growth. Migrant worke...

by | On 08 Jul 2016

International Migration and Development

This new era has created challenges and opportunities for societies throughout the world. It also has served to underscore the clear linkage between migration and development, as well as the opportuni...

by United Nations (UN) | On 07 Jul 2016

Migration of Highly Skilled Persons From Developing Countries: Impact and Policy Responses

The synthesis report prepared by Professors Lowell and Findlay addresses the issues of the impact of high skilled emigration on developing countries, and the policy mixes and options available to both...

by | On 06 Jul 2016

Evidence on Policies to Increase the Development Impacts of International Migration

International migration offers individuals and their families the potential to experience immediate and large gains in their incomes, and offers a large number of other positive benefits to the sendin...

by | On 28 Jun 2016

Poverty, Markets and Elementary Education in India

Over the last decade, trans-national and local advocacy networks have been projecting the low-cost unregulated schools market in India as a cost-efficient, high-quality and equitable solution for educ...

by | On 22 Jun 2016

The Challenges for India’s Education System

India’s education system turns out millions of graduates each year, many skilled in IT and engineering. This manpower advantage underpins India’s recent economic advances, but masks deepseated problem...

by | On 22 Jun 2016

Labor Migration, Skills & Student Mobility in Asia

Labor migration from and within Asia is a key and growing component of international migration flows, and the joint roundtable by the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), the International Labour...

by OECD Development Centre’s Social Cohesion Uni Social Cohesion Unit | On 21 Jun 2016

Migration and Remittances: Recent Developments and Outlook

According to the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances Factbook 2016, more than 250 million people, or 3.4 percent of the world population, live outside their countries of birth (Figure 1). The volum...

by | On 14 Jun 2016

The Mixture as Before? Student Responses to the Changing Content of School Meals in India

We study how attendance rates of primary school children respond to cost neutral changes in the design of India’s school meal program. Municipal schools in the capital region of Delhi switched from pa...

by | On 02 Jun 2016

Changing Wage Structure in India in the Post-Reform Era

This paper documents the changing structure of wages in India over the post-reform era, the roughly two-decade period since 1993. To investigate the factors underlying these changes, a supply-demand f...

by Basab Dasgupta | On 20 Mar 2016

Maldives Overcoming the Challenges of a Small Island State Country Diagnostic Study

This report identifies four critical constraints to inclusive growth in the Maldives: (1) inadequate and poor quality maritime infrastructure that constrains connectivity, limits provision of basic go...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 17 Mar 2016

Trade and Wage Inequality: A Specific Factor Model with Intermediate Goods

In this paper we have made an attempt to explain the observed rising inequality between unskilled and skilled wages, or, fall in relative wages of unskilled labour within a general equilibrium framewo...

by Alokesh Barua | On 16 Mar 2016

R & D Sector Outsourcing, Human Capital Formation and Growth in the Context of Developed versus Developing Economies

This paper theoretically examines the impact of R & D outsourcing from an economy which is in the innovation-only regime to an economy which is in the imitation-innovation regime. It shows that depend...

by Sujata Basu | On 15 Mar 2016

Cross-Country Analysis of Composition of Human Capital and Total Factor Productivity Growth depending on its Distance to Frontier

This paper empirically examines human capital’s contribution to economy-wide technological progress and also on technical efficiency gain depending on its distance to frontier in a panel of 75 countri...

by Sujata Basu | On 15 Mar 2016

Intergenerational Mobility, Human Capital Composition and Distance to Technological Frontier

The focus of this study is to analyze the relation between intergenerational mobility (upward and downward mobility) and wage inequality (between skilled and unskilled workers) in a dynamic endogenous...

by Sujata Basu | On 15 Mar 2016

On Wage Inequality, Trade and Technology: Theory and Empirics

This paper is intended to contribute in the analysis of the movements of real wages of skilled and unskilled labour in Indian manufacturing over the last two decades and thereby trying to provide plau...

by Alokesh Barua | On 15 Mar 2016

New Dawn or False Hope for the Korean Peninsula?

After conditions of crisis reigning on the Korean Peninsula in the first half of the year, the reopening of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, among other recent developments, heralds renewed hope for be...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

Rape and Reform: India's Changing Attitudes

It has been just over a year since the Delhi rape case in which a female student was raped and died from her injuries. In its wake, massive protests and a media campaign ensured the perpetrators were...

by | On 12 Mar 2016

Skills and Politics: General and Specific

Skills and skill formation have become central topics in contemporary political economy. This essay traces a key concept in current debates – the distinction between general and specific skills – back...

by | On 09 Mar 2016

Linking mobility, human trafficking and Infectious Disease

Current studies on pandemics explore the links between population mobility and health. These studies usually focus on regular population movement such as those of tourists and legal immigrants. Howeve...

by S. Rajaratnam International Studies | On 06 Mar 2016

Recognising the Economic Relationship between Sex Workers and Sex Businesses

This NTS Alert discusses the economic relationship between sex workers and sex businesses in Southeast Asia in order to critically examine hitherto narrow interpretations which posit an integral link...

by Manpavan Kaur | On 03 Mar 2016

An Assessment of the International Legal Obligations Owed to the Rohingya Refugees

This paper considers the issue of migration of the Rohingyas from the lens of international law. It evaluates the responses of the countries that have been the destination of these migration flows – n...

by Ramandeep Kaur | On 01 Mar 2016

Climate-Induced Migration: Indian Experience

Climate-induced migration is not a new phenomenon but is slowly becoming the new found focus as researchers have begun taking up a range of studies. A lot of literature has already been out there as a...

by Sarabjit Kaur | On 01 Mar 2016

Recent Trends in China’s Trade

Who would have thought thirty years ago China could become one of the world’s most influential trading nations? At that time the Chinese government was reluctant to open up its door for foreigners and...

by Alice Wang | On 24 Feb 2016

Causes and Consequences of Rural-Urban Migration: A Study of Migrant Street Vendors in Dhaka City

In developing countries like Bangladesh rural-urban migration affects development in both urban and rural areas. As such, this study focuses on establishing the major causes and consequences of the mo...

by Research Institute of Social Welfare and | On 21 Feb 2016

China’s Rising Outbound Investment: Trends And Issues

This paper aims to facilitate China’s globalisation process and to enable destination countries to benefit from Chinese ODI potential by having a clear understanding of the institutional background ag...

by Mei Wang | On 19 Feb 2016

Achieving Skill Mobility in the ASEAN Economic Community Challenges, Opportunities, and Policy Implications

Despite clear aspirations by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to create an effective framework to facilitate movements among skilled professionals within the ASEAN Economic Community...

by Demetrios G. Papademetriou | On 16 Feb 2016

Public Policies For Facilitating Medical Tourism Industry In Asia

The paper attempts to analyze the role of public policy adjustments in facilitating the medical tourism sector in Asian countries in response to recent global economic events. While falling incomes ma...

by Vinay Singh | On 13 Feb 2016

Women’s Health in Urban Vadodara: Reflections based on SAHAJ’s Experience

Our data shows that most women go to the private sector for most of their reproductive health needs. After our early interventions, eligible/BPL women began availing of the benefits of the Chiranjeevi...

by | On 09 Feb 2016

Higher Education Expansion and Labor Market Outcomes for Young College Graduates

We examine the causal impact of China's higher education expansion on labor market outcomes for young college graduates using China's 2005 1% Population Sample Survey. Exploiting variation in the expa...

by Dongshu Ou | On 07 Feb 2016

Services Trade Agreement in South Asia Contours and Modalities

Available literature on regional trade integration in South Asia points to a variety of economic and non-economic factors that have slowed the integration process. The major non-economic factors inclu...

by South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment SAWTEE | On 28 Jan 2016

Migration, Health and Dignity in South Asia: Lessons from the EMPHASIS Project on Migration, Women’s Empowerment and HIV in Bangladesh, India and Nepal

The EMPHASIS project (Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV and AIDS Services, Information and Support) has provided a diverse range of services to crossborder migrants in India, Nepal and Bang...

by Prabodh Devkota | On 27 Jan 2016

Global Production With Export Platforms

Most international commerce is carried out by multinational firms, which use their foreign affiliates for the majority of their foreign sales. In this paper, I examine the determinants of multinationa...

by Penn Stat | On 27 Jan 2016

The Determinants of Quality Specialization

A growing literature suggests that high-income countries export high-quality goods. Two hypotheses may explain such specialization, with different implications for welfare, inequality, and trade polic...

by Roberta Piermartini | On 26 Jan 2016

Changing Livelihoods in Delhi’s Periphery, circa 1930–2012

The understanding of livelihoods in an economy dominated by informality can benefit considerably from correlations between macro data on employment and detailed studies of ‘work’ and ‘non work’ in sel...

by Devesh Vijay | On 24 Jan 2016

‘Make in India’ – The Future of Indian Manufacturing

India’s new government assumed office over five months ago and the succeeding months have thus far been testimony to some significant announcements by the charismatic Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The...

by | On 23 Jan 2016

Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Delhi Metro

The growing demand for public transport in mega cities has serious effects on urban ecosystems, especially due to the increased atmospheric pollution and changes in land use patterns. An ecologically...

by Rashmi Singh | On 23 Jan 2016

Demographic Change, Brain Drain, and Human Capital: Development Potentials in Services-Driven South Asia

This discussion paper seeks to understand the nature of the ongoing demographic transition in South Asia and the challenges faced by the countries of the region to augment their future supply of skill...

by Biswajit Dhar | On 21 Jan 2016

Globalization, Skilled Migration and Poverty Alleviation: Brain Drains in Context

The debate on the ‘brain drain’, or the emigration of skilled workers, is not new but it has taken on greater urgency in the context of a globalizing economy and ageing societies. Today, the developed...

by | On 20 Jan 2016

On Migration and the Policy Process

Accepting that virtually any policy can have some impact on the movement of people, one can also recognize that a series of policies exist that have been developed specifically to deal with migration...

by | On 20 Jan 2016

Return of Diasporas: India’s Growth Story vs. Global Crisis

The Indian Diaspora has a powerful influence on the global community where Indians constitute a diverse and a heterogeneous group that shares Indian origin and intrinsic values. Earlier migration was...

by | On 19 Jan 2016

The Current Global Economic Crisis and Migration: Policies and Practice in Origin and Destination

Migration flows exhibit both long-term shifts and short-term fluctuations in terms of volume and pattern. The root causes of these shifts and fluctuations can most generally be linked to the term ‘dev...

by Ronald Skeldon | On 19 Jan 2016

Labour Migration Trends and Patterns: Bangladesh, India, and Nepal 2013

This regional study commissioned by The Asia Foundation entitled "Labour Migration: Trends and Patterns" examines the patterns and process of labour migration by Nepali and Bangladeshi migrant workers...

by The Asia Foundation | On 02 Jan 2016

Social Protection Brief: Social Security Reform and Economic Modeling Capacity Building in Indonesia

While official poverty in Indonesia is relatively low at 12%, an additional 27% of the population live just above the poverty line and small shocks can drive them back into poverty. Poor and vulnerabl...

by Asian Development Bank Institute | On 01 Jan 2016

Do employers Prefer Migrant Workers? Evidence from a Chinese Job Board

We study urban, private sector Chinese employers’ preferences between workers with and without a local permanent residence permit (hukou) using callback information from an Internet job board. We find...

by | On 30 Dec 2015

Can immigrants help women “have it all”? Immigrant Labor and Women’s Joint Fertility and Labor Supply Decisions

This paper explores how inflows of low-skilled immigrants impact the tradeoffs women face when making joint fertility and labor supply decisions. I find increases in fertility and decreases in labor f...

by Delia Furtado | On 30 Dec 2015

Migration and Development: Toward Sustainable Solutions

This paper reviews the two-way relationship between migration and development. The author emphasizes that migration can be a tool for development and that development can affect migration patterns. He...

by | On 29 Dec 2015

The Contested Corners of Asia: Subnational Conflict and International Development Assistance

Subnational conflict is the most widespread, deadly and enduring, form of conflict in Asia. Over the past 20 years, there have been 26 subnational conflicts in South and Southeast Asia, affecting half...

by Ben Oppenheim | On 26 Dec 2015

Study on Conditions and Needs of Women Workers in Delhi

Study on the needs and conditions of women workers in Delhi must begin its enquiry with the initial problem of poor availability of employment or access to economic activity/work for women in the cap...

by Neetha N | On 21 Dec 2015

Challenge of In-vitro Diagnostics for Resource Poor Settings: An Assessment

This article reviews the diagnostic needs and challenges of resource poor settings and the impact of present institutional and policy regime on the development of ecosystem for innovation making in ca...

by Dinesh Abrol | On 18 Dec 2015

Institutional Strengthening of the Office of Labour Attaché: Research Findings from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka

Although there is increased awareness of the need for effective migration governance in order to safeguard the basic rights and safety of migrant workers in destination countries, little research has...

by | On 16 Dec 2015

Indian's Energy Transition in a Climate-Constrained World

This paper examines the historical attributes of energy transition and finds various critical factors that determine the success of such shift: appropriate IPR regimes; local innovation; economic feas...

by | On 11 Dec 2015

Internal Remittances and Poverty: Further Evidence from Africa and Asia

Despite the fact that the number of internal migrants globally is at least 740 million, nearly four times the number of international migrants, there is hardly any discussion on internal remittances a...

by | On 25 Sep 2015

Rights-based Legal Guarantee as Development Policy: The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act

This paper analyses the legal framework and policy innovations undertaken towards achieving the stated objectives of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. This paper seeks to cri...

by | On 15 Sep 2015

Specialist Services in the Indian Rural Public Health System for Maternal and Child Healthcare – A Study of Four States

The present study attempts to examine the role of specialist services in rural public health system of India in the areas of maternal and child healthcare. The study uses primary data collected throug...

by Shreekant Iyengar | On 31 Aug 2015

On Reckoning Level Differentials in the Measurement of Progress: An Illustration in the Context of Deliveries Assisted by Skilled Health Personnel

The paper highlights that performance assessments should account for non-linear dynamics of progress, whereby an improvement at a higher level represents greater achievement than an equal improvement...

by William Joe | On 21 Aug 2015

Regulating Labour Recruitment to Prevent Human Trafficking and to Foster Fair Migration: Models, Challenges and Opportunities

This ILO paper highlights the relationship between inadequate mechanisms of recruitment and forced labour in its third Global Report on Forced Labour in 2009, stating that “there is growing awareness...

by Peter Swiniarski | On 12 Aug 2015

Juvenile Justice in India: Policy and Implementation Dilemmas

The article tells us about what are the positive aspects of Juvenile Justice bill what it is lacking.

by Bharti Ali | On 23 Jul 2015

Quarterly Report on Changes in Employment in Selected Sectors

The Indian Labour Bureau's Quarterly Report on Changes in Employment in Selected Sectors suggests that overall, employment in India has increased by 117 thousand during the the last quarter of 2014.

by Ministry of Labour and Employment | On 20 Jul 2015

Skill Formation and Employment Assurance in the Unorganised Sector

The issue of skill building has been at the forefront of policy debates in recent years. India can take advantage of its young workforce and hence the demographic dividend, only if the workforce posse...

by National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorgan NCEUS | On 10 Jul 2015

Tracking Universal Health Coverage: First Global Monitoring Report

This report is the first of its kind to measure health service coverage and financial protection to assess countries’ progress towards universal health coverage. It shows that at least 400 million...

by World Health Organisation (WHO) | On 25 Jun 2015

Employment, Planning and Policy for the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017)

The Working Group has taken cognisance to the issues of inclusive growth. It lays emphasis on the view that employment generation should be focused on different segments of labour force – organized, u...

by Planning Commission | On 21 May 2015

The People’s Republic of China's Potential Growth Rate: The Long-Run Constraints

In this paper People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) potential growth rate during the last 30 years is analysed. The PRC’s potential growth rate is not demand constrained, in particular by the balance...

by Juzhong Zhuang | On 27 Mar 2015

The Minimum Wage and the Great Recession: Evidence of Effects on the Employment and Income Trajectories of Low-Skilled Workers

The paper estimates the minimum wage's effects on low-skilled workers' employment and income trajectories. The increased binding minimum wage had significant, negative effects on the employment and in...

by Jeffrey Clemens | On 19 Jan 2015

Creating Jobs in India’s Organised Manufacturing Sector

This paper attempts to study the factors holding back the growth of output and employment in this manufacturing sector. The creation of a large number of industrial jobs made possible by the rapid gro...

by Radhicka Kapoor | On 15 Jan 2015

ICT policy 2014 - Information & Communication Technology Policy

The Government of Odisha has striven to make Odisha the preferred IT destination for IT / ITES / ESDM companies by providing a congenial business environment, an investor friendly policy framework wit...

by Government of Odisha | On 09 Sep 2014

Who Goes? Failures of Marital Provisioning and Women's Agency among Less Skilled Emigrant Women Workers from Kerala

This paper draws upon a selection of narratives from interviews with over 150 less skilled emigrant and returnee women workers from Trivandrum district to argue that the conditions that structure i...

by Praveena Kodoth | On 14 Jul 2014

Psychology, Cyclicality or Social Programs: Rural Wage and Inflation Dynamics in India

The paper analyzes causes of movements in Indian wages for rural unskilled male laborers, and assesses their impact on inflation. Theoretical priors derived from an analytical framework based on the ...

by Ashima Goyal | On 10 Apr 2014

Migrant Workers’ Rights to Social Protection in ASEAN: Case Studies of Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand

The UN estimates that there are 214 million migrants globally (IOM, 2010), making up 3% of the world’s total population. Increasing rapidly, the number of migrants globally could exceed 400 million by...

by FREDRICH STIFTUNG | On 15 Nov 2013

Vulnerability of Migrants and Responsiveness of the State: The Case of Unskilled Migrant Workers in Kerala, India

The paper examines how the state and other agencies in the host state (Kerala) responded to reduce the vulnerability of inter-state migrant workers. The paper also makes an assessment of a pioneering...

by N. Ajith Kumar | On 26 Aug 2013

Patterns of Migration, Water Scarcity and Caste in Rural Northern Gujarat

Patterns of rural-urban migration and employment shifts in a region that is facing ongoing depletion of groundwater resources in Northern Gujarat, India is discussed. Given that migration typically d...

by Ram Fishman | On 30 Jul 2013

Employment Effects of Low-Skilled Immigrants in Korea

This study examines the impact of inflows of foreign workers on Korean natives’ economic performance – namely, employment – through the Employment Permit System, the basis of Korea’s system by which...

by Jungho Kim | On 03 Apr 2013

Capital Market Bank Funding: (Not such a) Brave New World …

What degree the financial crisis and the resulting developments have impacted and will impact long-term, capital market bank funding. [DB research] URL:[

by Meta Zähres | On 23 Aug 2012

Applying an Equity Lens to Maternal Health Care Practices in Pakistan

The focus of this study is to see how equitable the access and utilisation of health services are among married women in Pakistan. It examines the changes in the pattern of maternal health care prac...

by Naushin Mahmood | On 20 Aug 2012

Agricultural Credit - Accomplishments and Challenges

Agriculture’s share in GDP is less than 15 per cent but it still remains the direct domain of over half of the population whose economic prospects are linked to the performance of agriculture. There a...

by Duvvuri Subbarao | On 03 Aug 2012

Services-led Growth, Employment and Job Quality: A Study of Manufacturing and Service-sector in Urban India

This is a study of employment growth, structure, and job quality outcomes in manufacturing and service-sector in urban India spanning the period 1999-2000 to 2009-10. The context is that of dynamic...

by K.V. Ramaswamy | On 12 Mar 2012

The Global Race for Excellence and Skilled Labour: A Status Report

In this context, higher education as well as research and development (R&D) have long since ceased to be purely the domain of the developed Western economies. Numerous regions of the world, some in th...

by Ingo Rollwagen | On 09 Mar 2012

Quality of Maternal Health Care: A Call for Papers for a Maternal Health Task Force–PLoS Collection

The MHTF–PLoS Collection in 2011–12 will focus on quality of maternal health care, as it is clear that such a focus is now a global imperative [9]. The quality of maternal health care is highly va...

by Samantha R Lattof | On 02 Dec 2011

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries

How does innovation impact on development? How, and under what conditions, do entrepreneurs in developing countries innovate? And what can be done to support innovation by entrepreneurs in develo...

by Wim Naude | On 16 Sep 2011

Report of the Working Group on Human Resource Policy for Short-Term Cooperative Credit Structure

For the revival of rural cooperative credit institutions, a Working Group was constituted by NABARD to formulate and suggest comprehensive human resource guidelines for the State Cooperative Bank (...

by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Devt NABARD | On 15 Jun 2011

Short Duration Migration in India: An Appraisal from Census 2001

This paper tries to focus on the method to assess the magnitude of short/seasonal migration based on its broad characteristics. It attempts to analyse the contrasting characteristics of short durat...

by Vijay Korra | On 18 Apr 2011

The Financial Crisis in the Gulf and its Impact on South Asian Migrant Workers

The impact of the global crisis on the (Gulf Corporation Council) GCC economies is first analyzed in terms of the sectors of the economy affected, the changes in GDP growth and employment of expatr...

by S. Irudaya Rajan | On 08 Jan 2011

Nature and Characteristics of Seasonal Labour Migration : A Case Study in Mahabubnagar District of Andhra Pradesh

In India, migration from rural areas is an important issue that is gaining more significance year after year. Moreover, the extent, nature, characteristics and pattern of migration have been evolvin...

by Vijay Korra | On 17 Nov 2010

Who Leaves and Who Returns? Deciphering Immigrant Self-Selection from a Developing Country

Existing research examining the self-selection of immigrants suffers from a lack of information on the immigrants’ labor force activities in the home country, quotas limiting who is allowed to enter t...

by Randall K. Q. Akee | On 09 Sep 2010

Issues and Constrains in Manpower Supply in Indian Hospitality Industry

The availability of skilled and trained manpower is a crucial element in the successful long-term development and sustainability of a tourist destination. Skilled and trained human resources will ensu...

by P. Srinivas Subbarao | On 20 Aug 2010

Do Labor Intensive Industries Generate Employment? Evidence from firm level survey in India

This study attempts to address the issue of declining labour intensity in India’s organized manufacturing in order to understand the constraints on employment generation in the labour intensive sect...

by Deb Kusum Das | On 13 Aug 2010

Do Reservation Policies Affect Productivity In The Indian Railways?

The objective in this paper is to shed some empirical light on a claim often made by critics of affirmative action policies: that increasing the representation of members of marginalized communities i...

by Ashwini Deshpande | On 26 May 2010

Tourism Department: In Search of Tourists

Delhi is believed to be dil of India. It features historic attractions tracing our evolution from the past to the present. The legacy includes architecture of every description, which never ceases to...

by Shiva Mishra | On 01 Apr 2010

Determinants of the Choice of Migration Destination

This paper examines migrants choice of destination conditional on migration. To this end, an empirical strategy is designed which remedies both migration selection and unobserved heterogeneity probl...

by Marcel Fafchamps | On 18 Mar 2010

Migration of Health Care Professionals from India: A Case Study of Nurses

The study attempts to examine why there is staff shortage of health care professionals especially the nurses in India and the impact of such migration on services like emergency preparedness, quality...

by Ann Issac | On 04 Feb 2010

High Skilled Migration from India An Analysis of its Economic Implications

The purpose of the paper is first to quantify the extent of high skilled migration from India and then to distil out two of its economic implications to her home economy. [WP 416].

by Sunil Mani | On 17 Dec 2009

Valuing the Land of Tigers – What Indian Visitors are Willing to Pay

The study uses an assessment of visitors’ travel costs to estimate the annual recreational value of the Sundarban. It calculates this to be at least INR 15 million (US$ 377,000) for domestic visitor...

by Indrila Guha | On 27 Nov 2009

Innovation through Long-distance Conversations? Lessons from Offshoring-based Software Clusters in Bangalore

This paper is aganist the popular assertion regarding the links between innovation and clustering and it is found that the main sources of knowledge transfer and innovation among key firms in Bangalor...

by Aya Okada | On 23 Nov 2009

Rispana Valley Historical Area

There are various historical water conservation structures and water-mills in the Rispana valley near Rajpur. There are some of the more important structures and discusses the possibility of preservin...

by William Stichter | On 12 Aug 2009

Budget Reactions

Budget reactions from various sectors and by various people in the industry

by Leena Chandan | On 10 Jul 2009

An Evaluation Study of NSS in India 2008-09

This paper is an evaluation study of NSS in India wherein a study is conducted to learn Volunteer strength in Andhra Pradesh from 1969-1994; Year wise Targets and Achievements of Chandigarh Regional C...

by Tata Institue of Social Sciences TISS | On 31 May 2009

Trade in Energy Services: GATS and India

India’s opportunities and constraints to trade in energy services within the GATS framework are examined. The study found that India has the capability of exporting high-skilled manpower at competit...

by Arpita Mukherjee | On 25 Feb 2009

Kerala Budget Speech 2009-10

Budget speech by finance minister Dr. Thomas Issac

by Government of Kerala Govt | On 23 Feb 2009

Report on the GLobal Financial Crisis and Kerala Economy: Impact and Mitigation Measures

This preliminary report has been prepared with a view to assist the state government in understanding the implications of the crisis, so that appropriate policies and programmes could be chalked to de...

by Centre for Development Studies CDS | On 02 Jan 2009

Workforce Development in India: Policies and Practices

The task of workforce development in India faces the changing realities of globalization and competitiveness, on one hand, and the need for inclusive growth on the other. This report focuses on the is...

by Shyamal Majumdar | On 30 Nov 2008

Proportion of Births Attended by a Skilled Health Worker 2008 Updates

In our analysis, attempts have been made to quantify the proportion of births attended by health workers other than doctors, nurses and midwives in order to show the proportion of births conducted by...

by World Health Organisation WHO | On 08 Aug 2008

Newsletter on Regional Economy A bi-monthly four-state update from IRIS

A monthly compilation by IRIS.

by IRIS India IRIS | On 11 Jan 2008

Home-based Work in India: A Disappearing Continuum of Dependence?

In India, the recent decade has seen particularly dynamic changes in the economy due to the economic reforms. This might have had a significant impact on the labour markets and also led to expansion...

by Jeemol Unni | On 16 Feb 2006

The National Rural Employment Guarantee Bill, 2004

A Bill to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the poor households in rural areas of the country by providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage employment in every financia...

by Anonymous | On 19 Aug 2005