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Authors Name: Arpita Mukherjee

Digital Initiatives: The Nature of the Beast

During and after COVID, Digital Education has emerged as clear major, and thick, discursive field with inclusivity being a core concern. Any critique of the inequities in the field must necessarily in...

On 09 Jul 2022

eSS Sunday Edit: The Entrepreneurial University and its Questions

In an entrepreneurial university where quantification, evaluation and interdisciplinarity are insisted upon, we need several issues sorted out before embracing the idea.

On 07 Mar 2022

The Humanities of Crisis: Climate Change and the Discipline

From scientific upheavals in the Early Modern to world wars in the twentieth century, Humanities has responded to the crisis and also reinvented itself in terms of methodologies and fields of inquiry....

On 15 Nov 2021

eSS Sunday Edit: Do the Liberal Arts Have Any Authority in the Digital Age?

It is likely that the ‘authority’ of the literary text requires a rethinking. The teacher has traditionally been invested with epistemic authority: the legitimate exercise of knowledge and expertise-a...

On 17 Oct 2021

eSSay:The Managerial University and Liberal Arts’ Balancing Act

The managerialism that marks the HEIs has altered the Liberal Arts’ perception of itself and the face it presents to the world. Can the academic manager build opinions, policies and decisions about th...

On 09 Oct 2021

eSS Sunday Edit: Humanities and the Public Good

Constitutions and founding principles, including our own, were drafted by those who studied Humanities and its cognate fields, which helped them see far into the future. The plan and vision remains, a...

On 07 Jan 2021

eSS Sunday Edit: The New Cultures of Learning : Pedagogy Online

With online education, multimodal literacy is poised for a boom. To ensure that the enhancement made possible by this form of literacy reaches more demographics, a radical rethinking of pedagogics see...

On 29 Dec 2020

eSS Sunday Edit: The Poetics and Politics of Mourning

In the age of publicized mourning and the appropriation of death for grand and often seedy spectacles, the interest in ways of dying has found repeated sparking points. Yet we see how some deaths find...

On 28 Sep 2020

eSS Sunday Edit: Languages of COVID’s Cultural Imaginary

Paintings depicting the great plagues in Europe have remained cultural texts for centuries, documenting not just people’s suffering but also social attitudes, official responses and theological-eschat...

On 30 Aug 2020

New Education Policy: Reinventing Higher Education?

The draft New Education Policy offers challenges disguised as opportunit ies and progressive thinking, especially in terms of autonomy, the deeply troubling role of the private sector HEI, regulatory...

On 27 Jul 2019

Marginality, Suffering, Justice: Questions of Dalit Dignity in Cultural Texts

Dalit dignity is organized around caste-determined labour that fits them into hierarchies of social dignity but which, in savage irony, renders them undignified as humans through social death. Second,...

On 31 Oct 2017

Corporate Nationalism in the Age of Dystopian Democracy

The intersection of state and corporate interests, rather than the intersection of the state and the public good characterizes the new nationalism. ‘Make in India’ enables local corporates and industr...

On 15 Aug 2017

Intellectual Autonomy, Intellectual Property and the New Enclosures

If the public institution is committed to public interest, then privatization of research and teaching cannot be allowed. Work done should be seen, heard and critiqued. Innovation in knowledge can com...

On 13 Oct 2016

‘Credit’ Transfer, ‘Capital’ Gains and Intellectual Property in the University: Points from a Case Study

An absolute insistence on profits in numbers is increasingly driving the modern University system today. The insistence on metrics as an index of scholarship has entailed a shift toward the market mod...

On 02 May 2016

The New Biosociality

The term ‘biosociality’ was coined in 1996 to describe social identities and sociality founded on genomic diagnosis, but may be extended to include social relationships based on a sharing of knowledge...

On 01 Apr 2016

The Sunday Edit: Elementals: The Arts of Bhopal, 1984-2015

Bhopal is the world’s most frightening laboratory where all experiments, with chemicals and with truth, have gone wrong.

On 29 Nov 2015

The Drowned and the Saved

How do refugees feature in contemporary rhetoric? In the face of suffering the only way to keep borders closed, as Europe is beginning to discover, is to turn one’s face away. The appeal constituted b...

On 19 Sep 2015

The Sunday Edit: Compulsory Altruism Or, A National Moral Economy?

The Give It Up campaign opens as an appeal to altruism and then proposes a moral economy using a reasoning that aligns altruism with nationalism and a sense of national belonging

On 26 Jul 2015

The Sunday Edit: The House that Constitution Built

The right to acquire/rent property anywhere in the nation is a fantasy fostered by the Constitution and the rhetoric of modernisation and urbanisation.

On 28 Jun 2015

The Violence of Disappearance: Reading the Boko Haram Kidnapping

‘To disappear’ is no longer a metaphysical-theological mystery or magic act, but a political invention that must be seen as integral to the violence of modern politics. Focusing on the disappearance o...

On 04 May 2015

Book Review: Civil Wars in South Asia: State, Sovereignty, Development

Review of Civil Wars in South Asia: State, Sovereignty, Development ed. Aparna Sundar and Nandini Sundar. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014. pp. 273. Rs. 850/-, ISBN: 9789351500407.

On 28 Apr 2015

DIY Happiness Cultures of Self-help, the Transformational Citizen and New Civic Order

The emotional dominant of well-being in contemporary cultures today,demands a transformational citizen. The transformational citizen is one who enhances and improves her/himself, feels/experiences a s...

On 23 Jan 2011

Knowledge Work and Human Rights in the Cybercultural Age

The current knowledge economy in terms of their human rights component, the author argues, offers a space where demands and claims can be articulated. Websites, databases, documentation and archives a...

On 06 Jun 2010

Rise of the ‘Posthumanities’: Exit, the Human…Pursued by a Cyborg

The Humanities in the 21st century has to contend with both critique and context. It has to account as an anthropocentric, imperial discipline that not only privileged the human over other forms of...

On 25 Jun 2009

Affective Cosmopolitanism Ashis Nandy’s Utopia

Ashish Nandy’s utopia is based on a particular view of cosmopolitanism – one that acknowledges and acts upon suffering as a global feature irrespective of geographical and historical location. Nandy’s...

On 16 Oct 2008

The Sexual Internet

The ‘sexual Internet’ is clearly a social space where multiple economies – commercial, political and libidinal – intersect. It is a phenomenon that requires exploration from multiple angles: economic,...

On 21 Feb 2008

Book Review: Public Memory and Cultural Politics in Sri Lanka

Militarizing Sri Lanka: Popular Culture, Memory and Narrative in the Armed Conflict by Neloufer de Mel; Sage, New Delhi, 2007; pp. 329, Rs. 475.

On 14 Jan 2008