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Authors Name: SAMA ..

Free Treatment in the Private Sector: Myth or Reality? A Pilot Study of Private Hospitals in Delhi - A Report

The pilot study is situated within the framework of understanding the functioning of the private sector in regards to policy and access to health care for the poor. It attempts to understand and explo...

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The Assisted Reproductive Technologies (Regulation) Bill & Rules (Draft 2010): A Comment

The Draft Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill and Rules 2010, is the latest draft of following the incorporation of additions and modifications to the Draft Bill 2008. The new Draft was expected to...

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Gender and Malaria Among Rural Poor In Jharkhand

This is a qualitative study conducted by Sama in collaboration with Mahila Jagriti Sanstha,a community-based organisation in Gomia, Jharkhand to understand the interrelationship between gender and mal...

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