Why Tackling Indoor Air Pollution Makes Sense – A Study from Nepal

Published By: SANDEE on eSS | Published Date: November, 06 , 2009

Indoor air pollution (IAP) is a major environmental health problem in Nepal. Most of the poor in the country cook in poorly ventilated kitchens using inefficient stoves that burn wood and other biomass fuels creating a danger- ous cocktail of hundreds of pollutants. They, therefore, suffer from numerous respiratory health problems. In a recent study, Min Bikram Malla Thakuri looked at the costs and benefits of a particular indoor air pollution control initiative and found that it offers a viable and cost-effective way of dealing with IAP. [SANDEE Policy Brief No. 38-09] URL: [http://www.sandeeonline.org/uploads/documents/publication/870_PUB_Policy_Brief_38.pdf]

Author(s): Min Bikram Malla Thakuri | Posted on: May 06, 2011 | Views(861) | Download (129)

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