On The Optimal Coordination Of Uninformed Agents by an Informed Principal

Published By: CDE on eSS | Published Date: August, 30 , 2006

They consider organizations with a single principal and many agents who interact in an environment with the following features: (a) Nature imperfectly informs the principal via a state-contingent signal, but not the agents, about the state of the world, (b) the principal selectively shares this information with the agents, thereby endogenously endowing them with private information that is coarser than his own, (c) the principal assigns action spaces to the agents, and (d) an agent’s control over the choice from his assigned action space is inalienable. [Working Paper No. 147] URL: [http://www.cdedse.org/]

Author(s): Sudhir A. Shah | Posted on: Mar 30, 2011 | Views(1017) | Download (111)

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