This study presents industry-level evidence regarding the connection between
trade policy reforms and manufacturing performance. It contributes to the existing literature in several respects. The stu...
On 02 Feb 2016 This paper seeks to examine this Act and its implication for manufacturing employment in India. While empirical evidence seems to indicate the presence of large number of ‘contract’ workers in the Ind...
On 13 Jul 2015 This study attempts to address the issue of declining labour intensity in India’s
organized manufacturing in order to understand the constraints on employment
generation in the labour intensive sect...
On 13 Aug 2010 An attempt is made to compute the aggregate productivity growth using the Domar aggregation technique. Building up from the Total Factor Productivity Growth (TFPG) estimates for 3-digit industries, we...
On 12 Aug 2009 This paper attempts to identify and examine labor intensive industries in the organized manufacturing sector in India in order to understand their employment generation potential. Using the data from...
On 13 Jul 2009 The relationship between trade liberalization and industrial productivity in developing countries, drawing upon a large number of studies in Latin America, Africa and Asia is explored. Beginning with...
On 18 Jun 2007