Liberalisation, Multinational Enterprises and Export Performance: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing
Published By: ICRIER on eSS | Published Date: June, 07 , 2001The paper attempts to analyse the export-enhancing role of MNEs in the Indian manufacturing sector during the 1990s. The CAPITAL LINE database is used. The database includes firms engaged in both manufacturing and nonmanufacturing
activities. From the database manufacturing firms’ data for five years i.e. from 1996 to 2000 is extracted. This yielded 4211 observations for 970 firms. The firms were classified into 33 industries. Since the data span was five years , it was
necessary to control year - to - year variations. To even out such variations, yearly
averages were worked out. This provided us a panel data set of 970 firms classified across 33 industries [ICRIER WP No. 69].
Author(s): Aradhna Aggarwal | Posted on: Jun 07, 2007 | Views(2947) | Download (700)