City Prosperity Initiative
Published By: UN-Habitat | Published Date: January, 01 , 2016The City Prosperity Initiative” presents UN-Habitat’s new global initiative that aims to reinforce local capacities for cities to improve well being and prosperity through a new monitoring tool (city prosperity index) a policy dialogue based on a conceptual framework (the wheel of prosperity) and the creation of action plans with sustainable urban solutions. The lecture presents both the origin of the city prosperity index and its evolution into a global initiative.Eduardo López Moreno is the Director of Research and Capacity Development at UN-Habitat. He has over 20 years of academic and professional experience in housing and urban development policies, institutional analysis and urban poverty alleviation issues. He has an extensive number of publications: five books on topics related to social housing, land policies and urban development. Dr.López Moreno is the Task Manager and principal author of the State of the World’s Cities Report 2006/7, 2008/9 and 2010/11, one of the UN-Habitat flagship reports.
Author(s): Eduardo Moreno | Posted on: Feb 19, 2016 | Views()