A Rights-Based Approach To Urban Development

Published By: UN-Habitat | Published Date: January, 01 , 2016

Dr Urban Jonsson is the Executive Director of The Owls, an international consultancy company specialized in Human Rights and Development based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. DrJonsson is a leading authority on the Human Rights-Based Approach to Programming (HRBAP). While Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of UNICEF on HRBAP, a position he retired from in 2004, he operationalised this approach globally. Between 1994 and 1998 DrJonsson served as UNICEF’s Regional Director for South Asia focusing on nutrition and child labour issues. He then moved to Nairobi as the organisation’s Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESARO), focusing on the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Prior to joining UNICEF, DrJonsson worked at the Swedish Food Research Institute (SIK) and was Head of the Planning department at the Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre (TFNC). From 1980 until his transfer to UNICEF, DrJonsson was Programme Officer at the World Hunger Programme, United Nations University in Tokyo.Urban Jonsson – Executive Director at The Owls and former regional director of UNICEF, in this lecture outlines a human rights based approach to sustainable urban development. Starting from the basic premise that ‘all humans are born good’, he discusses how this applies to the ongoing global efforts to achieve a sustainable urban future

Author(s): Urban Jonsson | Posted on: Feb 19, 2016 | Views()
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