The Notion Of Prosperity
Published By: UN-Habitat | Published Date: January, 01 , 2016Mohamed Halfani (UN-Habitat) outlines the notion of prosperity as it relates to the work of UN-Habitat. This introduction to the theme of urban prosperity highlights the disjuncture between current developmental dynamism of cities as exhibited in high levels of material generation and exponential growth in innovation coterminous with abysmal poverty, inequality and environmental degradation. A paradigm shift is suggested which calls for encompassing development dimensions which transcend a narrow economistic focus.Mohamed Halfani is currently Head of Research at the United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat). He was formerly Head of Urban Development Branch at the same institution. For over 20 years he was a scholar based at various universities and research centres in Africa, Canada and the United States. He also served as the Director of Cabinet at the then Organisation for African Unity. His publications are in the areas of urban governance, African administrative systems, as well as knowledge and research networking.
Author(s): Mohamed Halfani | Posted on: Feb 19, 2016 | Views()