Intellectual Property Training and Education: A Development Perspective

Published By: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Dev | Published Date: November, 01 , 2010

This paper underlines that the WIPO DA presents a timely and valuable opportunity to re-evaluate the design and delivery of IP training and education. It points to possible lessons to be learned by looking at emerging best practices in development-oriented IP courses, which include making curricular and organizational materials transparent, relying on open access learning materials whenever possible, reflecting a diverse range of views about challenging issues and empowering students to think critically and independently.It also identifies a number of next steps in the ongoing process of improving training and education on IP and development including: building and using an accessible inventory of scholarly literature and teaching materials on IP and development; supporting new multidisciplinary research publications and curricular materials; thoroughly auditing, monitoring and evaluating all activities of the WIPO Academy and other providers and improving IP curricula and materials in accordance with emerging best practices.

Author(s): Chidi Oguamanam, Jeremy Beer | Posted on: Feb 10, 2016 | Views()

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