The Golden Rule: A Remedy for Decadence in Global Health
Published By: CEHAT on eSS | Published Date: February, 04 , 2016Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) conducted compared cervical screening to no screening whatsoever. All three RCTs included scientifically pointless unscreened control groups. All three RCTs incorporated pointless, premeditated, preventable death as a yardstick. All three RCTs deliberately allowed human beings to die merely to contemplate questions that had already been
answered. In addition, all three RCTs demonstrated decadent failures in execution. RCTs deliberately allowed human beings to die merely to contemplate questions that had already been answered. In addition, all three RCTs demonstrated decadent failures in execution.
Author(s): Eric Suba | Posted on: Feb 04, 2016 | Views() | Download (767)