Tunisia: Revolution of the Citizenry… a Revolution without a Head
Published By: Arab Center For Research & Policy Studies | Published Date: September, 08 , 2011The Tunisian revolution exhibited itself as a popular revolution by all measures, catching the attention of many historians and writers in various fields; for years to come, the revolution will be a rich topic for many works and writings that examine its various facets.In this paper, which will be followed by a book on the same topic, the researcher attempts to expose the features of the revolution from different perspectives in order to provide a preliminary, academic, narrative of the events.The question that poses itself here is: how was the revolution able to march "headless" to the critical juncture in Tunisia's history and cause the flight of Ben Ali?
Author(s): Arabi Sadiqi | Posted on: Feb 02, 2016 | Views() | Download (180)