An Online Magazine for and by Children: A Quasi Experimental Study

Published By: IIM A on eSS | Published Date: July, 04 , 2004

The objective of the study was to help children conceptualise and develop an on-line magazine and observe changes in their skills and confidence as communicators due to their experience of developing this online magazine. A single group Post-test Post-test design was used for this study. A natural sample consisting of 23 students studying in standard six of Amrit Vidyalaya, Kalol, India was selected. The data collection was organized in three phases: Conducting the pre-tests, administering the treatment, conducting the post-tests. Paired samples t-tests were computed with the pretest and the post-tests scores. Other statistics like measures of central tendency, correlation coefficients and range were computed for all the three tests. An evaluation questionnaire consisting of six questions was administered to 24 students of class sixth of Baroda High School, Alkapuri, Vadodara after the launch of the magazine on website. The effect of the treatment has been positive in all the tests, however statistically only the Computer Test-1 showed significant change. Moreover, there is a direct indication from students’ writings that they have had an enriching learning experience and the treatment has had a positive impact on them. [IIMA WP]

Author(s): Kaustubh Nande | Posted on: Mar 22, 2007 | Views(2539) | Download (988)

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