Sri Lanka Demographic Transition Facing the Challenges of an Aging Population with Few Resources
Published By: World Bank | Published Date: October, 10 , 2012This report discusses some of the economic implications of demographic transition in Sri Lanka, focusing n employment and productivity related issues on one side; and performance of cash transfer programs aiming to assist the poor and vulnerable groups on the other. The analytic evidence provided here complements and builds on the World Bank’s 2008 aging report. This work was carried out under the direction of Pablo Gottret (Sector Manager, SASSP). Mansoora Rachid provided useful inputs during the early stages of this work (Sector Manager, LCSHS). The peer reviewers were Daniel Cotlear (Lead Economist) and Edmundo Murrugarra (Senior Economist). The team appreciates the additional comments provided by Chandana Kularatne (Economist, SASEP), Kumari Navaratne (Senior Health Specialist, SASHN) and Susan Razzaz (Senior Economist, SASEP).
Author(s): World Bank [WB] | Posted on: Jan 31, 2016 | Views()