Teacher Shortage in the Arab World: Policy Implications
Published By: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies | Published Date: March, 01 , 2015In the Arab world, there has been increased awareness on the instrumentality of education in fostering human and economic development and a realization that quality education contributes to the economic growth of a society and its overall human development. Consequently, in recognition of a dire shortage of teachers, policy makers and different stakeholders throughout the Arab world are strongly investing in teacher’s enrollment in a bid to secure access to basic primary education and literacy for all. However, A lack of empirical and comparative studies that tap into the relation between shortage of qualified teachers and unequal education in the Arab region makes it difficult to devise appropriate policy interventions. This study relies on data collected by UN bodies in an attempt to spotlight the repercussions of the existing, and anticipated, “epidemic”. Given the criticality in ensuring access to education to school age populations, and the need to close the gaps between high vs. low achieving countries, the thesis under investigation would need further theoretical and empirical investigations in order to solidify a policy discourse. There is however profound evidence of an imminent need to devise policies, on different levels, that safeguard access to education and quality learning, and, in turn, to ensure these educational policies feature high in national agendas.
Author(s): Hovig Demirjian | Posted on: Jan 29, 2016 | Views()