Women Transforming Indian Agriculture

Published By: Landesa

An accepted approach of women’s empowerment and building livelihoods of the rural poor is to combine both aims in building strong women’s collectives from below, and organising livelihoods activities in which the women are central in ownership, management and operations. Kerala’s Kudumbashree (KDS) and Andhra Pradesh’s Indira KranthiPatham (IKP) are two programmes that are often cited as having achieved both women’s empowerment and rural livelihoods successfully on scale. Of particular interest are two sub programmes called Community Managed Sustainable Agriculture (CMSA) within IKP and Collective Leasing within KDS where women’s economic empowerment is designed and executed in the context of women in agriculture.This document captures five good practices each that emerged within CMSA and collective leasing.Both programmes are successful in achieving multiple convergences with state, civil society and market actors in marketing, training, new initiatives, and the like. This document especially anchors the centrality of the women’s collectives that have played pivotal role in all these endeavours.

Author(s): Landesa Rural Development Institute | Posted on: Dec 23, 2015 | Views()

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