Human Development Report 2015- Work for Human Development

Published By: United Nations Development Programme | Published Date: December, 14 , 2015

From a human development perspective, work, rather than jobs oremployment is the relevant concept. A job is a narrow concept with a set of pre-determined time-bound assigned tasks or activities, in an input-output framework with labour as input and a commodity or service as output. Yet, jobs do not encompass creative work (e.g. the work of a writer or a painter), which go beyond defined tasks; they do not account for unpaid care work; they do not focus on voluntary work. Work thus is a broader concept, which encompasses jobs, but goes beyond by including the dimensions mentioned above, all of which are left out of the job framework, but are critical for human development. The 2015 Human Development Report, thus, focuses on the fundamental question – how work can be rethought for human development –– to enrich human development. Several targeted issues will be taken up throughout the report– youth employment, gender aspects of work, agriculture and rural development, the informal sector, and work during crisis and in post-crisis situations.

Author(s): United Nations Development Programme [UNDP] | Posted on: Dec 15, 2015 | Views()

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