Nursing Shortage in India with special reference to International Migration of Nurses
Published By: Social Medicine | Published Date: March, 01 , 2011In any health system, the health worker determines the nature and quality of services provided. Data demonstrate that most health systems across the globe face nursing shortages, varying across regions and rural-urban distribution. Although nursing services are an integral part of
both preventive and curative aspects of India's health system, the nursing estimates of the country shows that India has been facing a shortage of nurses since independence. Studies show that professional, social and economic reasons are considered to be behind the nursing shortage in India. Similar reasons induce Indian nurses to look
for migration opportunities in other countries. The high income countries have discovered India as a new source of well trained, English-speaking
nurses to overcome their nursing shortages. This has resulted in mass migration of nurses from India, which in turn may lead to non-availability of standard quality health services especially to the poor section of the population in the country. Strong political commitment is required for
improving the nursing situation in India.
Author(s): Reema Gill | Posted on: Sep 07, 2015 | Views()