India’s Rising Role in Asia

Published By: | Published Date: December, 12 , 2006

This paper strongly suggests that India has been far more intricately integrated with the rest of Asia than has commonly been perceived or acknowledged. This is particularly the case if overall value chain division is defined to include research and development, physical production, distribution, customer servicing and feedback. Over-concentration on gross merchandise trade flows in the conventional literature appears to have distorted the analysis of economic integration. This integration has been primarily market and private sector driven. The role of Indian professionals, skilled and unskilled workers in contributing to Asia’s economic growth and dynamism also appears to have been underemphasized. It is essential that the Indian establishment, including the media, contribute constructively and purposely to improving perceptions about India in the rest of Asia, and to promote India’s strategic interests.

Author(s): Mukul Asher | Posted on: Dec 12, 2006 | Views(2688) | Download (844)

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