How Empowered is Microfinance in Empowering Women ? Evidence from India
Published By: Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur | Published Date: September, 01 , 2011Drawing upon the data from the recent period, this paper explores the relationship between
women’s involvement in microfinance programs and improvement in their empowerment status.
The significant differences between member and non-member women in terms of economic,
social and political empowerment demonstrate a definite relationship between women’s exposure
to credit programs and their empowerment. According to the composite empowerment indicator,
about 38.2 per cent of women associated with microfinance were empowered, whereas this
figure was just 8.8 per cent for non-SHG women. The paper found that involvement in microfinance
programs through SHG not only empowers women but it increases with the duration of
membership. It is also observed that ‘economic empowerment’ appears to be playing an important
role in achieving women’s empowerment, be it member or non-member. However, the duration
of membership does not show a significant relationship with women’s social empowerment.
Author(s): Gagan Bihari Sahu | Posted on: Jun 19, 2015 | Views() | Download (441)