G20 Agenda and India’s Priorities – an Appraisal

Published By: Institute of South Asian Studies | Published Date: December, 01 , 2014

Countries like the United States and the United Kingdom have had climate change and energy efficiency at the top of the agenda apart from trade facilitation. With China agreeing to deliver on emission targets, the world is looking at India to address this issue. With coal being the major source of power in India, the country is placed far from appeasing the West on such expectations. The recovery of the global economy with the exception of the US is still to gather steam. Trade facilitation at the World Trade Organization had reached a potential deadlock over food security-related disagreements between India and the US. India struck a deal with the US on the eve of the summit allowing it to independently address its concerns on food security within the WTO framework for the time being. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi was stressing the need to steer home the black money stashed in foreign banks, besides appropriate tax information sharing.

Author(s): South Asian Studies Institute of | Posted on: Dec 26, 2014 | Views(253) | Download (78)

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