Social Safety Net—Emergency Assistance for Food Security in Bangladesh

Published By: Asian Development Bank | Published Date: December, 01 , 2014

In 2007, Bangladesh was adversely affected by severe flooding and a devastating cyclone which triggered a 1.2 million-ton shortfall in the country’s rice production. This situation resulted in the exposure of 25 million people to acute food insecurity. Following the subsequent surge in food prices as a result of these natural disasters, a further 12 million people fell below the poverty line. To rectify and improve upon the food security of the poor and vulnerable in Bangladesh, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a loan project and technical assistance grant to provide short term transitional support to help the Government of Bangladesh meet unexpected high expenditures for safety net programs. The project provided support to the Government of Bangladesh to improve food security and to meet unforeseen high expenditures for safety net programs. Improved access to rice and other food grains for the poor and vulnerable was made through different safety net programs and the creation of additional employment.

Author(s): Asian Development Bank Institute | Posted on: Dec 23, 2014 | Views(1101) | Download (230)

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