Decomposing the Gap in Childhood Undernutrition between Poor and Non–Poor in Urban India, 2005–06
Published By: PLoS ONE | Published Date: May, 29 , 2013Despite the growing evidence from other developing countries, intra-urban inequality in childhood undernutrition is poorly researched in India. Additionally, the factors contributing to the poor/non-poor gap in childhood undernutrition have not been explored. This study aims to quantify the contribution of factors that explain the poor/non-poor gap in underweight, stunting, and wasting among children aged less than five years in urban India. The findings of this research indicates that children belonging to poor households are undernourished due to limited use of health care services, poor health of mothers, and poor educational status of their parents. Based on the findings the study suggests that improving the public services such as basic health care and the education level of the mothers among urban poor can ameliorate the negative impact of poverty on childhood undernutrition.
Author(s): Abhishek Kumar, Aditya Singh | Posted on: Nov 03, 2014 | Views(821)