Is the NREGS a Safety Net for Children? Studying the access to the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme for Young Lives families, and its impact on child outcomes in Andhra Pradesh

Published By: Young Lives | Published Date: May, 01 , 2009

The NREGS is an ambitious public works program intended to provide a basic safety net to the rural poor in India. This paper attempts to study two aspects of the program’s functioning using data from the Young Lives longitudinal Study conducted in Andhra Pradesh. Firstly it looks at the targeting of the program and the characteristics of those who self select into it. The authors also attempt to estimate the impact of program participation on the children in participating households, looking specifically at anthropometric scores as indicators of health outcomes, and the incidence of child labour.

Author(s): Vinayak Uppal | Posted on: Oct 31, 2014 | Views(622)

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