Youth in Transition: The Challenges of Transitional Change in Asia

Published By: UNESCO | Published Date: October, 01 , 2005

This book originates from a conference of the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils and contains writings and research reports on Youth in Transition in the Asia and Pacific region. The definition of "youth" varies from country to country and ranges between the ages of 10 to 35. The publication summarises issues in the region, generally regarded as a critical stage before adulthood. Due to local requirements and the development stage of countries in the region, the focus of adolescent studies deals with a wide range of topics such as indigenous people, rural-urban migration, lifestyle, population policy, and technology. Statistics also show that the current generation of youth is immensely different from its predecessors as a result of improved healthcare, rise of technology, and globalisation. The differences cover not just livelihood factors such as marriage, sexuality, habits, or employment but also the bigger picture including demographics and culture. Economic development and technology have given rise to a new breed of youth in the Asia and Pacific region where some of them became promising entrepreneurs, political/community leaders, city dwellers, or some just choose to cling to a more traditional existence.

Author(s): UNESCO UNESCO | Posted on: Oct 16, 2014 | Views(847)

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