What is Wrong with Kerala’s Education System?

Published By: Centre for Socio-economic & Environmental Studies | Published Date: December, 01 , 1999

Kerala's achievements in the field of education - near total literacy, free and universal primary education, low drop out rate at the school level, easy access to educational institutions, gender equality in access etc. - are well known. These achievements of Kerala, no doubt laudable, belong to the past. Today, they serve only to conceal some of the serious deficiencies and inefficiencies of Kerala's educational system. These, to some extent, may explain the paradox of Kerala's slow rate of economic growth despite its high level of educational and social development. Kerala's education system has emerged as the single largest economic activity of the state. Government expenditure on education as a ratio of the state domestic product despite decline in recent years is one of the highest in the country. This report tracks the state of education in Kerala

Author(s): K.K. George, N. Ajith Kumar | Posted on: Sep 18, 2014 | Views(729)

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