Planning through Panchayati Raj Institutions: Thrust Towards Resource Mobilisation
Published By: | Published Date: November , 1992This paper in it s f i r s t part e x a m in e s the i s s u e s r e l a t e d to decentralised planning with reference to PRIs. The second part analyses the process of planning through PRIs and su ggests that d e c e n t r a lis e d planning is s t ill at its infancy. The. third part examines the setting of the PRIs in the federal structure and presents the objectives of tax
policy for them. It further suggests the desired devolution
of taxes to PRIs in the form of tax-assignment, tax-sharing
and tax-distribution. For fulfilling the gap in resources,
it suggests grans-in-aid. Finally, the part IV presents
conclusion of the paper.
Author(s): Mahesh C Purohit | Posted on: Aug 18, 2014 | Views(449) | Download (114)