Integrated Health and Microfinance in India, Volume II: The Way Forward

Published By: Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar | Published Date: August, 01 , 2014

Integrated Health and Microfinance in India: The Way Forward is a follow-up report that highlights the context of integration of health and microfinance in light of India’s journey towards universal health care by 2020, documents best practices in integration, and highlights potential interventions that can be adopted by microfinance institutions as well as by non-governmental organisations that serve self-help groups. In addition to a general update, Volume II of the state of the field report aims to map and document health programs that can be replicated by other financial service providers and outline the role of India’s existing livelihood promotion initiative through SHGs in addressing access barriers to health. The report will define the key features of the integrated practice of microfinance with health and its importance from the perspective of public health and microfinance/SHG promotion in India.

Author(s): Somen Saha, D.S.K. Rao | Posted on: Aug 11, 2014 | Views(719)

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