“My Sleep is my Break”: Exploitation of Migrant Domestic workers in Qatar.

Published By: Amnesty International | Published Date: April, 01 , 2014

This report focuses on women in Qatar's domestic work sector. Amnesty International interviewed 52 women working as domestic workers in Qatar during research visits to the country. The bulk of the interviews were carried out during an Amnesty International visit in March 2013, but a number also took place in October 2012 and November 2013. The majority of the women interviewed were from the Philippines - the main country of origin for domestic workers in Qatar. Researchers also spoke to women from Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. This report carries analysis of the main laws and regulations affecting domestic workers in Qatar, including but not limited to Law no. 11 of 2004 (“the Penal Code”), Law no. 14 of 2004 (“the Labour Law”) and the Ministerial decrees related to this law, Law no. 4 of 2009 (“the Sponsorship Law”) and Law no. 15 of 2011 (“the Human Trafficking Law”). Researchers have also reviewed the relevant international law and standards, including UN treaties and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions.

Author(s): Amnesty International AI, | Posted on: May 26, 2014 | Views(911)

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