India’s Role For Promotion of Human Rights in Third Countries Through Universal Periodic Review

Published By: Asian Centre for Human Rights | Published Date: November, 15 , 2013

This report analyses India’s Role For Promotion of Human Rights in Third Countries Through Universal Periodic Review. Under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism, the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) scrutinises human rights records of all the members States of the United Nations. During the first cycle of the UPR, human rights records of the 192 member States of the United Nations were reviewed from 2008 to 2011 and about 20,000 recommendations were made by over 160 member States. While Indian civil society organisations focused exclusively on scrutising India’s human rights record at the UPR, they paid little or no attention to India’s role in scrutinising human rights records of third countries. This is despite that India has a prominent role to play for promoting human rights in third countries through the UPR. The report further analyses the India’s performance at the First Cycle and Second Cycle of UPR, India’s comments and questions on human rights situation in third countries and its recommendation.

Author(s): Asian Centre for Human Rights ACHR | Posted on: Jan 23, 2014 | Views(743) | Download (255)

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