WCD thematic Review I.1: Contributing Paper:Report of Social Impacts of Dams: Distributional and Equity Issues- Latin American Region

Published By: WCD on eSS | Published Date: June, 01 , 2000

This consultancy reports on the social impact of large dams in Latin America, with a specific focus on distributional and equity issues. It is based on the author's research on the binational Yacyreta hydroelectric project for more than fifteen years, on interviews to academics, politicians, representatives of grassroots movements and NGOs interested on the analysis of the impact of dam projects on the River Plate Basin (including projects on the Paraná and Uruguay rivers), and on the analysis of reports and studies on the experiences of different populations with electric companies, relocation agencies, governmental agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and lending banks in different parts of Latin America.

Author(s): Carmen Ferradas | Posted on: Jun 01, 2006 | Views(2910) | Download (2007)

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