Recent Developments in Kerala State Finances
Published By: CDS on eSS | Published Date: July, 01 , 2012This paper covers recent trends in a series of broad indicators of the financial health of the Government of Kerala with its developmental policy as the backdrop. It examines fiscal balances in Kerala that are not
only important for macroeconomic reasons and Finance Commission mandated incentives but also for its own fiscal sustainability, and identifies revenue expenditures as the prime but not the sole determinant.
The paper notes improvements in several fiscal indicators in the areas of indebtedness and expenditure pattern but relative stagnation in revenue mobilisation; it concludes that further fiscal consolidation is both
necessary and feasible, pointing out some broad measures to achieve the same. [Working Paper No.449]. URL:[].
Author(s): Tapas K. Sen | Posted on: Aug 30, 2012 | Views(724) | Download (143)