Constraints Faced by Industry in Punjab, Pakistan

Published By: IGC on eSS | Published Date: May, 01 , 2012

What are the main impediments to investment and industrial productivity in Punjab which have contributed to this unprecedented decline in growth? This is done by analyzing the 2007 Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) data at the level of the seven main industrial zones of Punjab. The World Bank report based on this data had analyzed the impediments and constraints to productivity and investment at the country and the provincial level. This report focuses on the top constraints in the seven industrial zones of Punjab - analyzing the key constraint across different clusters, sectors and firm size which hamper industrial growth and productivity. This industrial zone analysis is followed by an analysis of a pilot survey of 100 firms conducted by the LUMS team in the Lahore district. This is meant to gauge the current situation of the industry in terms of the major constraints being faced, the cost of these constraints to firms and the coping mechanisms employed by these in response. [IGC Working Paper]. URL:[].

Author(s): Syed Turab Hussain, Usman Khan, Kashif Zaheer Malik, Adeel Faheem | Posted on: Aug 08, 2012 | Views(502) | Download (791)

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