Financing the WASH Sector in India Cost of Provision and Budget Allocations
Published By: CESS on eSS | Published Date: May, 01 , 2011This paper attempts to estimate the fund requirements for the provision of water and
sanitation services in rural and urban areas at the all India level as well as in the state of
Andhra Pradesh. These estimates are compared with the actual budget allocations to
the sector during the recent years. The analysis brings out three important issues: i)
allocations towards WASH sector are not commensurate with requirements and
allocations have been declining during recent the years both at the national and state
level, ii) sanitation sector gets marginal allocations, and iii) budget allocations are biased
in favour of infrastructure to the neglect of demand management and governance issues.[WASHCost - CESS Working Paper No.12]. URL:[].
Author(s): V Ratna Reddy, N. Jaya Kumar | Posted on: May 22, 2012 | Views(608) | Download (129)