Empowerment of Women and Social Services: Needs Assessment, Obstacles and Strategies

Published By: eSS | Published Date: April, 21 , 2006

Ensuing changes in the socio-economic structures and policies have a gender dimension and differentially impact on men and women. Prevailing ideas about gender relationships create an unequal access for women in terms of allocation of resources and entitlements in the family and community. These discriminatory practices make it more difficult for women than men to make the necessary transition to a new economic order. The Government of Maharashtra has made concerted efforts to tackle the problem. The Women's Component Plan, 2003-2004 announces important schemes for women's economic, social and political empowerment. Despite these progressive measures there are several gaps in the service delivery mechanisms, therefore, the benefits and subsidies intended for vulnerable households do not reach them. It is necessary to enhance the autonomy and decisions making powers of the people, particularly women. The Tejaswani Project specifically targets rural women from the marginalized sections of society. Drawing upon their collective strength, the project seeks to build the capacities of rural women from grassroots to enable them to negotiate in their socio-economic spaces.

Author(s): Veena Poonacha | Posted on: Apr 21, 2006 | Views(3873) | Download (1415)

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