Services-led Growth, Employment and Job Quality: A Study of Manufacturing and Service-sector in Urban India

Published By: IGIDR on eSS | Published Date: March, 11 , 2012

This is a study of employment growth, structure, and job quality outcomes in manufacturing and service-sector in urban India spanning the period 1999-2000 to 2009-10. The context is that of dynamic growth of service-sector in India beginning in the 1990s. This has raised the question whether India will skip the traditional sequence of agriculture to manufacturing with services taking up the leading sector role in India’s growth path. The employment growth and related aspects of employment structure were analyzed using the NSS surveys of employment and unemployment carried out in 1999-2000 and 2009-10 with a view to throw more light on the future role of manufacturing and services as providers of employment to large numbers joining the labour force. [WP-2012-007]. URL:[].

Author(s): K.V. Ramaswamy, Tushar Agrawal | Posted on: Mar 12, 2012 | Views(768) | Download (179)

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