Electoral Rules, Forms of Government and Redistributive Policy: Evidence from Agriculture and Food Policies

Published By: LICOS on eSS | Published Date: February, 13 , 2012

The effect of electoral rules and forms of government on public policy outcomes using a new dataset on agriculture and food policies from 74 countries over the 1960-2005 period is investigated. Using both cross-sectional and panel data analyses we find robust evidence that the specific nature of democratic institutions has important consequences for public policy. Proportional democracies and presidential democracies – compared to majoritarian and parliamentary democracies – give more public support to agriculture and less to food consumers. The magnitude of these constitutional effects is stronger for import-competitive sectors and staple food crops. The effects seem independent from the ideology orientation of governments. [LICOS Discussion Paper 305/2012]. URL:[http://www.econ.kuleuven.be/licos/publications/dp/dp305.pdf].

Author(s): Alessandro Olper, Valentina Raimondi | Posted on: Feb 22, 2012 | Views(676) | Download (147)

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