Consumer Responses to Incentives to Reduce Plastic Bag Use: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban India
Published By: SANDEE on eSS | Published Date: November, 30 , 2011In this paper a test for appropriate policies is done that could help control the
use of plastic bags in Delhi. In January 2009, the Government of Delhi
introduced a wide-ranging ban on the use of plastic bags in market places.
The results showed a dilution in the efficacy of the ban within a year, with
widespread lack of enforcement. About 94% of the consumers continue to
use plastic bags in blatant violation of rules. This led to examine
the effects of other possible price and non-price instruments possibly
requiring less monitoring and enforcement in order to control/reduce
the use of plastic bags. The effectiveness of these policies were tested
through field experiments in the semi-organized retail sector. [SANDEE Working Paper, No 65 - 11]. URL:[].
Author(s): Kanupriya Gupta | Posted on: Feb 03, 2012 | Views(616) | Download (161)