On the Blowout Preventer Testing Problem: An Approach to Checking for Leakage in BOP Networks
Published By: IIMA on eSS | Published Date: January, 19 , 2012Blowout Preventers (BOPs) and choke manifolds are key pieces of drilling rig equipment
to prevent the uncontrolled release of potentially hazardous formation
fluids to surface. The
blowout prevention testing problem is that of testing BOP valves to check if they are functional
or not. Several type of testing is done on these valves. This paper deals with the check if the
valves are capable of holding pressure. A decision model is presented that allows a structured and
time saving approach to minimize the number of test sets in order to identify leakage. Recently
the BOP terminology has gained prominence and public attention as a result of the Macondo
blow-out and resulting oil-spill in the Gulf of Mexico o the coast of the USA. [W.P. No. 2012-01-02]. URL:[http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/assets/snippets/workingpaperpdf/13668640282012-01-02.pdf].
Author(s): Diptesh Ghosh | Posted on: Jan 19, 2012 | Views(835) | Download (199)