Why Full Open Access Matters

Published By: Plos Biology on eSS | Published Date: November, 14 , 2011

Scientific authors who pay to publish their articles in an open-access publication should be congratulated for doing so. They also should be aware that they may not be getting full open access from some publications that charge for publication under the ‘‘open access’’ label. [PLOS Biology]. URL:[http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001210].

Author(s): Michael W Carroll | Posted on: Dec 13, 2011 | Views(1287) | Download (622)

Member comments

It's unfortunate though that most open access journals coming out of the West are those where the author has to pay to be published! This essentially restricts the coverage area to western scholars or those who have the funding to do so. Further the term open access has many definitions and the author is right in cautioning authors.
by Padma Prakash, on Dec 17, 2011

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