Quality of Maternal Health Care: A Call for Papers for a Maternal Health Task Force–PLoS Collection

Published By: Plos Medicine on eSS | Published Date: November, 29 , 2011

The MHTF–PLoS Collection in 2011–12 will focus on quality of maternal health care, as it is clear that such a focus is now a global imperative [9]. The quality of maternal health care is highly variable and often extremely poor, even in locations where there is a commitment to improving maternal health through increased access to skilled care. [PLos Editorial]. URL:[http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pmed.1001134].

Author(s): Samantha R Lattof, Mary Nell Wegner, Ana Langer, PLoS Medicine Editors | Posted on: Dec 02, 2011 | Views(1727) | Download (354)

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