Brand India: No Equity for Children

Published By: HAQCRC on eSS | Published Date: August, 16 , 2011

India has embarked upon an economic model driven by the free market incorporating processes of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation. Our children today live, in what some describe as “Brand India” which has the tenth highest GDP in the world. Even while the country is investing its resources to create “India-the Global Brand”, what is its commitment to its children? URL:[].

Author(s): HAQ Centre for Child Rights HAQCRC | Posted on: Nov 10, 2011 | Views(1058) | Download (770)

Member comments

There is a wide gap between facts and figures. If major chunk of budget goes for education, then why children education is deteriorating day by day, why school drop-outs are increasing....
by Neetika Mital, on Nov 10, 2011

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