Gender Dimensions: Employment Trends in India, 1993-94 to 2009-10

Published By: CWDS on eSS | Published Date: August, 10 , 2011

This paper examines some of the explicit as well as not so explicit trends in relation to women’s employment in India from 1993-94 till 2009-10 and argues that they indicate a grave and continuing crisis in women’s employment under liberalization led growth. Trends in the distribution of male and female workers by employment status and broad industry for the same period are also outlined. The paper shows how specific attention to unpaid work in the NSS data can overturn standard assumptions regarding women’s employment, and indeed has relevance for more general discussions on employment growth in India. It argues that the time has come to constantly and explicitly make a clearer distinction between income earning/paid employment and unpaid work in the analysis of employment trends. [Occasional Paper No. 56]. URL:[].

Author(s): Indrani Mazumdar, Neetha N | Posted on: Oct 10, 2011 | Views(1270) | Download (1371)

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